Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Magirus-Deutz 150 D "Micki" Fire Brigade Paper Model - by Kallboys

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The fire truck that inspired the modelers from Kallboys website creating this paper model in 1/25 scale, served for 27 years the German town of Mondorf. Volunteer firefighters who were transported on it affectionately nicknamed the old truck "Micki".

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O caminhão de bombeiros que inspirou o pessoal do Kallboys a criar este modelo de papel em escala 1/25, serviu durante 27 anos a cidade alemã de Mondorf. Os bombeiros voluntários que eram transportados neste velho caminhão o apelidaram carinhosamente de "Micki".

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More Fire Brigade Paper Models related posts:

Jeep Willys Fire Brigade Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Fire Brigade Team Paper Models - by Leben In Linz

Fire Brigade Truck Vintage Style Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

French Fire Brigade Truck Berliet GLA Paper Model - by Ronaldo M

The European Tower Bridge Paper Model - Assembled by Davi Roque

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My Brazilian friend modeler Davi Roque built the European Tower Bridge paper model and posted some photos at Google+. He did a beautiful and clean assembly and I really appreciated this. I am honored two times: for the assembly and because he is a fellow countryman. - "Thanks, Davi Roque for the assembly and for the nice photos!" - If you want to build your own European Tower Bridge paper model, the link to download is below, at the end of this post.

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Meu amigo brasileiro, o modelista Davi Roque, montou o modelo de papel da Torre Sobre Ponte Européia e postou algumas fotos no Google+. Ele fez uma bela montagem, bem clean, e eu realmente gostei de seu trabalho. Eu estou duas vezes honrado: pelaa montagem e por ter um modelo meu montado por um colega aqui do Brasil. - "Valeu, Davi, pela montagem e pelas blas fotos!" - Se você também quiser montar sua própria Torre Sobre Ponte Européia, o link para download está logo abaixo.

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More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends:

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Assembled by Doc Raven 1000

Desktop Architecture - The Church - Assembled by Rabea Tamara Näther

Suburbia Paper Model Diorama - Assembled by Svanced

The Pirate Cove Paper Model - Assembled by Dimbazus / DIY Creations via Facebook

Paper Model History - 1896`s Battle of New Orleans Diorama - by The Boston Sunday Globe - via National Museum Of Play

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This beautiful and rare paper model diorama depicting the Battle of New Orleans, was originally published in March, 19, 1896 at The Boston Sunday Globe. Thanks to National Museum Of Play, which preserved and kindly share this vintage model.

Este belo e raro modelo de papel retratando a Batalha de New Orleans, nos EUA, foi originalmente publicado em 19 de março de 1896, no jornal The Boston Sunday Globe. Obrigado ao National Museum Of Play por preservar e gentilmente compartilhar este modelo antigo.

Link: Paper.Model.History.1896`

More Paper Model History related posts:

Paper Model History - Paper Models At WW2 - Paper Models Na Segunda Grande Guerra

Paper Model History - 1860`s Model Zoo - by Power House Museum

Paper Model History - A Really Very Old Paper Model

Paper Model History - Chili Pin Up Vintage Paper Doll - by Stan Lee

Scooby Doo - The Mistery Machine Paper Model - by Craig Griswold

By North American designer Craig Griswold, here is the Scooby Doo`s Mistery Machine, in a cool paper version. You will find also the 2D characters and a 2D ruin, to make a nice playset. When in the page, look for "Scooby Doo Models".

Do designer norte-americano Craig Griswold, eis aqui a Máquina Mistério do Scooby Doo, em uma divertida versão em papel. Você também encontrará os personagens em 2D e uma ruína, também em 2D, para criar um playset. Quando na página, procure por "Scooby Doo Models".


Peparoid Articulated Robot-Girl Paper Toy - by Funny Character Cafe

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This really nice and very well done Articulated Robot-Girl paper toy came from Japanese website Funny Character Cafe. To download this model in only one sheet of paper, click with the right botton of your mouse and choose: "open image in new window" and save the template in your HD.

Este modelo paper toy articulado bem legal e bem feito de uma Garota-Robô vem lá do site japonês Funny Character Cafe. Para baixar este modelo de apenas uma página, clique com o botão direito do seu mouse na imagem e escolha: "abrir em nova janela", aí é só salvar a imagem em alta resolução em seu HD.


More Paper Models of Robots related posts:

Gorilla Rescue Machine Paper Model - by Paradius - via Pepakura Gallery

G1 Optimus Prime Paper Model - by Avon - Robô Transformer

Bazamu Medabot Paper Model - by Orekue Tuzikaze

Axioo Mecha Unit Paper Model - Camo Version - by Paper Replika

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Vintage Service Station Paper Model - Oil Painting Version - by Papermau - Some Advances

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Here are the templates of the Vintage Service Station Paper Model - Oil Painting Version.

Aqui estão os moldes do modelo de papel do Antigo Posto de Serviços - Versão Pintada à Óleo.

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My idea is that this will look with the appearance of a handpainted oil painting, with the apparent brushstrokes.

Minha idéia é que esse modelo fique com a aparência de um quadro pintado à óleo, com as pinceladas aparentes.

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More soon. / Mais em breve.

More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

Imaginary House - by Papermau - Next Project

Time Machine Discos Diorama - by Papermau - Some Advances

The Limo Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Shulman`s Market 1941 Vignette - by Papermau - Some Advances

The Simple Little Japanese Robot Paper Toy - by Hol Nice

This Simple Little Japanese Robot paper toy was created by designer Hol Nice and you need only one sheet of paper to build it. 

Links to download and to detailed instructions with photos right below, at the end of this post.

Este paper toy de um Simples Robozinho Japonês foi criado pelo designer Hol Nice e você só precisa de uma folha de papel para montá-lo.

 Links para download e para as instruções detalhadas logo abaixo.

Link to download the model: 

Gifu Wing 37 And Gifuekimae Twin Towers Paper Models - by Gifu City Official Website

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These architectural paper models came from Gifu City official website, from Japan.

Estes modelos de papel arquitetônicos vêem da do site oficial da Cidade de Gifu, no Japão.


More Japanese Architectural Paper Models related posts:

209 Japanese Lighthouses - by Tokokai.Org - 209 Faróis Japoneses

Old Japanese Village - via Paper Modelers Forum - Velha Vila Japonesa

Gasshoku Japanese House - by Canon - Casa Tradicional Japonesa

Takadono Tatara - Old Steel Industry - by Sugatani

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Vintage Service Station Paper Model - Oil Painting Version - by Papermau - Next Project

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I am playing with textures in this old model, originally posted here at the blog in July 2011. Download very soon. You will find the link to the original Vintage Service Station paper model at the end of this post.

Eu estou brincando com texturas neste modelo antigo, originalmente postado aqui no blog em julho de 2011. Download em breve. Você encontrará o link para o Vintage Service Station original logo abaixo, no final deste post.

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More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

The Fishing Boat Papercraft In 1/24 Scale - by Papermau - Part III

The Wrecked Truck Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

The Limo Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

The Old Yellow House Paper Model - Assembled by Sven

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My friend, German modeler Sven, built the Old Yellow House paper model and did a great job! This is the second original model that Mr. Sven built I'm very honored, really! As I always say, it's a pleasure to see the work of a friend modeler, is really rewarding! - Thanks, Sven, for this nice assembly and for the photos! Greetings from Brazil to Germany! - If you want to build your own Old Yellow House paper model, the link is below, at the end of this post.

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Meu amigo, o modelista alemão Sven, montou o modelo de papel da Velha Casa Amarela e fez um ótimo trabalho! Este é o segundo modelo original aqui do blog que Sven constroi e eu me sinto honrado, de verdade! É realmente recompensador ver um de meus modelos montado por um amigo modelista! - Obrigado, Sven, por esta bela montagem e pelas fotos! Saudações do Brasil até a Alemanha! - Se você quiser montar sua própria Velha Casa Amarela, o link para download está logo abaixo, no final deste post.

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Link to download the model: The Old Yellow House Paper Model by Papermau - Download Now!

Link to Sven`s original post: The Old Yellow House Paper Model - Assembled by Sven - via Paper Modelers

More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends related posts:

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station In HO Scale - Assembled by Trac - via Le Forum En Papier

Suburbia Paper Model Diorama - Assembled by Svanced

Castle Ruins Diorama - Assembled by Sam Wise

Brazilian Abandoned House - Assembled by Bosco

Ancient Sailboat Paper Model - by Paul - via Le Forum En Papier

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A nice little Ancient Sailboat paper model created by French designer and modeler Paul and originally posted at Le forum En Papier. Perfect for Dioramas. RPG and Wargames.

Um pequeno modelo de papel de um Barco à Vela Antigo, criado pelo designer francês Paul e originalmente postado no Le Forum En Papier. Perfeito para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.


More Boats and Ships related posts:

Antarctic Observation Ship Soya In 1/200 Scale - by Canon

French Frigate Aquitaine Paper Model - by Marine Nationale

Kaiten - Kamikaze Human Torpedo Paper Model - by Renova Models

Boat Dayhatsu Type Paper Model - by Mokuzu Dock