Saturday, February 23, 2019

Genetically Altered "Bad Day" Paper Toy - by Bodickraft & Sinner

Occupying two sheets of paper, this is the Genetically Altered "Bad Day" paper toy, a collaboration between designers Bodickraft and Sinner.

Ocupando duas folhas de papel, este é o paper toy Genetically Altered "Bad Day", uma colaboração entre os designers Bodickraft e Sinner.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

Camo Paper Toy - by Papermau

Rilakkuma Happy Cupcake Papercraft - by Ikarus Media

Pirate Papercraft - by Poof Rabbit - via Instructables

A Giant Rose Decorative Paper Model - by Minya

Here is an unusual paper model in several ways: in the huge size, the number of sheets for printing and the beautiful final result. This Giant Rose created by the Japanese designer Minya is perfect to give as a gift to that special person. - Thaks to my friend Jo Kizinger for more one nice find!

Eis aqui um modelo de papel incomum de várias formas: no enorme tamanho, na quantidade de folhas para impressão e no belíssimo resultado final. Esta Rosa Gigante criada pela designer japonesa Minya é perfeita para dar de presente para aquela pessoa especial. - Obrigado ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por mais este belo achado!


More Decorative Paper Models related posts:

How To Make Origami Rose Paper Flowers - by Bloom 4 Ever

Ukulele Valentine Heart Box Papercraft - by Pizza By The Slice

Squirrel Place Cards Papercraft - by The Toy Maker - Arranjo De Mesa

Sasakia Charonda Realistic Butterfly Paper Model - by Konica Minolta

Friday, February 22, 2019

Neko Mo Kuwanai - A Cat Paper Model - by Watabe & Kamimodel

Inspirados pela arte original do artista Tatoe-zukushi no Uchi, os designers japoneses Tetsuya Watabe e Kamimodel criaram este cativante modelo de papel de um gato, o "Neko Mo Kuwanai", que pode ser traduzido como "Nem um gato comeria isso". Ocupando apenas duas folhas de papel, este modelo está disponível para download gratuíto no site da Canon. - Novamente eu digo obrigado ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por mais um belo achado.

Inspired by an original lithograph by artist Tatoe-zukushi on the Uchi, Japanese designers Tetsuya Watabe and Kamimodel created this endearing paper model of a cat, the "Neko Mo Kuwanai", which can be translated as "Not even a cat would eat it." Occupying only two sheets of paper, this model is available as free download at Canon's website. - Again I say thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for another beautiful find.


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Aquarium Diorama Papercraft - by Epson

BunnyGirls Donut Paper Toy - by Salazad / Olla Boku

Totoro Papercraft - by Studio Of M.M

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

Easy-To-Build 2018`s Nissan GT-R Nismo Paper Model - by Uplift

Here is an easy-to-build paper model version in only one sheet of the 2018`s Nissan GT-R Nismo, created by Japanese designer Uplift for Nissan official website.

Aqui está uma versão em papel bem fácil de montar em apenas uma folha do Nissan GT-R Nismo 2018, criada pelo designer japonês Uplift para o site oficial da Nissan.

Link: Easy.To.Build.2018`

More Easy-To-Build Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Volkswagen Kombi Type II Flower Power Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Breaking Bad - Vamonos Pest Van Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Volkswagen Type II Malta Lowrider Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Volkswagen Kombi Type II Paper Model 19 Windows - by Papermau Download Now!

Todai-Ji Temple Hall Of The Great Buddha Paper Model
by K.Yoshinaka & STpers

Created by Japanese designers K.Yoshinaka & STpers, for Canon website, this is the paper model version of the Todai-Ji Temple Hall Of The Great Buddha. 

Todai-ji (Great Eastern Temple) is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara

The temple was constructed in 752 as the head temple of all provincial Buddhist temples of Japan and grew so powerful that the capital was moved from Nara to Nagaoka in 784 in order to lower the temple's influence on government affairs. 

Thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for this really nice find! 

Know more at

Criada pelos designers japoneses K.Yoshinaka & STpers, para o site da Canon, esta é a versão em papel do Templo do Grande Buda de Todai-Ji. 

Tōdai-ji (Grande Templo Oriental) é um complexo budista na cidade de Nara, no Japão. O templo abriga a maior estátua do mundo de bronze do Buda Vairochana, conhecido no Japão como Daibutsu. 

O templo também serve como a sede japonesa da escola de budismo Kegon e é classificado pela UNESCO como Patrimônio da Humanidade dentro dos Monumentos Históricos da Antiga Nara. 

Obrigado ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por este belo achado!

Saiba mais em


More Japanese Traditional Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Old Japanese Village - via Paper Modelers Forum - Velha Vila Japonesa

Former Niigata Custom House - by Uhu 02

Japanese Classic Building - by Akafuku - Construção Clássica Japonesa

Gasshoku Japanese House - by Canon - Casa Tradicional Japonesa

Mamoru-Kun - A Bizarre Mascot Paper Model - by Makoto Taro

Japanese people have a very peculiar humor and this paper toy is proof of this. Mamoru-Kun, portrayed in his blue thong and tie, is the bizarre Internet security mascot of Biglobe, Japanese website. Created by designer Makoto Taro, you will have to print six sheets of paper to build your own Mamoru-Kun.

Os japoneses têm um senso de humor muito peculiar e este paper toy é uma prova disto. Mamoru-Kun, retratado com sua tanga e gravata azuis, é o bizarro mascote de segurança de Internet da Biglobe, um site japonês. Criado pelo designer Makoto Taro, você terá que imprimir seis folhas de papel para montar o seu próprio Mamoru-Kun.


More Paper Models of Mascots related posts:

Kawaiipunk Mascot Papertoys - by Ruang Antho

Japanese Shoyu Mascot Mittan Paper Doll - by Cafetera

Tea Factory Mascot - by Kagoshima - Mascote De Fábrica de Chá

Despicable Me - Minions Paper Toys - by Paper Replika

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Ephemeral Museum - Skip’s Bumblebee 1976`s Camaro
Assembled by Gwalch

French modeler Gwalch built the Skip’s Bumblebee 1976`s Camaro and posted some photos of his nice work at Le Forum en Papier papercraft community. If you liked, the link to download the model is just below.

O modelista francês Gwalch montou o Camaro 1976 Bumblebee do Skip e postou algumas fotos de seu belo trabalho na comunidade de papercraft Le Forum en Papier. Se você gostou, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo.

Link to download the model: Skip’s.Bumblebee.1976`


About the Ephemeral Museum:

I "am in the paper modeling" since 2005, although I've had contact with paper models from my childhood in the 1970s, via magazines that were sold sporadically in newsagents. I remember magazines with houses to build and dioramas/playsets of airports, western forts, nativity scenes and the like. With the advent of the internet what happened was simply a revival of the papercraft hobby for me and many other people of my generation. Today I am opening a new session here on the blog, the Ephemeral Museum , which is a place where I will show some of the models that I built all these years. I would also like this to be a space where all modelers friends could show their work, so if anyone wants to participate in this "museum", just send photos of your work and a few words, if you want, to the e-mail:

All who submit their work will be published, without exceptions.

Eu "estou no papelmodelismo" desde 2005, embora eu já tivesse contato com modelos de papel desde minha infância, nos anos 1970, via revistas que eram vendidas esporadicamente em bancas de jornal. Lembro que haviam revistas com casas para montar e dioramas/playsets de aeroportos, fortes-apache, presépios e coisas do tipo. Com o advento da internet o que houve foi simplesmente um renascimento do hobby do papelmodelismo para mim e muitas outras pessoas de minha geração. Hoje eu estou inaugurando uma nova sessão aqui no blog, o Ephemeral Museum, que é um lugar aonde irei mostrar alguns dos modelos que eu construí em todos estes anos. Também gostaria que esse fosse um espaço aonde todos os amigos modelistas pudessem mostrar seus trabalhos, sendo assim, se alguém quiser participar deste "museu", basta mandar fotos de seu trabalho e algumas palavras para o e-mail abaixo:

Todos que enviarem seus trabalhos serão publicados, sem exceções.

More The Ephemeral Museum related posts:

The Ephemeral Museum - An Ancient Ship Papercraft - by Papermau

The Ephemeral Museum - 1957`s Chevy Monster 4X4 Paper Model - by James Catalano

The Ephemeral Museum - Sherman "Fury" M4A3E8 Tank Paper Model - Assembled by Tim Crowe

The Ephemeral Museum - Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - Assembled by Matheus Tarsis Fernandes

Sesame Street - Oscar The Grouch Paper Toy - by Omochagami

Oscar, the Grouch is a character from Sesame Street, the classic tv series, and this easy-to-build paper toy version of Oscar was created by Indonesian designer Rido Prasetyo Nugroho, from Omochagami website.

Oscar, o Rabugento é um personagem da clássica série de TV Vila Sésamo, e esta versão paper toy bem fácil de montar do Oscar foi criada pelo designer indonésio Rido Prasetyo Nugroho, do site Omochagami.


More Paper Toys related posts:

We All Need Some Nirvana Sometimes Paper Toys - by Little Plastic Man

Tomb Raider - 90`s Lara Croft Paper Model - by Elso Craft Museo

Robocop Paper Model - Simple Version - by Elso Craft Museo

3EyedBear Paper Toys - by Maarten Janssens

Kingdom Hearts 2 - Pixie Payne Paper Model - by Pepabysmal

Here is a very well done paper model version of Pixie Payne, character from the videogame Kingdom Hearts 2, created by designer Wulingyi, from Pepabysmal website. You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.

Eis aqui uma versão em papel muito bem feita de Pixie Payne, personagem do videogame Kingdom Hearts 2, criada pelo designer Wulingyi, do site Pepabysmal. Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:

Assassin`s Creed - Altair Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Gilgamesh Great Genbu Armor - by Ace / Final Fantasy Papercraft

Super Mario Papercraft - by Paper Botz

Class Of Heroes Japanese Paper Dolls SD Style - by Totomono

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Burrow – Weasley Family Home Paper Model - by Paper Inside

From Harry Potter`s universe, here is the "Burrow", the home sweet home of Weasley family

This perfect paper model version of the Burrow was created by Brazilian designer and modeler Claudio Dias, from Paper Inside website.

Do universo de Harry Potter, eis aqui the "Burrow", ou a "Toca", o lar doce lar da família Weasley. 

Esta perfeita versão em papel da Toca foi criada pelo designer e modelista brasileiro Claudio Dias, do site Paper Inside.
