Sunday, February 28, 2016

Indonesian Cultural Heritage Paper Toy Series - by Kobico

Christopher Kho, aka Kobico, the designer of all these cool paper toys, says: - "This series take on my love and dedication to the mythology, folklores, and fables of my own country, Indonesia. As an artist, I think it’s very important for me to incorporate my own culture as it’s one way to add more variety in the world’s art and I also want people to know things about my country and this is just how I want to present it to every kobico lovers.


Christopher Kho, aka Kobico, designer de todos estes paper toys bem legais, diz: - "Esta série demonstra o meu amor e dedicação à mitologia, lendas e fábulas de meu próprio país, a Indonésia. Como um artista, eu acho que é muito importante para mim incorporar minha própria cultura, pois é uma maneira de adicionar mais variedade no mundo das artes e eu também quero que as pessoas saibam coisas sobre meu país e estes paper toys são minha maneira de apresentá-lo a todos os admiradores de Kobico.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip

Wolverine Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Workers Paper Toys - by Dale Harper / Telman - Paper Toys De Profissões

Urfin`s Wooden Soldier Paper Toy - by Paper Aviation - Soldado De Madeira

Ultraman - Ultra Hawk 2 Paper Model - by Fancy Scientific Paper Work

From Ultraman, the 1970`s Japanese classisc Sci-Fi tv series, this is the paper model of the Ultra Hawk No.2 spaceship, offered by Fancy Scientific Paper Work website, from Japan. You need only two sheets of paper to build yours.

 photo ultraman.papercraft.spaceship.via.papermau.001_zps5c84m4oa.jpg

Da clássica série de Sci-Fi japonesa Ultraman, este é o modelo de papel da nave Ultra Hawk No.2, oferecida pelo site Fancy Scientific Paper Work, do Japão. Você precisará de apenas duas folhas de papel para montar a sua.

Link to download the model:

Link to the instructions:

More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:

Alien Blaster Pistol Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by BillyBob884

Star Wars - Luke Skywalker Jedi Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Stargate Event Horizon Iris Automata Papercraft - by BillyBob884

Space: 1999 - Eagle Transporter Paper Model - by Domatine

Saturday, February 27, 2016

1930`s Old Breton "Ar-Men" Lighthouse - A French Vintage Paper Model
Assembled by Aldo Ross

My North american friend, the modeler Aldo Ross built the 1930`s Old Breton "Ar-Men" Lighthouse paper model and kindly sent me some photos of his really nice work. If you like it, you can download the template and buid your own, thanks to Tom Greensfelder & Agence Eureka website. - "Thanks, Aldo, for the photos! I really appreciate this! Greetings from Brazil! to USA" - Mauther

Meu amigo norte-americano Aldo Rossmontou o modelo de papel do Farol Old Breton "Ar-Men", de 1930, e gentilmente enviou-me algumas fotos de seu belo trabalho. Se gostou, você pode baixar o template e montar um só para você, graças à Tom Greensfelder e o site Agence Eureka. - "Muito obrigado, Aldo, pelas fotos! Eu realmente aprecio seu gesto! Saudações do Brasil aos EUA." - Mauther

Link: 1930`

I Built The Old Lighthouse Paper Model - by Ravensblight

Lindesnes Lighthouse In Norway - by Bildrum - Farol Norueguês

Bermuda Triangle Lighthouse Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Sabine Pass Lighthouse In Louisiana Paper Model - by Jay Riedl

Big Mouth Boris The Monster Paper Toy - by Creaturekebab

Created by British designer Jennifer Marie Bryan, aka Creaturekebab, this is Big Mouth Boris, the Monster. You need only one sheet of paper to build your own Boris.

 photo creature.krab.paper.toy.via.papermau.002_zpsmmieqvmo.jpg

Criado pela designer britânica Jennifer Marie Bryan, aka Creaturekebab, este é o Big Mouth Boris, o Monstro. Você precisa de apenas uma folha de papel para montar seu próprio Boris.


More Halloween and Monsters Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Bobblehead Monsters - by Frankenpaper

Oop & Eep Monsters Paper Toy - by A G Paper Toys

Halloween Special - Trick-or-Treat Monitor Monsters - by Scout Creative

Halloween Special - Friendly Frankenstein Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Alice Dress Up Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Loveewa

This beautiful dress up paper doll of Alice, in a cute anime style, was created by Thai designer Pam, aka Loveewa.

Esta bela dress up paper doll de Alice, em estilo anime, foi criada pela designer tailandesa Pam, aka Loveewa.


More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:

Vintage Pin-Up Paper Dolls - by Ondiraiduveau - via Flickr

1916`s French Paper Dolls - by Anne Schofield - via Power House Museum - Bonecas De Papel Francesas

The Pope Paper Models - by Rob Nance and Recortables

Vintage Paper Dolls And Furniture - by Doll House Paper

Five Nights At Freddy's - Foxy Timeline Paper Models - by Adogopaper

Created by Brazilian designer Igor, aka Adogopaper, here are a lot of paper models showing Foxy, character from the horror game Five Nights At Freddy's, in all its "incarnations".

Criados pelo designer brasileiro Igor, aka Adogopaper, eis aqui um monte de modelos de papel do Foxy, personagem do horror game Five Nights At Freddy's, em todas suas "encarnações".

Link: Five.Nights.At.Freddy'

More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:

Yokattara Paper Doll - by Rokunoya - PSP Videogame Doll

Assassin`s Creed - Altair Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Nintendo`s Legend Of Zelda Papercrafts - by Paper Zelda

Little Monsters from Mostruo Nintendo Game- by Ushimitsu

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Grocery Store - French Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

This is the Grocery Store diorama, more one French vintage paper model from the early twentieth century, preserved and shared by Agence Eureka website.

Este é o Diorama da Mercearia, mais um modelo de papel antigo publicado no início do século XX, preservado e compartilhado pelo site Agence Eureka, da França.


More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Vintage Japanese Tatebanko - by John Wagenseil - via Paper Modelers - Tatebanko Japonês

Paper Model History - Uncle Tom’s Cabin Paper Dolls, Boston Sunday Globe, 1896 - via Antique Toy Chest

1984`s The Innocents Castle Papercraft - by Kaukapedia - Castelo Alemão

Vintage House Paper Model With Furniture - via Casita De Papel

Golgis Hericom 8 Truck - Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

This old paper model of a truck was created to promote the agricultural machinery produced by Gougis, a French company. This paper model is just more one of those that was preserved and now is kindly shared by Agence Eureka website.

Este antigo modelo de papel de um caminhão foi criado para promover o maquinário agrícola produzido pela Gougis, uma empresa francesa. Este modelo de papel é apenas mais um dos que foram preservados e que agora é gentilmente compartilhado pelo site Agence Eureka.

Link to download the model:

Link to Agence Eureka`s main page: Agence.Eureka.French.Vintage.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Garage Diorama Paper Model In 1/32 Scale - by Carrera For Fun

The Snake`s Plymouth Cuda - by Kool Wheelz - Assembled And Rescaled by J. Leslie

Land Rover 110Tdi-CSW Paper Car - by Shin-F - Land Rover, O "Jeep" Britânico

1957`s Tucker Sno-Cat Alaska Expedition Vehicle - by Kblaauw - via Forums Forums

Piazza San Marco In Venezia - A Vintage Paper Model Diorama
by Corriere Dei Piccoli

This is the Piazza San Marco, situated in Venice, Italia and this beautiful paper model diorama was originally published on March 27, 1966, in the issue 13 of Italian children's magazine Corriere dei Piccoli.

Esta é a Piazza San Marco, situada em Veneza, na Itália e este belo diorama foi foi originalmente publicado no dia 27 de Março de 1966, na edição nº 13 da revista infanto-juvenil italiana Corriere dei Piccoli.


More Italian themed Paper Models related posts:

Pompeii Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Pazo of Falzarego Mountain Pass Paper Model - by Forbicolla

Pompeii Stand For Mini Figures - by Papermau - Download Now!

Ancient Roman Villa Paper Model In 1/144 Scale - by Armada Models

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sceriffi E Banditi - Old West Diorama - A Vintage Italian Paper Model
by Corriere Dei Piccoli

This beautiful paper model of an Old West Diorama was originally published on August 15, 1965, in the issue 33 of Italian children's magazine Corriere dei Piccoli.

Este belo modelo de papel de um Diorama do Velho Oeste foi originalmente publicado no dia 15 de agosto de 1965, na edição nº 33 da revista infanto-juvenil italiana Corriere dei Piccoli.


More Old West Paper Models related posts:

Red Dog Saloon Paper Model Diorama - by Papermau - Saloon do Cão Vermelho

The Lone Ranger Frontier Town - by Thrilling Days.Com

Old West City Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka - Cidade Do Velho Oeste

1979`s Western Fort Paper Model - by Seite 42 - Forte Apache