Monday, April 14, 2014

Robocop - 1987`s Robocop Paper Toy In Cubeecraft Style - by CyberDrone

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Using as base the Cubeecraft blank template, designer Cyberdrone created these three cool paper toys of the original 1987`s Robocop.

Usando como base o template em branco de cubeecraft, o designer Cyberdrone criou estes três paper toys bem legais do Robocop original de 1987.

Link: Robocop.1987`

More Paper Toys related posts:

Katy Perry Paper Toy - by Rabisco Pop

Street Fighter Paper Toys - by Gus Santome

Futurama`s Bender Robot Papertoy - by Papersyco - via Neto Papercraft

Gubi-Gubi Marcel Paper Toy - by Jerom - via Paper-Toy France

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Complete Medieval Castle Paper Model - by Papermau - Coming Soon!

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Almost done! Download very soon!

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Quase pronto! Download muito em breve!

The Redneck Motorhome Paper Model - Assembled by Mike Sanderson

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My friend Mike Sanderson, from USA, built the Redneck Motorhome paper model and kindly sent me some photos of his work. The changes in this model were made thanks to Mike, who in a paper modeling forum gave me the idea to create 3D wheels for this, which in its first version was much simpler. I liked the idea and then I have been making more changes in the model until it reaches the the final result. - "Thanks, Mike, for the support, ideas and for the nice fotos! Greetings from Brazil to USA!" - If you want to build your own Redneck Motorhome paper model, the link to download the templates is at the end of this post.

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Meu amigo Mike Sanderson, dos EUA, montou o Trailer do Caipira e gentilmente enviou-me algumas fotos de seu trabalho. As mudanças nesta segunda versão do modelo foram feitas graças ao Mike, que em um forum de papelmodelismo deu-me a idéia de fazer rodas em 3D, já que as outras eram bem simples. Eu gostei da idéia e então fui mexendo no modelo e criando mais detalhes, até chegar ao resultado final. - "Valeu, Mike, pelo apoio, idéias e pelas fotos bem legais! Saudações do Brasil aos EUA." - Se você quiser montar seu próprio modelo de papel do Trailer do Caipira, o link para baixar os templates se encontra logo abaixo, no final deste post.

Link to download the model: The Redneck Motorhome - Version II - by Papermau - Download Now!

More Papermau Paper Models Assembled by Friends related posts:

Greek-Roman Ruins - Assembled by Bosco - via Le Forum En Papier

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Assembled by Doc Raven 1000

Play House Papercraft Assembled by OldSchoolDM

Brazilian Abandoned House - Assembled by Luciano Almeida

The River Boat Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

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This is the Steam Boat, more one next project. As you can see, not yet put the chimney.

Este é o Barco á Vapor, mais um próximo projeto. Como podem ver, ainda falta a chaminé.

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I have not yet decided the scale, but I think it will be something around 1/35 and 1/24.

Ainda não decici a escala, mas creio que será algo em torno de 1/35 e 1/24.

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If someone wants the Sketchup version of this model, which, pay attention, "is not the version to assemble on paper", but a virtual 3D model which can be viewed, rotated and even modified their shapes and textures; the link is below, at the end of this post. To view this model you will need the SketchUp free version and the link to download it on the official website can also be found below.

Se alguém quiser a versão em Sketchup deste modelo, que, preste atenção, "não é a versão para montar em papel", mas sim um modelo virtual em 3D, que pode ser visualizado, rotado e até modificado em suas formas e texturas; o link está logo abaixo, no final deste post. Para visualizar este modelo você precisará do Sketchup Versão Gratuíta e o link para baixá-lo no site oficial também se encontra logo abaixo.

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More soon / Mais em breve.

Link to download the Sketchup model:

Link to download the Sketchup Viewer Free Version: Sketchup.Viewer.Free.Version.Download

More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

Old House In Olaria Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

The Limo Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

Sci-Fi Lunar Rover Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

Volkswagen Type 2 Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

Assassin's Creed 3 - Connor Kenway Papercraft - by Sanek94ccol

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Model Assembled and Photo by Suraj281191

This incredible paper model of Connor Kenway, main character from Assassin's Creed 3 videogame, was created by russian designer Sanek94ccol and posted at DeviantArt. The model is composed of two parts: the body, occupying 12 sheets of paper and the acessories, occupying 7 sheets and when assembled measures 40 cms in height. The model is in PDO format (Pepakura), so you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version to visialize and print this. If you do not have the program, the download link is below, at the end of this post. The model pictured above was assembled by talented Indian modeler Indian Suraj281191.

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Este incrível modelo de papel de Connor Kenaway, prsonagem principal do game Assassins Creed 3, foi criado pelo designer russo Sanek94ccol e postado no DeviantArt. O modelo é composto de duas partes: o corpo, ocupando 12 folhas de papel e os acessórios, ocupando sete folhas e quando montado mede 40 cms de altura. Como o modelo está no formato PDO (Pepakura) você precisará do programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta para visualizar e imprmí-lo. Se você ainda não tem o programa, o link para download está abaixo, no final deste post. O modelo da foto acima foi montado pelo talentoso modelista indiano Suraj281191.

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Link to download the model: Assassin'

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:

Super Smash Brothers - Mario and Luigi Paper Models - by Ignatius - via DeviantArt

Mass Effect 3 - Commander Shepard Paper Model Character - by XenonRay - via DeviantArt

God Of War - Kratos Paper Model - by Lestat Pendragon

Lineage 2 - Elf Girl Paper Model - by Thailand Namotasa

Digimon - Lady Devimon Paper Model - by Darkcrash

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Darkcrash is the new manager of JP Papercraft website and also the designer of this beautiful paper model of Lady Devimon, from Digimon anime. A really nice first model, Darkcrash!

Darkcrash é o novo administrador do site JP Papercraft e também o autor deste belo modelo de papel da Lady Devimon, do anime Digimon. Um ótimo primeiro modelo, Darkcrash!


More Paper Models from Animes and Mangás related posts:

Furano Sisters Paper Dolls In Chibi Style - by Pontacerone

Hatsune Miku Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Xenoaisam - Boneca Em Estilo Anime

Mikuru Bunny Paper Doll In Anime Style - by JP Papercraft

Doraemon Paper Toy Anime Character - by Paper Replika

Ludwig The T-Rex Articulate Paper Toy - by Squshies

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This cute articulate dinosaur paper toy called Ludwig was created by designer Jason Strong, from Squshies website.

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Este simpático paper toy de um dinossauro articulado chamado Ludwig foi criado pelo designer Jason Strong, do site Squshies.


More Paper Models of Dinosaurs related posts:

Dinosaurs Paper Toys - by Digitprop - Velociraptors De Papel

Paper Dinosaurs by Eiichi Yoshida - Dinossauros de Papel

Animated Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Kids Net - Tiranossauro

My Pet Triceratops Dinosaur Paper Toy - by Spoonfull

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Crash Bandicoot - Uka Uka Mask Paper Model - by Stange 1337

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Model Assembled and Photo by Stange 1337

This nice decorative paper model, the Uka Uka Mask, from Crash Bandicoot videogame, was created by German designer Stange 1337. You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.

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Este belo modelo de papel decorativo de, a Máscara Uka Uka, do game Crash Bandicoot, foi criado pelo designer alemão Stange 1337. Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir a máscara e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Masks related posts:

Chernabog Mask Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by EuTytoAlba

DarkSiders II - Death Mask In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke

Halloween Special - Twisted Metal - Needles Kane's Mask - by Paper Juke

Nightbreed`s Dr. Decker Mask - by Papertoys Clemper

Vauxhall Movano Car Transporter Paper Model - by Wongday Papercraft

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This nice and easy-to-build paper model of the Vauxhall Movano Car Transporter was created by Indonesian designer Wong Hidayat.

Este modelo de papel bem legal e fácil de montar do Vauxhall Movano Car Transporter foi criado pelo designer indonésio Wong Hidayat.


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Lomax Britsh Paper Car - by Faehnrichweb.De

Pontiac 1977 Trans Am Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto

BMW Z4 M Coupe Paper Car - by Farewell The End

Jaguar E-Type Paper Car - by Canon

Devil Flavored Cookie Paper Toy - by Craftman Korea

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A funny and very original paper toy by Craftman Korea website. This is the Devil Flavored Cookie Paper Toy!

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Um divertido e original paper toy que vem lá da Coréia do Sul, do site Craftman Korea. Este é o Devil Flavored Cookie Paper Toy!


More Paper Toys related posts:

Jesus Riding A Dinosaur Paper Toy - by Digitprop - Jesus Cavalgando Um Dinossauro

Holocaust Gas Van Paper Model - by - RocketManTan

Grim Cigarette Packs - by Consulting Digital

The Pigs Go Baroque Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Marges8's Blog