Friday, April 11, 2014

Generic Roman Arch Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames by Papermau - Download Now!

Here is a simple paper model of a Generic Roman Arch to be used in Dioramas, RPG, Wargames and School Works. 

This model fits nicely for 30 mm and 1/64 scale. The model occupies two sheets of paper and more one, if you want the optional base. 

If you like it, you can easily download a copy in PDF format, directly from Google Docs.

Eis aqui um Arco Romano Genérico para se usado em Dioramas, RPG, Wargames e Trabalhos Escolares. Este modelo fica ótimo com miniaturas nas escala de 30 mm e 1/64. 

Este modelo ocupa duas folhas de papel e mais uma, se você optar pela base opcional, e se você gostou, pode baixar uma cópia em formato PDf facilmente, direto do Google Docs.


More Ancient Roman themed Paper Models related posts:

The Simple Wood House Paper Model - Assembled by Godai

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My Polish friend, designer and modeler Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki built the Simple Wood House Paper Model. He sent me these cool set of photos that ilustrate this post. He built this house for his little daughter Susan, who promptly put her pony called Filly to live in it. - Many thanks, Godai, for the nice assembly and for the photo! Greetings from Brazil to Poland! - If you want to Build your own Simple Wood House Paper Model, the link is below, at the end of this post.

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Can You See The Little Pony?

Meu amigo polonês, o designer e modelista Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki montou o modelo de papel da a Casa de Madeira. Ele gentilmente enviou-me a série de fotos que ilustram este post. Ele montou essa casinha para sua filha Susan, que prontamente pôs sua pônei chamada Filly para morar nela. - Valeu, Godai, pela bela montagem e pela foto! Saudaçãoes do Brasil à Polônia! - Se você também quer montar sua própria Casa de Madeira, o link se encontra logo abaixo.

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Link to download the model:

More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends related posts:

Brazilian Abandoned House - Assembled by Luciano Almeida

Abandoned Gas Station - Assembled by Amo Vitam

Old Church And Medieval Castle - by Papermau - Rescaled To HO Scale - by Pendragon

Vintage Gas Station And Joe`s Garage Built by NWRR

Monster University - Mike Wazowski Paper Toy - by Kertas Craft

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By Indonesian designer Rian Rahardi, from Kertas Craft website, here is Mike Wazowski, character from Monster University animation. Do not forget the password to open the model: it is written just below the download button!

Do designer indonésio Rian Rahardi, do site Kertas Craft, eis aqui Mike Wazowski, personagem da animação Monster University. Não esqueça a senha para visualizar o modelo: ela está escrita logo abaixo do botão de download!


More Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante

A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide

Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos

Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel

Kate - The Duchess of Cambridge Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Dover Publications

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These Dress Up paper dolls of Kate and William are the are the free samples of this week from Dover Publications.

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Estas bonecas de papel em estilo Dress Up de Kate e William são as "amostras grátis" desta semana do site Dover Publications.

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Link to Kate paper doll:

Link to Willian paper doll:

Link to suits part 1:

Link to suits part 2:

Link to suits part 3:

Link to suits part 4:

More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:

Vintage Igloo Kids Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Vintage Mouse

Vintage Pin-Up Paper Dolls - by Ondiraiduveau - via Flickr

1950`s Norske Bunader Paper Doll - Norwegian Costumes - by National Museum Of Play Online Collections

Paper Model History - 1902`s Nestlé Promotional Paper Doll - by Eichwaelder

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Saints Cosmas And Damian Chapel Paper Model - by Edificios de Papel

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From Spanish website Edifícios De Papel, this is the Saints Cosmas And Damian Chapel Paper Model, a nice building for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. The model is available in 6 different scales: 1/56 scale(28mm), 1/72 scale, HO scale (1/87), 1/100 scale (15mm), N scale (1/160) and Z scale (1/220).

Do site espanhol Edifícios De Papel, eis aqui a Capela de São Cosme e São Damião, que aqui no Brasil são os santos protetores da crianças. Um modelo bem legal para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames e disponível em seis diferentes esclas: escala 1/56 (28 mm), escala 1/72, escala HO (1/87), escala 1/100 (15 mm), escala N (1/160) e escala Z (1/220).


More Architecture and Buildings Paper Models related posts:

Vandalia State House Paper Model - by Build Your Own Main Street

Country House Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio - Casa De Campo

French Architectural Paper Model - by Keroliver - via Le Forum En Papier

Japanese Country Station Diorama In HO Scale - by Peparama

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Download Now!

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Here is the Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures, ready for download! In the pictures above and below you see the model being used in combination with the Medieval Castle Facade.

Eis aqui o modelo de papel do Stand Medieval para Mini Figuras, pronto para download! Nas fotos acima e abaixo você vê o modelo sendo usado em conjunto com a Fachada do Castelo Medieval.

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All scaling errors have been fixed and assembly is easy.

Todos os erros de dimensionamento foram consertados e a montagem é fácil.

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The model takes 5 sheets of paper and when assembled its measurements are 17 cms high, 17 cms wide and 11 cms long.

O modelo ocupa 5 folhas de papel e quando montado suas medidas são: 17 cms de altura, 17 cms de largura e 11 cms de comprimento.

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If you want to build your own Medieval Stand For Mini Figures, you can download the template in PDF format easily, directly from Google Docs.

Se quiser montar o seu próprio Stand Medieval para Mini Figuras, você pode baixar o modelo em formato PDF facilmente, direto do Google Docs.

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I would like to thank the Friends of the blog John McPherson, Frank Kelle, Didier Martin and Gerardo López Rincón, for the kind words and ideas for this model.

Eu gostaria de agradecer aos amigos do blog John McPherson, Frank Kelle ,Martin Didier and Gerardo Rincón López, pelas palavras amáveis e idéias para este modelo.

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More Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures related posts:

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part I

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part II

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part III

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part IV

Build A Vintage Tin Style Cottage Paper Model - by Big Indoor Trains

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In this website, Big Indoor Trains, you will find all you need to build your own Vintage Tin Style Cottage Paper Model: tutorial and several templates to customize and make your very unique model.

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Neste site, Big Indoor Trains, você encontrará tudo qu precisa para montar seu próprio modelo de papel de uma Casa de Campo, imitando aqueles antigos brinquedos de lata em que a pintura era feita em litogravura. Você tem o tutorial e vários templates para customizar e montar a sua casinha, que ficará sendo única.


More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Kellogg's UK Paper Village - Baker's Shop - by Toy Connect

Van Gogh - The Yellow House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Paper Buildings For RPG Games - by Germy

Wood House In The Desert - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Call Of Cthulhu Monster Paper Toy - by Phillip Fickling

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Sketch of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft  - 1934
This little Cthulhu paper toy was created by designer Phillip Fickling. Cthulhu is a fictional cosmic entity that first appeared in the short story "The Call of Cthulhu", published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales in 1928. The character was created by writer H. P. Lovecraft. Cthulhu is a Great Old Main Lovecraft Mythos. It is often cited by the history books, its gargantuan size, and the abject terror that it evokes. The entity is also used in circles of science fiction and fantasy as a synonym for extreme horror or evil.

Este pequeno paper toy do Cthulhu foi criado pelo designer Phillip Fickling. Cthulhu é uma entidade cósmica invocada pelo escritor de terror H. P. Lovecraft em 1926. A primeira aparição da entidade foi no conto "The Call of Cthulhu", publicado na revista Weird Tales em 1928. Cthulhu é um dos Grandes Antigos principais dos Mitos de Lovecraft. É frequentemente citado pelos livros de história, seu tamanho gigantesco e o terror abjeto que evoca. A entidade é usada também em círculos de ficção científica e fantasia como sinônimo de horror ou mal extremo.


More Paper Models of Monsters related posts:

Zombie In A Barrel Papr Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Bobblehead Monsters Paper Models - by Frankenpaper

Werewolf Paper Toy - by UOL - Lobisomem De Papel

Halloween Special - Friendly Frankenstein Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Chobi Dog Paper Toy - by Ten Pepakura

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From Japanese website Ten Pepakura here is a beautiful paper model of a dog. The model takes only one sheet of paper and when assembled measures approximately 10 inches tall.

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Do site japonês Ten Pepakura aqui está um belo modelo de papel de um simpático cãozinho. O modelo ocupa apenas uma folha de papel e quando montado mede cerca de 10 centímetros de altura.


More Paper Models of Dogs related posts:

Dogs, Dogs And More Dogs - by Hapy Mizuno - via Pepakura Gallery

Nugget The Dog Paper Toy - by Andrew Knights

Greyhound Dog 3D Paper Model - by BillyBob884 - via DeviantArt

Dalmatian Dog Paper Model - by Ozaki - via Pepakura Gallery

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part IV

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Here is the fourth and last part of the assembly of the Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures. Now I will arrange the pieces on sheets of paper and fix some errors I encountered during assembly test. Tomorrow the model will be ready for download. The sword and the shield that appear in the picture above are creations by Italian designer Fabrizio Prudenziati.

Aqui está a quarta e última parte da montagem do Stand Medieval para Mini Figuras. Agora eu irei organizar as peças nas folhas e consertar alguns erros que encontrei durante a montagem de teste. Amanhã o modelo estará pronto para download. A espada e o escudo que aparecem na foto acima são criações do designer italiano Fabrizio Prudenziati.

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In the photos above and below you can see the assembly of small lateral wall. I messed up a few times the dimensions of this piece.

Nas fotos acima e abaixo você pode ver a montagem do pequeno muro lateral. Eu errei algumas vezes as dimensões desta peça.

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Below, the assembly of the bases. I reinforced this piece with pages from old magazines.

Abaixo, a montagem de uma das bases. Eu reforcei esta peça com páginas de revistas velhas.

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All pieces ready. Now just put it all together!

Todas as partes prontas. Agora é só juntar tudo!

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It was not my intention when I drew this model, but the scale became perfect for the miniature medieval soldiers designer Fabrizio Prudenziati, as you can see in the photo below.

Não era minha intenção quando desenhei este modelo, mas a escala ficou perfeita para as miniaturas de soldados medievais do designer Fabrizio Prudenziati, como você pode ver na foto abaixo.

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And the model also fits nicely with Playmobil Pirates miniatures!

E o modelo também ficou ótimo com as miniaturas de piratas Playmobil!

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Download tomorrow! / Download amanhã!

More Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures related posts:

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part I

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part II

Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Part III