Sunday, April 6, 2014

Centro Burgas Building Paper Model - Ourense Series - by Edifícios De Papel

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More one really nice combo of little buildings in several scales, created by Spanish designers Monica and Anibal, from Edifícios De Papel website. With this pack you can make several configurations. The models are available in 5 different scales: 1/72 scale, HO scale (1/87), 1/100 scale (15mm), N scale (1/160) and Z scale (1/220). Perfect for Dioramas, Train Sets, RPG and Wargames.

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Mais um combo bem legal de pequenos prédios em várias escalas, criados pelos designers espanois monica e Anibal, do site Edifícios De Papel. Com este pacote você poderá montar várias combinações. Os modelos estão disponíveis em cinco escalas diferentes: escala 1/72, escala HO (1/87), escala 1/100 (15 mm), escala N (1/160) e escala Z (1/220). Perfeitos para Dioramas, Maquetes Ferroviárias, RPG e Wargames.

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More Architecture and Buildings Paper Models related posts:

Grischuna House In Switzerland Paper Model - by MAGs Papiermodelle

Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Download Now!

Abraham Lincoln Home In Springfield Paper Model - by Illinois History

Medieval Village House - by Erny`s Place - Cabana Medieval

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Polish Water Tower In Konstancin Paper Model In 1/144 Scale - by Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki

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The Real Thing
My Polish friend, the designer and modeler Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki created this really beautiful and very well done paper model of a real Polish tower, the Water Tower In Konstancin (since 1969 the town is called Konstancin-Jeziorna). He uses real life photo textures of the actual water tower. I liked the model so much that as soon as I received via email, I decided to print and assemble it. The result can be seen in the series of photos that illustrate this post. Godai says this water tower was built in 1899 by Edward Lilpop and it exists till this day, though it is not used as a water tower anymore. Currently it just stays closed, but in past years it used to host a restaurant. - Many thanks, Godai, for this really nice model! Greetings from Brazil to Poland!

Meu amigo polonês, o designer e modelista Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki criou esta belo e muito bem feito modelo de papel de uma torre de água polonesa, a Torre de Água em Konstancin (desde 1969 esta cidade é chamada Konstancin-Jeziorna). Godai usou textures tiradas de fotos da construção verdadeira. Eu gostei tanto do modelo que assim que o recebi via e-mail, decidi imprimir e montá-lo. O resultado pode ser visto na série de fotos que ilustram este post. O resultado você pode ver na série de fotos que ilustram este post. Godai diz que esta torre de água foi construída em 1899 pelo engenheiro Edward Lilpop e ainda continua de pé, apesar de estar desativada. antigamente ela servia à um restaurante da cidade. - Muito obrigado, Godai, por este belo modelo! Saudações do Brasil à Polônia!

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Link: Polish.Water.Tower.In.Konstancin.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models in 1/144 Scale related posts:

Store Street Emporium And Castle Hill House Paper Models In 1/144 Scale - by Miniatures.About.Com

Wellblech Barracken & Corrugated Metal Barracks Paper Models In 1/72 And 1/144 Scales - by Happyscale

Make a Printable Village Bank in 1/144 Scale - by Miniatures About.Com

WW2`s Aircraft Buildings in 1/144 Scale - by Kampfgruppe144

All Kind Of Monsters Paper Models For RPG And Wargames - by Eddnic

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In this website called Fantasy Paper Miniature, created by designer Eddnic, you will find a lot of Monsters that are easy-to-build and perfect for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

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Neste site chamado Fantasy Paper Miniature, criado pelo designer Eddnic, você encontrará um monte de Monstros que são fáceis de montar e perfeitos para Diorama, RPG e Wargames.


More Paper Models for RPG and Wargames related posts:

Simple Jungle Hut Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Medieval Tower Paper Model For RPG And Wargames - by Afet - via Fat Dragon Games

Some Vehicles For RPG And Wargames - by Inkjet Paper Scissors

Battlefleet Gothic Space Ships For RPG and Wargames - by Monktaraz

Black Rock Shooter Miku Paper Doll In Chibi Style - by Tsunyandere

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For all fans of Black Rock Shooter anime, here is a paper doll in Chibi style of Black Rock Shooter Miku, created by North American designer Tsunyandere.

Para todos os fãs do anime Black Rock Shooter, aqui está uma paper doll em versão Chibi da Black Rock Shooter Miku, criada pela designer norte-americana Tsunyandere.


More Paper Dolls from Animes and Mangás related posts:

K-On - Hokago Tea Time Paper Dolls - by Borghie - via DeviantArt

Hatsune Miku Paper Doll In Anime Style - by MidnightFox

Horo Paper Doll In Anime Style - by XDiem - Boneca Estilo Anime

Three Sisters Paper Dolls In Cubic Style - by Pontacerone

Ballerina Birthday Cards With Templates - by Hey Mickey

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Girls will love it! A simple and nice idea for birthday cards for girls. Very easy to make and a great pop up effect! By Hey Mickey website.

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As meninas irão adorar isto! Uma simple e ótima idéia para Cartões de Aniversário para as garotas. Bem fácil de fazer e com um belo efeito pop up!


More Pop Up and Gift Cards related posts:

Pop Up Card From Vintage French Cutouts - by Extreme Cards

3D Pop-Up House Papercraft - by UOL - Casa 3D Pop-Up

Pop Up Cards For Kids - by Japan Post - Cartões Pop Up

Make A Pop Up Grand Piano In Minutes - by Belsey / Instructables

1970`s Plymouth Superbird Paper Model - by Papercrafts.It

Offered by Paper Diorama website, from Italy, here is a very well-made paper model of the Plymouth Superbird in 1/35 scale. 

The entire model only occupies three printed sheets, including the base where it can be displayed. 

The Plymouth Superbird is an iconic vehicle from the era of muscle cars. It was created by Nichols Engineering, a branch of the Chrysler automaker responsible for building Stock Cars.

It was delivered to test driver Ramo Stott from Iowa, who immediately took it to the Daytona Races. In February 1970, it won the ARCA 300, the first of many victories. 

The Superbird was designed to compete in NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) and its aerodynamics were a standout feature. It had an elongated nose and a giant rear wing, providing greater stability and grip at high speeds. 

It was produced in a limited quantity to meet NASCAR homologation requirements. Only about 1,935 units were manufactured, making it a rare and sought-after vehicle among collectors. 

With its distinctive appearance and exceptional performance, the Superbird achieved great success in NASCAR races. In 1970, driver Richard Petty claimed multiple victories behind the wheel of a Superbird, including the legendary Daytona 500.

Oferecido pelo site Paper Diorama, da Italia, eis aqui um modelo de papel muito beem feito do Plymouth Superbird na escala 1/35.

O modelo todo ocupas apenas três folhas impressas, incluindo a base onde ele pode ser exposto. 

O Plymouth Superbird é um veículo icônico da era dos muscle cars. Ele foi criado pela Nichols Engenharia, um braço da montadora Chrysler responsável pela construção de carros de Stock Car. 

Ele foi entregue ao piloto de testes Ramo Stott, de Iowa, que imediatamente o levou às Corridas de Daytona. Em fevereiro de 1970, venceu a ARCA 300, a primeira de muitas vitórias. 

 O Superbird foi projetado para competir na NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) e sua aerodinâmica foi um destaque. Possuía um nariz alongado e uma asa traseira gigante, que proporcionavam maior estabilidade e aderência em altas velocidades. 

Ele foi produzido em uma quantidade limitada para atender aos requisitos de homologação da NASCAR. Apenas cerca de 1.935 unidades foram fabricadas, tornando-o um veículo bastante raro e procurado por colecionadores. 

Com sua aparência distinta e desempenho excepcional, o Superbird alcançou grande sucesso nas corridas da NASCAR. Em 1970, o piloto Richard Petty conquistou várias vitórias ao volante de um Superbird, incluindo a lendária Daytona 500.


More Paper Models of Vehicles related posts:

Friday, April 4, 2014

Two Japanese Buildings Paper Models In 1/150 Scale For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Paper Structures

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Two new little buildings in 1/150 scale, offered by Paper Structures Japanese website. They are perfect for Train Sets, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Dois novos prediozinhos em escala 1/150, oferecidos pelo site japonês Paper Structures. Eles são perfeitos para Maquetes Ferroviárias, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.


More Paper Models in 1/150 Scale related posts:

Czech Architectural Paper Models - by Hostivická Historie

Japanese Buildings For Dioramas In 1/150 Scale - by Seesa

European Mansion Paper Model In 1/150 Scale - by Marian Hlavac

Buildings For Railway Dioramas In N Scale - by Réseau Saint Michel

Star Trek - Federation Roustabout Paper Model - by Albion Rising

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From Star Trek universe, here is a custom spaceship, the Federation Roustabout, created by designer Haggard, from Albion rising website. Haggard says: - "This was an idea for an original ship idea I had one summer. I imagined an experimental pocket starship from the Kirk/Spock era of Star Trek that was a forerunner of the Runabouts of the Picard/Sisco/Janeway era."

Do universo de Star Trek, eis aqui uma nave espacial customizada, a Federation Roustabout, criada pelo designer Haggard, do site Albion Rising. Haggard diz: - "Esta foi uma idéia que eu tive em um verão para uma nave original. Eu imaginei uma nave experimental de bolso de Star Trek, da era de Kirk/Spock, que seria a precursora dos Runabouts da era Picard/Sisco/Janeway."


More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:

Star Wars - Snowspeeder Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by TCF Gaming

Firefly - Firefly-Class Spaceship Paper Model - by Firefly-Serenity.De

UFOS Paper Models Special - 66th Anniversary Of The Roswell Incident

Sci-Fi Paper Models For RPG, Wargames And Dioramas - by Genet Models / Ebbles Miniatures

Alpine Cottages Vintage Diorama Paper Model - by Wunderwelt Assembled by Godai

This model was already posted here, but just the template, without photos of the assembled model. Now my friend, Polish modeler and designer Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki kindly sent me some photos of his build of these Alpine Cottages. Many thanks, Godai! Greetings from Brazil to Poland!

Este modelo já foi postado aqui no blog, mas apenas o template, sem fotos do diorama montado. Agora meu amigo, o modelista e designer polonês Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki, gentilmente enviou-me algumas fotos de seu trabalho. Muito obrigado, Godai! Saudações do Brasil à Polônia!

Link to download the model: 1966`

Link to Godai`s original post: 1966`

More Vintage Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Vintage Modeltown Church Paper Model - by Plush Possum Studio

Victorian Suburban Villa Paper Model - by Open House Miniatures

Paper Model History - 1873`s Japanese Tatebanko - by University Of Tsukuba Library

Cottage By The Sea Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

Ship In A Box - Ensdorf-Class Type 352 "Hameln" Paper Model - by Olvar - via Papiermodell Austria

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More one "great little paper model" created by German designer Oliver Bizer, aka Olvar: this is the Ensdorf-Class Type 352 "Hameln", a Ship in a Box from "Quick to Build" series. A nice one to decorate your wall. Below you will find two links, one to download the model and other with the detailed construction report, full of photos.

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Mais um "grande pequeno modelo de papel" criado pelo designer alemão Oliver Bizer, aka Olvar: este é o Ensdorf-Class Type 352 "Hameln", um Navio Enquadrado da série "Rápido de Montar". Bem legal para decorar sua parede. Abaixo você verá dois links, um para baixar o modelo e outro com a montagem detalhada, cheia de fotos.

Link to download the model:

Link to construction report:

More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:

German Boats Paper Models - by Rennert - Barcos Alemães

Christopher Columbus` Santa Maria Spanish Ship - by Paper Toys

Little Steam Boat Paper Model - by Lutz Kasper

Viking Ship Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Kallboys