Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Oberkassel Ferry Boat Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Kall Boys

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More one stunning paper model by German website Kallboys. This is the Oberkassel Ferry Boat, a free paper model full of details.

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Mais um belíssimo modelo do site alemão Kallboys. Este é o Barco à Vapor Oberkassel, um modelo de papel gratuíto cheio de pequenos detalhes.

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With increasing industrialization in the second half of the 19th century, the railroads were expanding increasingly. However the rivers such as the Rhine, were natural obstacles that needed to be overcome. Thus, a line of Ferry Boats, (Steam Boats of large-scale) was built in 1870 only 8 miles from Mondorf, , that carry a whole convoy to cross the river. The model is in scale 1/160 (N scale).

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Com a crescente industrialização na segunda metade do Século 19, as ferrovias expandiam-se cada vez mais. No entanto os rios, como o Reno, eram obstáculos naturais que precisavam ser transpostos. Assim, foi construído em 1870 a apenas 8 km do Mondorf, uma linha de Ferry Boats, ou Barcos a Vapor de grande envergadura, para atravessar combois inteiros. O modelo está na escala 1/160 (escala N).

Link: Oberkassel.Ferry.Boat.Paper.Model.In.1/160.Scale.by.Kall.Boys

More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:

64-Gun Ship In 1/900 Scale - by War Artisan`s - Nau de Guerra

Titanic Sunk Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project

Little Steam Boat Paper Model - by Lutz Kasper

The Ghost Ship Paper Model - by Ravens Blight - Navio Fantasma

Make A Pop Up Cottage And A Pop Up Dice - by Victoria Norman Home

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Two just brilliant paper models in Pop Up style by Victoria Norman Home website. Watch the video tutorials, download the free templates and make your own Pop Up models.

Dois modelos de papel em estilo Pop Up simplesmente brilhantes do site Victoria Norman Home. Assista os vídeo tutoriais, baixes os moldes gratuítos e faça seus próprios modelos Pop Up.

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Link: Make.A.Pop.Up.Cottage.And.A Pop.Up.Dice.by.Victoria.Norman.Home

More Pop Up Paper Models related posts:

New Pop Up Greeting Card - First Ride To Work - by Yamaha Motors

Pop Up Card From Vintage French Cutouts - by Extreme Cards

Graduation Cap Pop Up Card - by Extreme Cards - Cartão Pop Up De Formatura Pop-Up

 Two Store House - by Ahleman - Casa Em Estilo Pop-Up

A Bunch Of Funny Paper Toys - by Paper Box World

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A lot of funny paper toys in this page.

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Um monte de divertidos paper toys nesta página.

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Link: A.Bunch.Of.Funny.Paper.Toys.by.Paper.Box.World

More Paper Toys related posts:

Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip

Cam & Maggie Papercarft Puppets - by Creative Girl

Amerigo Teddy Bear Papercraft - by Canon - Urso De Pelúcia De Papel

Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by Elias Silveira

Garden House Gift Box Paper Model - by Margit Ammentorp

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Margit Ammentorp, Danish designer of this cute paper model says: - "It can be made with the windows printed, or you can cut the windows out, and glue some small squares of transparent plastic like as glass. It is rather difficult to cut all the windows out, but it looks nice."

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Margit Ammentorp, a designer dinamarquesa deste belo modelo de papel diz: - "Você pode montar a casinha com as janelas impressa ou pode cortá-las uma a uma e colocar um plástico transparente como vidro. Dá um trabalhão, mas o resultado é muito bonito."

Link: Garden.House.Gift.Box.Paper.Model.by.Margit.Ammentorp

More Gift Boxes Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Bad Pumpkin Candy Box - by Papermau

New Gift Boxes Paper Models - by Boris / Projekt Bastelbogen

Black And White Little Paper House - by Print, Cut, Paste, Craft

Origami Gift Box In Air Mail Style - by Print, Cut, Paste, Craft

Renault Rally 5 Turbo Paper Model - by Takumi

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This is the Renault 5 Turbo paper model, created by Japanese designer Takumi. The Renault 5 Turbo or R5 Turbo is a high-performance hatchback automobile launched by the French manufacturer Renault at the Brussels Motor Show in January 1980. The car was primarily designed for rallying, but was also sold in a street version. A total of 3576 R5 Turbos were manufactured during a four-year production run. - Wikipedia

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Este é o modelo de papel do Renault 5 Turbo, criado pelo designer japonês Takumi. O Renault 5 Turbo ou R5 Turbo é um automóvel de alto desempenho lançada pela fabricante francesa Renault no Salão Automotivo de Bruxelas em janeiro de 1980. O carro foi projetado principalmente para ralis, mas também foi vendido em uma versão de rua. Um total de 3.576 R5 Turbos foram fabricados durante um ciclo de produção de quatro anos. - Wikipedia

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Link: Renault.Rally.5.Turbo.Paper.Model.by.Takumi

More Paper Models of French Vehicles related posts:

Voisin Laboratoire 1923 Paper Car - by Pierreg.Free.Fr

Vintage 12 Cylinders Paper Car - by Agence Eureka

Citroën HY "Los Tres Amigos" - by Camille - via Le Forum En Papier

Peugeot 206cc Paper Car - by Ccfreunde-Nrw.De

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Royal Gate of Fort Médoc Paper Model - by Valban Org

A nice historic paper model of the Royal Gate of Fort Médoc, a military fort built by Vauban, nearby Cussac-Fort-Médoc, in Gironde, Aquitane, France. 

With the citadel of Blaye, its city walls and the Fort Paté, the Fort Médoc was listed in 2008 as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as part of the "Fortifications of Vauban" group. Its pediment bears a sun, the symbol of Louis XIV. - Wikipedia

Um belo modelo de papel histórico do Portal Real de Fort Médoc, uma fortaleza militar construída por Vauban, perto de Cussac-Fort-Médoc, Gironde, Aquitânia, na França. 

Juntamente com a cidadela de Blaye, suas muralhas e o Forte Paté, o Fort Médoc foi listado em 2008 como Património Mundial da UNESCO, como parte do grupo de "Fortificações de Vauban". Seu frontão tem um sol esculpido, símbolo do Rei Luis XIV. - Wikipedia

Direct link to the model:

Halloween Special - Autopsy Zombie Paper Toy - by My Fantastic Toys

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This is the Autopsy Zombie with Removable Brain, a cool free paper toy by My Fantastic Toys. Body parts are removable for autopsy fun!

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Este é o Autópsia Zumbí com Cérebro Removível, um paper toy gratuíto bem bacana do site My Fantastic Toys. As partes dos corpo são removíveis para uma autópsia divertida!

Link: Halloween.Special.Autopsy.Zombie.Paper.Toy.by.My.Fantastic.Toys

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Haunted House - by Angels & Ghosts.Com

Halloween Special - Mummy Paper Toy - by Disney Family go

Halloween Special - Zombie Freud Paper Toy - by Matt Hawkins

2011`s Mazda Demio Paper Model - by Y N Apps

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An easy-to-build paper model of the Japanese car Mazda Demio 2011 in several colors, by Japanese website YN Apps.

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Um modelo de papel do carro japonês Mazda Demio, modelo 2011, em várias cores. Do site japonês YN Apps.

Link: 2011`s.Mazda.Demio.Paper.Model.by.Y.N.Apps

More Paper Models of Japaneses Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Suzuki Alto Lapin Paper Car - by Shinkeisei Liners

Nissan Silvia S15 Paper Car In 1/24 Scale - by PH3DM

Toyota Subaru BRZ 86 Paper Car - by Toshiki

Suzuki Wagon Stingray X Paper Car - by Paper Grade

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Royal Guards Sentinels Paper Model - by Margit Ammentorp

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Two very nice British Paper Soldiers in just one sheet of paper, by Danish designer Margit Ammentorp, from PAPIRKLIP OG ÆSKER website.

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Dois belos Soldados Sentinelas Britânicos em apenas uma folha de papel, da designer dinamarquesa Margit Ammentorp, do site PAPIRKLIP OG ÆSKER.

Link: Royal.Guards.Sentinels.Paper.Model.by.Margit.Ammentorp

More British Paper Models related posts:

London - Urban Diorama Series Paper Model - by Aurélien

The Scotland Yard Building - by YPS Fan Page

The Weekend Pic - Tower of London In England - by Kurt Streu / Canon

K6 Britsh Phone Box - by Dossier Models - Cabine Telefônica Inglesa

Halloween Special - Spooky Dreams Cottages Paper Models - by Meddy Bemps

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A very nice set of four little buildinds with Halloween theme, by Meddy Bemps educational website.

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Um belo conjunto de quatro casinhas com temática de dia das Bruxas, do site educacional Meddy Bemps.

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Link: Spooky.Dreams.Cottages.Paper.Models.by.Meddy.Bemps

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Ghost Tree Papercraft - by Canon

Halloween Special - Johnny Handsome`s Coffin - by Papermau

Trick-Or-Treat Scene Papercraft For Kids - by Joel

Halloween Special - Child`s Hearse Paper Model - by Vinsart