Monday, August 12, 2013

World War I Flying Ace Paper Model - by Mike Hungerford

Mike Hungerford, designer of this cool paper model, says: - "Here's the "World War I Flying Ace," piloting his trusty Sopwith Camel through the skies over France. Scales are approximately 1/24 and 1/72 scale."

Mike Hungerford, designer deste modelo de papel bem legal, diz: - "eis aqui o Ás Aéreo da Primeira Grande Guerra, pilotando seu fiel Sopwith Camel sobre os céus da França. Disponível para download nas escalas 1/24 e 1/72."


More Comics Characters Paper Models related posts:

Calvin and Hobbes Papercraft - Transmogrifier Diorama - by Dave`s Geeky Ideas

Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by 7eater`s Cubees

The Joker Paper Toy - by Little Plastic Man

Vintage Batman Paper Model - by Acme Novelty Archive

Sunday, August 11, 2013

1930`s Typical German Family House - by Godwin T. Petermann

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Mr. Godwin T. Petermann, designer of this really beautiful paper model in HO scale (1/87 scale), says: - "In the 30s many houses were built for families with small vegetable gardens for their own food. Here is a typical representative of these houses, they are still found in many parts of the Federal Republic of Germany today."

O Sr. Godwin T. Petermann, designer desta bela casinha em escala HO (escala 1/87), diz: - "Nos anos 30 foram construídas muitas casas para famílias com pequenas hortas para a sua própria alimentação. Aqui é um típico representante destas casas, pois eles ainda são encontrados em muitas partes da República Federal da Alemanha hoje."

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Link: 1930`

More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings in HO Scale related posts:

Typical Japanese Shop In HO Scale - by Rail Hobidas - Lojinha Japonesa

Three New Houses - by Project Bastelbogen

French Architectural Paper Model - by Keroliver - via Le Forum En Papier

Country House Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio - Casa De Campo

Custom Artist Record Toppers Paper Toys - by Paper Plastik

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These paper toys are from Paper Plastik website. They are all free, but to download, do this: add the models you want to the cart and send with your e-mail. You will receive another e-mail with the link to download. No tricks here, you will not pay anything. I downloadede the "3 Eyed Abbe" as a test before making this post, and I received the link to download with no problems or taxes. Moreover you will not provide any other personal information, just your email.

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Estes paper toys são do site Paper Plastik. Todos eles são gratuítos, mas para baixá-los você tem que adicionar os modelos que quer ao carrinho de compras, como se fosse uma compra mesmo e fornecer seu e-mail. Não há truques aqui, você não terá que pagar nada. Você receberá outro e-mail com o link para os modelos que pediu. Eu baixei o "3 Eyed Abbe" para testar e não houve nenhum problema ou cobrança, mesmo porque você não irá fornecer nenhum outro dado pessoal além do seu e-mail.

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More Paper Toys related posts:

Bilpojken, The Car Boy Paper Toy - by Stellan

Sumo Fighter Paper Toy - by PaperTom

Oculus 4000 Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Several Funny Paper Toys - by Microdot

WWI`s Aircraft Engines In 1/33 Scale - by Sero Paper Models

In this site you will find several paper models of Engines in 1/33 scale, to be used in WWI aircraft miniatures. By Sero Paper Models website.

Neste site você encontrará vários modelos de papel de motores em escala 1/33 para se usar em aviões da Primeira Grande Guerra. do site Sero Paper Models.

Link: WWI`s.Aircraft.Engines.In.1/

More Paper Models of Aircraft and Planes related posts:

Rickenbacker`s Spad XIII - WWI Aircraft - by Patrick Pasques

WWI`s Morane Saulnier Typ N Aircraft In 1/33 Scale - by Modele Kartonowe

1923`s Aircraft Hangar Paper Model In 1/700 Scale - by Monti - via Kartonbau.De

Pearl Harbor Trilogy Paper Toy Planes - by Paper Foldables - via Paper Toy France

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Citroen HY Police And Fire Brigade Paper Models - by Pierre Gauriat

In this page you will find these cool paper models of the classic vehicle Citroen HY. There are three versions: Police, Fire Brigade and a Civil model. All models by French designer Pierre Gauriat.

Nesta página você encontrará este belos modelos de papel do clássico carro francês Citroen HY. Há três versões: Polícia, Bombeiros e um modelo Civil. Todos os modelos são do designer francês Pierre Gauriat.


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Citroen 2 CV French Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

1963`s Chevrolet Impala Lowrider Paper Model - by Jimdo - via Pepakura Gallery

Some Vehicles For RPG And Wargames - by Inkjet Paper Scissors

1969`s Dodge Charger General Lee In 1/100 Scale - by Minimodel.Cz

Robomonsters - Robo Kong Paper Toy - by Kromolab

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A nice custon paper toy by Kromolab website.

Um paper toy customizado bem legal do site Kromolab.


More Paper Toys related posts:

BunnyGirls Donut Paper Toy - by Salazad / Olla Boku

Rommy Sloth Paper Toys - by Kamimodel

Pirate Papercraft - by Poof Rabbit - via Instructables

Adventure Time - Two Warrior Princesses Paper Toys - by Triz

Paper Joy Spanky Stokes Paper Toy - by SpankyStokes

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A cool monster paper toy by Spanky Stokes website.

Um paper toy de um simpático monstro, do site Spanky Stokes.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Lego Paper Models - by Ninjatoes - Bonecos Lego de Papel

Werewolf Paper Toy - by UOL - Lobisomem De Papel

Kikoo The Kawaii Monkey - by Ivan Ricci - via Non Solo Kawaii

The Big Bang Theory Paper Toys - by Ditch-scrawls - Hako Paper Characters

The Weekend Pic - 1969`s Chevrolet El-Camino Paper Model - by Dented Rick / Daytona Mag

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North American designer and modeler Dented Rick does a really nice work in this 1969`s Chevrolet El-Camino Paper Model and posted a little step-by-step tutorial at Zealot Forum.

O designer e modelista Dented Rick fez relamente um belo trabalho neste modelo de papel do Chevrolet El-Camino 1969 e postou um pequeno tutorial passo-a-passo no Forum Zealot.

Link to construction report: The.Weekend.Pic.1969`

Direct link to the model: The.Weekend.Pic.1969` Mag

About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums, blogs or sites around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.

Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns, blogs ou sites ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.

More The Weekend Pic related posts:

The Weekend Pic - French Vintage Locomotive - by Michel Cerfvoliste / Agence Eureka

The Weekend Pic - Venice Diorama - by Tito Glorioso / Papermau

The Weekend Pic - Tower of London In England - by Kurt Streu / Canon

The Weekend Pic - 1957`s Tucker Sno-Cat Antarctic Expedition - by Paper Kosmonaut / Kblaauw

Fort Boyard Paper Model - by Aurélien - via Le Forum En Papier

This is the Fort Boyard, more one nice architectural paper model created by French designer Aurélien that was originally posted at Le Forum En Papier. I think it is very nice for Maritime Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.
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The Real Thing
Fort Boyard is a fort located between the Île-d'Aix and the Île d'Oléron in the Pertuis d'Antioche straits, on the west coast of France. Though a fort on Boyard bank was suggested as early as the 17th century, it was not until the 1800s under Napoleon Bonaparte that work began. Building started in 1801 and was completed in 1857. Fort Boyard is oval-shaped, 68 metres (223 ft) long and 31 m (102 ft) wide. The walls were built 20 m (66 ft) high. At the centre is a yard, and the ground floor provided stores and quarters for the men and officers. The floor above contained casemates for the emplacements of guns and further quarters. Above that were facilities for barbette guns and mortars. - Wikipedia

Este é o Forte Boyard, mais um belo modelo arquitetônico criado pelo designer francês Aurélien e que foi originalmente postado no Le Forum En Papier. Eu creio que seja um ótimo modelo para Diormas Marítimos, RPGs e Wargames. O Forte Boyard está situado entre as ilhas Aix e Oléron no Estreito de Pertuis d'Antioche, costa leste da França. Apesar de um forte neste local ter sido sugerido desde o Século XVIi, somente depois de 1800, à mando de Napoleão Bonaparte que o trabalho começou. A construção foi iniciada em 1801 e foi concluída em 1857. Fort Boyard é uma contrução de formato oval, com68 metros (223 pés) de comprimento e 31 m (102 pés) de largura. Suas paredes alcançam 20 metros (66 pés) de altura. No centro há um pátio e no piso térreo há casmatas e aposentos para os soldados e superiores. O andar de cima era usado como depósito de armas . no topo ficavam os canhões e mais peças de artilharia.


More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

U.S. Capitol Building Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com

Small House With Attic Paper Model - by Somodi Zoltan

General Rope & Wire Co. Building In Ho Scale - by Thom Miecznikowski

Frank Lloyd`s Fallingwater House Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com

Friday, August 9, 2013

Kool Wheels` Moon Mixer Paper Model - by Dave Winfield

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This is the Moon Mixer Paper Model, a really cool creation of North American designer Dave Winfield, based on a Revel`s plastic model. Dave Winfield is the guy who can transpose a model of plastic and metal to paper and keep all lines and all the style of the original model. If you like Hot Wheels and Matchbox miniatures, pay a visit to his page and you will not be sorry.

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Este é o modelo de papel do Moon Mixer, uma criação do designer norte-americano Dave winfield, baseado em um modelo plástico da Revel. Dave Winfield é o cara que consegue transpor um modelo de plástico ou metal para o papel e mesmo assim manter todas as linhas e estilo do modelo original. Se você aprecia miniaturas de Hot Wheels e Matchbox, faça uma visita ao site do Dave e você não vai se arrepender.


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

BMW Z4 M Coupe Paper Car - by Farewell The End

Cadillac Coupe De Ville 1966- by Jimdo

Ford Cortina/Taunus and Service Station

Matchbox Original Boxes - by Carlos Ribeiro