Friday, August 9, 2013

All Kind Of Minions Paper Toys - by Paper Replika

On Paper Replika Indonesian website you will find the Minions paper toys is various characterizations: Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Captain America, Purple Minions and the Classic Minions, of course.

No site indonésio da Paper Replika você encontrará os Minions em várias caracterizações: Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Capitão America, Minions Roxos e os Minions clássicos, obviamente.

Link to Hulk paper toy:

Link to Thor paper toy:

Link to Hawkeye paper toy:

Link to Iron Man paper toy:

Link to Captain America paper toy: Captain

Link to Purple Minions paper toy:

Link to Classic Minions paper toy:

More Paper Toys related posts:

Bilpojken, The Car Boy Paper Toy - by Stellan

Foodland Rock`N`Roll Band Paper Toys - by UOL

Raving Rabbids Paper Toy - Jack Sparrow Version - by Paper Juke

Clowns` Gang Volkswagen Paper Model - by Mandifolio - Fusca Dos Palhaços

Thursday, August 8, 2013

London - Urban Diorama Series Paper Model - by Aurélien

What a beautiful architectural paper model created by French designer and modeler Aurélien! 

This diorama represents London, with the Big Ben, the London Bridge and Tamisa River. 

Occupying four sheets of paper, this model was originally posted at Le Forum En Papier.

Que belo diorama criado pelo designer francês Aurélien! 

Este diorama representa Londres, com o Big Ben, a Ponte de Londres e o Rio Tâmisa. 

Ocupando quatro folhas de papel, este modelo foi originalmente postado no Le forum En Papier.


Citroën HY Monster Truck Paper Model - by Atlas 83 / Camille

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Using as base an original model by the great designer and modeler Camille, the also French designer and modeler Atlas 83 created this stunning Citroën HY Monster Truck Paper Model and posted it at Le Forum En Papier. Many thanks to Atlas 83 and Camille.

Usando como base um modelo original do designer e modelista Camille, o também designer e modelista francês Atlas 83 criou este incrível modelo de papel de um Citroën HY Monster Truck e o postou no Le Forum en Papier. Muito obrigado à Atlas 83 e Camille.

Link: Citroë

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

The Redneck Motorhome - by Papermau - Download Now!

1970`s Dodge Polara Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto

Wacky Races - The Bulletproof Bomb - by Webdude - Carro Da Quadrilha De Morte

Halloween Special - Child`s Hearse Paper Model - by Vinsart

Brain Parasite Squared Rab-Beat Custom Paper Toy - by Ash Paper

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A cool custom paper toy with Alien Theme, created by designer Ash Paper, from Ash Plus website.

Um paper toy bem bacana com Temática Alien, criado pelo designer Ash Paper, do site Ash Plus.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Several Funny Paper Toys - by Microdot

Panda Robot Paper Toy - by Tougui

Shaman Bush Doctor - by 3 Eyed Bear and Kawaii Style - Feiticeiro Tribal

Werewolf Paper Toy - by UOL - Lobisomem De Papel

Mazda Demio Paper Model - by MKJ - via Pepakura Gallery

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A really nice paper model and not hard-to-build of the Mazda Demio Japanese vehicle. This model was created by Japanese designer MKJ. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

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Um modelo de papel bem legal e não tão difícil de montar do carro japonês Mazda Demio. Ele foi criado pelo designer MKJ. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Japanese Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Mitsubishi Toppo BJ Harty Ran Paper Car - by Marubun

Nissan Pao Paper Model Car - by Ken`s Lab

Trucks, Trailers, Vans - Japanese Models - Caminhões, Trailers, Vans

Official Toyota Paper Cars - by Toyota Japan

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ancient Roman Aqueduct Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

This is the Ancient Roman Aqueduct Paper Model. It is a nice model for Dioramas, School Works, RPG and Wargames. In the .rar file you will find the model in JPG and PDF formats and also the Sketchup 3D model, to help with the assembly. You can put two, side by side as in the image below, to make a cool scenery for miniatures.

Este é o modelo de papel do Antigo Aqueduto Romano. É um modelo bem legal para Dioramas, Trabalhos Escolares, RPG e Wargames. No arquivo .rar você encontrará o modelo nos formatos JPG e BMP, além do modelo em 3D (Sketchup), para auxiliar na montagem. Você pode montar dois e colocá-los lado a lado e terá um belo cenário para miniaturas.

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The Real Thing
The Romans constructed numerous aqueducts to bring water from distant sources into their cities and towns, supplying public baths, latrines, fountains and private households. Waste water was removed by complex sewage systems and released into nearby bodies of water, keeping the towns clean and free from effluent. Some aqueducts also provided water for mining operations and the milling of grain. Aqueducts moved water through gravity alone, being constructed along a slight downward gradient within conduits of stone, brick or concrete. Most were buried beneath the ground, and followed its contours; obstructing peaks were circumvented or, less often, tunneled through. Where valleys or lowlands intervened, the conduit was carried on bridgework, or its contents fed into high-pressure lead, ceramic or stone pipes and siphoned across. Most aqueduct systems included sedimentation tanks, sluices and distribution tanks to regulate the supply at need. Rome's first aqueduct supplied a water-fountain sited at the city's cattle-market. By the third century AD, the city had eleven aqueducts, sustaining a population of over a million in a water-extravagant economy; most of the water supplied the city's many public baths. Cities and municipalities throughout the Roman Empire emulated this model, and funded aqueducts as objects of public interest and civic pride, "an expensive yet necessary luxury to which all could, and did, aspire." Most Roman aqueducts proved reliable, and durable; some were maintained into the early modern era, and a few are still partly in use. Methods of aqueduct surveying and construction are noted by Vitruvius in his work De Architectura (1st century BC). The general Frontinus gives more detail in his official report on the problems, uses and abuses of Imperial Rome's public water supply. Notable examples of aqueduct architecture include the supporting piers of the Aqueduct of Segovia, and the aqueduct-fed cisterns of Constantinople. - Wikipedia

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Arches of the Pont du Gard - France
Os Aquedutos Romanos refletiam a filosofia romana de objetividade e praticidade. Roma nos deixou volumosas estruturas que tinham a função de conduzir a água pelas cidades. As fontes atestam que os romanos conheciam o sistema de transporte de água por canalização subterrânea e o de aquedutos em arcos suspensos que fora aprendido com os etruscos. A escolha por este modelo se deu pelo preço inferior das obras, já que os materiais necessários eram mais abundantes e baratos. Para o funcionamento da estrutura, a água era sempre proveniente de locais mais elevados, o que impulsionava a distribuição pelo sistema. A estrutura era construída em formas de arcos capazes de aguentar o peso. Os condutores eram feitos de tijolos e revestidos internamente por cimento, o que costumavam chamar de canalis. A água chegava nas proximidades das cidades e era despejada em reservatórios denominados castellum. Só então o líquido era conduzido por tubos de chumbo ou bronze para a residência dos mais ricos e para as termas. Os romanos necessitavam de muita água para suas atividades e também para o abastecimento domiciliar, das termas e chafarizes. Inicialmente, eles simplesmente captavam água dos mananciais mais próximos, entretanto, com o passar do tempo, eles ficavam poluídos em função do depósito de esgoto sem nenhum tratamento. Assim, abandonava-se o manancial em questão e buscava-se pelo seguinte. Logo, os aquedutos se tornaram fundamentais e essenciais para o cotidiano dos romanos. Enquanto os ricos recebiam água em suas residências, a população mais pobre só podia retirar água das fontes públicas mediante o pagamento de uma taxa. Os aquedutos que faziam esse abastecimento de água tinham entre 8 e 85 Km de extensão e eram elevados a mais de 60 metros. Entre os aquedutos romanos, pode-se citar os seguintes: Aqua Appia, Anio Vetus, Aqua Marcia, Aqua Tepula, Aqua Iulia, Aqua Virgo, Aqua Alsietina, Anio Novus, Aqua Claudia, Aqua Traiana e Aqua Alexandrina. O primeiro a ser construído entre todos eles foi o de Aqua Appia, feito no ano 312 a.C. por Appius Claudius Caecus. Já o maior de todos foi o aqueduto de Aqua Marcia que possuía 91 Km de extensão. - Lab EEE


More Paper Models of Ancient Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Petra Treasure Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Papermau - Download Now!

Greek-Roman Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - Ruínas Greco-Romanas Download Now!

Greek Temple Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!

Farm Of Picardy And Fisherman's House In Brittany Paper Models - by Baud And Bui

Here are two beautiful paper models offered by French website Baud And Bui: the Farm of Picardy and the Fisherman's House in Brittany. I think they are in HO scale (1/87 scale), but I am not sure.

Aqui estão dois belos modelos de papel oferecidos pelo site francês Baud And Bui: uma Fazenda em Piccardy e uma Casa de Pescador na Bretanha. Eu acho que estes modelos estão na escala HO (escala 1/87), mas não tenho certeza.


The Penguins Of Madagascar Paper Toys - by Tos-Craft

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From DreamWorks animation, here are the Penguins of Madagascar, in a coll paper toy version created by indonesian designer Tosan Aji, from Tos-Craft website.

Da animação da Dreamworks, aqui estão os Pinguins de Madagascar, numa divertida versão paper toy criada pelo designer indonésio Tosan Aji, do site Tos-Craft.


More Paper Toys from Movies and Animations related posts:

Wreck-It Ralph - Vanellope Von Schweetz Paper Doll - by Spoonful

Bambi, The Deer Paper Model - by Corbak Papercraft

Ice Age - Scrat - The Prehistoric Chipmunk Paper Model - by Elso Craft Museo

Despicable Me 2 - Agnes Paper Toy - by Paper Replika

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

European Architecture Paper Models - by Réseau Saint Michel

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French website Réseau Saint Michel presents some new paper models in 1/160 scale (N scale) that are perfect for Dioramas, Train Sets, RPG and Wargames.

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O site francês Réseau Saint Michel apresenta alguns novos modelos de papel em escala 1/160 (escala N) que são perfeitos para Dioramas, Maquetes Ferroviárias, RPG e Wargames.


More European Architecture and Buildings related posts:

European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

European Architecture - by Old Fred - Arquitetura Européia

Medieval Church - by Papermau - Igreja Medieval

Tudor-Cottage - by Sirius Art Works - Chalé Vitoriano

Origamic Architecture For Beginners - by Baud And Bui

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"Origamic Architecture is a paper folding and cutting art created in the early 80's by Masahiro Chatani (a Japanese architect). It consists of a simple sheet of paper that the artist cuts and folds to create a pop-up shape as the card is opened. The OA cards frequently represent famous buildings or geometrical figures but there are many other possibilities." - Baud And Bui

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"Arquitetura em Origami é a arte de cortar e dobrar uma única folha de papel, criada nos anos 1980 por Masahiro Chatani, renomado arquiteto japonês. Ela consiste em pegar uma simples folha de papel que o artista corta e dobra para criar formas que sobressaem, quando a folha é aberta. Geralmente representa construções famosas ou figuras geométricas, mas o limite é a criatividade do artista." - Baud & Bui.


More Origami and Kirigami related posts:

Gizeh Pyramids - Egyptian Scene Kirigami - by Shoza / Paper Works

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Rock Star Origami Mask - by Alexander Oliveros

Kirigami - Origamic Architeture - by S-Sekkei

How To Make An Origami - Batman Toy - by TC Games