Friday, October 19, 2012

Dachshund - German Dog Paper Model - by Canon


The Real Thing
The Dachshund is a breed of dog originating in Germany, which was bred for use as a badger hunting dog. Their long body and short legs allow them to burrow into holes after their prey, and their powerful jaws and overall strength are great for hunting. They are naturally very friendly and calm, with a patient disposition. Dachshunds come in three sizes: standard, miniature and kaninchen, and three coat types: smooth, long, and wire. This paper craft depicts a miniature long-haired dachshund. - Canon

Dachshund ou Teckel é uma raça de cães originária da Alemanha. ele varia de tamanho e pelagem: standard, miniatura e kaninchen; pelo longo, liso e duro. É descrito como caçador de toca, de olfato bastante apurado, que lhe permite seguir pistas facilmente, o que o torna eficaz em ataques surpresas a presas pequenas.


More Paper Models of Dogs related posts:

Bulldog Paper Model - by Reteis Papercraft

Shipyard, The Lurcher Paper Dog - by Armada Models

Shih Tzu Paper Dog - by Pupu - via Pepakura Gallery

Dobermann Pinscher Paper Model - by Wen - via Pepakura Gallery

Seagull Sailor Moving Paper Toy - by Canon - Gaivota Marinheira


With this paper craft, you can make a moving toy boat rowed by a seagull sailor! Put the boat on a flat surface and use your hand to roll it along, and watch as the seagull moves the oars. This fun toy full of tricks can be enjoyed by both kids and adults. - Canon

Um modelo de papel bem original de uma gaivota marinheira, que rema em seu pequeno barco quando empurrada em um superfície plana. Um paper toy para crianças e adultos também e um belo objeto de decoração.


More Moving and Automata Paper Models related posts:

Clown in the Clouds Paper Model - by Paper Pino

Halloween Special - Jack And The Halloween Dancers - by Canon

Jade Dragon Automata Papercraft - by Home Spun Magixx - Dragão De Jade

Walking Mech Warrior Paper Model Automata - by J.Hodgie

Leonidas The Spartan Paper Toy - by Trogdoriangrey


From 300`s movie, here is Leonidas, the Spartan Warrior, by designer Trogdoriangrey.

Do filme 300, eis aqui Leônidas, O Guerreiro de Esparta, criado pelo designer Trogdoriangrey.


Link: Leonidas.The

More Paper Toys related posts:

Vintage Batman Paper Model - by Acme Novelty Archive

The Joker Paper Toy - by Little Plastic Man

Doraemon Paper Toy Anime Character - by Paper Replika

God Of War Paper Toy - by Paper Toys Clemper

Halloween Special - Spider Web Pie Treat Box - by Space Station 42


"Here is a simple one page Halloween paper craft project that creates pie wedge shaped Halloween treat boxes that when brought together makes a spider web pie. Perfect for your Halloween party or to pass out to trick or treaters Halloween night!" - Space Station 42

"Aqui está um modelo bem fácil de fazer de uma torta para o Halloween, em que cada fatia é uma caixinha para doces ou pequenos brinquedos. Perfeito para decorar sua festa ou para "truque ou travessuras" na noite de Dia das Bruxas!" - Space Station 42


More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Halloween Wreath - by Canon

Little Monsters from Mostruo Nintendo Game- by Ushimitsu

Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters - by Andreas Hartung

Gothic Coffins Papercraft For RPG Games - by Kev`s Lounge

Viking Cargo Ship Knarr Paper Model - by Inkjet Paper Scissors

Occupying eight printed sheets and measuring 40 cm in length, this is the Viking Ship Knarr, created by designer and modeler Grendel's Mother64, from Inkjet Paper Scissors website. 

A perfect model for schoolwork, dioramas and wargames.

Ocupando oito folhas impressas e com 40 cms de comprimento, este é o Barco Viking Knarr, criação do designer e modelista Grendel's Mother64, do site Inkjet Paper Scissors. 

Um modelo perfeito para trabalhos escolares, dioramas e wargames.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

1959`s Rambler Ambassador Station Wagon - Green Version - by Paper Cruiser


A new 1959`s Rambler Ambassador Station Wagon, by Paper Cruiser: now a really cool green version with logo.

Um novo Rambler Ambassador Station Wagon, modelo 1959, do site Paper Cruiser: agora em uma bela versão verde, com logo.

Link to download the model: 1959`s

Link to Paper Cruiser main page: Paper.Cruiser.Classic.And.Rare.Paper.Vehicles.Main.Page

More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Chevrolet Chevelle Rising Sun - by Papermau - Download Now

Nissan Fairlady Z Paper Car - by Import Bible

1957`s Tucker Sno-Cat Alaska Expedition Vehicle - by Kblaauw - via Forums Forums

Alfa Romeo 8C2900B Corto Paper Car - by Canon

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Frank Zappa Paper Toy - by State Of Shock


PhotobucketFrank Vincent Zappa (December 21, 1940 – December 4, 1993) was an American composer, singer-songwriter, electric guitarist, recording engineer, record producer and film director. In a career spanning more than 30 years, Zappa wrote rock, jazz, orchestral and musique concrète works. He also directed feature-length films and music videos, and designed album covers. Zappa produced almost all of the more than 60 albums he released with the band The Mothers of Invention and as a solo artist. While in his teens, he acquired a taste for 20th-century classical composers such as Edgard Varèse, Igor Stravinsky, and Anton Webern along with 1950s rhythm and blues music. He began writing classical music in high school, while at the same time playing drums in rhythm and blues bands; he later switched to electric guitar.

PhotobucketHe was a self-taught composer and performer, and his diverse musical influences led him to create music that was often difficult to categorize. His 1966 debut album with the Mothers of Invention, Freak Out!, combined songs in conventional rock and roll format with collective improvisations and studio-generated sound collages. His later albums shared this eclectic and experimental approach, irrespective of whether the fundamental format was rock, jazz or classical. His lyrics—often humorously—reflected his iconoclastic view of established social and political processes, structures and movements. He was a strident critic of mainstream education and organized religion, and a forthright and passionate advocate for freedom of speech, self-education, political participation and the abolition of censorship. Zappa was a highly productive and prolific artist and gained widespread critical acclaim. He had some commercial success, particularly in Europe, and for most of his career was able to work as an independent artist. He also remains a major influence on musicians and composers. Zappa was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995 and received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997. Zappa was married to Kathryn J. "Kay" Sherman from 1960 to 1964. In 1967, he married Adelaide Gail Sloatman, with whom he remained until his death from prostate cancer in 1993. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketFrank Vincent Zappa (21 de Dezembro de 1940, Baltimore — 4 de Dezembro de 1993, Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles) foi um compositor, guitarrista, produtor de gravação e diretor de cinema. Em uma carreira de mais de trinta anos, a sua obra musical estendeu-se pelo rock, fusion, jazz, música eletrônica, música concreta e música clássica. Ele também dirigiu longas-metragens e videoclipes e desenhou capas de álbuns seus. Zappa produziu quase todos os seus 60 álbuns que lançou com a banda Mothers of Invention, grupo que o acompanhou por boa parte da carreira e teve sua formação mudada muitas vezes, e como artista solo. Na adolescência, ele adquiriu um gosto por compositores de música de vanguarda baseada na percussão, como Edgard Varèse, e também pelo rhythm and blues dos anos 1950. Zappa começou a escrever música clássica no ensino médio, à mesma época em que tocava bateria em bandas de rhythm and blues - ele fez a troca para a guitarra posteriormente. Compositor e performista da sua própria música, com influências diversas, o seu trabalho é praticamente impossível de ser categorizado. O seu álbum de estreia com o Mothers of Invention, Freak Out!, combinava canções no formato convencional do rock and roll com improvisações coletivas e colagens de som realizadas em estúdio.

PhotobucketOs seus últimos álbuns também continham essa abordagem eclética e experimental, independentemente de o formato fundamental ser rock, jazz ou clássica. Ele escreveu as letras de todas as suas canções, as quais - frequentemente humoristicamente - refletiam a sua visão iconoclástica dos processos sociais e políticos, estruturas e movimentos estabelecidos. Era um grande crítico do método de educação e da religiões, e um forte defensor da liberdade de expressão, da autodidática e da abolição da censura. Zappa foi um artista altamente produtivo e prolífico e ganhou aclamação da crítica. Muitos de seus álbuns são considerados essenciais na história do rock e do jazz. Ele é considerado um dos guitarristas mais originais de seu tempo. Ele também continua sendo uma grande influência para músicos e compositores. Alcançou algum sucesso musical, particularmente na Europa, e pela maior parte de sua carreira trabalhou como artista independente. Postumamente, Zappa foi incluído no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, em 1995, e ganhou um prêmio Grammy, em 1997. Frank Zappa faleceu, em decorrência de um câncer de próstata, em 1993. - Wikipedia


More Rock`n`Roll Circus Paper Models related posts:

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Led Zeppelin Kombi - by Papermau

Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles - Abbey Road Diorama - by Garry Willis

RockTroopers 2 - Backing Vocal Trooper Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss Kombi - by Papermau

Harbor Princess Vessel Paper Model Diorama - by Papercrafts.It


This is the paper model of Harbor Princess vessel, one of Red and White Fleet’s two medium-sized vessels. The Harbor Princess is used mostly for daily Golden Gate Bay Cruises and Alcatraz Cruise, and are a real charmer on San Francisco Bay. - Papercrafts.It

Este é o modelo de papel da barca de passageiros Harbor Princess. ele é utilizado principalmente para a travessia diária e passeios das empresas Golden Gate Bay Cruises e Cruise Alcatraz, e são uma atração turística encantadora da baía de San Francisco. - Papercrafts.It

Link to the model:

Link to Papercrafts.It main page: Papercrafts.It.Italian.Paper.Models.main.Page

More Boats and Ships related posts:

1935`s Vintage Italian Sailboat Paper Model - by Toto - Barco à Vela

Flower Class Corvette Diorama Paper Model - by Oliver Bizer - Navio De Guerra

Sean Maru Training Ship Paper Model - by Kohkun - Navio Escola Japonês

The Ghost Ship Paper Model - by Ravens Blight - Navio Fantasma

Nokhook Robot Paper Toy - by Byman Studio - Robô Coruja


More one cool paper robot for your collection: the Nokhook Owl Style Robot, by Thai website Byman Studio.

Mais um robô de papel para sua coleção: o Nokhook Robot em estilo Coruja, do site tailandês Byman studio.


More Paper Models of Robots related posts:

Vintage Style Robot Paper Model - by Toki - Robô Estilo Vintage

Unusual Paper Models - by Edition 8x8 - Paper Models Alemães

Panda Robot Paper Toy - by Tougui

Futurama`s Bender Robot Papertoy - by Papersyco - via Neto Papercraft

Victorian Suburban Villa Paper Model - by Open House Miniatures

Here is a nice vintage French paper model of a Suburban Villa preserved and shared by Open House Miniatures website.

Eis aqui um modelo de papel Francês bem antigo de uma Vila Suburbana preservada e compartilhada pelo site Open House Miniatures.
