Sunday, October 7, 2012

Holocaust Gas Van Paper Model - by - RocketManTan

Model Assembled and Photo by RocketManTan

The Real Thing
More one great paper model by designer RocketManTan. The Gaswagen, otherwise known as the Gas Van, was one of the more gruesome vehicles to come out of the Nazi regime during the Second World War. Used by the Einsatzgruppen, Hitler's Death Squads, the Gaswagen allowed the SS to kill victims of the Regime much more efficiently and swiftly. Victims would no longer need to be shipped off to the
nearest concentration camp, but rather, they could simply be packed into the rear compartment of the truck and exterminated. - read more at RocketmanTan`s site at DeviantArt.

Mais um grande modelo do designer RocketManTan. O Gaswagen, também conhecido como a "Van do Gás", foi um dos veículos mais terríveis criados pelo regime nazista durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Usado pelos Einsatzgruppen, os esquadrões da morte de Hitler, o Gaswagen permitiu a SS matar as vítimas do Regime com muito mais eficiência e rapidez. As vítimas já não precisavam mais ser enviadas para o campo de concentração mais próximo: simplesmente eram colocadas dentro do compartimento traseiro do caminhão e exterminados com gás. - leia mais no site de RocketmanTan no DeviantArt.


More WW2 Paper Models related posts:

WW2 Truck Bedford - by Papermau - Caminhão Da Segunda Guerra

WW2 Poland Trailer - by Renova Model

Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio & Dark Vador

WW2 Concentration Camp Paper Model - by E Bob Miniatures

The Alan Rose DC-3 Paper Model - by Rubenandres77 - via Papermodelers

Model Assembled and Photo by Billy Leliveld

Colombian designer Rubenandres77, who completely restored this model says: - The kit was designed by Alan Rose in 1985, and was digitally restored by yours truly this year. It is 6' 4" (194 cm) wingspan. And is not so difficult to build (less than 100 parts). It can be downloaded completely for free from Paper Modelers Forum (just register, say hi, and you'll be able to download it).


O designer colombiano Rubenandres77, que restaurou completamente este modelo, diz: - O modelo original de 1985 é do designer Alan Rose e foi restaurado digitalmente este ano. ele tem uma abertura de asas de 194 cm. E não é tão difícil de montar (menos de 100 partes). esse belo modelo pode ser baixado de graça no Forum Papermodelers (apenas registre-se (gratuitamente), diga olá no post Welcome Desk e você estará apto para baixar este belo avião.


More Aircrafts and Planes related posts:

WW2`s D-Day Doll And Sister Ann Aircrafts - by TSMC

Brazilian Air Force Papercraft Airplanes - by Aviões De Papel

USAF Convair B-58 Hustler Aircraft - by Mamecraft

WWI`s Fokker E III Aircraft - by Modele Kartonowe

Halloween Special - Mike Mieyer Paper Toy - by Papermodel 2 U


From Halloween horror movies series, here is Mike Mieyer, in a a funny paper toy version, by Thailand designer PetchPaper, from Papermodel 2 U website.

Da série de filmes de terror Halloween, eis aqui Mike Mieyer, em uma divertida versão paper toy, do designer tailandês PetchPaper, do site Papermodel 2 U.



More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Animal Crossing`s Jack - by Ultimate Papercraft

Halloween Special - Zombie Chuck - by Matt Hawkins

Halloween Special - Zombie Infestation - by Paper Toy Art. Com

Halloween Special - Zombie Freud Paper Toy - by Matt Hawkins

Dead Man`s Chest Paper Model - by R. Navas / Disney Experience


PhotobucketA really beautiful paper model of the Dead Man`s Chest, from Pirates of the Caribbean movie. It measures approximately 23 cm high by 40 cm long. Look at the download page and you will find a link to Davy Jones Key too. A stunning paper model by designer Robert Navas, for Disney Experience website.

Um belíssimo modelo de papel do Baú do Homem Morto, do filme Piratas do Caribe. Ele mede aproximadamente 23 cm de altura por 40 cm de comprimento. Na página de download você ainda encontrará um link para baixar a Chave do Davy Jones para complementar o Baú. Este modelo incrível foi criado pelo designer Robert Navas para o site Disney Experience.

Link: Dead.Man`

More Disney Paper Models related posts:

Disney`s Duckburg Diorama Paper Model - by Seite 42

Disney`s Tow Mater 3D Papercraft - by Disney Family

Disney`s Adventure Station Diorama - by Site 42

Toy Story - Sheriff Woody and Bullseye - by Paper-Replika

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Rorobotan Robot Paper Model - by Dikids


A nice paper robot by Indonesian website Dikids.

Um paper toy de um robô do site indonésio Dikids.


More Paper Models of Robots related posts:

Gorilla Rescue Machine Paper Model - by Paradius - via Pepakura Gallery

Super Robot - BoxZet Paper Toy Series - by Byman Studio

Articulated Paper Robots- Robôs Articulados "Mazinger"

Articulated Poplock Robot Paper Toy - by Paper Posables - Robô Articulado

Egyptian Themed Boxpunx Series X Paper Toys - by Harlancore


Three cool paper toys with Egyptian theme, by Harlancore website.

Três paper toys com tema egípcio, do site Harlancore.


More Egyptian Paper Models related posts:

Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon

Egyptian Memory Game - by Papermau - Jogo Da Memória Egípcio

1940`s Temple Of Isis Papercraft - by Toto - Templo Da Deusa Isis

Egyptian Guys 3D Pop-Up - by Papermau

1817`s British Steam Boat Ship Caledonia - by Kallboys


The city of Mondorf stopped to watch in 1817, the steam boat Caledonia up the River Rhine, without the aid of sails or animal traction. There were other steam boats on the Rhine, but the Caledonia was the first to reach Mondorf. This really beautiful paper model in 1/100 scale was created by German designers from Kallboys website.


A cidade de Mondorf parou para ver, em 1817, o barco à vapor Caledonia subindo o Rio Reno, sem ajuda de velas ou tração animal. Havia, outros barcos à vapor no Reno naquela época, mas o Caledonia foi o primeiro a alcançar Mondorf. Este belo modelo de papel em escala 1/100 foi criado pelos designers do site alemão Kallboys.


Link to the Caledonia`s model: 1817`

Link to Kallboys main page: Kallboys.German.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Boats and Ships related posts:

Norwegian Fishing Boat And Mobile - by Norwegen Fisch

La Navis Oneraria Paper Model - by Paul - Pequeno Barco Francês

Hong Kong Steam Tugboat in A Bottle - by Mak - via Paper Modelers Forum

Little Steam Boat Paper Model - by Lutz Kasper

Ms. Pac-Man Vintage Arcade Paper Model - by TM520

PhotobucketA cool paper model of the famous Arcade Videogame Ms. Pac-Man, created by designer TM520.
Ms. Pac-Man was an arcade video game produced by Chicago-based Midway Games corporation. It was released one year after the company's Pac-Man arcade game. Ms. Pac-Man was released in North America in 1982 and became one of the most popular video games of all time, leading to its adoption by Pac-Man licensor Namco as an official title. The game introduced a female protagonist, new maze designs, and several other gameplay changes over the original game. It became the most successful American-produced arcade game, selling 115,000 arcade cabinets. - Wikipedia

Um modelo muito legal de uma máquina de Arcade da Ms. Pac-Man, criação do designer TM520.
Ms. Pac-Man foi um videogame tipo arcade produzido pela Midway Games corporation, de Chicago, EUA. Ele foi lançado um ano após o Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man foi lançado nos EUA em 1982 e tornou-se um dos mais populares videogames de todos os tempos, fazendo com que a Nanco, detentora dos direitos do Pac-Man, adotasse esse título como oficial. O game apresentava uma personagem principal feminina, novos labirintos e mais uma série de mudanças que o diferenciavam do Pac-Man original. Ms Pac-Man acabou tornando-se o arcade norte-americano de mais sucesso em sua época, vendendo mais de 115.000 máquinas. - Wikipedia

The Real Thing and a Screenshot of Play Area


More Arcades and Pinball Machines Paper Models related posts:

Classic Pinball Machines Paper Models - by Matica

Haunted House And Black Hole Pinball Machines Papercraft - by Flip Projets

Arcade Paper Models - by Way Of The Rodent

Dookie-Poo Arcade Set Paper Toy - by Toys Are Evil

Aero Willys Brazilian Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto - Aero Willys Brasileiro

Model Assembled and Photo by Hiperfanauto

The Real Thing
More one great model by Brazilian motoring site Hiperfanauto! The Willys Aero was a line of passenger cars manufactured first by Willys-Overland and later by Kaiser-Willys Corporation from 1952 through 1955. The father of the Aero was Clyde Paton, former engineer for Packard Motor Car Company. The Eagle and Lark models were built from 1952 to 1954. A Wing model was available only in 1952, a Falcon model in 1953, and a taxicab in very limited production in 1953 and 1954. The Ace was the only model built through all U. S. production. 1955 saw two new models, the two- and four-door Ace sedans (renamed Custom shortly into the production run) and two-door hardtop Bermuda. Production in the U.S.A. ended that year as Henry J. Kaiser decided to give up the Kaiser and Willys Aero lines and concentrate solely on Jeeps. A total of 91,377 Aeros were built in Toledo. Production was moved to Brazil from 1960 to 1971 with Aero, 2600, Itamaraty, and Executivo models. (The Willys Aero was sold through Ford do Brasil dealerships until production ceased where the US Ford Maverick replaced the Aero.) 116,967 were built. - Wikipedia

1972`s Brazilian Aero Willys Itamaraty
Mais um belo modelo do ótimo site de automobilismo Hiperfanauto! Aero Willys foi um automóvel sedan fabricado pela Willys Overland do Brasil entre 1960 e 1971. O Aero Willys brasileiro foi lançado em 25 de março de 1960, mas seu projeto vinha sendo discutido na montadora brasileira desde 1958. O Aero Willys era um carro herdado de um projeto americano que havia sido desativado por insucesso. Lá as versões desse automóvel eram conhecidas como Aero-Ace, Aero-Eagle, Aero-Wing, Bermuda (um cupê duas portas), fabricados pela Willys Overland dos EUA, com os componentes mecânicos dos Jeep Willys. Em 1961 a diretoria da Willys Overland do Brasil tomou a decisão de inovar completamente o Aero Willys e torná-lo um carro inteiramente novo, com estilo próprio e linha inédita no catálogo internacional. Em julho de 1963 era lançado o Aero Willys 2600, o primeiro carro genuinamente brasileiro. As primeiras peças, como os primeiros carros eram inteiramente feitas à mão. O sucesso foi imediato, tanto que em 1966 foi lançado uma nova versão mais luxuosa batizada de Itamaraty, também chamado de Palácio sobre Rodas. O Itamaraty vinha equipado com acessórios a época sofisticados como bancos de couro e ar condicionado. Em 1967, foi lançada a Itamaraty Executivo, a primeira limusine fabricada em série no Brasil. - Wikipedia


More Brazilian Paper Cars and Vehicles related posts:

1970`s Dodge Polara Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto

Gurgel - Brazilian Cars - by Papelmod - Carros Brasileiros - Gurgel

Brazilian Volkswagen Passat 72 - by Paper Slot Car

Brazilian Volkswagen SP2 Paper Car - by Ronaldo M

Donkey Kong Paper Model - by Gigi Papercraft

Model Assembled and Photo by Gipi

Donkey Kong, also known as DK, is a powerful hero Kong from Donkey Kong Island. The current Donkey Kong, designed by Rare, is a carefree simian who spends his days collecting Bananas and spending time with his friends, particularly his buddy Diddy Kong. However, when trouble
arises, Donkey Kong jumps headfirst into the action to help his friends and protect his island.
- Donkey Kong Wiki

Donkey Kong, também conhecido como DK, é um poderoso gorila, que mora em Donkey Kong Island. O atual Donkey Kong, projetado pela Rare, é um símio despreocupado que passa seus dias coletando bananas e curte a vida com seus amigo Diddy Kong. No entanto, quando um problema surge, Donkey Kong faz de tudo para ajudar seus amigos e proteger sua ilha. - Donkey Kong Wiki


More Classic Videogames Paper Models related posts:

Paper Mario 3D Paper Toy - by Ninjatoes

Donkey Kong Country Returns Diorama - by Desktop Gremlins

Sonic 2 Item Boxes Papercraft - by Billy Bob 884

I Love Mario Paper Toys - by Harlancore