Thursday, August 23, 2012

Le Kiosque Vintage Paper Model Diorama - by Agence Eureka

A beautiful vintage paper model preserved and shared by French website Agence Eureka.

Um belo modelo de papel antigo preservado e compartilhado pelo site francês Agence Eureka.

Link to the model:

Link to Agence Eureka main page: Agence.Eureka.Vintage.Paper.Models.Main.Page

Internet Box Cat Automata Paper Toy - by Tubbypaws


Thanks to Luciano Almeida, from Rio de Janeiro, for this cool find! This is the Internet Box Cat Paper Toy: put a coin on the lever and see what happens!

Quero agradecer ao Luciano Almeida, do Rio de Janeiro, por este belo achado! Este é o Internet Box Cat Paper Toy: ponha uma moeda na alavanca e veja o que acontece!


More Automata Paper Models related posts:

Dancing Dolls Automata Papercraft - by Canon - Bonecos Dançarinos

The Rolling Reels Circus - by Paper Pino - Circo de Carretéis

Jade Dragon Automata Papercraft - by Home Spun Magixx - Dragão De Jade 

Mario Coin Automata Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d - via DeviantArt

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Toyota 2000 Gt Paper Model Car - by Gazoo


The Toyota 2000GT is a limited-production, front-engine, rear-wheel drive, two-seat, hardtop coupé grand tourer designed by Toyota in collaboration with Yamaha. First displayed to the public at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1965, the 2000GT was manufactured under contract by Yamaha between 1967 and 1970. In Japan, it was exclusive to Toyota's Japanese retail sales channel called Toyota Store. - Wikipedia

The Real Thing

Lançado no Salão de Tóquio de 1965, o Toyota 2000 GT mudou a visão que o mundo tinha sobre o Japão. Antes dele, sabíamos que o Japão fabricava carros, mas quase todos deixavam os entusiastas com sono. A maioria dos projetos era maciçamente influenciada (ou até mesmo plagiada) de outros fabricantes, e mesmo aqueles quer eram totalmente originais não eram muito mais que equipamentos agrícolas, inclusive no comportamento dinâmico. O 2000GT foi uma espada samurai na cara desse ponto de vista. -


More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Lexus LFA Paper Car In 1/24 Scale - by Setsuna - via Pepakura Gallery

Nascar Racing Paper Cars - by Nascar Paper Models

Japanese Work Vehicles Paper Models - by Akita Plywood

Mitsubishi Toppo BJ Harty Ran Paper Car - by Marubun

Piaggio P-180 Italian Coast Guard Paper Model - by Paper Replika


Only three pages to build this nice airplane, by Paper Replika.

Apenas três folhas de peças para montar esse belo avião do site Paper Replika.


More Aircraft and Planes related posts:

Four Easy-To-Build-Planes- by Jlhcorp - Aviões Fáceis de Montar

Airbus A-380 Paper Model - SD Style - by Plala

Helicopters and Airplanes - by Kurukuru Packn

1930`s Farman F-250 Aircraft Paper model - by Monsieur E

Sugarcube House Paper Model - by Paper Replika


A really pink house, by Indonesian website Paper Replika.

Uma casa realmente rosa, do site indonésio Paper Replika.


More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Easy-To-Build Japanese Castle For Kids - by 570 Design

Disney`s Duckburg Diorama Paper Model - by Seite 42

Wood House In The Desert - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Temple Of Artemis At Ephesus - by Delta Seven Studios

Eifell Tower Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com - Torre Eifell

Virtual Assembly by Papermau

A simple but beautiful paper model of the famous French landmark, the Eifell Tower, by Paper Toy.Com website.

Uma modelo de papel simples, e mesmo assim bonito, da famosa atração francesa, a Torre Eifell, do site Paper Toys.Com.


More Paper Models of Landmarks related posts:

Petra Treasure, Jordania - by Papermau - Petra, na Jordânia

Giza Necropolis Pyramids - by Armada Models - Pirâmides de Gizé

Kumamoto Castle, in Japan - by Canon - Castelo Japonês

St Michael Old Chapel - by Papermau - Capela de São Miguel - Download Now!

Moby Dick Paper Toy - by Mister Manolo - Baleia Branca


A funny paper toy of Moby Dick, the white whale, by designer Mister Manolo.

Um divertido paper toy de Moby Dick, a baleia branca, criado pelo designer Mister Manolo.



More Paper Toys of Animals related posts:

Bunny Boy Japan Taste Paper toy - by Kawaii Style

Finger Puppets Paper Toys - by Terra Cotta - Fantoches De Dedos

Shih Tzu Paper Dog - by Canon

BunnyGirls Donut Paper Toy - by Salazad / Olla Boku

Easy-To-Build Diorama For Kids - by L-Comix - Diorama Para Crianças


A very nice and fun project for kids, by German website L-Comix.

Um projeto bem legal e divertido do site alemão L-Comix.



More Paper Models for Kids related posts:

Living Room Papercraft - by Best Paper Models - Sala De Estar Escala 1/15

Super Easy pop-Up Room - by Belsey - via Instructables - Sala De Esta Em Estilo Pop-Up

3D Town Paper Model Diorama For Kids - by Parents Choice.Org - Cidade De Papel

Eighty Different Paper Models For Kids - by Yahoo Japan

Stahlhaus - The German Stell House Paper Model - by Immo Nexus

Virtual Assembly by Papermau

The German Steel House was built in the years 1926/1927 in Dessau, by Richard Paulick and the Bauhaus master Georg Muche. The idea behind it was affordable as possible with the family size edify growing house, but unfortunately failed this idea to the economically not responsible cost. That left only the Steel House Experiment. - translated from German


A casa de Aço foi idealizada e construída entre 1926 e 1927 em Dassau, na Alemanha. O projeto era de do engenheiro Richard Paulick e do mestre da Bauhaus, Georg Muche. A idéia inicial era de uma casa de preço acessível, que pudesse ser facilmente ampliada, quando a família crescesse, mas infelizmente, o projeto mostrou-se inviável economicament na época, sendo então abandonado. Esta foi a única Casa de Aço construída por Paulick/Bauhaus.

The Real Thing


More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Little Store Building Desktop Model - by Papermau - Pequena Loja

Czech Church of Corpus Christi - by RBN Paper Models

Buildings And Acessories For Dioramas - by Paper Structures

Czech Architecture Paper Models - by Quasi - Arquitetura Tcheca

Star Wars Paper Models - by Ghost Of Man - Modelos Para RPG Games


A little paradise for those who love Star Wars and RPG/Tabletop games. Drew Hamilton designs more then 50 models, including a complete Arid Planet`s town. I want to thanks to Tektonten fot this nice find!


Um pequeno paraíso para todos que gostam de Star Wars e Jogos de RPG. O designer Drew Hamilton criou mais de 50 modelos, incluindo uma cidade completa do Planete Árido. Eu quero agradecer ao Tektonten por este belo achado!


Link: Star.Wars.RPG>

More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:

Star Wars` R2-D2 Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Star Wars` Rogue Squadron V-Wing Paper Model - by Imclod - via DeviantArt

RockTroopers 1 - Simmons Trooper Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Yoda Paper Model With Follow Me Eyes - by Space Station 42