Monday, June 25, 2012
The Redneck MotorHome - by Papermau - Next Project
More one next project: the Redneck Motorhome. I intend to make this model all with MsPaint. The colors are not yet defined.
Cambridge University Dictionary Online defines "motorhome" as "a large motor vehicle that is designed to be lived in while travelling. It contains cooking equipment, one or more beds, and sometimes a toilet".
Mais um próximo projeto: o Redneck Motorhome, algo como o "Trailer do Caipira". eu pretendo fazer o modelo todo no MsPaint. As cores ainda não estão definidas.
O Dicionário Online da Universidade de Cambridge define "motorhome" como "um veículo a motor de grande porte que é projetado para se morar nele durante a viagem. Ele contém equipamentos de cozinha, uma ou mais camas, e às vezes um vaso sanitário".
More Papermau`s Next Projects related posts:
Los Pollos Hermanos Roadside Cafe - by Papermau - Next Project
A Cabana - by Papermau - New Model In Progress
Old West Sheriff`s Office - Some Updates
Shulman`s Market 1941 Vignette - by Papermau - Next Project
Hero-Quest Style Furniture For RPG Games - by Eddnic
A great set of acessories for RPG Games, by designer Eddnic, from Mini Paper Models website. In this post you see just some models, but in Eddnic`s website you find many more.
Uma grande coleção de acessórios para Jogos de RPG, do designer Eddnic, do site Mini Paper Models. Neste post você vê apenas alguns modelos, mas no site de Eddnic você encontrará muitos outros acessórios.
More RPG Games and Acessories related posts:
Buildinds and Acessories For RPG Games - by Combat Storm
1979`s Western Fort Paper Model - by Seite 42 - Forte Apache
Suburbia Diorama - by Papermau - Download Now!
Buildings For RPG Games - by GHQ Models
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Several Funny Paper Toys - by Microdot
Nice Paper Toys here, by designer Microdot.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip
The Six Pack Paper Toys - by E-Motive - via Nice Paper Toys
Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by Elias Silveira
Shaman Bush Doctor - by 3 Eyed Bear and Kawaii Style - Feiticeiro Tribal
Paper Buildings For RPG Games - by Germy
A page full of Paper Buildings in 25 mm and 28 mm scales, perfect for RPG games by British designer Jeremey Claridge, from Germy website.
Uma página cheia de Prédios de Papel, em escala 25 mm e 28 mm, perfeitos para jogos de RPG, feitos pelo designer britânico Jeremey Claridge, do site Germy.
More RPG Games related posts:
Buildings in 1/220 Scale - by Beneluxspoor
Miniatures For RPG Games - by Sirro B1
Medieval Buildings Paper Models - by Desktop Wargames
Table Top RPG Games - by Zio Prudencio - Jogos de RPG
Batman And Batmobile Paper Toys - by BoxZet
A very original paper toy of Batman with his Batmobile, by ByMan Studio website.
Um paper toy bem original de Batman com seu Batmobile, do site ByMan Studio.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Cat X Captain America Paper Toy - by NuSniper
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax 3D Paper Toy - by HP Creative
The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy Paper Toys - by ARG Papercraft
The Avengers - Thor Paper Toy - by Paper Model 2 U
No Name Paper Doll - by Tomowo - via Pepakura Gallery
A really beautiful Paper Doll in Anime style, by Japanese designer Tomowo. He says that she no has name. So, you can build and give a name to her.
Uma boneca de papel realmente bela, eme estilo Anime, do designer japonês Tomowo, via Pepakura Gallery. Tomowo não a batizou, então você pode montá-la e dar um nome à ela.
More Paper Dolls related posts:
Nanami Paper Doll - by Comport - via Pepakura Gallery
K-On`s Akiyama Mio Paper Doll - by Fruity/My Papercraft - Boneca Estilo Anime
Sakura Mascot Paper Doll - by City Of Sakura
Lara Croft Paper Model - by Orcberto - via Zelda Fans
Little Surfer Paper Toy - by UOL - Surfista De Papel
Here, a nice Surfer Paper Toy, with his characteristic gesture and boards, by Brazilian site UOL.
Aqui, um Paper Toy de um Surfista, com seu aceno característico e suas pranchas, do site brasileiro UOL.
More Paper Toys related posts:
Pirate Papercraft - by Poof Rabbit - via Instructables
SpongeBob SquarePants - Mr. Krabs Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d
Adventure Time - Two Warrior Princesses Paper Toys - by Triz
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss Paper Toy - by Brian Castleforte
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The Tomb Of The Mughal Emperor Humayun In India Paper Model
by S.Umekawa & PBS
Created by Japanese designers S.Umekawa and PBS exclusively for Canon website, this is the paper model version of the Humayun's Tomb, also known as the tomb of the Mughal Emperor Humayun.
The tomb was commissioned by Humayun's wife Hamida Banu Begum in 1562 AD, and designed by Mirak Mirza Ghiyath, a Persian architect. It was the first garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent, and is located in Nizamuddin East, Delhi, India, close to the Dina-panah citadel also known as Purana Qila (Old Fort), that Humayun founded in 1533.
It was also the first structure to use red sandstone at such a scale. The tomb was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993, and since then has undergone extensive restoration work, which is still underway.
Besides the main tomb enclosure of Humayun, several smaller monuments dot the pathway leading up to it, from the main entrance in the West, including one that even pre-dates the main tomb itself, by twenty years; it is the tomb complex of Isa Khan Niyazi, an Afghan noble in Sher Shah Suri's court of the Suri dynasty, who fought against the Mughals, constructed in 1547 CE. - Wikipedia
Criado pelos designers japoneses S.Umekawa e PBS exclusivamente para o site da Canon, esta é a versão em papel do Túmulo de Humayun, também conhecido como como Tumba do Imperador Mughal Humayun, o mais antigo mausoléu mogol de Deli e uma das mais extraordinárias construções históricas da cidade.
Foi a primeira das grandes construções do período mogol. O mausoléu foi mandado construir pela viúva de Humayun no século XVI em honra do seu marido. É declarado pela Unesco como parte do património mundial desde 19993.
A sua importância arquitetónica-paisagística é vista sobretudo no fato de ter fundamentado a concepção que une mausoléus a jardins. Assim, teria isnpirado o modelo para o Taj Mahal, em Agra. - Wikipedia
The Weekend Pic - The Tower Bridge - by Libelle3250 / Canon
Here is more one "The Weekend Pic", this time with a British themed model: the Tower Bridge, in England. This is the most famous of London's bridges across the River Thames. This free paper model is offered by Japanese site Canon and assembled by German modeler Libelle3250. This nice build report was originally posted in Kartonbau.De Forum.
Eis aqui mais um "The Weekend Pic", desta vez com um modelo de temática britânica: a Ponte da Torre, ou Tower Bridge, na Inglaterra, que é a mais famosa ponte londrina a atravessar o Rio Tâmisa. Este é um modelo de papel gratuíto, oferecido pelo site japonês Canon e montado pelo modelista alemão Libelle3250 . Esta montagem foi originalmente postada no forum Kartonbau.De.
Link to download the model:
Link to construction report:
About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums, blogs or sites around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.
Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns, blogs ou sites ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.
More the Weekend Pic related posts:
The Weekend Pic - The Clock Tower Diorama - by Papermau
The Weekend Pic - Zulu War / 1879 Rorke`s Drift - by Oliver Bizer
The Weekend Pic - Passenger-Carrying Coache - by MiZi / Paper Camera
The Weekend Pic - The Pharos - Lighthouse Of Alexandria - by Kurt Streu / Delta Seven Studios
Easy-To-Build Paper Cars for Kids - by UOL - Carrinhos De Papel
Here two little paper cars, very easy-to-build. A nice project from Brazilian site UOL to entertain the kids this weekend.
Aqui dois carinhos de papel, bem fáceis de montar, do site brasileiro UOL, para distrair as crianças neste final de semana.
More Easy-To-build Paper Models for Kids related posts:
School Building Papercraft For Kids - by Canon - Escola Fácil De Montar
Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World
Paper City Paris Papercraft - by Joel - Paris Em Papel Para Crianças
Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Samantha Eynon - Paper Toys Para Crianças