Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hong Kong Steam Tugboat In A Bottle - by Mak - via Paper Modelers


Mak made this cool and unusual pape model of a boat in a bottle and share it for free via Paper Modelers Forum. He says: - "Hong Kong Steam Tugboat in A Bottle,easy-to-build, about an hour work".


Mak fez este bonito e incomum modelo em papel de um barco engarrafado e compartilha-o gratuitamente através do Forum Paper Modelers. Ele diz: -"Barco à Vapor de Hong Kong Na Garrafa, fácil de montar, leva mais ou menos uma hora de trabalho".



More Boats and Ships related posts:

Ship Kasato Maru Paper Model - 100 Years of Japanese Immigration in Brazil - 100 Anos da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil

Korean Turtle Ship - by How Paper Cafe - Barco de Guerra Antigo

Cargo Ship - by Somodi Zoltan - Navio Cargueiro

Disney`s Mississippi Steamboat - by Page 42 - Barco À Vapor

Star Wars` Palpatine - Darth Sidious - by Noturno Sukhoi


More one cool paper model of Star Wars Universe, this time the Palpatine Darth Sidious, made by Noturno Sukhoi.

Mais um belo modelo do Universo Star Wars, desta vez o Palpatine Darth Sidous, criado por Noturno Sukhoi.


More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:

Yoda Paper Model With Follow Me Eyes - by Space Station 42

Star Wars Stormtrooper Papercraft - by Noturno Sukhoi

Star Wars` X-Wing Fighter Red 4 In 1/48 Scale - by Dávid Pethes

Star Wars Tie Pilot and Arf Trooper - by Noturno Sukhoi

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Led Zeppelin Kombi - by Papermau


Led Zeppelin is the new addition for the Rock`n`Roll Circus series. I want to make clear that this papercraft is a model avaliable for free! In the .rar file there are no music or any other kind of material related to Led Zeppelin, only a paper model made ​​by a fan to be shared with those who love Led Zeppelin. I say this because I had problems with some of the bands honored with this type of paper model. It became clear, download the template and build this model, preferably while you listen "Black Dog".


Led Zeppelin é a banda da vez no Rock`n`Roll Circus. Quero deixar claro que este papercraft foi feito para distribuição gratuíta! No arquivo .rar onde encontra esse modelo, não há nenhuma música, arquivo de áudio ou vídeo, nem outra coisa sequer relacionada ao Led Zeppelin, apenas o modelo de papel. Digo isso por ter tido problemas com algumas bandas homenageadas com este tipo de paper model. Agora tudo explicado, é só baixar o modelo e montá-lo, de preferência ao som de "Black Dog".



More Rock`n`Roll Circus related posts:

Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles Kombi - Early Years - by Papermau

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Nirvana Kombi - by Papermau

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Ramones Kombi - by Papermau

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss Kombi - by Papermau

Mother`s Day Special - Happy Dolls - by Scout Creative - via DePapercraft


DePapercraft makes a nice find for Mother`s Day: four little paper dolls in a funny Matroshka style, by Scout Creative.

DePapercraft fez um belo achado para o Dia das Mães: quatro bonequinhas em um divertido estilo Matroshka, do site Scout Creative.

Link: Mother`

More Mother`s Day and Gifts related posts:

Mother`s Day Special - Gift Boxes - by Canon - Caixas De Presente

Mother`s Day Special - Message Doll - by Canon - Boneca Mensageira - Dia Das Mães

Gerbera Bouquet Pop Up Card - by Canon

Valentine`s Day Pixely Pop-Up Card - by Minieco - Cartão Pop-Up Dia Dos Namorados

BunnyGirls Donut Paper Toy - by Salazad / Olla Boku


Salazad says: - "This is my first collaboration work with my favorite artist “Olla Boku” from Taiwan".

Salazad diz: - "Este é meu primeiro trabalho em conjunto com meu artista favorito, "Olla Kobu", da Tailândia".


More Paper Toys related posts:

The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy Paper Toys - by ARG Papercraft

Rommy Sloth Paper Toys - by Kamimodel

Gremlins` Mohawk Paper Toy - by Sercho 05 - via DeviantArt

Chibi Robot Paper Toy - by Shunichi Makino / Sci-Fi Papercraft

Anime`s Franken Paper Toy - by Paper Block


A nice Frankenstein from a Japanese anime, by Japanese designer BL, from Paper Block blog.

Um simpático Frankenstein de um anime japonês, feito pelo designer BL, do blog Paper Block.

Link: Anime`

More Anime Characters related posts:

Dragon Ball Z`s Goku Big Size - by Coturno Velho

Getter Robot Paper Model - by Sci Fi Papercraft

Chibi Vocaloid Paper Dolls - by Desubunny

K-On Paper Toys - by Anime Paper Toys - Bonecas Estilo Cube Do Anime K-On

The Weekend Pic - Fire Brigade Truck Vintage Style - by Papermau


Here a model that was already posted here, but this little Fire Brigade Truck has a very detailed step-by-step construction report, so I posted it again here in The Weekend Pic , with the link to the tutorial at Le Forum En Papier.

Este modelo já foi postado no blog, mas como ele tem um passo a passo com fotos muito detalhado, eu o coloco aqui no The Weekend Pic, com o link para o tutorial do Le Forum En Papier. A preguiça de procurar um post na net também pesou na escolha deste modelo. The lazy to look for a post on the net also weighed in choosing this model.

Link to download the model:

Link to construction report:

About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums, blogs or sites around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.

Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns, blogs ou sites ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.

More The Weekend Pics related posts:

The Weekend Pic - Carl's Flying House - by José Reis / Paper Replika

The Weekend Pic - The Pharos - Lighthouse Of Alexandria - by Kurt Streu / Delta Seven Studios

The Weekend Pic - The Clock Tower Diorama - by Papermau

The Weekend Pic - Leaning Tower Of Pisa - by Michel Cerfvoliste / Canon

Low Relief Warehouse Paper Model - by Scale Scenes


Here a Low Relief Warehouse with realistic textures and in two scales, OO (1/76 scale) and N (1/160 scale), by Scale Scenes site. You can change some textures too. Perfect for train sets and dioramas or RPG games.

Aqui você vê um armazém com texturas realísticas e em duas escalas, OO (escala 1/76) e N (escala 1/160), do site Scale Scenes. Você pode mudar algumas texturas tambèm. Perfeito para maquetes ferroviárias, dioramas e jogos de RPG.



More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

European Medieval City - by Kaukapedia - Cidade Medieval Européia

French Garage Facade Diorama - by Camille - Diorama Escala 1/43

Printable Miniature N Scale Village and Castles - by Putz Towers

Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval

Ambulance Kombi Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!


Here is the Ambulance Kombi, an easy-to-build model in just one sheet. Perfect for kids! In the .rar file you will find the model without textures, to you make your own Kombi. The file is in .BMP format, so you can open it at MsPaint or Photoshop and easilly color, write and decorate it. If anyone has trouble downloading the pattern at Deposit Files, just leave your email in the comments of this post and then I send the model.


Eis aqui a Kombi Ambulância, um modelo bem fácil de montar, em apenas uma folha de papel. Perfeito para crianças! No arquivo .rar você encontrará também o modelo sem texturas, para quem quiser fazer sua própria Kombi exclusiva. O modelo está em formato .BMP, então é só abrí-lo no MsPaint ou Photoshop e colorir, escrever, desenhar em cima, etc. Depois é só salvar e imprimir. Se alguém tiver problemas para baixar o modelo pelo Deposit Files, é só deixar o e-mail nos comments deste post, que eu mando o modelo.

Kombi Ambulance and Kombi Police

Link: Now!

More "Kombi" Paper Models related posts:

Police Kombi Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Ramones Kombi - by Papermau

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Nirvana Kombi - by Papermau

Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles Kombi - Early Years - by Papermau

Dinosaur Papercraft - Tyrannosaurus Rex - by J. Ossorio - Tiranossauro - Dinossauro De Papel


A really nice model made by designer J. Ossorio: A T-Rex, the Lizard King! To open and print this model you need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

Um modelo muito bonito feito pelo designer J. Ossorio: um T-Rex, o Lagato Rei! Para abrir e imprimir este modelo você precisa do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).


Link to T-Rex by J. Ossorio:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Site

More Dinosaurs related posts:

Dinosaur Papercraft - Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Canon - Tiranossauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Dinosaur Papercraft - Bambiraptor - by Canon - Dinossauro De Papel

Dinosaur Papercraft - Stegosaurs - by Canon - Estegossauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Dinosaur Papercraft - Allosaurus - by Canon - Alossauro - Dinossauro De Papel