Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vintage Citroen Paper Cars - by Les Solides De Mene


Cool and easy-to-build Citroen paper cars, by French site Les Solides De Mene.



More Vintage Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Dodge Tow Truck Hybrid - by Camille - via Le Forum En Papier

Vintage Paper Cars - Carros Antigos

Old Bus to Nowhere - by Papermau - Ônibus Para Lugar Nenhum

Fire Brigade Truck - by Papermau - Vintage Style

House Made From Matches - by English Russia - Casa De Fósforos


It is not a paper model, but is so unusual and fun-to-build, that I get to post this handicraft / piece of workmanship. You just need a match box and patience to build this nice match house. In the site you will find a very well detailed step-by-step guide with several photos of the assembly process.

Este não é um paper model, mas é tão incomum e divertido de fazer, que eu não pude deixar de postar aqui no blog. você só precisa de uma caixa de fósforo e paciência para fazer essa simpática casinha. No site você encontra um passo-a-passo bem detalhado, com várias fotos do processo de montagem.

Some Images Of The Assembly Process


More Unusual Crafts related posts:

Giant Papercraft Scultures In Ecuador - via - Esculturas Gigantes De Papel Do Equador

Unusual Paper Models - by Edition 8x8 - Paper Models Alemães

35mm Pinhole Hasselblad Paper Camera - by Kelly Angood

Money Of The World - 100 Dollar Piles Papercraft - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika - Maços De Dólares

Paddle Steamer Paper Model For Kids - by The Toy Maker - Barco À Vapor


An easy-to-build paper model of a Paddle Steamer, by North American designer Marilyn Scott-Waters, from The Toy Maker website.

Um modelo bem fácil de montar de um barco à vapor, da designer norte-americana Marilyn Scott-Waters , do site The Toy Maker.



More Boats and Ships related posts:

Disney`s Mississippi Steamboat - by Page 42 - Barco À Vapor

Mark Twain Riverboat - by Robert Nava / Disney Experience - Barco À Vapor

Japanese Touristic Boat Yobuko - by Pepakura Tima Tima - Barco Turístico Japonês

Gondola From Anime Aria - by Clinkz - via Deviant Art

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Le Corbusier`s Maison Curutchet In Argentina - by F Garrido

A cool model of Le Corbusier`s Maison Curutchet, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by Argentinian designer F. Garrido.

Um modelo bem legal da Maison Curuchet em Buenos Aires, Argentina, do arquiteto Le Corbusier. Modelo feito pelo designer argentino F. Garrido.


"Architecture is the wise, correct and magnificent play of volumes gathered under light; our eyes are made to perceive shapes under light" - Le Corbusier

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, better known as Le Corbusier , (1887 –1965), was an architect, designer, urbanist and writer, famous for being one of the pioneers of what is now called modern architecture. He was born in Switzerland and became a French citizen in 1930. His career spanned five decades, with his buildings constructed throughout Europe, India and America. He was a pioneer in studies of modern high design and was dedicated to providing better living conditions for the residents of crowded cities.
Le Corbusier adopted his pseudonym in the 1920s, allegedly deriving it in part from the name of a distant ancestor, "Lecorbésier." - Wikipedia

Le Corbusier`s Sketch and The Real Thing

Eu sei como uma flor é e quem sabe como é uma flor é, sabe como é qualquer coisa. - Le Corbusier

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, mais conhecido pelo pseudónimo de Le Corbusier, (1887 — 1965) foi um arquiteto, urbanista e pintor francês de origem suíça. É considerado juntamente com Frank Lloyd Wright, Alvar Aalto, Mies van der Rohe e Oscar Niemeyer, um dos mais importantes arquitectos do século XX. Conhecido por ter sido o criador da Unité d'Habitation, conceito sobre o qual começou a trabalhar na década de 1920. Aos 29 anos mudou-se para Paris, onde adotou o seu pseudónimo, que foi buscar no nome do seu avô materno, originário da região de Albi. A sua figura era marcada pelos seus óculos redondos de aros escuros. Morreu por afogamento em 27 de agosto de 1965. - Wikipedia

Link: Le.Corbusier`

If you want to build this model, you can take a look at this model in 3D posted at Google 3D Warehouse:

Se você pretende montar esse modelo, dê uma olhada nesse modelo 3D, no Armazém 3D do Google:

Link: Le.Corbusier`

More Architecture and Building related posts:

Greek Temple - by Papermau - Templo Grego

Petra Treasure, Jordania - by Papermau - Petra, na Jordânia

Lake`s House Refuge - by Papermau - Refúgio Da Casa Do Lago

Boyen Fortress - Poland - by Renova Model - Fortaleza Boyen

Panda Robot Paper Toy - by Tougui

A cool paper toy by French designer Tougui.



More Robots and Paper toys related posts:

Mecha Bunny War Machine Paper Toy - by Ruang Antho

Articulated Poplock Robot Paper Toy - by Paper Posables - Robô Articulado

Easy-To-Build Robot Paper Toy - by UOL - Robô Paper toy Para Crianças

Robot Monster Paper Model - by Miniature-Games

Fallout 3 Ammo Paper Models - by Billybob884


A nice collection of ammo boxes from the videogame Fallout 3, by North American designer Billybob884, via DeviantArt.

Uma bela coleção de caixas de munição do jogo de videogame Fallout 3, feitas pelo designer norte-americano Billybob884, via DeviantArt.


More Ammo and Weapons related posts:

Revolver And Pistol Paper Models - by X Diem

Indiana Jones Papercraft: Webley Mk VI Revolver - by Tektonten

Revolver Colt King Cobra - by Cancer - via Pepakura Gallery

Judge Dredd`s Lawgiver, Book Of Law and Badger - by Jan Rúkr

Pizzas Paper Models - by Tektonten


A nice and unusual series of paper models: Pizzas, by designer Tektonten. Easy and fun to build, nice to decorate.

Uma série bem bacana e diferente de paper models: Pizzas, do designer Tektonten. Fáceis e divertidas de montar e legais como decoração.

Below, the links for each model:





More Food Paper Models related posts:

Traditional Japanese Food - by - Comida Japonesa

Tenderloin Steak Paper Model - by Wombat - Filé de Paper Model

Picnic Basket Paper Model - by Kirin - Cesta de Piquenique

Gold Ramen Papercraft - by Otonchin Soreccha - Prato De Lámen

Chinese Mig-17 In 1/72 Scale - by Gabriel Panai - Jato Chinês


A nice recriation of a russian Mig-17, used by Chinese Popular Republic, by designer Gabriel Panai. A reminder of the times of the Cold War.

Uma bela recriação de um jato Mig-17 russo, usado pela República Popular da China, do designer Gabriel Panai. Uma recordação dos tempos da Guerra Fria.

The Real Thing

Link: Chinese.Mig-17.In.1/

More Aircraft and Planes related posts:

Fairchild AU-23A Peacemaker - by Best Paper Models

Polikarpov I-16 Russian Plane - by Modele-Kartonowe - Avião Russo

PC 6 Turbo Porter In Australian Army Colors - by Paper Tiger Armaments

Supersonic Interceptor Aircrafts - by TSMC Japan - Aviões Supersônicos

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Zimmer Paradox Papercraft - by Online Wahn - O Paradoxo Zimmer

In this room, nothing is quite as it seems, because the walls are in fact not a single right angle. 

The Lego toy figure on the right side appears twice as large as that on the left. In fact, both are equal. This is the Zimmer Paradox and now you can do it at your home.

Nesta sala, nada é o que parece, porque as paredes não estão em um ângulo reto.

O boneco de Lego do lado direito parece duas vezes maior que o do lado esquerdo, mas na verdade, os dois são do mesmo tamanho. Este é o Paradoxo Zimmer e agora você pode fazê-lo em sua casa.


More 3D Illusions related posts:

3D Optical Illusions Paper Models - by Kokichi Sugihara

3D Illusion Dog Papercraft - by Dog Trick Academy - Ilusão 3D

The Incredible Anti-Gravity Double Cone - by Paper Pino

Halloween Special - Frankenstein Follow-Me Head - by Frankenpaper

Dragstrip Diorama Paper Model - by Paper Krap


A cool diorama by Indonesian designer Maulana Jodi, from Paper Krap site. Perfect to be used as stand for Hot Wheels miniatures.

A dragstrip is a facility for conducting automobile and motorcycle acceleration events such as drag racing. Although a quarter mile (402 m) is the best known measure for a drag track, many tracks are eighth mile (201 m) tracks. The race is begun from a standing start which allows three factors to affect the outcome of the race: reaction time, torque, and traction. - Wikipedia

Um belo diorama que é perfeito para ser usado como stand para os seus Hot Wheels. Um trabalho bem original do designer indonésio Maulana Jodi, do site Paper Krap.


More Dioramas related posts:

Garage Diorama Paper Model In 1/32 Scale - by Carrera For Fun

Fire Brigade Play Set - by Somodi Zoltan - Corpo de Bombeiros

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - by Papermau - Download Now!

Vintage Service Station - by Papermau - Posto de Gasolina Vintage