Wednesday, January 4, 2012

British Airship R100 Vintage Zeppelin - by Currell Graphics - Zepelim Britânico

Model and photo by Rolf-Dieter Heinrich from Germany.

1928 Vip`s visit the R100
"In the mid-1920s the British government developed the Imperial Airship Scheme to connect the far-flung British Empire by air. The plan began with the contracting of two huge dirigibles, R100 and R101. The R100 was designed and constructed by a private subsidiary of Vickers, while R101 was built by a competing government agency. The R100, when completed in 1930, was the size of an ocean liner and could carry 100 passengers in comfort at a speed of 81 miles per hour. In 1930 she made her first transatlantic flight to Canada, and in spite of minor problems the new airship was considered a success. However, the crash of R101 with heavy loss of life later that year spelled the end of the Imperial Airship Scheme, and though she had proved to be a good design, R100 was scrapped in 1931". - Currell Graphics
Curiosity: The R100 was nicked-named the ‘The Cupid Airship’ because 20 workers were married to local girls during the construction.

Dinning Room
"Em meados de 1920 o governo britânico desenvolveu o Sistema De Dirigíveis Imperiais para conectar o vasto império britânico por via aérea. O plano começou com a contratação de dois dirigíveis enormes, o R100 e o R101. O R100 foi projetado e construído por uma subsidiária privada da Vickers, enquanto R101 foi construído por uma agência governamental concorrente. O R100, quando concluído em 1930, tinha o tamanho de um transatlântico e podia transportar 100 passageiros com muito conforto a uma velocidade de 81 milhas por hora. Em 1930 ela fez sua primeiro voo transatlântico para o Canadá, e apesar de pequenos problemas a nova aeronave foi considerado um sucesso. No entanto, a queda do R101, no final do mesmo ano, com grande perda de vidas, pôs fim ao projeto dos Dirigíveis Imperiais, e apesar de seu belo design, o R100 foi desmantelado em 1931". - Currell Graphics
Curiosidade: O R100 foi apelidado de "Dirigível Cupido" porquê vinte operários que trabalharam em sua construção casaram-se com garotas que moravam próximas ao local.

The Real Thing - 1930


More Aircraft related posts:

Goodyear Blimp - by Carrera For Fun - Zeppelin da Goodyear

Aircraft Hangar 1/144 Scale - by Tomtom-Net

1932`s Gee Bee Model R Airplane - Rafal Ciesielskiby

German Fire Brigade Truck - by Feuerwehr Roedelheim - Caminhão de Bombeiros Alemão

A very easy-to-build Frankfurt`s Fire Brigade Truck, by German site Feuerwehr Roedelheim, perfect for kids.

Um caminhão de bombeiros da cidade de Frankfurt, bem fácil de montar, do site alemão Feuerwehr Roedelheim. perfeito para crianças.

Assembled model And Photo by Martin Goldbach


More Fire Brigade related posts:

Fire Brigade Truck - by Papermau - Vintage Style

American Fire Brigade Trucks - by Street Paper - Bombeiros

Fire Brigade Play Set - by Somodi Zoltan - Corpo de Bombeiros

The Light Vessel 21 Papercraft - by Steve McPherson - Navio Inglês




The Real Thing

Link to the model:

Link to the history of the real Vessel 21: The.Light.Vessel.21.History

More Boats and Ships related posts:

RMS Titanic - by Currel Graphics

Korean Turtle Ship - by How Paper Cafe - Barco de Guerra Antigo

Lelievlet Fishing Boat - by Elfrink-Bouwplaten

Paper Doll`s House Furniture - by FcCafe - Mobília para Casas De Bonecas

Easy-to-build models for paper doll`s houses, by Japanese site FcCafe.

Modelos fáceis de montar de mobílias para casas de bonecas do site japonês FcCafe.


Link: Paper.Doll`

More Paper Dolls and Furniture related posts:

Paper Doll Room And Furniture - by Sugar School - Quarto De Bonecas

Vintage Paper Dolls And Furniture - by Doll House Paper

Vintage House Paper Model With Furniture - via Casita De Papel

Out Run`s Big Gate and Alpine Paper Cars Diorama - by Fccafe

From Sega`s Out Run videogame, these nice and easy-to-build dioramas, by Japanese site Fccafe.

Do jogo de videogame Out Run, da Sega, estes dioramas muito legais e fáceis de montar, lá do site japonês Fccafe.


Link: Out.Run`

More Cars and Dioramas related posts:

Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com

Carmageddon Paper Cars - by Harmalarm

Terrific`s Ridge Racer Paper Car - by Jan Rükr

Baby Po Kung Fu Panda 2 Papercraft - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika


Perfect recriation of Baby Po, of Kung Fu Panda 2 animation, by Indonesian designer Julius Perdana from Paper-Replika.

Recriação perfeita do personagem Baby Po, da animação Kung fu Panda 2, do designer indonésio Julius Perdana, do site Paper-Replika.


More Movies and Animation characters related posts:

Jack Sparrow Paper Toy - Hako Style - by Ditch-scrawls

Puss In Boots Paper Toys - by HP - O Gato De Botas Paper Toys

Golden Age Superheros - by Mad Professor

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Macintosh Papercraft - by The Burn Lab - Computador Mac Em Papel

For Apple and Steve Jobs fans, these little Macs will be cool at your desktop.

Para fãs da Apple e do Steve Jobs, estes pequenos Macs ficarão muito legais nas sua mesas de trabalho.


The Real Thing
The Macintosh or Mac, is a series of personal computers designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. The first Macintosh was introduced by Apple's then-chairman Steve Jobs on January 24, 1984; it was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface rather than a command-line interface. The company continued to have success through the second half of the 1980s, first primarily because of the sales of the Apple II series remained strong even after the introduction of the Macintosh, only to see it dissipate in the 1990s as the personal computer market shifted toward the "Wintel" platform: IBM PC compatible machines running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows.
Years later, Apple consolidated its multiple consumer-level desktop models into the 1998 iMac all-in-one. This proved to be a sales success and saw the Macintosh brand revitalized. Current Mac systems are mainly targeted at the home, education, and creative professional markets. These include the descendants of the original iMac and the entry-level Mac mini desktop models, the Mac Pro tower graphics workstation, the MacBook, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro laptops. The Xserve server was discontinued January 31, 2011. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketMacintosh, ou Mac, é o nome dos computadores pessoais fabricados e comercializados pela empresa Apple Inc. desde janeiro de 1984. O nome deriva de McIntosh, um tipo de maçã apreciado por Jef Raskin. O Apple Macintosh foi o primeiro computador pessoal a popularizar a interface gráfica, na época um desenvolvimento revolucionário. Ele é muito utilizado para o tratamento de vídeo, imagem e som. Os primeiros modelos foram construídos em torno dos microprocessadores da família 68000 da Motorola. Com o surgimento de arquiteturas mais poderosas, a partir de 1994 foi empregada a família de processadores PowerPC da IBM e Motorola. Em 2006, uma nova transição ocorreu, com a adoção de processadores Intel, da família Core. O Macintosh foi lançado em 24 de janeiro de 1984, com um preço de US$2495. Vinha equipado com 128 KB de memória (por isso é conhecido hoje como Macintosh 128k, para diferenciá-lo de modelos posteriores, também chamados Macintosh) e rodava com o Sistema Operacional System 1, que mais tarde, já na versão 7.6, seria chamado de Mac OS. - Wikipedia


More Computers related posts:

Commodore SX-64 First Portable PC - by Erik Schubach

Apple I and Apple II PCs - by Julius Perdana - Paper-Replika

Unusual Paper Models - by Edition 8x8 - Paper Models Alemães


A very nice site, a German publisher or just a group of designers making art in paper; you decide.

Um site muito legal, uma editora alemã ou apenas um grupo de designers fazendo arte em papel; você escolhe.



More Unusual Paper Models related posts:

Crazy Japanese Mascot - Mascote Japonês Maluco

Hieronymus Bosch`s Creatures - by Atom - Da Pintura Para O Papel

Anatomy Head Paper Model - by Bert Simons - Cabeça Anatômica

Easy-To-Build Little House Papercraft - by Herzovision - Casinha de Papel

An easy-to-build little house, perfect for kids projects, by German site Herzovision.

Uma casinha amarela bem fácil de montar, pefeita para crianças montarem, do site alemão Herzovision.



More Easy Projects for Kids related posts:

Medieval Castle For Kids - by Papermau - Castelo Medieval Para Crianças

Paper City Paris Papercraft - by Joel - Paris Em Papel Para Crianças

Happy Little Beanie Guy Paper Toy Gift Box - by Jacque Davis

Donald Duck's Car Paper Model - by Seite 42 - Carro Do Pato Donald

More one cool and old model (1982) by German page Seite 42.

Mais um modelo bem legal e antigo (1982), do site alemão Seite 42.


Link: Donald.Duck'

More Disney related posts:

Disney Parade Paper Cars - by Page 42 - Veículos da Disney

Disney`s Adventure Station Diorama - by Site 42

1978`s Cinderella Castle Paper Model - by Seite 42