Monday, September 12, 2011

Vintage Style Robot Paper Model - by Toki - Robô Estilo Vintage

Very well textured paper model by Toki. - via Pepakura


Hinakazari Japanese Decoration - by Canon - Decoração Japonesa


A hinakazari is a set of dolls displayed in homes at the Peach Festival, to pray for the healthy upbringing of girls. In the early Edo Period, only a pair of male and female dolls were displayed, in either an upright position ("tachihina" or standing dolls) or in a sitting position ("suwarihina" or sitting dolls). As time went by many other patterns came to be used, and around the end of the Edo Period and the start of the Meiji period, people began to display the "three ladies in waiting" or marital furniture, making large-scale decoration sets. This paper craft recreates a hinakazari, centering on the emperor and emperess dolls, who are surrounded by three ladies in waiting and tiered boxes, a palanquin, and other items on a three-tiered display stand. The final product is quite large, measuring 28cm high, 44cm wide, and 41cm deep. Take your time to construct it carefully. - Canon

Photobucketum hinakazari é um conjunto de bonecas exibido em casas japonesas no Festival de PÉssego, para pedir em orações pelo crescimento saudável das meninas. No Período Edo, apenas um par de bonecas do sexo masculino e feminino eram exibidos, que podiam estar em qualquer posição: em pé ("tachihina" ou bonecos de pé) ou na posição sentada ("suwarihina" ou bonecos sentados). Conforme o tempo foi passando muitos outros padrões passaram a ser usados, e em torno do final do Período Edo e início do Período Meiji, as pessoas começaram a expor as "três damas de companhia" e a mobília do casal imperial, fazendo sets de grande escala como decoração. Este paper model recria um hinakazari, centrando-se no imperador e na imperatriz, que estão adornados pelas três damas de companhia,um tradicional móvel composto por caixas em camadas, um palanquim, e outros itens, em um stand de exposição de três estágios. O produto final é bem grande, medindo 28 centímetros de largura, 44 centímetros de altura, e 41 centímetros de profundidade. Ao construí-lo, reserve tempo para montá-lo com capricho. - Canon


M1A1 Abrams Tank Papercraft - by Yudho - Tanque Americano Abrams


PhotobucketThe M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank is made by General Dynamics Land Systems Division of USA. The first M1 tank was produced in 1978, the first M1A1 in 1985 and the first M1A2 in 1986. Until now, Over 8,800 M1 and M1A1 tanks have been produced. This tank looks familiar because it always seen in television and used in Iraqi War. it has composite armor, turbin engine, and 120 mm smoothbore canon. It has 9.7 m long, 3.6 m wide, and 2.89 m height. With all of these specification, and the battle proven story, Abrams is one of the best modern MBT in the world now. - Yudho

PhotobucketOs Abrams M1-A1, são a primeira modificação do tanque Abrams-M1, e foram introduzidos pouco tempo depois de o modelo anterior ter ficado operacional nas forças armadas dos Estados Unidos. O Abrams, M1A1 ganhou uma grande projecção internacional, por ter sido o tanque que em 1991 participou como ponta de lança na invasão do Kwait. Nessa altura, a superioridade do seu canhão de 120mm juntamente com os sistemas electro-ópticos de designação do alvo, levaram a que centenas de tanques T-72 de fabrico soviético fossem destruidos. -

The Real Thing


WW2 Spitfire Airplane SD Style - by ADV Studio - Avião WW2


A very nice model to your desktop. A "Super Deformed" Spitfire plane. You also will find a camo texture tank in the same SD style.

Um modelo bem bacana para sua mesa de trabalho. Um avião Spitfire, da Segunda Grande Guerra, em versão SD (Super Deformada). Você também encontra um tanque de guerra em versão camuflada, no mesmo estilo SD.

Link: WW2 Spitfire Airplane SD Style - by ADV Studio

Volcano Paper Model - by Think Quest.Org - Vulcão


A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface.
Volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging. A mid-oceanic ridge, for example the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, has examples of volcanoes caused by divergent tectonic plates pulling apart; the Pacific Ring of Fire has examples of volcanoes caused by convergent tectonic plates coming together. By contrast, volcanoes are usually not created where two tectonic plates slide past one another. Volcanoes can also form where there is stretching and thinning of the Earth's crust in the interiors of plates, e.g., in the East African Rift, the Wells Gray-Clearwater volcanic field and the Rio Grande Rift in North America. This type of volcanism falls under the umbrella of "Plate hypothesis" volcanism.
Intraplate volcanism has also been postulated to be caused by mantle plumes. These so-called "hotspots", for example Hawaii, are postulated to arise from upwelling diapirs from the core-mantle boundary, 3,000 km deep in the Earth. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketVulcão é uma estrutura geológica criada quando o magma, gases e partículas quentes (como cinzas) escapam para a superfície terrestre. Eles ejectam altas quantidades de poeira, gases e aerossóis na atmosfera, interferindo no clima. São frequentemente considerados causadores de poluição natural. Tipicamente, os vulcões apresentam formato cónico e montanhoso.
A erupção de um vulcão pode resultar num grave desastre natural, por vezes de consequências planetárias. Assim como outros desastres dessa natureza, as erupções são imprevisíveis e causam danos indiscriminados. Entre outras coisas, tendem a desvalorizar os imóveis localizados em suas vizinhanças, prejudicar o turismo e consumir a renda pública e privada em reconstruções. Na Terra, os vulcões tendem formar-se junto das margens das placas tectónicas. No entanto, existem excepções quando os vulcões ocorrem em zonas chamadas de hot spots (pontos quentes). Por outro lado, os arredores de vulcões, formados de lava arrefecida, tendem a ser compostos de solos bastante férteis para a agricultura.
A palavra "vulcão" deriva do nome do deus do fogo na mitologia romana Vulcano. A ciência que estuda os vulcões é chamada vulcanologia. - Wikipedia
Adaptei o modelo para a língua portuguesa, pois creio ser útil para trabalhos escolares.

Link to the model, in English and Portuguese:

English Version:

Versão em Português: Vulcã

Sunday, September 11, 2011

WW2`s P51 Mustang and Lublin R-XVI Airplanes - by Kartonmodelle



The Real Thing
Air ambulance variant R-XVIb - Its prototype was flown in May 1933 . The plane was evaluated by the Army as quite successful, and a series of 5 air ambulances were ordered and built in 1935. They had registrations SP-AOH to AOM, and, along with the prototype, military numbers 11-1 - 11-6.
The Lublin R-XVI was conceived as a small 4-seater passenger plane, ordered by the Polish Ministry of Communications. It was a development of an unsuccessful Lublin R-XI design. The main designer was Jerzy Rudlicki. The new plane was lighter and introduced a trapezoid-shaped wing instead of an elliptical one. Both designs were partly modeled on a construction of Fokker F.VII, produced under licence by Plage i Laśkiewicz. The first prototype was flown in February 1932. - Wikipedia

The Real Thing  - "Replica"
The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang was an American long-range single-seat World War II fighter aircraft. It gained the reputation of being one of the best, if not the best, fighters of the war. Mustang pilots claimed 4,950 enemy aircraft shot down, the most of any Allied fighter in the conflict. - Wikipedia

P-51 Mustang — foi um caça norte-americano bem sucedido, com um longo alcance, que colocou novos padrões de excelente performance ao entrar em serviço a meio da Segunda Guerra Mundial e continua a ser referido como o melhor caça com motor-piston alguma vez criado. A versão defintiva do caça de um único lugar era movido com um motor Rolls Royce carregando um único suporte com armamento de seis metralhadoras de calibre 50 (12.7mm). - Wikipedia

Link: WW2`

Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper


A great deal of gratitude is due to Dan "The Man" Curto (visit his great customizing site, The Custom Alliance), who graciously disassembled this huge play set and scanned it in pieces. . The play set has been completely scanned though, and Dan even scanned the clips that hold it together.


These many scans are currently bundled together in one convenient ZIP file below. Since most of the pieces of the play set are double sided, many pieces in the ZIP file are named with a "-1" and "-2" appendix, to indicate that they go back-to-back. - Erik Stormtrooper


Link: Erik.Stormtrooper

More Playset Paper Models related posts:

Doll House - Bedroom Playset Diorama Papercraft - by Black Widow 12

Creatures From The Dark Papercraft For Kids - by Made By Joel

Disney Epic Mickey Playset Papercraft - by Spoonful

Halloween Special - Nightmare Before Christmas Playset - by Spoonful

Sansara Sci Fi Vehicle - by Toposolitario



“Samsara” is derived from “to flow together”, “to wander”, “to go through different states”, always understood in the physical plane, in the earth, during the reincarnation cycle... so, someone who is in samsara state can be called a “wanderer in earth” or in other words a “Land Rover”.
Photobucket At first, the Samsara tries to be a scifi Utility Vehicle, a big truck ready to any environment and task allowing the builder to configure it with a wide array of civilian and military options. So with only one paper model (while you wait for the add-ons which will give many more possibilities and variety). Samsara could be an All Terrain civilian Vehicle, a heavy cargo one, an IFV (infantry fighting vehicle), a mobile radar site, an autonomus SAM launcher, a tank-killer... as many options as you can imagine (well, not so much but you can as always ask me for more models). - Toposolitario


WW2 Italian Submarine Enrico Toti - by Delfini d'Acciaio


Enrico Toti was a Balilla-class Italian submarine laid down on 26 January 1925 at the Odero-Terni-Orlando Naval Yard, located in Muggiano, La Spezia. She was one of four in her class, launched on 14 April 1928 and commissioned on 19 September. Her name pays homage to Major Enrico Toti, a WWI combatant posthumously awarded the Italian Gold Medal. The submarine is notable as being the only Italian submarine to have sunk a Royal Navy submarine during the WWII. - Wikipedia

Enrico Toti foi um submarino italiano classe-Balilla e sua construção foi dada por encerrada em 26 de janeiro de 1925 no Estaleiro Naval Odero-Terni-Orlando, localizada no Muggiano, La Spezia. Seu nome é uma homenagem ao Major Enrico Toti, um combatente da Primeira Guerra Mundial, agraciado postumamente com a Medalha de Ouro italiana. Ele entrou para a história como o único submarino italiano a ter afundado um submarino da Marinha Real Britânica durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

The Real Thing


French Gothic Cathedral - by Jump If Not Zero - Catedral Gótica

A beatiful model in 1/200 scale. Fits almost a half A4 page. Very nice to put on a shelf.

Uma bela catedral em escala 1/200. Ocupa o espaço de meia folha de papel A4. Ótima para decorar a estante.


PhotobucketGothic architecture is a style of architecture that flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture.
Originating in 12th century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as "the French Style," (Opus Francigenum), with the term Gothic first appearing during the latter part of the Renaissance. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.
Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and churches of Europe. It is also the architecture of many castles, palaces, town halls, guild halls, universities and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings.
It is in the great churches and cathedrals and in a number of civic buildings that the Gothic style was expressed most powerfully, its characteristics lending themselves to appeal to the emotions. A great number of ecclesiastical buildings remain from this period, of which even the smallest are often structures of architectural distinction while many of the larger churches are considered priceless works of art and are listed with UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. For this reason a study of Gothic architecture is largely a study of cathedrals and churches.
A series of Gothic revivals began in mid-18th century England, spread through 19th-century Europe and continued, largely for ecclesiastical and university structures, into the 20th century. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketArquitetura gótica é um estilo arquitetónico que segundo pesquisas, é evolução da arquitetura românica e precede a arquitetura renascentista. Foi desenvolvido na França em pleno período medieval, onde originalmente se chamava "Obra Francesa" (Opus Francigenum). O termo 'gótico' só apareceu no final do Renascimento como um insulto estilístico.
Com o gótico, a arquitetura ocidental atingiu um dos pontos culminantes da arquitetura pura. As abóbadas cada vez mais elevadas e maiores, não se apoiavam em muros e paredes compactas e sim sobre pilastras ou feixes de colunas. Uma série de suportes que eram constituídos por arcobotantes e contrafortes possuíam a função de equilibrar de modo externo o peso excessivo das abóbadas. Desta forma, imensas paredes espessas foram excluídas dos edifícios de género gótico e foram substituídas por vitrais e rosáceas que iluminavam o ambiente interno.
O estilo gótico ficou marcado em muitas catedrais europeias, entre elas a de Notre-Dame, Chartres, Colônia e Amiens, a maioria classificada como Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO. - Wikipedia
