Friday, August 26, 2011

Hovel With Interior - by Fantasy Cutouts - Cabana Com Interior


PhotobucketFree doesn't mean cheap, it is beautifully modeled and illustrated, with recessed doors and windows and a removable roof allowing access to it's richly detailed interior. Alongside is a covered log pile to see you through the harshest of winters. Inside you will find all the comforts of home, benches, cupboards, bottles, coats, hats and even a welcoming fire crackling in the grate. - Who needs deep pile carpets, jacuzzi and electrically assisted stair lifts when you can enjoy the simple comforts of this delightful hovel?! And to boot it's FREE! -Leo Hartas, Fantasy Cutouts

De graça não significa medíocre. Esta é uma bela e cheia de vida cabana de madeira, com portas que abrem de verdade e teto removível para que se possa ver seu interior detalhado. quem precisa de todos as modernidades da vida urbana quando se pode ter a simplicidade e o conforto de uma velha cabana?! - Leo Hartas, Fantasy Cutouts


Blackpool 1938 Leyland Cub - by Transportnostalgia.Co.UK


This unique coach was introduced in 1938 and fitted out with a Burlingham body designed to Manager Walter Luff’s specifications. It featured a carpeted floor, swivelling armchairs, six radiators, a clock and a wireless set. It had a telephone and microphone connecting the saloon to the driver’s cab, and utensils were carried for making tea and coffee.
The Real Thing
Its’ finish was unusual, in that it was painted all over black with stainless steel trim, earning it the nickname “The Black Maria” among the staff. Internally it had alhambrinal decorative ceiling panels and French polished walnut woodwork.
Licensed not as a coach but as a private car, it remained in use until 1967 as a mobile committee room for members of the council. On withdrawal from service it had only covered approximately 18000 miles and the spare wheel had never been used! -

Leyland Bus was a British bus manufacturer. It emerged from the Rover Group (formerly British Leyland) as a management buyout of the bus business. It was subsequently acquired by Volvo Buses in 1988 and the name finally disappeared in 1993.

PhotobucketLeyland era uma marca britânica de ônibus. Ela surgiu a partir do Grupo Rover (ex- British Leyland ) como uma operação de domínio dos negócios de ônibus na Inglaterra. Posteriormente, foi adquirida pela Volvo Buses em 1988 e, finalmente, fechou suas portas definitivamente em em 1993.
A história da Leyland começa em 1896, quando as famílias Sumner Spurrier fundaram a Lancashire Vapor Motor Company na cidade de Leyland, no norte da Inglaterra. O primeiro veículo da companhia era um caminhão à vapor de 1,5 tonelada. A Lancashire Vapor Motor Company foi rebatizada como Leyland Motors em 1907.


Snow Cat Vehicles - by Ohara Co. Japan - Veículos de Neve

DF 370 Paper Model

Caliber Paper Model
A snow cat is an enclosed-cab, truck sized, fully tracked vehicle designed to move on snow. Snowcats are often referred to as 'trail groomers' (or 'piste bashers' in British English) because of their use for grooming ski trails ("pistes") or snowmobile trails. Most snowcats, such as the ones produced by Bombardier or Aktiv in the past, have two sets of tracks, fitted with a Christie suspension or a Vickers suspension. Others, like the Tucker Sno-Cat and Hägglunds vehicles, have a complex arrangement of four or more tracks.
The tracks are usually made of rubber, aluminum or steel and driven by a single sprocket on each side, and ride over rubber wheels with a solid foam interior. Their design is optimized for a snow surface, or soft grounds such as that of a peat bog. In addition to grooming snow they are used for polar expeditions, logging in marsh areas, leveling sugar beet piles, and seismic studies in the wild.
The cabs are optimized for use in sub-zero weather or cold conditions worsened by wind chill, with strong forced heating and a windshield designed to be kept clear of internal and external ice or condensation through a variety of means such as advanced coatings, external scrapers (windshield wipers of a modified type), and internal ducts blowing hot air on the surface. - Wikipedia

The Real Thing
Um snow cat é uma espécie de jipe ou caminhão feito especialmente para andar na neve, ou um veículo comum adaptado para andar na neve. suas rodas são substituídas por esteiras, geralmente feitas de borracha, aço ou alumínio e sua dirigibilidade é parecida com a de um trator comum.
São muito usados em expedições polares, áreas pantanosas e expedições onde há muitoa atividade sísmica. As cabines destes veículos são feitas de maneira que possam manter a temperatura em condições apropriadas para a vida humana, já que trabalham muito em regiões onde o clima facilmente chega a muitos graus abaixo de zero.


Link: Caliber.Snow.Cat.bu.Ohara.Co

Green Thing Hot Rod - by Papermau - More One Next Project


PhotobucketHot rods are typically American cars with large engines modified for linear speed. The origin of the term "hot rod" is unclear. One explanation is that the term is a contraction of "hot roadster," meaning a roadster that was modified for speed. Another possible origin includes modifications to or replacement of the camshaft(s), sometimes known as a "stick" or "rod". A camshaft designed to produce more power is sometimes call a "hot stick" or, here, a "hot rod". Roadsters were the cars of choice because they were light. The term became commonplace in the 1930s or 1940s as the name of a car that had been "hopped up" by modifying the engine in various ways to achieve higher performance.
The term can alsO apply to other items that are "souped up" for a particular purpose, such as "hot-rodded amplifier".

PhotobucketThe term seems first to have appeared in the late 1930s in southern California, where people would race their modified cars on the vast, empty dry lake beds northeast of Los Angeles under the rules of the Southern California Timing Association (SCTA). The activity increased in popularity after World War II, particularly in California because many returning soldiers had been given technical training in the service. The original hot rods were old cars (most often Fords, typically Model Ts, 1928–31 Model As, or 1932-34 Model Bs), modified to reduce weight. Typical modifications were removal of convertible tops, hoods, bumpers, windshields, and/or fenders; channeling the body; and modifying the engine by tuning and/or replacing with a more powerful type. Wheels and tires were changed for improved traction and handling. "Hot Rod" was sometimes a term used in the 1950s as a derogatory term for any car that did not fit into the mainstream. Hot rodder's modifications were considered to improve the appearance as well, leading to show cars in the 1960s replicating these same modifications along with a distinctive paint job. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketHot Rods são carros geralmente das décadas de 1920, 1930 e 1940 modificados. As modificações geralmente incluem rodas largas atrás, já que os carros eram praticamente todos de tração traseira, pintura com chamas geralmente feitos apartide aerografia e pinstriping, e motores potentes, na maioria das vezes V8. Muito Populares nas décadas de 1940 e 1950, fazem sucesso até hoje entre os entusiastas automotivos.
O termo teria surgido por volta do final da década de 1930 no sul da Califórnia, onde algumas pessoas costumavam correr com carros modificados em leitos de lagos secos em Los Angeles, sob as regras da Southern California Timing Association. A prática tornou-se ainda mais popular depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, com o retorno de soldados, que recebiam treinamento técnico durante o serviço militar. - Wikipedia


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hotel Chelsea Paper Model - by Aeon2 - Hotel Histórico Americano


The Real Thing
The Hotel Chelsea, also known as the Chelsea Hotel, or simply the Chelsea, is a historic New York City hotel and landmark, known primarily for its history of notable residents. Located at 222 West 23rd Street, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues, in the Manhattan neighborhood of Chelsea, the 250-unit hotel has been the home of numerous writers, musicians, artists, and actors, including Bob Dylan, Virgil Thomson, Charles Bukowski, Janis Joplin, Leonard Cohen, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, Jobriath, and Larry Rivers. Though the Hotel Chelsea no longer accepts new long-term residencies, the building is still home to many residents who lived there before the change of policy. As of August 1, 2011, the hotel has stopped accepting guests.
Sir Arthur C. Clarke wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey while staying at the Chelsea, and poets Allen Ginsberg, and Gregory Corso chose it as a place for philosophical and intellectual exchange. It is also known as the place where the writer Dylan Thomas was staying when he died of pneumonia on November 9, 1953, and where Nancy Spungen, girlfriend of Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols, was found stabbed to death on October 12, 1978.
The building has been a designated New York City landmark since 1966, and on the National Register of Historic Places since 1977. - Wikipedia

Interior of the Hotel
 O Hotel Chelsea, também conhecido como Chelsea Hotel, ou simplesmente, Chelsea, é um histórico hotel da cidade de Nova York. O hotel, que se tornou um grande ponto turístico nos dias de hoje, é conhecido por seu passado e também por seus residentes.
Localizado na 222 West 23rd Street, entre a sétima e oitava avenida, no Chelsea (um bairro na região de Manhattan), o hotel tem sido a casa de diversos escritores, músicos, artistas e atores, incluindo Bob Dylan, Virgil Thomson, Charles Bukowski, Janis Joplin, Patti Smith, Leonard Cohen, Iggy Pop, Jobriath, Robert Mapplethorpe e Larry Rivers. Apesar de o Hotel Chelsea não mais aceitar que as pessoas residam nele, o local continua sendo a casa de diversos moradores iluestres, ainda antes dessa mudança de regras. Hoje em dia, os convidados transitórias podem ficar no hotel por apenas 24 noites.
Arthur C. Clarke escreveu o famoso 2001: A Space Odyssey enquanto estava hospedado no Hotel. Os poetas Allen Ginsberg e Gregory Corso escolheram este Hotel como local de trocas filosóficas e intelectuais. O Hotel foi também a casa do escritor Dylan Thomas, e foi ali que ele morreu de pneumonia no dia 9 de novembro de 1953. O Hotel também serviu de palco para que o famoso Sid Vicious supostamente matasse a sua namorada Nancy Spungen, no dia 12 de outubro de 1978, no quarto 100.
O Hotel é um ponto turístico de Nova York desde 1966, e está no Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos desde 1977. - Wikipedia


Mayan Temple of the Inscriptions, Mexico - by Canon - Templo Maia


The Real Thing
Palenque was a Maya city state in southern Mexico that flourished in the 7th century. The Palenque ruins date back to 100 BC to its fall around 800 AD. After its decline it was absorbed into the jungle, which is made up of cedar, mahogany, and sapodilla trees, but has been excavated and restored and is now a famous archaeological site attracting thousands of visitors. It is located near the Usumacinta River in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
Palenque is a medium-sized site, much smaller than such huge sites as Tikal or Copán, but it contains some of the finest architecture, sculpture, roof comb and bas-relief carvings that the Mayas produced. Much of the history of Palenque has been reconstructed from reading the hieroglyphic inscriptions on the many monuments, historians now have a long sequence of the ruling dynasty of Palenque in the 7th century and extensive knowledge of the city-state's rivalry with other states such as Calakmul and Toniná. The most famous ruler of Palenque was Pacal the Great, whose tomb has been found and excavated in the Temple of the Inscriptions.
By 2005, the discovered area covered up to 2.5 km² (1 sq mi), but it is estimated that less than 10% of the total area of the city is explored, leaving more than a thousand structures still covered by jungle. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketEntre os vestígios deixados pelos maias, as ruínas de Palenque se destacam por seus baixos-relevos em estuque e a originalidade de seu conjunto arquitetônico.
Palenque é o nome por que ficou conhecido o sítio arqueológico situado no estado de Chiapas, México, a 12km da cidade de Santo Domingo de Palenque. Pertence ao período clássico da civilização maia, entre os anos 300 e 900 da era cristã. Seu nome original pode ter sido Nachan, que significa "cidade das serpentes", mas a hipótese nunca foi confirmada.
O período de maior esplendor de Palenque foi no século VII, quando se elaborou a maior parte de seus relevos, monumentos e edifícios. O apuro técnico na arquitetura, nas inscrições hieroglíficas, nas pinturas (quase todas desaparecidas), nas esculturas e na cerâmica faz da arte de Palenque a mais refinada da América pré-colombiana.
O palácio de Palenque, construído sobre uma base piramidal, inclui três muros paralelos que formam dois corredores cobertos por falsas abóbadas (feitas com a escora de pedras enfileiradas). Sobressai, no conjunto, uma torre de vigia com vários pavimentos, de tipo incomum na arquitetura pré-colombiana. Nesse e em outros edifícios encontra-se grande quantidade de baixos-relevos em estuque (material à base de cal, areia, gesso e água), que retratam cenas mitológicas e contêm hieróglifos com datas e fatos históricos. Por sua extrema delicadeza, são considerados o ponto culminante da arte escultórica maia.
No templo das Inscrições há um grande painel hieroglífico datado do ano 692. Em seu interior foi descoberta em 1952 a cripta que serviu de tumba para um sacerdote do século VIII, cujo altar continha numerosos artefatos de jade.
Abandonada e oculta pela floresta durante séculos, Palenque foi descoberta em 1785. O rei Carlos III da Espanha promoveu a exploração arqueológica do sítio. Antonio del Río realizou os primeiros estudos sobre as ruínas e seus baixos-relevos, que despertaram crescente interesse ao longo do século XIX. A partir de 1940, o Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e História do México promoveu a restauração da antiga cidade e patrocinou novos estudos arqueológicos. Desde a década de 1960 o local tornou-se atração turística. -


Peterbilt 281 from "Duel" Movie - by Paper Room


The great Brazilian modeler Ronaldo M generously give to us this very detailed truck form "Duel" movie, with wonderful textures.
Duel is a 1971 television film about a terrified motorist (played by Dennis Weaver) on a remote and lonely road being chased and stalked by an unseen driver of a tanker truck. It was written by Richard Matheson, based on his own short story, and directed by Steven Spielberg in his feature film directing debut.

O grande modelista brasileiro Ronaldo M, generosamente nos brinda com este super detalhado e muito bem texturizado caminhão do filme "Duel".
Um homem está dirigindo seu carro pelas estradas da Califórnia quando começa a ser importunado por um caminhão gigantesco. O que de início parecia apenas uma brincadeira perigosa, torna-se uma perseguição de vida ou morte. Feito em 1971, foi o primeiro filme de Steven Spielberg. É um clássico dos filmes estilo "thriller".

The Real Thing  - 1960 Peterbilt 281 from the movie Duel at Museum of Transportation - photo by Wampa-One


Sbeitla Ruins - Tunisia - Some Updates

Here is the Sbeitla model. First, I chose the photo and open with Sketchup to align the sides, because the photo was not centered.
Eis aqui o modelo de Sbeitla. Primeiro escolho a foto e abro no Sketchup, para alinhar os lados, pois a foto não estava centrada.

I remove everything that does not interest.
Retiro tudo que não interessa.

After "cutting" the diverse parts of the model, I start to "pull" the pieces.
Depois de "cortar" as diversas partes do modelo, eu começo a "puxar" as peças.

And here, you can have an idea that how Sbeitla is in my mind.
E aqui já se pode ter uma idéia de como será Sbeitla.

More advances soon...

You can see the model progress below:

Next Model - Sbeitla Ruins - Tunisia

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Paper Theater - by Paper Matrix - Teatro De Papel

Toy theater, also called paper theater and model theater, is a form of miniature theater dating back to the early 19th century in Europe. Toy theaters were often printed on paperboard sheets and sold as kits at the concession stand of an opera house, playhouse, or vaudeville theater. Toy theaters were assembled at home and performed for family members and guests, sometimes with live musical accompaniment. Toy theater saw a drastic decline in popularity with a shift towards realism on the European stage in the late 19th century, and again with the arrival of television after World War II. Toy theater has seen a resurgence in recent years among many puppeteers, authors and filmmakers and there are numerous international toy theater festivals throughout the Americas and Europe. - Wikipedia





Men`s Club Bus, Beer Truck and Classic Hot Machines - by YMjr

Two very cool models by YMjr:



And in this page you also can download all this little hot machines: Lancia Stratos Alitalia, Lancia Stratos Marlboro, Lancia Stratos Concessionari, Porsche 935, Ferrari 312 P/B, McLaren M8a and more.




Link: Men`