Friday, July 29, 2011

Kawasaki 750-RS and 750-SS Motorcycles - by Kozin_Z

Here a very detailed japanese model of Kawasaki 750-RS/7750-SS by Kozin-Z. There are 12 sheets each model, in .pdo file. Open with Pepakura View or Design. 750-SS model is in .PDF files, in several colours.

Aqui um modelo super detalhado das motos japonesas Kawasaki 750-RS e 750-SS. São 12 folhas em cada modelo, no arquivo .pdo, que podem ser visualizadas com Pepakura View ou Pepakura Design.
A Kawasaki 750-SS está em arquivos .PDF e disponível em várias cores.

Kawasaki 750-RS .pdo model

Kawasaki 750-SS finished model

Link: Kawasaki.750-RS the link to download is in the end of the page, below the last pic.

Link: Kawasaki.750-SS

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Vintage Style Locomotive Paper Toy - by Niku Mansei


An old style locomotive old style by Niku-Mansei, japanese meat industry.

Uma locomotiva estilo "antigo" da indústria de carnes japonesa Niku-Mansei.

Link to model:

Link to Instructions: Locomotive.Instructions

More Trains and Locomotives related posts:

Locomotive Nº 1 - by Power House Museum

Mitake Mountain Cable Car - by Keio - Bonde da Montanha Mitake

Japanese Paper Trains - by SF-Papercraft - Trens Japoneses

Nissan Pao Paper Model Car - by Ken`s Lab

Very well done paper version of  Nissan Pao .

The Nissan Pao, first announced at the Tokyo Motor Show in October 1987, is a retro-styled automobile from Nissan Motors. It was available as a three-door hatchback with or without a textile sun roof ("canvas-top"), the canvas top being the most collectible. The Pao was one of three fashionable spinoffs of the K10 Micra — the Figaro and Be-1 being the other two. Like the Figaro, the Pao was sold without the Nissan name and only by reservation from January 15 through April 14, 1989; orders were served according to their date of placing. The Pao sold out in 3 months and remains a sought after and collectible car, with only about 10,000 made.
According to the article on Japanese Wikipedia, the name is a Chinese word describing a type of house used by nomads in Mongolia for assembly or meetings. - from Wikipedia

Muito bem feita versão em papel do Nissan Pao. O Pao foi anunciado pela primeira vez no Tokyo Motor Show em outubro de 1987,e lançado dois anos depois em 1989.


The real thing:


Thursday, July 28, 2011

WW1 and WW2 Paper Tanks - by Wayne McCullough - Tanques Da 1ª e da 2ª Guerra

Not ordinary models in this page. Mr. Wayne McCullough bring to us a taste of first and second World War, with these incredible models. You will find a WW1 german plane too.

Modelos nada comuns nesta página. O Sr. Wayne McCullough nos oferece um gostinho da 1ª e da 2ª Grande Guerra, com estes seus incríveis modelos.Você ainda encontra um avião alemão da WW1.



Link: Wayne.McCullough`s.Paper.Panzers

More Tanks and Military Vehicles related posts:

Russian Paper Models - by KartonWagen

WW2 Military Vehicles - by Toni Mauricio - Veículos Da Segunda Guerra

WW2 German Tank PzKpwf VI. Tiger In 1/100 scale - by Rawen

T-12 Soviet Tank - by Dragos - Tanque de Guerra Soviético

Slot Car Scenery - by Pedemann - Cenários Para Autoramas

This site has several acessories for slot car dioramas. All you want to make a cool landscape for your slot cars. All in 1/32 scale. Or you can reescale for your Hot Wheels.

Este site é para quem gosta de autoramas. Tudo que você precisa para deixar suas corridas mais emocionantes. Tudo em escala 1/32. Ou você pode reescalar para os seus Hot Wheels.





Link: Pedemann.Online

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lake`s House Refuge - by Papermau - Refúgio Da Casa Do Lago


This model was made when I was thinking in those Zombie Movies, like 28 DAYS LATER or WALKING DEAD,when the survivors reach an abandoned cabin and prepare a kind of bunker to protect then against the zombie invasion. You can see there`s a dog house: a dog always alert about zombies in all movies. In the house they got a good provision of water and a little canoe, In the case of the zombies invade the house.

Watch out!!! The Z-Day is near!!! - Build your cabin and stay safety!


Este modelo eu fiz enquanto pensava em todos aqueles filmes de zumbis, como EXTERMÍNIO ou WALKING DEAD, quando os sobreviventes chegam em uma cabana abandonada e fazem dalí uma espécie de bunker. Vocês podem ver que há uma casa de cachorro, porquê os cães sempre latem quando os zumbis se aproximam nos filmes. Na casa há uma grande quantidade de água potável e uma pequena canoa amarrada em lugar estratégico, para o caso de os feiosos conseguirem invadir a casa.

Cuidado!!! O Dia-Z está próximo!!! Construa sua cabana e fique à salvo!


The model can be downloaded here:

Link to A3 version: Lake`

Link to A4 version: Lake`

Link to Letter version: Lake`


If you have any questions on how to download my models via ADfly in a safe way, please take a look at the post below:

Link: How To Download Papermau Original Models via Adfly Without Freak Out Your Computer

Se você tem alguma dúvida de como baixar meus modelos via ADfly de um modo seguro, por favor, dê uma olhada no post abaixo:

Link: Como Baixar Modelos Originais Papermau via ADfly Sem Detonar Seu Computador


More Papermau Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça

Little Urban Diorama - by Papermau - Pequeno Diorama Urbano

Brick Street Diorama - by Papermau - Rua de Paralelepípedos

Suburbia Diorama - by Papermau - Download Now!

Vintage Paper Models - by Guido`s Paper works - Paper Models Antigos

In Guido`s Paper works you will find some models really interesting. Old models from
all the world. very good stuff.

Na página de Guido você encontrará modelos muito interessantes. antigos modelos de várias partes do mundo.




Link: Guido`s.Paper.Works

Minimart Diorama - by Paperkrap - Mini Loja de Conveniência


A cool model by Paperkrap. A minimart diorama, perfect for your Hot Wheels models.

Uma loja de conveniência muito legal de Paperkrap. Perfeita para usar como stand para seus Hot Wheels.



More Paper Model Dioramas related posts:

8 Bits Subway Scene Papercraft - by Jonny Chiba

Russian Vending Machines Paper Models In 1/43 Scale - by Cardmodels-Mk

Easy Pop-Up Castle For Kids - by Cartoon Sketching

The Old Russia Vintage Papercraft Diorama - by Encyclopedia Homeschoolica

Old Locomotives - by Ray Morris - Locomotivas Antigas

Mr. Ray Morris designed all those little pearls. There are seven trains to download, more one open wagon, a base with rails for the locos and a signal cabin.

O Sr. Morris desenhou todas estas pequenas pérolas. Há sete modelos de trens para baixar, mais um vagão aberto, base com trilho para os trens e até uma cabine de sinalização.




Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Japanese Insects - by Paper Museum.JP - Insetos Japoneses

In Paper Museum you can find some insects to use in school works.

No Paper Museum você encontra alguns insetos que podem ser usados em trabalhos escolares.


