Thursday, May 30, 2019

Japanese Aircraft Carrier Akitsu Maru Paper Model In 1/350 Scale
by Paper Model Studio

The Real Thing
Akitsu Maru was a Japanese landing craft depot ship and escort aircraft carrier operated by the Imperial Japanese Army. In some sources Akitsu Maru and her sister ship Nigitsu Maru are also considered to be the first amphibious assault ships. Akitsu Maru was a passenger liner taken over before completion by the Imperial Japanese Army. The ship was fitted with a flight deck above the hull, but had no hangar so the aircraft were stored below the flight deck on the original main deck. Conventional aircraft were able to fly off from her deck but could not land aboard due to the short deck length and lack of landing mechanisms, although in July 1944 KX arresting gear was fitted on the flight deck. On Thursday 18 November 1943 Akitsu Maru, while in company with the torpedo boat Tomozuru, was torpedoed off the entrance to Manila Bay by the United States submarine Crevalle. Crevalle incorrectly reported Akitsu Maru as sunk. Akitsu Maru was sunk by the United States submarine Queenfish on 15 November 1944. There were 2,046 men, mainly of the IJA's 64th Infantry Regiment, who were killed. Her sister ship Nigitsu Maru was sunk by the submarine Hake on 12 January 1944, with the loss of 574 men.

Akitsu Maru era um porta-aviões japonês de desembarque e escolta operado pelo Exército Imperial Japonês. Em algumas fontes, Akitsu Maru e seu navio irmão Nigitsu Maru também são considerados os primeiros navios de assalto anfíbio. Akitsu Maru era um navio de passageiros antes de ser confiscado pelo Exército Imperial Japonês. O navio foi equipado com um convés de vôo acima do casco, mas não tinha hangar para que a aeronave fosse armazenada abaixo do convés. As aeronaves convencionais conseguiam voar do seu convés, mas não podiam pousar a bordo devido ao comprimento curto do convés e à falta de mecanismos de aterrissagem. Numa quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 1943, o Akitsu Maru, na companhia do torpedeiro Tomozuru, foi torpedeado na entrada da Baía de Manila pelo submarino americano Crevalle. Crevalle informou incorretamente que o Akitsu Maru havia afundado. Ele foi realmente afundado pelo submarino Queenfish dos Estados Unidos em 15 de novembro de 1944. Haviam 2.046 homens, principalmente do 64º Regimento de Infantaria da IJA, que foram mortos. Sua nau irmã Nigitsu Maru foi afundada pelo submarino Hake em 12 de janeiro de 1944, com a perda de 574 homens.

Link: WW2`

More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:

Japan Coast Guard Ships - by 01 Kanku - Barcos Japoneses

Steam Boat Dampfschiff Rigi - by Dolfmeister - Barco A Vapor

Ship Kasato Maru Paper Model - 100 Years of Japanese Immigration in Brazil

Cargo Ship - by Somodi Zoltan - Navio Cargueiro

Vintage Mexican Dress Up Paper Dolls With Typical Costumes
by Midory Snider

These beautiful Vintage Mexican Dress Up Paper Dolls with Typical Costumes were preserved and are now shared by Midory Snider, from In The Labyrinth website.

Estas belas bonecas de Papel Mexicanas em Estilo Dress Up com Trajes Típicos foram preservadas e são agora compartilhadas por Midory Snider, do site In The Labyrinth.


More Dress Up Paper Dolls related posts:

1880`s Kaiser Frederick The 3rd and Kaiserin Victoria - by 19th Century Paper Dolls

Fashion Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Final Fashion - Bonecas De Vestir Estilo Fashion

Renaissance Dress Up Paper Dolls - by David Claudon

Betty Boop Dress Up Paper Doll - by Paper Dolls And Toys

An Easy-To-Build Mini City Playset Papercraft For Kids - by Brother

Offered by Brother Japan website, here is a complete and easy-to-build Mini City playset papercraft, that is perfect for little kids. You will find shops, houses, hospital, police headquarter and fire brigade, trees, cars, trucks, and a lot of characters to make a complete and full of life city at your room. Take children away from video games and cell phones and let them use their imagination and hands for something more productive than pressing button sequences that can cause even injuries, such as tendonitis. I speak from experience: life goes by flying, children grow up fast and all the time you spend together will make a beneficial difference in the formation and future of them. Believe me.

Oferecido pelo site da Brother Japan, aqui está uma Mini Cidade completa e bem fácil de montar, que é perfeita para crianças pequenas. Você vai encontrar lojas, casas, hospitais, delegacia de polícia e quartel de bombeiros, árvores, carros, caminhões e um monte de personagens para fazer uma cidade completa e cheia de vida em sua sala. Tire as crianças da frente dos videogames e dos celulares e deixe que elas usem a imaginação e as mãos para algo mais produtivo que apertar sequências de botões que podem causar até mesmo lesões, tais como tendinites. Eu falo por experiência própria: a vida passa voando, as crianças crescem rápido e todo o tempo que vocês passarem juntos vai fazer uma diferença benéfica na formação e no futuro delas. Acredite em mim.


More Playset Paper Models related posts:

The Muppet Theater Playset - by Disney Family - O Teatro De Papel Dos Muppets

Star Wars` Vintage Hoth Ice With AT-AT Adventure Set - by Erick Stromtrooper

Wreck-It Ralph Playset Diorama Paper Model - by Spoonfull

The Great Cardboard Castle Project - by Spoonful - O Grande Projeto Do Castelo De Papelão

Benzai-Kan - An Ancient Japanese Merchant Ship Paper Model
by Shukuka1014

Occupying two printed sheets, this is the paper model of an old merchant ship from Japan, created by Japanese designer and modeler Shukuka1014. Benzai-kan, or Sengoku-sen was a Japanese ship that was said to be able to transport the load of rice of thousand ships. In his glorious days, it made the Kitamae route.

Ocupando duas folhas impressa, este é o modelo de papel de um antigo navio mercante do Japão, criado pelo designer e modelista japonês Shukuka1014. Benzai-kan, ou Sengoku-sen era um navio japonês que se dizia poder transportar a carga de arroz de mil barcos. Em seus gloriosos dias, ele fazia a rota Kitamae.


More Paper Models of Boats and Ships related posts:

German Human Torpedo Neger Paper Model - by Renova Model - Mini-Submarino Torpedeiro

Paper Model History - 1956`s 24 Canons Chebec Ship - by Emmanuel Guyetand

WW2 German Battleship Bismarck - by Zio Prudenzio

Battle Cruiser Ship 1/ 800 Scale - by Etsutan - Navio de Guerra

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sharp X68000 Personal Computer Paper Model - by Rocky Bergen

Rocky Bergen is a Canadian industrial designer and creator of this miniature paper model of the X68000 Personal Computer, a Japanese home computer created by Sharp Corporation, first released in 1987 and sold only in Japan. In terms of hardware, the X68K was very similar to arcade machines of the time, and served as the Capcom CPS system development machine.

Rocky Bergen é um designer industrial canadense e criador deste modelo de papel do Computador Pessoal X68000, um computador doméstico japonês criado pela Sharp Corporation, lançado pela primeira vez em 1987 e vendido apenas no Japão. Em termos de hardware, o X68K era muito semelhante às máquinas de arcade da época e servia como máquina de desenvolvimento de sistemas Capcom CPS.


More Paper Models of Computers and Technology related posts:

The Macintosh Papercraft - by The Burn Lab - Computador Mac Em Papel

Commodore SX-64 First Portable PC - by Erik Schubach

Apple I and Apple II PCs - by Julius Perdana - Paper-Replika

IBM 5100 Portable Computer Paper Model - by Casita De Papel

1980`s Chevrolet Veraneio - Brazilian Police "ROTA" Paper Model
by Roberto Santana

This is from a time when the police were respected in Brazil. Nowadays a great part (but not most) of Brazilians idolize criminals and people of bad character, who preach the cunning (in the pejorative sense of the word) and corruption with a way to rise in life. Created by Brazilian designer and modeler Roberto Santana, this is mythical 1980`s Chevrolet Veraneio with the painting of ROTA (Ostensive Rounds Tobias de Aguiar), one of the most respected troops of the General Command of São Paulo Military Police, here in Brazil. Because it is very easy to assemble, this model is perfect for Dioramas, RPGs and Wargames.

Este é de um tempo em que a polícia era respeitada no Brasil. Hoje em dia uma grande parte (mas não a maioria) dos brasileiros idolatra criminosos e pessoas de mal caráter, que pregam a esperteza (no sentido pejorativo da palavra) e a corrupção com forma de subir na vida. Criado pelo designer e modelista brasileiro Roberto Santana, esta é mítica Chevrolet Veraneio com a pintura da ROTA (rondas ostensivas Tobias de Aguiar), uma das mais respeitadas tropas do Comando Geral da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo. Por ser bem fácil de montar, este modelo é perfeito para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Link: 1980`

More Police Cars Paper Models related posts:

Classic Police Car Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Easy-To-Build Japanese Patrol Car Paper Model In 1/32 Scale - by Paper Model Studio

Police Kombi Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Easy-To-Build Police Van Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Iglesia San Juan Bautista De Baños De Cerrato Paper Model
by Secanda Models

This is the Iglesia San Juan Bautista de Baños de Cerrato, the newest paper model created by my friend, the French designer and modeler Secanda. You will find many other unique paper models there, as can be seen on the images of this post. Secanda said:

Hi Mauther,

I added a new paper model in my website. This model is the "Iglesia San Juan Bautista de Baños de Cerrato" (1/100 scale - 11 A4 sheets). This very old church is one of the main pre-Romanesque architectural treasures of Spain. It's a church of the Visigothic time (i.e. the time in Hispania between the end of the Roman Empire and the Muslim invasion) and it's the only building among the very few buildings remaining from this time whose the building date (more exactly the consecration date) is known with precision: 661. A consecration plate with this date was put in the nave above the main arch by the Visigoth king Receswinthe. The two lateral chapels and the aisles was modified during the Gothic time but the whole nave, its arches and the choir remain intact from the Visigothic time and are a rare and precious testimony to this time. These inner parts being the most interesting parts of this building, I reproduced them with details and I fitted the model with removable roofs to see them. Best regards from Brittany and congratulations for your very active and exhaustive website. - Secanda

Esta é a Iglesia San Juan Bautista de Baños de Cerrato, o mais novo modelo de papel criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista francês Secanda. Você vai encontrar muitos outros modelos exclusivos lá, como pode ser visto nas imagens deste post. Secanda disse:

Oi Mauther,

Eu adicionei um novo modelo de papel no meu site. Este modelo é a "Iglesia San Juan Bautista de Baños de Cerrato" (escala 1/100 - 11 folhas A4). Esta igreja muito antiga é um dos principais tesouros arquitetônicos pré-românicos da Espanha. É uma igreja da época visigótica (ou seja, a época na Hispânia entre o fim do Império Romano e a invasão muçulmana) e é o único edifício entre os poucos remanescentes desta época cuja data de construção (mais exatamente a data de consagração) é conhecido com precisão: 661. Uma placa de consagração com esta data foi colocada na nave acima do arco principal pelo rei visigodo Receswinthe. As duas capelas laterais e os corredores foram modificados durante a era gótica, mas a nave inteira, os seus arcos e o coro permanecem intactos desde a época visigótica e são um testemunho raro e precioso desta época. Estas partes internas são as partes mais interessantes deste edifício, e eu as reproduzi com detalhes e eu ajustei o modelo com telhados removíveis para que você possa vê-los. Meus cumprimentos da Bretanha e parabéns pelo seu site muito ativo e extenso. - Secanda

Link: Iglesia.San.Juan.Bautista.De.Bañ

More European Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Vintage European Farm Papercraft - by Agence Eureka - Antiga Fazenda Européia

European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

Desktop Architecture - Serie 02 - by Papermau

Medieval Church - by Papermau - Igreja Medieval

Paper Car Cut-Outs Papercraft Collection - by Moss Motoring

Offered by Moss Motoring website, here is a beautiful papercraft collection of Austin-Healey convertible cars. You will find seven different models to download for free.

Oferecido pelo site da Moss Motoring, aqui está uma bela coleção de papercrafts de carros conversíveis Austin-Healey. Você vai encontrar sete modelos diferentes para baixar gratuitamente.


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Honda City - Japanese Paper Car - by Hal / Ginrei Mokei

2002`s Toyota MR-S Paper Car - by Gazoo

1970`s Dodge Polara Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto

Epson NSX Racing Paper Model Diorama - by Epson Japan

Traditional Portuguese Houses Series - Granite House Paper Model
For Dioramas, RPG & Wargames - by Tulius Hostilius

Created by Potuguese designer and wargames enthusiast Tulius Hostilius, this is the Granite House, an architectural paper model that is part of the Traditional Portuguese Houses Series. 

A nice model for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Criado pelo designer português e entusiasta de jogos de guerra Tulius Hostilius, esta é a Casa de Granito, um modelo de papel arquitetônico que faz parte da Série de Casas Tradicionais Portuguesas. 

Um ótimo modelo para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Link 01:

Link 02:

More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Railway Papercraft Acessories In HO Scale - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Build Your Own Tweetsie Rail Road - 3D Trains And Town Sets - by Tweetsie

German Buildings In HO Scale For Railroad Dioramas - by Meineschule.De

Signs & Billboards For Dioramas And Train Sets - by Tom Kat 13 - via Zealot Forum

Monday, May 27, 2019

Ipiranga Service Station Paper Model - by Fabiano Ornelas Chaves

Fabiano Ornelas Chaves is a friend modeler and enthusiast of Hot Wheels miniatures here from Brazil and he kindly sent me the templates of this Ipiranga Service Station that he created, to be shared with all modeling friends. I am very happy that Fabiano has given me the honor to present his work here on the blog. It is always a pleasure to share models of modeling friends from all the world. - "Thank you very much, Fabiano, for the beautiful work and for giving me the honor of sharing it here on the blog. A big hug!" - The assembled model, as well as all the photos of this post are authored by Fabiano.

O Fabiano Ornelas Chaves é um amigo designer, modelista e entusiasta das miniaturas Hot Wheels aqui do Brasil e ele gentilmente enviou-me os templates deste Posto Ipiranga que ele criou, para ser compartilhado com todos os amigos modelistas. Eu estou muito contente por Fabiano ter me dado a honra de apresentar seu trabalho aqui no blog. É sempre um prazer compartilhar os modelos dos amigos modelistas de todo o mundo. - "Muito obrigado, Fabiano, pelo belo trabalho e por ter me dado a honra de compartilhá-lo aqui no blog. Um grande abraço!" - O modelo montado, assim como todas as fotos desta postagem são de autoria do Fabiano.

Link sheet 01:

Link sheet 02:

Link sheet 03:

Link sheet 04:

Link sheet 05:

More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Kellogg's UK Paper Village - Baker's Shop - by Toy Connect

Van Gogh - The Yellow House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Paper Buildings For RPG Games - by Germy

Wood House In The Desert - by Papermau - Download Now!

Chocolat Delespaul - A French Vintage Papercraft - by Agence Eureka

This beautiful vintage paper model, the Chocolat Delespaul Advertising Truck, was originally published in France, in the early twentieth century, to promote a chocolat brand. This model was preserved and now is shared by Agence Eureka website.

Este belo modelo do papel antigo, o Caminhão Chocolat Delespaul, foi publicado originalmente na França, no início do Século Vinte, para promover uma marca de chocolates. Este modelo foi preservado e agora é compartilhado pelo site Agence Eureka.

Link to original version:

Link to cleaned version:

Link to Agence Eureka website: Agence.Eureka.French.Vintage.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

French Grocery Vintage Paper Model - by Toto - Mercearia Antiga

Grande Loterie Vintage Diorama - by Agence Eureka

Arab Tent Diorama - via Agence Eureka - Assembled by Eatcrow2

Vintage Paper Toy Shop - by Angelika Oeckl

An Easy-To-Build Blue Robot Paper Toy For Kids - by Brother

Here is an easy-to-build Blue Robt paper toy that is perfect for kids, offered by Brother website.

Eis aqui um paper toy bem fácil de montar de um Robô Azul que é perfeito para crianças, oferecido pelo site da Brother.


More Paper Models of Robots related posts:

Easy-To-Build Robot Paper Toy - by UOL - Robô Paper toy Para Crianças

Articulated Poplock Robot Paper Toy - by Paper Posables - Robô Articulado

Johnny 5 Paper Robot - by Randy Padama - via DeviantArt

Rosie Jetson The Robot Maid - by Phil Creations