Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lilo & Stitch - Stitch Valentine Candy Box Papercraft - by Disney Family

You will need only one sheet of paper to build this cute Stitch Valentine Candy Box, offered by Disney Family website.

Você precisará de apenas uma folha de papel para montar esta simpática Caixinha de Presentes de Dia dos Namorados do Stitch, oferecida pelo site da Disney Family.


More Valentine`s Day Paper Models related posts:

Romantic Treasure Chest Paper Model - by Romanticraft

Panda Dog Paper Toy Series With Boxes - by Paperinside Korea

Pop Up Heart Papercraft - by Popupology

Dancing Dolls Automata Papercraft - by Canon - Bonecos Dançarinos

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Halloween House Pop-Up Paper Model - by Laura's Frayed Knot

This Halloween House Pop-Up paper model is offered by North American designer Laura, from Laura's Frayed Knot website. Paying attention to the lines that should be cut and those that should be folded, anyone can assemble this creative paper template.

Este modelo de papel em estilo Pop-Up de uma Casa do Dia das Bruxas é oferecido pela designer norte-americana Laura, do site Laura's Frayed Knot. Prestando atenção nas linhas que devem ser cortadas e nas que devem ser dobradas, qualquer um pode montar esse criativo modelo de papel.


More Pop Up Papercrafts related posts:

3D Pop-Up House Papercraft - by UOL - Casa 3D Pop-Up

Super Easy pop-Up Room - by Belsey - via Instructables - Sala De Esta Em Estilo Pop-Up

Egyptian Guys 3D Pop-Up - by Papermau

Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Pop Up Card And Cupcake Topper Papercrafts by Lova Blavarg - via Sweet Paul Mag

Brazilian Army Truck Paper Model - by Veteranos 13 Pelpe

Offered by Veterans of the 13th Army Police Squad website, here is a very nice paper model of a Brazilian Military Truck, occupying three sheets of paper.

Oferecido pelo site dos Veteranos do 13º Pelotão de Polícia do Exército, eis aqui um modelo de papel muito bacana de um Caminhão Militar Brasileiro, ocupando três folhas de papel.


More Paper Models of Military Vehicles related posts:

Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio & Dark Vador

WW2`s Soviet Heavy Tank IS-2 Paper Model - by X-Diem

WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus

Scammell 6X6 Gun Tractor Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Dark Vador via Le Forum En Papier

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

An Elephant Paper Toy In A Classic Japanese Style - by Tetsuya Watabe & Kamimodel

Japanese designers Tetsuya Watabe and Kamimodel are working in a papercraft series of animals in a classic Japanese style based in old paintings. This Elephant is an example. I hope they continue to create more "creatures" like this. - Many thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for this beautiful find!

Os designers japoneses Tetsuya Watabe e Kamimodel estão trabalhando em uma série de animais em papercraft em estilo japonês clássico baseado em pinturas antigas. Este Elefante é um exemplo. Eu espero que eles continuem criando mais "criaturas" como essa. - Muito obrigado ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por este belo achado!


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Firecrest and Kingfisher Birds Realistic Style - by Johan Scherft

Lobster Paper Model - by Kozin-Z - Lagosta Em Papercraft

Dobermann Pinscher Paper Model - by Wen - via Pepakura Gallery

Paper Animals - by Peramodel - Animais em Papel

Isaac, Monstro And Worn Paper Toys - by Fold Up Toys

Freely inspired by the biblical fable of Isaac, these are the paper toys of Issac, the Monster and the Worm, created by British designer and modeler Alex Gwynne, from Fold Up Toys website.

Livremente inspirado na fábula bíblica de Isaac, estes são os paper toys de Issac, do Monstro e do Verme, criados pelo designer e modelista britânico Alex Gwynne, do site Fold Up Toys.

Link to Monstro & Worn:

Link to Isaac:

More Paper Toys related posts:

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

Camo Paper Toy - by Papermau

Rilakkuma Happy Cupcake Papercraft - by Ikarus Media

Pirate Papercraft - by Poof Rabbit - via Instructables

2017`s Indianapolis 500 - Fernando Alonso`s Car Paper Model
by Alo17

Created by French designer and modeler Alo17 and originally posted at Le Forum en Papier, this is the racing car drived by Fernando Alonso on 2017`s Indianapolis 500.

Criado pelo designer e modelista francês Alo17 e publicado originalmente no Le Forum en Papier, este é o carro de corrida pilotado por Fernando Alonso na Indianapolis 500, de 2017.

Link: 2017`s.Indianapolis.500.Fernando.Alonso`

More Paper Models of Racing Vehicles related posts:

Formula 1 Paper Cars - by Kamino-Ana

Formula 1 Dioramas And Acessories - by Metmania Fan

Build Your Own Lotus Formula 1 Paper Car - by Lotus F1 Team

Formula One Paper Cars - by Paper Replika

Monday, May 21, 2018

A Tiger Paper Toy In A Classic Japanese Style - by Tetsuya Watabe
& Kamimodel

Japanese designers Tetsuya Watabe and Kamimodel are working in a papercraft series of animals in a classic Japanese style based in old paintings. This Tiger is an example. I hope they continue to create more "creatures" like this. - Many thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for this beautiful find!

Os designers japoneses Tetsuya Watabe e Kamimodel estão trabalhando em uma série de animais em papercraft em estilo japonês clássico baseado em pinturas antigas. Este Tigre é um exemplo. Eu espero que eles continuem criando mais "criaturas" como essa. - Muito obrigado ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por este belo achado!


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Aquarium Diorama Papercraft - by Epson

BunnyGirls Donut Paper Toy - by Salazad / Olla Boku

Totoro Papercraft - by Studio Of M.M

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

A Lot Of Pop-Up Cards For Kids - Free Templates And Tutorials
by Matthew Reinhart

North American artist Matthew Christian Reinhart, author of all these cool and ingenious pop-up cards, says: - "If you’re good at following directions, you’ll be a pop-up wizard after you’ve used these simple pop-up templates." 

You will find pop-up cards with various themes, such as Star Wars, Transformers, Halloween, Valentine`s Day, Easter, Dinosaurs, etc. All for free and with very well done tutorials, full of photos.

O artista norte-americano Matthew Christian Reinhart, autor de todos esses cartões pop-up bacanas e engenhosos, diz: - "Se você é bom em seguir instruções, você será um mago do pop-up depois de ter montado esses cartões pop-up simples."  

Você vai encontrar cartões pop-up com vários temas, como Star Wars, Transformers, Dia das Bruxas, Dia dos Namorados, Páscoa, Dinossauros, etc. Tudo de graça e com tutoriais muito bem feitos, repletos de fotos.


More Pop Up Paper Models related posts:

Van Gogh Room Pop-Up Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Old Clock Room Pop-Up Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Pompeii Villa Pop Up Paper Model - by Ellen McHenry

3D Pop Up Castle Paper Model - by Papyromania - Castelo Em Estilo Pop Up

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Godzicrack Paper Toy - by Tougui - via Paper Toy France

Created by French designer and modeler Tougui and originally posted at Paper Toy France website, this is the Godzicrack paper toy.

Criado pelo designer e modelista francês Tougui e publicado originalmente no site da Paper Toy France, este é o paper toy do Godzicrack.


More Paper Toys related posts:

We All Need Some Nirvana Sometimes Paper Toys - by Little Plastic Man

Tomb Raider - 90`s Lara Croft Paper Model - by Elso Craft Museo

Robocop Paper Model - Simple Version - by Elso Craft Museo

3EyedBear Paper Toys - by Maarten Janssens

Coochooka - The Legendary Rainbow Bird Paper Toy - by Fold Up Toys

Created by British designer and modeler Alex Gwynne, from Fold Up Toys website, this is Coochooka, a legendary rainbow bird that descends from the sky only when a rainbow appears at night.

Criado pelo designer e modelista britânico Alex Gwynne, do site Fold Up Toys, este é Coochooka, um lendário pássaro arco-íris que desce do céu somente quando um arco-íris aparece à noite.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip

Wolverine Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Workers Paper Toys - by Dale Harper / Telman - Paper Toys De Profissões

Urfin`s Wooden Soldier Paper Toy - by Paper Aviation - Soldado De Madeira

Saturday, May 19, 2018

An Egyptian Temple - Built With Egyptian Themed Stand And Egyptian Elements For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papermau

I've been playing with the endless possibilities of building using two paper models already posted here on the blog: the Egyptian Themed Stand and the Egyptian Elements For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames.

Eu tenho brincado com as infinitas possibilidades de construção usando dois modelos de papel já postados aqui no blog: o Stand com Tema Egípcio e os Elementos Egípcios para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

As you can see, with just a few pieces you can already create interesting dioramas, like the ones you see on the photos of this post.

Como vocês podem ver, com apenas algumas peçasé possível criar dioramas interessantes, como os que você vê nas fotos deste post.

As I assemble more pieces, I will post the advances here on the blog. If someone is also putting together this diorama, I will be very happy to post the photos here on the blog.

Conforme eu for montando mais peças, eu irei postando os avanços aqui no blog. Se alguém também for montar este diorama, eu terei muito prazer em postar as fotos aqui no blog.

What a medieval knight is doing in an Egyptian diorama? Well, I had no Egyptian Playmobil at hand, but I wanted to show the scale of the model, so for now this knight serves.

O que um cavaleiro medieval está fazendo em um diorama egípcio? Bem ,eu não tinha nenhum Playmobil egípcio à mão, mas eu queria mostrar a escala do modelo, então por enquanto este cavaleiro serve.

If anyone is interested in putting together this diorama, the links to the stand and to the spare parts are just below at the end of this post. Have fun!

Se alguém se interessar em montar este diorama, os links para o stand e para as peças avulsas estão logo abaixo, no final deste post. Boa montagem!

The floor and the decorated wall that appears in the background I will post in the next week.

O piso e a parede decorada que aparece ao fundo eu posto na próxima semana.

Link to the Stand: Egyptian Themed Stand Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Link to the elements: Egyptian Elements For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!

More Egyptian themed Paper Models related posts:

Mummy`s Sarcophagus Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon

Egyptian Memory Game - by Papermau - Jogo Da Memória Egípcio

Giza Necropolis Pyramids - by Armada Models - Pirâmides de Gizé