Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Bible Miniworld Paper Toys - The Three Wise Men Paper Toys
by My Little House

This coll set of paper toys representing the Three Wise Men was created by French designer Martin Didier, from My Little House website. 

They are perfect for Dioramas and Cribs/Nativity Scenes.

Este conjunto de paper toys bem bacana representando os Três Reis Magos foi criado pelo designer francês Martin Didier, do site My Little House.

 São perfeitos para Dioramas e Presépios.


More Christmas Cribs and Nativity Sets paper models related posts:

Christmas Time - Casa Editrice Carroccio Nativity Set - by Svatava Vizinová - via Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - Match Boxes Nativity Set - by Digitprop

Christmas Time - Vintage Crib - Italian Presepio, Marca Stella - by Vittorio Pranzini - via Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House

Christmas Time - Santa Claus Climbing a Ladder Banner Papercraft
by Accroche

Occupying eighteen sheets of paper, this beautiful Christmas themed decorative papercraft representing a team of Santa Claus climbing a ladder was created by Japanese designer Accroche, commissioned by Canon website.

Ocupando dezoito folhas de papel, este papercraft natalino representando uma turma do Papais Noéis subindo uma escada foi criado pelo designer japonês Accroche, comissionado pelo site da Canon.


More Christmas themed Paper Models related posts:

Christmas Time - A Miniature Christmas Tree Gift Box Paper Model
by Paper Museum

Offered by Paper Museum, Japanese website and occupying three sheets of paper, this miniature Christmas tree, in addition to decorating, also serves as a gift box. Its base is a box that can be used to place sweets or souvenirs.

Oferecido pelo site Paper Museum, do Japão, e ocupando três folhas de papel, esta árvore de Natal em miniatura, além de decorar, também serve como caixa de presente. Sua base é uma caixinha que pode ser usada para colocar docinhos ou lembranças.


More Christmas themed Paper Models related posts:

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Astronaut Bear Playset Papercraft - by Minya & Shiori Oka

This playset paper toy of an astronaut bear with a spaceship, a lunar vehicle and even some friendly aliens occupies only six sheets of paper and was created by Japanese designers Minya and Shiori Oka, exclusively for Canon website.

Este playset paper toy de um urso astronauta com nave espacial, veículo lunar e até alguns simpáticos alienígenas ocupa apenas seis folhas de papel e foi criado pelos designers japoneses Minya e Shiori Oka, exclusivamente para o site da Canon.


More Playset Papercrafts related posts:

Christmas Time - Easy-To-Build Snowflakes Ornaments - by Brother

Offered by Brother website, here are three easy-to-build Christmas ornaments in the shape of snowflakes.

Oferecidos pelo site da Brother, aqui estão três enfeites de Natal bem fáceis de montar no formato de flocos de neve.


More Christmas themed Paper Models related posts:

Tank Craft Funny Car Miniature Paper Model In SD Style - by GT40

This paper model of the "Funny Car", a Stock Car in SD style (super-deformed style) was created by Japanese designer GT-40 to promote his website (Tank Craft).

The site no longer exists, but this paper model is still available on the Pepakura Gallery community site. 

To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post). When the file opens, you will be asked for a password.

Just ignore it and click on the option "open with Pekaura Viewer" that appears right below the password space.

Este modelo de papel do "Funny Car", um Stock Car em estilo SD (estilo super-deformado) foi criado pelo designer japonês GT-40 para promover seu website (Tank Craft).

O site já não existe mais, mas este modelo de papel continua disponível no site da comunidade Pepakura Gallery. 

Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post). 

Quando o arquivo abrir, vai ser pedido uma senha. 

Apenas ignore e clique na opção "abra com o Pepakura Viewer" que aparece logo abaixo do espaço de senha.
