Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Medieval Castle - A 2009`s Papermau Original Papercraft
Download Tomorrow!

I created this papercraft of a medieval castle in January 2009. It was all designed and textured in MsPaint and was originally published here on the blog in 2011. 

I thought I had lost the original templates, but luckily I found them on an old rewritable CD. I also found the original papercraft of the castle that I built in 2009. 

The model was kept in a shoe box all these years, protected from light and humidity and is in perfect condition after 15 years. 

The photos in this post were taken today and as you can see, the model is intact. 

Many people don't give the papercraft hobby a chance because they think that what they create or assemble today will disintegrate in a few days or months, when in fact, with a little basic care, a papercraft can last for years, like this castle, which if it were a person, today would be a teenager. 

Today I leave just a few images. I'm working on the templates and I'm going to combine everything into a single PDF file. 

Tomorrow, if there is no unforeseen event that prevents me from doing so, I will post the castle for download on the blog. Have a good week everyone.

Eu criei este papercraft de um castelo medieval em Janeiro de 2009. Ele foi todo desenhado e texturizado no MsPaint e foi publicado aqui no blog originalmente em 2011. 

Eu pensei haver perdido os templates originais, mas por sorte os encontrei em um velho CD regravável. Também encontrei o papercraft original do castelo que eu montei também em 2009. 

O modelo ficou todos estes anos guardado em uma caixa de sapatos, protegido da luz e umidade e encontra-se em perfeito estado depois de 15 anos. 

As fotos deste post foram tiradas hoje e como vocês podem ver, o modelo está inteiro. 

Muitas pessoas não dão uma chance ao hobby do papercraft porque pensam que o que elas criarem ou montarem hoje se desintegrará em poucos dias ou meses, quando na verdade, com poucos cuidados básicos, um papercraft pode durar anos, como este castelo, que se fosse uma pessoa, hoje seria um adolescente. 

Hoje deixo apenas algumas imagens. Estou trabalhando nos templates e vou juntar tudo em um único arquivo PDF. 

Amanhã, se não houver nenhum imprevisto que em impeça de fazê-lo, posto o castelo para download no blog. Boa semana parta todos.

More Papermau Architectural Paper Models for Dioramas, School Projects And Wargames related posts:


  1. Wow! That model indeed still looks remarkable! I wouldn't have thought that it would keep so well over all the years. 👍

    1. Hi, Livia, thanks for your words and fo r the visit! Greetings from Brazil! :)


  2. Hello Mauther, after searching on your website i couldn't find the download link for the castle pdf, did you end up not making it or i simply didnt search well enough? would you be able to link it for me in case? thanks and greetings from Italy :))

    1. Hi, you don`t search enough... :)

      Here is the link:

      Greetings from Brazil to beautiful Italy.

