Thursday, June 9, 2022

This Is Not Paper, But... - A First Experience With Styrofoam Models

I got a 6.0mm styrofoam board and decided to try to create something. Before, I watched some tutorials on Youtube and found the techniques used to shape and texture this material very interesting.

The result I've achieved so far, as you can see, is pretty rudimentary, but I had a lot of fun cutting and creating 3D textures.

For coloring I used matte black acrylic paint as a base and then, using the dry brush technique, I applied two coats of white, also using matte acrylic paint. After it dried well, I used gouache paints to color it, because they were the only colored paints I had, but I ended up liking the result.

The colors were kind of pastel and not shiny, and that's what I wanted. As soon as I make more progress, I'll post it here on the blog.

I'll see if I can scan the parts and create paper models. We will see...

Eu arranjei uma placa de isopor de 6,0 mm e resolvi tentar criar algo. Antes, assisti alguns tutoriais no Youtube e achei bem interessante as técnicas usadas para moldar e texturizar esse material.

O resultado que consegui até agora, como vocês podem ver, é bem rudimentar, mas eu me diverti bastante cortando e criando texturas em 3D.

Para colorir eu usei tinta acrílica preta fosca como base e depois, usando a técnica do pincel seco, dei duas mãos de branco, também usando tinta acrílica fosca. Depois de bem seco, usei tintas guache para colorir, porque eram as únicas tintas coloridas que eu tinha, mas acabei gostando do resultado.

As cores ficaram meio pastel e não ficaram brilhantes, e eram assim que eu queria. Assim que eu fizer mais avanços, posto aqui no blog.

Vou ver se eu consigo escanear as peças e criar modelos de papel. Vamos ver...

More This Is Not Paper, But... related posts:

It Is Not Paper, But... - PET Bottle Penguins - by Claudio Belmudes - Pinguins De Garrafa PET

It Is Not Paper, But... - Make Your Own Boat In A Lamp - by Msolek - via Instructables

House Made From Matches - by English Russia - Casa De Fósforos

It Is Not Paper, But... - Scott Weaver Toothpick Art - via Shangrala Family Fun

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