Monday, January 3, 2022

Amusement Park Steamboat Paper Model In 1/35 Scale - by Kallboys

Celebrating the release of his fortieth exclusive paper model, our German friends from Kallboys website give to us a really nice Christmas gift: the British Steamboat, a very detailed and beautiful paper model in 1/35 scale. 

At the beginning of the 19th century, rides on British fairs were from today's perspective rather simple and not very exciting. 

However, this changed with the triumph of steam engines. At "Steam Yachts", the gondolas, which could hold up to 60 passengers, were suspended and turned around "A" frames and steam-powered. At that time a real thrill... 

Although there were Steam yachts only on British fairs, the Kallboys thought it would be a nice idea to build up this great piece of fair and technical history on their fictitious Christmas market.

Celebrando o lançamento de seu quadragésimo modelo de papel exclusivo, nossos amigos alemães do site Kallboys nos dão um grande presente de Natal: o Barco á Vapor Britânico, um belo modelo de papel super detalhado na escala 1/35. 

No início do século 19, os passeios nas feiras britânicas eram na perspectiva de hoje, bastante simples e não muito emocionantes. No entanto, isso mudou com o advento das máquinas a vapor. 

No "Steam Yachts", as gôndolas, que podiam conter até 60 passageiros, eram suspensas e giravam entre vigas em formato de "A". Naquela época, uma verdadeira emoção ... 

Embora estes barcos só fossem encontrados em feiras britânicas, os Kallboys acharam que seria uma ótima idéia construir essa grande peça da história em seu Mercado de Natal.

Link: Mondorf`s.Amusement.Park.Steamboat.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Original Paper Models by Kallboys related posts:

1817`s British Steam Boat Ship Caledonia - by Kallboys

Mondorf Giesenshof House Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Kallboys

Roman Galley Paper Model - by Kallboys.De - Galera Romana

On the Sieg-Ferry Restaurant Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Kallboys

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