Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Time - The Grinch Paper Toy - by Paperized

Created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized website,, this is the Grinch paper toy. The Grinch is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss. He first appeared as the main character of the 1957 Christmas story How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized, este é o paper toy do Grinch. O Grinch é um personagem inventado por Dr. Seuss. Sua primeira aparição se deu na história Como o Grinch Roubou o Natal!, de 1957.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mauther for posting The Grinch! Have a nice day my friend! :)
