Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Halloween Special - The Secret Halloween Papercraft Page
by Ravensblight

If you go straight to the paper toys download page of Ravensblight`s, you are losing a lot of cool stuff around the site, such as complete pop rock albums, paintings, stories and small horror films, all created by Ray O` Bannon. An example, or rather several examples, of what you fails to appreciate are these paper models which are on a page called Halloween Treats.

Se você vai direto para a página de download dos paper toys do Ravensblight, você está perdendo um bocado de coisas legais espalhadas pelo site, tais como albúns completos de pop rock, pinturas, contos e pequenos filmes de terror, tudo criado pelo Ray O`Bannon. Um exemplo, ou melhor vários exemplos do que você deixa de apreciar são estes modelos de papel que ficam em uma página chamada Halloween Treats.

Link: Halloween.Special.The.Secret.Halloween.Papercraft.Page.by.Ravensblight

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Easy-To-Build Mini Skeleton - by Ben & Jerry`s

Halloween Special - Headcrab Mask Paper Model - by Billybob884

Halloween Special - Cute Halloween Paper Toys - by Kumarila

Halloween Special - Mad Skull Paper Model - by Scanner Joe

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your great Halloween posts, my Friend...
    Hello from Marshville ... Stacey ("Dr. Theda")
