Urashima Taro was a fisherman. One day he caught a large turtle in his nets. The turtle was a symbol of old age and thus much respected. Urashima let the animal free. To his amazment the turtle transformed into a lovely young woman. She explained that she was the daughter of Ryūjin, the dragon god. She casts a spell on the fisherman enabling him to breath underwater then invites him to Ryūgū-jō. Urashima was amazed by the vast underwater palace of coral and crystal but even more so by Ryūjin himself. The mighty dragon god’s coils were thousands of feet long and glittered with scales of every imaginable shade of green, aquamarine, turquoise, and blue. His head was crowned with branching antlers and his teeth were as long as scythes. Despite his daunting appearance the god had a kindly look in his eyes and took a liking to Urashima. He allowed him to marry his beautiful daughter and live in the splendid palace. For a while Urashima was happy but then he began to miss his land home and his parents. He was worried that they had no one to care for them in their advancing years. His bride accepted the situation and allowed him to return to the land so long as he promised to come back to her. The fisherman loved his bride and promised that he would indeed return. Before he left she gave him a small laquered box tied up with cord and told him to never open it. If he did he would never see her again.

Later the villagers discovered the dried out husk of a man clutching a laquered box. The date of Urishima’s fishing trip was around AD 478 and his return at around AD 825. - write bt Mr. Richard Freeman and originally posted at Myths.And.Legends.Website
Há uma antiga lenda japonesa datada do período Muromashi (século XV) em que um pescador chamado Urashima Taro salvou uma tartaruga de um grupo de rapazes que a estavam maltratando. No dia seguinte, uma tartaruga enorme se aproximou dele e lhe disse que a pequena tartaruga que ele salvara era na verdade a filha do Imperador do Mar, que gostaria de vê-lo e agradecer-lhe. Ela permitiu que ele subisse em suas costas e, através de magia, fez surgir brânquias em Taro para que ele pudesse respirar debaixo d'água. Assim pôde levá-lo a uma viagem para conhecer o fundo do mar e o palácio do rei-dragão. Lá o pescador se encontrou com o imperador e com a sua filha, a pequena tartaruga, que agora estava transformada em uma bonita princesa. Taro ficou no palácio como hóspede de honra e muitas festas foram feitas em sua homenagem.

Link: Old.Legends.From.Japan.Urashima.Taro.Tale.Paper.Toy.by.Bocci
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