Sunday, September 25, 2011

Brazilian Abandoned House - Almost Done


Now, the ground and an old wall section and a little wooden fence...

Agora, a base do diorama, um velho muro e uma pequena cerca de madeira...





I want to finish this house this week and put to download, so I will focus in the Halloween project. I need to do more some elements to improve the scene, like a trash can, some vegetation behind the house, maybe a red brick wall in background, etc...
Suggestions are welcome
and really appreciated!

Eu pretendo terminar esta casa ainda esta semana e colocá-la para download, e então vou me focar no projeto de Halloween. Acho que preciso fazer mais alguns objetos para encher mais a cena, tais como latas de lixo, algum mato e plantas atrás da casa, talvez um muro de tijolos vermelhos ao fundo, etc...
Sugestões são bem vindas e realmente apreciadas!

Brazilian Abandoned House related posts:

Next Project - Brazilian Abandoned House - Casa abandonada

Brazilian Abandoned House - Some Updates - Casa Abandonada

Brazilian Abandoned House - Starting The Building

Brazilian Abandoned House - More Some Advances

Brazilian Abandoned House - Now, The Roof...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Halloween Special - Skelanimals - by Paper Model Factory

Nice and funny models for Halloween.

Modelos bem legais e divertidos para o Halloween.




More posts about Halloween:

Halloween Special - Jack And The Halloween Dancers - by Canon

Halloween Special - Phantom Manor - by Ray Keim

Halloween Special - Evil Dead Diorama - by Oh-Sheet Paper Toys

Paper Model History - A Paper Model From 1529 - via Tektonten

Tektonten says: - The oldest paper model template I have come across is this one created in 1529:


In the archives of the Germanic Museum in Nuremberg there is a Renaissance wood engraving that is thought to be the earliest paper model template ever created. The engraving was produced around 1529 by Georg Hartmann (1489 - 1564), a mathematician and designer of scientific instruments. - Tektonten

If you want to know more about this really unusual paper model, that is a sundial too, please visit Tektonten`s Blog. You will find really nice posts about paper models and several original models made by the author.

Link: Paper.Model.History.A.Paper.Model.From.1529.via.Tektonten

Brazilian Abandoned House - Now, The Roof...


More some advances:





More soon.

Brazilian Abandoned House related posts:

Next Project - Brazilian Abandoned House - Casa abandonada

Brazilian Abandoned House - Some Updates - Casa Abandonada

Brazilian Abandoned House - Starting The Building

Brazilian Abandoned House - More Some Advances

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lindesnes Lighthouse In Norway - by Bildrum - Farol Norueguês


The Real Thing

This is a model of the Lindesnes lighthouse on the southern cape of the Norwegian main land. The Lindesnes lighthouse site is now a living museum and culture center with around 80.000 visitors every year.
The first official lighthouse on the Norwegian coast was installed here in 1656 but was soon closed. A new light service was started in 1725 and improved from time to time. A coal fire in glass lantern was erected in 1822. The coal fire was in 1854 changed for a lens apparatus, which in 1915 was moved to the newly built and still working cast iron tower.
The Lindesnes lighthouse museum was founded in 1992 and the lighthouse site listed as a monument in 1993. The lighthouse was officially automated in 2003, but as an official help to the museum, the Norwegian Coast Office still pays for two light house keepers as parts of the museums staff. - Bildrum

The Lighthouse - at night
Este é um modelo do Farol Lindesnes, que fica no cabo sul da principal ilha da Noruega. O farol Lindesnes agora é um museu a céu aberto e também um centro cultural e recebe mais de 80.000 visitantes por ano.
O primeiro farol oficial da Noruega foi instalado nesta ilha em 1656, mas logo deixou de funcionar. Um novo farol foi feito em 1725 e aperfeiçoado de tempos em tempos. Um farol de carvão com lentes de vidro foi erigido em 1822. Este farol foi substituído em 1854 por por um mais moderno, que em 1915 foi mudado de sua base de pedra para uma outra base, essa feita de aço, que continua funcionando até os dias atuais. O museu do farol foi fundado em 1992 e o farol foi listado como monumento nacional em 1993.


Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio & Dark Vador

Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Photo and Build by Papermau

This is a special model to me, because was one of the first models that I built. Its from a Spanish designer called Toni Mauricio, and unfortunately your page is no longer active, but Dark Vador, a French designer, took this model and improved it, adding details that the model even more appreciated. Now it is available to download, in two versions, at Forum En Papier, one of the best paper models foruns of the net.


Este é um modelo muito especial para mim, pois foi um dos primeiros que montei. Ele foi criado por um modelista espanhol chamado Toni Mauricio e infelizmente sua página não está mais ativa, mas o modelista francês Dark Vador pegou este modelo e o aperfeiçoou, tornando-o ainda melhor, adicionando detalhes diversos. Agora você pode baixar este Jeep, em duas versões, no Forum Em Papier, que é um dos melhores foruns de papel modelismo da net.

 photo jeep600x2.jpg


More Jeeps Paper Models related posts:

Jeep Willys 1944 Paper Model - Camo Version - by Papermau Download Now!

U.S.Army Jeep Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Rawen - Jipe Militar

Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon Paper Model - by Axial Papercraft

Jeep Willys MB In 1/72 Scale - by Exclusive Models

French Vintage Diorama - by Agence Eureka - Diorama Francês

More one little treasure by Agence Eureka. Just one sheet of paper.

Mais um pequeno tesouro da Agence Eureka. Apenas uma folha de papel.

Photo and model Build by Pillpat - Agence Eureka


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Brazilian Abandoned House - More Some Advances


Here is the real house that inspire me to build this model:

Esta é a casa verdadeira que me inspirou a fazer este modelo:


It is located at 113, Joao Bohemer Street, Sao Paulo, here in Brazil. I take this photo at this site: There are many other houses like that there.

Ela está localizada na Rua João Bohemer, 113, aqui em São Paulo. Eu achei esta foto aqui neste site: É um site muito interessante, que tenta resgatar um pouco da história de São Paulo através de fotografias e denúncias de abandono de imóveis antigos ou históricos. Vale a pena visitá-lo.

Now, some advances:






More soon.

Brazilian Abandoned House related posts:

Next Project - Brazilian Abandoned House - Casa abandonada

Brazilian Abandoned House - Some Updates - Casa Abandonada

Brazilian Abandoned House - Starting The Building

Vintage Paper Theater - by Agence Eureka - Teatro de Papel

Photo And Model Build by Pillpat - Agence Eureka

 A little piece of the history of paper models is preserved and generously shared by Agence Eureka .

Um pequeno pedaço da história do papel modelismo é preservado e generosamente compartilhado por Agence Eureka.

Link to Agence Eureka:

Link to the Paper Theather:

More Paper Theater related post:

Paper Theater - by Paper Matrix - Teatro De Papel

Star Wars "AT-AT" Walker Vehicle - by SF Papercraft


The "Real" Thing
 The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) is a large, four-legged walking robot ("walker") introduced in The Empire Strikes Back and also appearing in Return of the Jedi.
Walkers are vehicles from the Star Wars universe that traverse the landscape on mechanical legs. They are used by the Old Republic and the Galactic Empire for ground assault or transport. Throughout the saga, walkers have played a pivotal role in the fate of characters and the outcome of battles. Industrial Light and Magic is responsible for their animation and design, often using models, stop-motion animation, and relevant matte paintings to depict their presence in the films.
There are a variety of walkers: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back introduces the All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) and All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST), while Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and the Star Wars Expanded Universe feature numerous others. Walker variants have been merchandised and featured in popular culture. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketO "All Terrain Armored Transport", ou AT-AT walker, é uma espécie de transporte de 4 pernas e um veículo de combate do universo de Star Wars, usado pelas forças terrestres Imperiais. Com uma altura de mais de 20 metros, esses walkers intimadam a todos, e são usados tanto para efeito psicológico como tático.
Um AT-AT possui uma armadura galvanizada impenetrável à tiros de blaster, e assemelha-se a um fera gigante pela forma que se move em um campo de batalha. A "cabeça" de um AT-AT carrega o armamento principal: um par de canhões blaster médios localizados nas "têmporas" do walker, e dois canhões laser gêmeos pesados no "queixo".
Os pilotos do grupo de comando do AT-AT, que se localizam na "cabeça" a qual é conectada ao corpo principal através de um "pescoço" flexível, consiste em um comandante, um artilheiro e um piloto.  - Wikipedia


More Star Wars and Sci-Fi related posts:

Articulated Paper Robots- Robôs Articulados "Mazinger"

Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper

Star Wars - X-Wing Starfighter - by J. Leslie