Sunday, March 27, 2022

Red Army At Berlin Paper Model Diorama - by World Of Tanks

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, World of Tanks, Russian website offers this beautiful Red Army At Berlin Paper Model Diorama, showing a JS-2 tank, from the 7 th Guards Tank Brigade. 

There are more to explore and download, just take a visit.

Em memória dos 70 anos da Vitória, o site russo World of Tanks oferece este belo diorama do Exército Vermelho em Berlim, mostrando um tanque JS-2, da 7ª Brigada de Tanques. 

muito mais para explorar e baixar, faça uma visita.

Link 01: Link:

Link 02: Link:

More Paper Models of Tanks related posts:

The Weekend Pic - Jagdpanther Tank Paper Model - by Maxe / Rawen

  WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus

  Renault FT 17 Paper Model- The World's First Modern Tank - by PeaGrafis - via Le Forum En Papier

WWII`s Tank Tiger I Paper Model In 1/35 Scale by Paper Replika

Metal Slug - Super Combat Vehicle 01 Paper Model - by Tos Craft

Created by Indonesian designer Tosan Aji Prakoso, from Tos Craft website, this is the Super Vehicle 01, from Metal Slug videogame series.

Criado pelo designer indonésio Tosan Aji Prakoso, do site Tos Craft, este é o Super Veículo 01, da série de games Metal Slug.


More Paper Models from Videogames related posts:

Big Sister From BioShock2 - by Destro2k - via Deviant Art

Twilight Princess Medieval Soldier - by Ignatus - Soldado Medieval

Little Monsters from Mostruo Nintendo Game- by Ushimitsu

Life Size Link`s Hat Paper Model - by Pixel-Kakashi

Supermarine Spitfire Fighter 3D Puzzle Papercraft - by Seb21zr

This ingenious 3D puzzle of a World War II British fighter, the Supermarine Spitfire, was created by French designer Seb21zr, and like all good puzzle, there are no instructions: you have to put your mind to work. 

For best results, I advise you to glue the printed sheet on paper card of two or three millimeters thick.

Este engenhoso quebra-cabeça 3D de um caça britânico da Segunda Grande Guerra, o Supermarine Spitfire, foi criado pelo designer francês Seb, e como todo bom quebra-cabeça, não há instruções: você terá que colocar a sua mente para funcionar. 

Para um melhor resultado, eu aconselho que cole a folha impressa em papel cartão de dois a três milímetros de espessura.


More Paper Models of Puzzles related posts:

3D Colorful Maze Papercraft - by Canon - Labirinto 3D

Pterodactyl Cardboard Puzzle With Templates - by DIYHacksAndHowTos - via Instructables

Chinese Dice Puzzle Paper Model - by Mak - via Paper Modelers

WW2`s Supermarine Spitfire Puzzle Paper Model - by Seb21zr

Gekko Japonicus - Japanese Gecko Automata Paper Model
by JT Biohistory Research Hall

This automata-style paper model of a Gekko Japonicus, or Japanese gecko, is offered by the official website of the JT Biohistory Research Hall. 

The Japanese gecko (Gekko japonicus) is one of the best-known reptiles, preferring the area around the house. The name is based on the specimen brought from Nagasaki by the physician von Siebold, who came to Japan from the Netherlands during the Edo period, and although the name is Nihon, it is widely distributed in East Asia, including China and South Korea. 

From a comparative study of genes, it appears that it is moving back and forth between the mainland and Japan with humans at the end of the ice age, about 10,000 years ago. 

I want to say thanks to Rickstef, administrator from Paper Modelers forum, for this really nice find.

Este modelo de papel em estilo automata de uma Gekko Japonicus, ou lagartixa japonesa, é oferecido pelo site oficial da JT Biohistory Research Hall.

A lagartixa japonesa (Gekko japonicus) é um dos répteis mais conhecidos, preferindo a área ao redor da casa. O nome é baseado no espécime trazido de Nagasaki pelo médico von Siebold, que veio da Holanda para o Japão durante o período Edo, e embora o nome seja Nihon, é amplamente distribuído no leste da Ásia, incluindo China e Coréia do Sul.

A partir de um estudo comparativo de genes, parece que ele está se movendo para frente e para trás entre o continente e o Japão com humanos no final da era do gelo, cerca de 10.000 anos atrás. 

Deixo aqui meus agradecimentos ao Rickstef, administrador do forum Paper Modelers, por este achado bem legal.


Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Fox Army Miniature Paper Models For RPG And Wargames
by Sirrob01

A lot of miniatures for RPG and Wargames, all created by designer Sirrob01.

Um monte de miniaturas para RPGs e Wargames, tudo criado pelo designer Sirrob01.


More Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Tents From Roman Campaign - by Papermau - Tendas Romanas

Miniatures For RPG Games - by Sirro B1

Smash Monster Rampage Board Game - by SmashMonsterBoardGame

Buildinds and Acessories For RPG Games - by Combat Storm

A Lot Of Easy-To-Build Miniature Paper Toys For Kids - by Okisea

By Okisea, a Japanese website, here are some nice and easy-to-build paper toys for kids. You wil find a whale, two fish, an airpalne, a truck, a train and even a little submarine.

Do site Okisea, do Japão, aqui estão alguns paper toys bem legais e fáceis de montar para crianças. Você vai encontrar uma baleia, dois peixinhos, um avião, um caminhão, um trem e até mesmo um pequeno submarino.


More Easy-To-Build Paper Model Vehicles for Kids related posts:

Classic Police Car Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Great Cardboard Castle Project - by Spoonful - O Grande Projeto Do Castelo De Papelão

Calvin and Hobbes Papercraft - Transmogrifier Diorama - by Dave`s Geeky Ideas

Several Trailers Paper Models In HO Scale - by Projekt Bastelbogen