Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Halloween Special - Skull Boy Paper Toy In Rommy Style
by Mohamed Abada

This Skul Boy paper toy was created by Egyptian designer Mohamed Abada. I think Mohamed was inspired by Rommy paper toy series, from Cut Fold Glue website.

Este paper toy do Skul Boy, ou Garoto Esqueleto, foi criado pelo designer egípcio Mohamed Abada. eu creio que Mohamed se inspirou no Rommy paper toy series, do site Cut Fold Glue.


Halloween Special - A Horned And A Regular Calavera Paper Models
by Pepe

Created by Mexican designer and modeler José "Pepe" Miguel, here are two easy-to-build polygonal paper models of Calavera masks. 

There is a regular version and a horned version. To view and print these models you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post). 

Using Pepakura, when the file opens, you will be asked for a password. Just ignore it and click on the option "open with Pekaura Viewer" that appears right below the password space. 

If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.

Criados pelo designer e modelista mexicano José "Pepe" Miguel, aqui estão dois modelos de papel poligonais de máscaras de Calavera. 

Há uma versão normal e outra com chifres. Para visualizar e imprimir estes modelos você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post). 

Quando o arquivo abrir, vai ser pedido uma senha. Apenas ignore e clique na opção "abra com o Pepakura Viewer" que aparece logo abaixo do espaço de senha.

If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Halloween Special - A Little Mummy Paper Toy - by Paperized Crafts

Here is a cute Little Mummy paper toy created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized Crafts website. 

Let's hope Paulo makes more Halloween-themed paper toys.

Eis aqui um paper toy de uma simpática Mumiazinha, criação do meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized Crafts. 

Vamos torcer para que Paulo faça mais paper toys com temática de Dia das Bruxas.


Akenobe Daiichi Bath House Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Ryo

Created by Japanese designer and modeler Ryo, from Neko Rigeya website, this is the paper model version in 1/100 scale of the Akenobe Daiichi Bath House, a building located in the Akenobe district of Yabu City that was built in 1934 by Mitsubishi Akenobe Mining Company. 

At that time, similar buildings were built at the Meinobu Mine in several places, including the city of Kannon and the district of Hokuse, as communal baths for miners. 

After the mine was closed, most of the related facilities were demolished, but this first bathhouse was owned by the locals who made efforts to preserve it, and although the interior has been renovated after that, the exterior remains much the same as it was then.

Criado pelo designer e modelista japonês Ryo, do site da Neko Rigeya, esta é a versão em papel na escala 1/100 da Casa de Banhos Akenobe Daiichi, um edifício localizado no distrito de Akenobe, na cidade de Yabu, que foi construído em 1934 pela Mineradora Mitsubishi Akenobe.

Naquela época, vários edifícios semelhantes foram construídos na Mina Meinobu em vários lugares, incluindo a cidade de Kannon e o distrito de Hokuse, como banhos comunais para os mineiros. 

Depois que a mina foi fechada, a maioria das instalações relacionadas foram demolidas, mas esta primeira casa de banhos era propriedade dos habitantes locais que fizeram esforços para preservá- la, e embora o interior tenha sido renovado depois disso, o exterior permanece quase o mesmo que era naquele tempo.


Seuls - Le Bus - A Bus Paper Model With Interior - by Bandgee

This paper model of "Le Bus", a bus with interior, is offered by Bandgee, a French educative website. Seuls (Alone) is a 2006`s Franco-Belgian comic series, written by Fabien Vehlmann and drawn by Bruno Gazzotti.

Este modelo de papel do "Le Bus", um ônibus com interior, é oferecido pelo site educativo francês Bandgee. Seuls (Sozinhos) é uma série em quadrinhos franco-belga de 2006, escrita por Fabien Vehlmann e ilustrada por Bruno Gazzotti.


More Paper Models of Buses related posts:

Easy-To-Build Japanese Buses And Trucks Paper Models - by Mitsubishi Fuso

Olive Liner Japanese Bus Paper Model In 1/50 Scale - by Atelier Ibuki

Brazilian Bus Ciferal Lider MB1113 Itapemirim - by Ronaldo M

Okayama City Buses Paper Models - by Bus Densya

Halloween Special - Three Miniature Pumpkins Paper Models
by WOW Papercraft

Here you see just one, but at WOW Papercraft website, you will find three different Miniature Pumpkins paper models to decorate your home this Halloween. 

You will find the models in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the models with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. 

Using Pepakura, when the file opens, you will be asked for a password. Just ignore it and click on the option "open with Pekaura Viewer" that appears right below the password space. 

If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.

Aqui você vê apenas uma, mas no site WOW Papercraft, você encontrará três diferentes modelos de papel de Abóboras em Miniatura para decorar sua casa neste Dia das Bruxas. 

Você encontrará os modelos em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. 

Usando o Pepakura, quando o arquivo abrir, vai ser pedido uma senha. Apenas ignore e clique na opção "abra com o Pepakura Viewer" que aparece logo abaixo do espaço de senha. 

Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.

Link to download the models:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Spooky Dreams Cottages Paper Models - by Meddy Bemps

Halloween Special - Autopsy Zombie Paper Toy - by My Fantastic Toys
Halloween Special - Old School Dracula Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Halloween Special - The Hearse Playset Paper Model Diorama - by Ray O`Bannon

The Chinese Pavilion Bridge Miniature Paper Model In 1/100 Scale
by Formosa Models

The designer and modeler Edward, from Taiwan, author of this beautiful piece of art in paper, says: - "The architecture of this paper model is based upon a bridge in a palace which is depicted in a famous classic Chinese painting entitled "Along the River During the Ching-Ming Festival." 

This model occupies nine sheets of paper and is in 1/100 scale.

O designer e modelista Edward, de Taiwan, autor deste bela peça de arte em papel, diz: - "A arquitetura deste modelo de papel é inspirada na ponte de um castelo que é retratada em uma famosa pintura chinesa chamada "Através do Rio Durante o Festival Chig-Ming."

Este modelo ocupa nove folhas d epapel e está na escala 1/100.

Link: Pavilion.Bridge.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Chinese Architectural Paper Models related posts:

The National Centre For The Performing Arts In China - by Stahlhart

Chinese Restaurant Paper Model - Improved And Assembled by Robert Quebec

Great Wall Of China - Three Free Different Models - Muralha Da China

The Weekend Pic - Beijing Drum Tower Paper Model - by Seascape / Stahlhart