Monday, October 21, 2019

Handheld Fortune Cat Paper Model In Two Sizes - by Ayumu Saito
& Craft Pocket

Created by Japanese designers Ayumu Saito and Craft Pocket, here are two cute Fortune Cat , one that fits perfectly in your hands and one that could well be its pup.

Criados pelos designers japoneses Ayumu Saito e Craft Pocket, aqui estão dois simpáticos Gatos da Sorte, um que cabe perfeitamente em suas mãos e outro que bem poderia ser filhote dele.

Link 01: Handheld Fortune Cat Paper Model - Version 01 - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

Link 02: Handheld Fortune Cat Paper Model - Version 02 - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

More Paper Models of Lucky Items related posts:

Dharma Doll Japanese Lucky Charm Paper Model - by Canon - Amuleto Da Sorte

Chinese Dragon Papercraft - by Tina Kraus - Dragão Chinês

Kadomatsu Good Luck Amulet - by Yamaha - Amuleto Asiático

Takarabune - Japanese Treasure Ship Paper Model - by Niku Mansei

2019`s International Papermodel Convention - & A Lot Of Free Models

Matt Bergstrom, a friend modeler from the USA, kindly wrote me to talk about the 2019`s International Papermodel Convention and also to offer us his new free paper model: a German Oktoberfest hat. He said: - "Hello Mauther, I’ve just finished a new free model for the upcoming International Paper Modelers Convention. Its a simple paper hat to go with the “Oktoberfest” theme for the convention. Perhaps a little late for Oktoberfest, but in time to build before the convention taking place on Oct 26 in Sterling, Virginia."

The International Paper Modelers Convention is a showcase for paper model enthusiasts: builders, designers and collectors. Paper fans young and old come to see the wide range of what is possible to build with simple paper and glue, and even build simple model kits at the "Make and Take" Table. Visitors and participants can trade hobby tips with other paper modelers, show off their creations and see the newest paper kits available.

Visitors to the Convention can vote for their favorite model on display for the People's Choice Award, and there are prizes in many other categories given by the Awards Committee. An important and entertaining part of participating in the annual convention is the awards ceremony held after dinner on Saturday night. The 2019 convention will have a special theme of "Oktoberfest", so modelmakers are encouraged to prepare appropriate piscine paper puns for the competition.

Matt Bergstrom, um amigo modelista do EUA, gentilmente escreveu-me para falar sobre a Convenção Internacional de Papelmodelistas de 2019 e também para nos oferecer seu novo modelo de papel gratuíto: um chapeú alemão da Oktoberfest. Ele disse: - "Olá, Mauther, acabei de terminar um novo modelo gratuito para a próxima Convenção Internacional de Modeladores de Papel. É um chapéu de papel simples para combinar com o tema “Oktoberfest” da convenção. Talvez um pouco tarde para a Oktoberfest, mas a tempo de construir antes da convenção que ocorrerá em 26 de outubro em Sterling, Virgínia."

A Convenção Internacional de Papelmodelistas é uma vitrine para os entusiastas de modelos de papel: construtores, designers e colecionadores. Os fãs de papel, jovens e idosos, veem a ampla variedade de modelos possíveis de serem feitos apenas com papel e cola, e até mesmo kits de modelos bem simples na categoria "Monte e Leve". Visitantes e participantes podem trocar dicas de hobby com outros modelistas de papel, exibir suas criações e ver os mais novos kits de papel disponíveis.

Os visitantes da Convenção podem votar em seu modelo favorito em exibição no People's Choice Award, e há prêmios em muitas outras categorias dadas pelo Comitê de Premiação. Uma parte importante e divertida de participar da convenção anual é a cerimônia de premiação realizada após o jantar na noite de sábado. A convenção de 2019 terá um tema especial da "Oktoberfest", então os modelistas são incentivados a preparar modelos temáticos para a competição.

Link: 2019`s.International.Papermodel.Convention.&.A.Lot.Of.Free.Models

More Paper Model Contests related posts:

Papercuts 2015 Papercraft Contest - Show Your Original Work!

Papercuts 2015 Contest - Single-Figure Submissions - Winners

Papercuts 2015 Contest - Multi Figure Submissions - Winners

Papercuts 2015 Contest - Original Model Design Submissions - Winners

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Halloween Special - Four Haunted Houses Paper Models
by Ravensblight

The Ghost House Paper Model by Ray O`Bannon - Assembled by Papermau

I'm a big fan of the work of designer Ray O `Bannon. I've assembled several of his paper models. The models are easy and fun to build, very well done, and his handmade textures are unique. The four houses that you see in this post already been shown here on the blog for over a year, so if you missed any of them in the midst of so many posts, here's another chance to download and assemble them to your Halloween decoration.

Eu sou um grande fã do trabalho do designer Ray O`Bannon. eu já montei vários de seus modelos de papel. São modelos fáceis e divertidos de construir, muito bem feitos, e as texturas feitas à mão são únicas. As quatro casas que você vê neste post já foram mostradas aqui no blog há mais de um ano, então se você perdeu alguma delas em meio a tantos posts, eis aqui uma nova chance de baixá-las e montá-las para a sua decoração de Halloween.

Link 01:`Bannon.Ravensblight

Link 02:`Bannon.Ravensblight

Link 03:`Bannon.Ravensblight

Link 04:`Bannon.Ravensblight

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Halloween Night Diorama - by Canon

Halloween Special - Barbie Scale Guillotine - by Tektonten

Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters - by Andreas Hartung

Halloween Special - Bobblehead Monsters - by Frankenpaper

Halloween Special - Haunted TV Trinket Boxes Paper Models
by Ravensblight

 photo HauntedTelevisionTrinketBoxes2yu_zps1d376d03.jpg"Here's a set of three very haunted little television sets. You'll notice the horror films being shown have all paused mysteriously, leaving startling images glowing brightly on the screens, even though none of these televisions has been plugged in for years. What's perhaps even more interesting is that you can use them as gift boxes, treat boxes, or to hold your own small trinkets and knick knacks.(Boxes measure a little under 2.5 inches square by 1 inch deep.)" - Ray O`Bannon

"Aqui está um conjunto de três pequenos televisores assombrados. Você notará que os filmes de terror sendo mostrados estão parados, deixando as imagens surpreendentemente brilhantes nas telas, embora nenhum desses televisores fossem ligados por muitos anos. O mais legal, talvez, é que você pode usá-los como caixas de presente ou para guardar pequenas bugigangas e coisas do tipo." - Ray O`Bannon


More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Teddy Bear Paper Model - by Canon

Halloween Special - Mummy Paper Toy - by Disney Family go

Halloween Special - Child`s Hearse Paper Model - by Vinsart

Halloween Special - Bad Pumpkin Candy Box - by Papermau

Halloween Special - Halloween Cat Paper Toy - by Fold Up Toys

Never is too soon for nice Halloween themed paper toys and this kind of Zombie Cat with Jason`s mask, offered by Fold Up Toys website, is too cool to wait until October.

Nunca é cedo demais para paper toys com temática de Dia das Bruxas e essa espécie de Gato Zumbí com a máscara do Jason, oferecido pelo site Fold Up Toys, é legal demais para esperar até Outubro.


More Halloween themed Paper Toys related posts:

Oop & Eep Monsters Paper Toy - by A G Paper Toys

Halloween Special - Frankeinstein Paper Toy - by Jerom

Halloween Special - Paper Monsters - by Macula TV - Monstrinhos

Halloween Special - Dracula and Frankeinstein - by Frankenpaper.Com

Friday, October 18, 2019

Halloween Special - I Built The Ravensblight Ghost Train Paper Model

This weekend I built the Ghost Train paper model
, designed by Ray O`Bannon, from Ravensblight website. It had been a long time since I built a model so nice and easy to assemble. Despite the large number of parts, the instructions are clear and well illustrated and the pieces fit together perfectly. This paper model makes the hobby of paper modeling really relaxing and pleasurable. I recommend Ray O'Bannon designs for all who want to create something without feeling frustrated by confusing instructions or complicated parts. If you want to build your own Ghost Train, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.

 photo ghost train ppapercraft via papermau.001_zpsxecgakjw.jpg

Este final de semana eu montei o Trem Fantasma, do designer Ray O`Bannon, do site Ravensblight, Já fazia um bom tempo desde que eu montei um modelo tão agradável e fácil de montar. Apesar do grande número de peças, as instruções são claras e muito bem ilustradas e as peças se encaixam com perfeição. Este modelo de papel faz com que o hobby do modelismo em papel seja realmente relaxante e prazeiroso. Eu recomendo os modelos de Ray O`Bannon para todos que querem criar alguma coisa sem se sentir frustrados com instruções confusas ou peças complicadas. Se você também quer montar seu próprio Trem Fantasma, o link para baixá-lo está logo abaixo.

 photo ghost train ppapercraft via papermau.003_zpsopjdpkg8.jpg


More Paper Models I Built related posts:

I Built The Japanese Shinkai Sansha Shinto Shrine Paper Model

Gugure Kokkurisan - I Built Kohina Ichimatsu Paper Doll

I Built Hoshibu - Kagoshima Prefecture Mascot Paper Toy - by Greboo

I Built The Baymax Robot Paper Model - by Paper Replika

Halloween Special - The Lowride Hearse Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Since all we have to go one day, at least we will with "pomp and style," properly accommodated in the Lowride Hearse.

 photo lowride.hearse.001.via.papermau_zpsb9dkpcwi.jpg

Já que todos nós temos que ir um dia, ao menos iremos com "pompa e estilo", devidamente acomodados no Rabecão Lowride.

 photo lowride.hearse.papercraft.via.papermau.00022aa_zpslnpkyuxd.jpg


Citroen HY Halloween Themed Paper Model - by Camille / Atlas 83

Halloween Special - 1958`s Plymouth Fury "Maxine" Paper Model - by Ravensblight

Halloween Special - The Rusty Old Ghost Truck Paper Model - by Ravensblight

Halloween Special - Taco Truck Paper Model - Zombie Version - by Goopy Mart

Halloween Special - Skeletoon Paper Toy - by Fold Up Toys

The sign says: - I work for skin! - Perfect! - Offered by Fold Up Toys, a British website, you will need only one sheet of paper to build your own Sketoon.

 photo skeletoon.papercraft.via.papermau.002_zpswei6jb77.jpg

A tabuleta diz: - Eu trabalho por pele! - Perfeito! - Oferecido pelo site Fold Up Toys, da Inglaterra, você precisará de apenas uma folha de papel para montar o seu próprio Skeletoon.


More Halloween themed Paper Toys related posts:

Nosferatu Vignette Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Child`s Play - Chucky Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Paperwar

Halloween Special - Friday The 13 - Jason Voorhees Paper Toy - by Petch Paper

Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters - by Andreas Hartung

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Ephemeral Museum - Chamberlain Meat Market & Ray`s Eletronics Building - by Papermau - Assembled by Gaton Garage

Here is the Chamberlain Meat Market & Ray`s Eletronics assembled by Japanese modeler Gaton Garage. This Papermau original model was published in 2018 and if you want to build your own Chamberlain Meat Market & Ray`s Eletronics, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.

"Many thanks to Gaton Garage for the photos and the neat assembly. Greetings from Brazil to Japan!" - Mauther

Eis aqui o Chamberlain Meat Market & Ray`s Eletronics montado pelo modelista japonês Gaton Garage. Este modelo original Papermau foi publicado em 2018 e se você quiser montar o seu próprio Chamberlain Meat Market & Ray`s Eletronics, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo, no final deste post.

"Muito obrigado, Gaton Garage, pelas fotos e pela montagem. Saudações do Brasil ao Japão!" - Mauther

Download: Chamberlain.Meat.Market.&.Ray`!

About the Ephemeral Museum:

I "am in the paper modeling" since 2005, although I've had contact with paper models from my childhood in the 1970s, via magazines that were sold sporadically in newsagents. I remember magazines with houses to build and dioramas/playsets of airports, western forts, nativity scenes and the like. With the advent of the internet what happened was simply a revival of the papercraft hobby for me and many other people of my generation. Today I am opening a new session here on the blog, the Ephemeral Museum , which is a place where I will show some of the models that I built all these years. I would also like this to be a space where all modelers friends could show their work, so if anyone wants to participate in this "museum", just send photos of your work and a few words, if you want, to the e-mail:

All who submit their work will be published, without exceptions.

Eu "estou no papelmodelismo" desde 2005, embora eu já tivesse contato com modelos de papel desde minha infância, nos anos 1970, via revistas que eram vendidas esporadicamente em bancas de jornal. Lembro que haviam revistas com casas para montar e dioramas/playsets de aeroportos, fortes-apache, presépios e coisas do tipo. Com o advento da internet o que houve foi simplesmente um renascimento do hobby do papelmodelismo para mim e muitas outras pessoas de minha geração. Hoje eu estou inaugurando uma nova sessão aqui no blog, o Ephemeral Museum, que é um lugar aonde irei mostrar alguns dos modelos que eu construí em todos estes anos. Também gostaria que esse fosse um espaço aonde todos os amigos modelistas pudessem mostrar seus trabalhos, sendo assim, se alguém quiser participar deste "museu", basta mandar fotos de seu trabalho e algumas palavras para o e-mail abaixo:

Todos que enviarem seus trabalhos serão publicados, sem exceções.

More The Ephemeral Museum related posts:

The Ephemeral Museum - An Ancient Ship Papercraft - by Papermau

The Ephemeral Museum - 1957`s Chevy Monster 4X4 Paper Model - by James Catalano

The Ephemeral Museum - Sherman "Fury" M4A3E8 Tank Paper Model - Assembled by Tim Crowe

The Ephemeral Museum - Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - Assembled by Matheus Tarsis Fernandes

Handheld Hedgehog Paper Model In Two Sizes - by Ayumu Saito
& Craft Pocket

Created by Japanese designers Ayumu Saito and Craft Pocket, here are two nice Hedgehogs, one that fits perfectly in your hands and one that could well be its pup.

Criados pelos designers japoneses Ayumu Saito e Craft Pocket, aqui estão dois simpáticos Porcos-Espinhos, um que cabe perfeitamente em suas mãos e outro que bem poderia ser filhote dele.

Link 01: Handheld Hedgehog Paper Model - Version 01 - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

Link 02: Handheld Hedgehog Paper Model - Version 02 - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket

More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Asian Orangutan Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga - via Canon Orangotango

French Bulldog Paper Model - by Kei Craft Papercraft Studio

Firecrest And Wren Birds - Realistic Paper Models - by Johan Scherft Pássaros De Papel Realistas

Colorful Parrot Papercraft - by Education Scholastic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Ephemeral Museum - More One Little House Paper Model
Assembled by Soetam Rizky

My friend from Indonesia, the modeler Soetam Rizky built the "More One Little House" paper model and posted a photo at his Instagram. I took the liberty to repost it here on the blog. - "Many thanks, Soetam Rizky, for the nice work and for the beautiful photo too. Greetings from Brazil to Indonesia" - Mauther - If you want to build your own miniature "More One Little House", the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.

Meu amigo da Indonésia, o modelista Soetam Rizky montou o modelo de papel de "Mais Uma Casinha" e postou uma foto em seu Instagram. Eu tomei a liberdade de repostá-la aqui no blog. - "Muito obrigado, Soetam Rizky, pela montagem e pela bela foto também. Saudações do Brasil à Indonésia!" - Mauther - Se você quiser montar sua própria "Mais Uma Casinha" em miniatura, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo.

Download: More One Little House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download.Now!

More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends related posts:

Nosferatu Vignette Paper Model - Assembled by ASC Mclaren

Play House Papercraft Assembled by OldSchoolDM

Abandoned Gas Station Paper model- Assembled by Amo Vitam

Van Gogh`s Yellow House - Assembled by Kevin WS