Thursday, July 4, 2019

2019`s Star Wars Day Celebration - 10 Paper Models That Will Make The Force Be With You

Star Wars Day is an unofficial holiday in May created by fans to honor the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. Observance of the holiday spread quickly due to Internet, social media, and grassroots celebrations. May 4 is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans to celebrate the franchise's films series, books and culture. The date was chosen as "May the 4th" due to its sounding similar to the series' phrase "May the Force Be With You" in which fans commonly say "May The Fourth Be With You". - In this post you will find ten paper models of Star Wars universe. Enjoy!


O Dia Mundial de Star Wars é um feriado não oficial que ocorre em maio, criado por fãs para honrar a franquia Star Wars criada por George Lucas. A celebração do feriado espalhou-se rapidamente devido à Internet, via mídias sociais e comemorações populares. O dia quatro de maio é considerado um feriado pelos fãs, que reunem-se para assistir aos filmes e falar sobre livros e a cultura Star Wars em geral. A data foi escolhida porque na língua inglesa, "May the Fourth" (numa tradução livre, "Que o Quarto Dia" - o quarto dia do mês de maio), tem sonoridade parecida com "May the Force" (Que a Força), da célebre frase "May The Force Be With You" (Que A Força Esteja Com Você). - Neste post você encontrará dez modelos de papel do universo de Star Wars. Bom divertimento!

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01 - Star Wars - Darth Vader Helmet In 1/1 Scale - by Shannon - via Pepakura Gallery

02 - Star Wars - AT-AT Walker Vehicle Paper Model - by SF Papercraft

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03 - Star Wars - R2-D2 Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Noturno Sukhoi

04 - Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper

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05 - Star Wars - Grand Master Yoda Paper Model - by Piromodel

06 - Star Wars - Alliance Pilot Paper Model - by Sean Kelly / TCF Gaming

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07 - Star Wars - C-3PO & R2-D2 Paper Models - by Noturno Sukhoi

08 - Star Wars - X-Wing Fighter Red 4 In 1/48 Scale - by Dávid Pethes

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09 - Star Wars - Darth Vader's Star Fighter 2.0 - by Sergey-Haker / Noturno-Sukhoi

10 - Star Wars - Sand Crawler Vehicle Paper Model - by Sci Fi Papercraft

More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:

V - The Visitors - Skyfighter, Transport and Tanker Paper Models - by Infochaos

UFO - S.H.A.D.O. Mobile Vehicle Paper Model - by Gary Pilsworth

Battlestar Galactica - Colonial Shuttle Paper Model - by Paper Aviation

Pan Am Space Clipper Orion - by Gary Pilsworth - via DPileggi

DSV Shinkai 6500 Submersible Paper Model - by Toshimasa Mitsutake

Created by Japanese designer and modeler Toshimasa Mitsutake, this is a very detailed paper model version of the DSV Shinkai 6500 Submersible, a manned research submersible that can dive up to a depth of 6,500 metres (21,300 ft). It was completed in 1990 and it had the greatest depth range of any manned research vehicle in the world until June 19, 2012, where its record was beaten by Jiaolong, which dived at 6,965 metres (22,851 ft). The Shinkai 6500 is owned and run by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and it is launched from the support vessel Yokosuka. Two pilots and one researcher operate within a 73.5 mm-thick (2.89 in) titanium pressure hull with an internal diameter of 2.0 metres (6 ft 7 in). I want to say thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for more one great find!

Criado pelo designer e modelista japonês Toshimasa Mitsutake, eis aqui uma versão em papel super detalhada do DSV Shinkai 6500, um submersível de pesquisa tripulada que pode mergulhar até uma profundidade de 6.500 metros (21.300 pés). Foi concluído em 1990 e alcançava a maior profundidade de qualquer veículo de pesquisa tripulada do mundo até 19 de junho de 2012, quando seu recorde foi batido por Jiaolong, que mergulhou em 6.965 metros (22.851 pés). O Shinkai 6500 pertence e é administrado pela Agência Japonesa de Ciência e Tecnologia da Terra Marinha (JAMSTEC) e é lançado a partir do navio de apoio Yokosuka. Dois pilotos e um pesquisador operam dentro de um casco de pressão de titânio de 73,5 mm de espessura (2,89 pol) com um diâmetro interno de 2,0 metros (6 pés 7 pol). Deixo aqui meus agradecimentos ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por mais este belo achado!


More Paper Models of Submarines related posts:

WW2 Italian Submarine Enrico Toti - by Delfini d'Acciaio 

German Human Torpedo Neger Paper Model - by Renova Model - Mini-Submarino Torpedeiro

Japanese Submarine Papercraft - by T34 

USS Skipjack Nuclear Submarine Paper Model - by Mikromodele

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

MS-Paint Wood House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Here is an easy-to-build Wood House, a model totally made with MS-Paint. The whole model occupies two sheets of paper and I think it will be useful for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Eis aqui uma Casa de Madeira bem fácil de montar, um modelo totalmente feito com o MS-Paint. O modelo inteiro ocupa duas folhas de papel e acho que será útil para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.


Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night - Miriam Paper Toy - by Paperized

Created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized website, this is the paper toy version of Miriam, main character from the videogame Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Criada por meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized, esta é a versão paper toy de Miriam, personagem principal do videogame Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:

Ms. Pac-Man Vintage Arcade Paper Model - by TM520

Medieval Dagger Of Mehrunes Dagon Paper Model - by Corbak - Adaga Medieval

Castlevania - Trevor Belmont - The Vampire Hunter Paper Toy - by Paperized

Life Size Cloud Strife Paper Character - by Paper Juke - Cloud Strife Com 1,80 Mts

Kirby's Dream Collection - Ghost Kirby Paper Model - by Sabidiet

This is Ghost Kirby, character from the videogame Kirby's Dream Collection, published in 2012 by Nintendo for the Wii system

This paper model version of Ghost Kirby was created by French designer Sabidiet, from Sabidiet`s Papercraft website. - You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. 

 If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.

Este é o Ghost Kirby, personagem do videogame Kirby's Dream Collection, publicado em 2012 pela Nintendo para o sistema Wii. Esta versão em papel do Ghost Kirby foi criada pelo designer francês Sabidiet, do site Sabidiet`s Papercraft. 

Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. 

Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.

Link to download the model: Kirby'`s.Papercraft

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Halloween themed Paper Models related posts:

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Locomotive GE AC4400CW AC Series Canadian Pacific Paper Model
by Jackobonnie1983

Created by Thai designer and modeler Jackobonnie1983 and occupying three sheets of paper, this is the Locomotive AC Series Canadian Pacific, a diesel-electric locomotive that was built by GE Transportation Systems between 1993 and 2004.

Criada pelo designer e modelista tailandês Jackobonnie1983 e ocupando três folhas de papel, esta é a Locomotiva Série AC Canadian Pacific, uma locomotiva diesel-elétrica que foi construída pela GE Transportation Systems entre 1993 e 2004.


More Paper Models of Trains, Trams and Acessories related posts:

German Locomotive P6 Paper Model - by Albrecht Pirling - via Kartonbau.De

Danish Train Station Paper Model - by Skala N - Estação De Trens Dinamarquesa

Locomotive E633 Paper Model 1:160 Scale - by Zio Prudenzio

Four 1970`s Locomotives - by YPS Fan Page - Quatro Locomotivas

Le Village De Dimanche Illustré - Old Chalet - A Vintage Paper Model
by Dimanche Illustré - via Viintage.Com

This beautiful vintage paper model of an Old Chalet was originally published at the beginning of the last century in French newspapers, probably in Sunday editions for the children. This paper model was preserved and is now shared by Viintage.Com, a website dedicated to share copyright free vintage graphics.

Este belo modelo de papel antigo de um Velho Chalé foi originalmente publicado no início do século passado em jornais franceses, provavelmente nas edições dominicais para as crianças. Este modelo de papel foi preservado e agora é compartilhado por Viintage.Com, um site dedicado a compartilhar artes gráficas antigas de domínio público.

Link to the model: Le.Village.De.Dimanche.Illustréé

Link to Vintage.Com: Vintage.Com.Hundreds.Of.Thousands.Of.Copyright.Free.Vintage.Graphics.Main.Page

More Vintage Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Vintage Modeltown Church Paper Model - by Plush Possum Studio

Victorian Suburban Villa Paper Model - by Open House Miniatures

Paper Model History - 1873`s Japanese Tatebanko - by University Of Tsukuba Library

Cottage By The Sea Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

Monday, July 1, 2019

Cars - Mater, Lightning McQueen & Sarge Paper Toys - by Kouppas

Looking at the photos, you think: wow, these models are very difficult to assemble, but when you see the templates, note that they are ingeniously made, although very simple, made of only one piece each and that can even be assembled by very small children. You have Mater, Lightning McQueen and Sarge, and they were all created by the Australian designer Paul Kouppas.

Olhando pelas fotos, você pensa: uau, estes modelos são muito difíceis de montar, mas quando você vê os templates, nota que eles são engenhosamente bem feitos, embora muito simples, feitos de uma peça apenas cada um e que podem ser montados até mesmo por crianças bem pequenas. Você tem o Mater, o Lightning McQueen e o Sarge, e todos eles foram criados pelo designer australiano Kouppas.

Link: Cars.Mater.Lightning.McQueen.&

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Aero Willys Brazilian Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto - Aero Willys Brasileiro

Dakar Rally Trucks Paper Models - by Modely Dody - via Papermodelers.Sk

Camp-Inn Trailer With Interior - by Tesserault - Trailer De Viagem Francês

The Weekend Pic - Citroen HY Camper - by Michel Cerfvoliste / Camille

A Roman Watchtower Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG & Wargames
Version 01 - by Bastelbogen Online

This very well done paper model of a Roman Watchtower is offered by Bastelbogen Online, German website. Occupying seven sheets of paper, this model is perfect for Dioramas, School Works, RPG and Wargames.

Este modelo de papel muito bem feito de uma Torre de Vigia Romana é oferecido pelo site alemão Bastelbogen Online. Ocupando sete folhas de papel, este modelo é perfeito para Dioramas, Trabalhos Escolares, RPG e Wargames.

Link: A.Roman.Watchtower.Paper.Model.For.Dioramas.RPG.&

More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

New RPG Monsters - by Fantasy Paper Miniature

Magic, The Gatheing RPG Game Dek Box - by Firebrand Creations

Miniatures For RPG Games - by Sirro B1

Acessories For RPG And Dioramas - by Stones-Edges

1983`s Catch the Beagle Boys Boardgame Paper Model - by Seite 42

This nice boardgame called Catch the Beagle Boys, was originally published every fortnight in Disney comics in several countries.

This is the German version and has been preserved and is shared by the site Seite 42.

Even if you do not play, you can still enjoy the Little House and the Safe House of Uncle Scrooge in Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Este jogo de tabuleiro chamado Pegue os Irmãos Metralha, foi publicado quinzenalmente em revistas em quadrinhos da Disney, em vários países.
Esta é a versão em alemão e foi preservada e é compartilhada pelo site Seite 42.

Mesmo que você não goste do jogo, ainda pode aproveitar a Casinha e a Casa-Forte do Tio Patinhas em Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Link: 1983`

More Boardgame Paper Models related posts:

1983`s Handicraft Thriller Boardgame Diorama - by Seite 42

The Battle Of Kadesh - Egyptian Themed Wargame Papercraft - by Junior General

Zombie Plague - Complete Boardgame Papercraft - by R Squared Studios

Build Your Own Halloween Board Games Paper Models - by Ravesblight

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Water Cycle Diorama Paper Model - by National Weather Service

Here is a very well done and easy-to-build paper model of a diorama showing the Water Cycle. Perfect for School Works, you will find this model in English language in color and black & White versions. There is also a black and white version without subtitles, so children who do not speak English can adapt the diorama to their language.

Eis aqui está um modelo de papel muito bem feito e fácil de montar de um diorama mostrando o Ciclo da Água. Perfeito para trabalhos escolares, você encontrará este modelo em inglês nas versões colorida e preto e branco. Também há uma versão em preto e branco sem legendas, para que as crianças que não falam Inglês possam adaptar o diorama para sua língua pátria.


More Science themed Paper Models for School Works related posts:

Solar System Pop-Up Card Papercraft - by Hiromi Takeda & Makoto Shiki

Pair Of Lungs Papercraft For School Works - by Shinaig

Multiplication Machine Paper Model - by Digitprop

The Great "Animals & Insects" Papercraft Collection - by Fuji Xerox