Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Railway Water Tower Paper Model In HO Scale - by Schaalbouw

Schaalbouw is a Dutch designer and modeler wich creates very well done and realistic paper models in HO scale (1/87 scale) that are perfect for Train Sets, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. He kindly wrote me to introduce his newest creation, a Railway Water Tower. He says: - "Every now and then I design a paper model myself. You already featured a number of my free models on the website. Recently I finished another one. A Railway water tower. It's one more of my free templates that can be downloaded from my website (www.schaalbouw.nl). If you like you can link it so that other followers can easily find the model too."

Well what can I say ... it is always a great pleasure when a friend modeler writes for me and gives me the honor of presenting his work on the blog. "Thank you very much, Edward, it will always be a pleasure to present your work on the blog. Greetings from Brazil to the Netherlands! Mauther

Schaalbouw é um designer e modelista holandês que cria modelos de papel muito bem feitos e realistas na escala HO (escala 1/87) que são perfeitos para Maquetes Ferroviária, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Ele gentilmente escreveu-me para apresentar sua mais nova criação, uma Torre de Água Ferroviária. Ele diz: "De vez em quando, eu mesmo desenho um modelo de papel. Você já exibiu vários deles em seu site. Recentemente terminei outro, uma Torre de Água Ferroviária. É mais um de meus modelos gratuítos que podem ser baixados no meu website (www.schaalbouw.nl). Se você quiser, pode vinculá-lo para que outros seguidores possam encontrar facilmente o modelo também."

Bem, o que eu posso dizer... é sempre um grande prazer quando um amigo modelista escreve para mim e me dá a honra de apresentar seu trabalho no blog. - Muito obrigado, Edward, será sempre um prazer apresentar seu trabalho no blog. Saudações do Brasil à Holanda! - Mauther

Link: Railway.Water.Tower.Paper.Model.In.HO.Scale.by.Edward.Paijmans

More Architectural Paper Models in HO Scale related posts:

Lincoln Tomb Paper Model - by Illinois History

Japanese Country Station Diorama In HO Scale - by Peparama

New House Paper Model In HO Scale - by Project Bastelbogen

The Dirty Garage Paper Model In HO Scale - by Gomanvongo

Interchangeable Containers Paper Models For RPG, Wargames
by Toposolitario

Toposolitario, the Spanish designer that created these cool paper models, said: - "This paper model comes with an improvement. We glued some magnets and metal plates inside to allow different configurations. As you can see in the video below this makes the paper model more versatile. The building of this system is pretty simple, the metal plate is taken from a coke can, the magnets are neodium, you hot-glue the plate to the containers and the linking tubes are the ones using magnets." Perfect for Sci-Fi Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Topsolitário, o designer espanhol destes modelos de papel, diz: - "Este modelo de papel vem com uma melhoria. Nós colados alguns ímãs e plaquinhas de metal por dentro para permitir diferentes configurações. Como você pode ver no vídeo abaixo isso torna os modelos bem mais versáteis. A montagem deste sistema é bem simples, consistindo de um pedaço de metal (pode ser de uma lata de conservas) e ímãs comuns (nós usamos de neodium). Com a pistola de cola quente você cola a as plaquinhas nos containers e os imãs vão nos tubos de ligação." - Perfeitos para Dioramas de Ficção Científica, RPG e Wargames.

Link: Interchangeable.Containers.Paper.Models.For.RPG.Wargames.And.Dioramas.by.Toposolitario

More Paper Model for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Wood Boxes, Crates And Barrels Paper Models For RPG And Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!

Simple Trees Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!

Egyptian Needle And Stone Blocks Paper Models - by Papermau - Download Now!

Level Crossing Barrier Paper Model In 1/25 Scale - by Braintech - via Papermodelers.SK

Monday, June 17, 2019

1940`s Prefabricated House Paper Model - by Sakamoto Sanda

Offered by Sakamoto Sanda website, this prefab house was a common model in postwar Japan.
This paper model is in a scale between 1/144 and 1/160 (N scale), so it is perfect for Dioramas, Train Sets, RPG and Wargames. When on the page, click on the red, blue and yellow buttons to download the templates and instructions. - Attention: download while you can, because Sakamoto Sanda models are available for a short period.

Oferecida pelo site Sakamoto Sanda, esta casa pré fabricada era um modelo comum no Japão pós-guerra.
Este modelo de papel está entre as escalas 1/144 e 1/160 (escala N), então é perfeito para Dioramas, Maquetes Ferroviárias, RPG e Wargames. Quando na página, clique nos botões vermelhos, azuis e amarelos para baixar o modelo e as instruções. - Atenção: baixe enquanto pode, pois os modelos da Sakamoto Sanda ficam disponíveis durante um curto período.

Link: 1940`s.Prefabricated.House.Paper.Model.by.Sakamoto.Sanda

More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

French Steam Sawmill Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

Lighthouse On The Ocean Vintage Paper Model - Preserved And Shared by Agence Eureka

Vintage Cardboard Church Paper Model - by The Paper Collector

Country House In Davos Vintage Paper Model - by Ed Morf

Tour Solidor Fortress Paper Model In 1/150 Scale - by Secanda Models

This is the Tour Solidor, the newest paper model created by my friend, the French designer and modeler Secanda. This fortress was built in the 14th century by the duke of Brittany Jean IV, to control the estuary of the Rance river near St-Malo. It shelters now the Musée international du long-cours cap-hornier. - You will find many other unique paper models there, as can be seen on the images of this post.

Some curiosities about Secanda and his creative process, in his own words: - "Secanda means "stuff to cut" in Latin language. I use just an old basic multilayer photo editor, that I use as a paper with pencil and compass. I don't use 3D editors because first I don't know at all how to use them and then I don't like very much the paper models made only with 3D tools. For my taste, they look often as nightclub mirror balls... For my taste again, it's better to feel the hand of the drawer even if the result is rougher and less perfect. However the real reason is maybe I'm too lazy or too stupid or too old, or the three in the same time, to learn how to use a 3D editor."

"Many thanks, Secanda, for more one great model! Greetings from Brazil to France!" - Mauther

Esta é a Tour Solidor, o mais novo modelo de papel criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista francês Secanda. Esta fortaleza foi construída no século 14 pelo duque da Bretanha Jean IV, para controlar o estuário do rio Rance, perto de St-Malo. Abriga agora o Musée international du long-cours cap-hornier. - Você vai encontrar muitos outros modelos exclusivos lá, como pode ser visto nas imagens deste post.

Algumas curiosidades sobre Secanda e seu processo criativo, nas palavras do próprio: - "Secanda significa "coisas para cortar" em latim. Eu uso apenas um velho editor de fotos básicas multicamadas, que uso como papel, lápis e compasso. Eu não uso editores 3D porque primeiro eu não sei como usá-los e eu não gosto muito dos modelos de papel feitos apenas com ferramentas 3D. Para o meu gosto, eles parecem frequentemente com bolas espelhadas de discoteca ... Na minha opinião novamente, é melhor sentir a mão no desenho, mesmo se o resultado for mais rude e menos perfeito. No entanto, a verdadeira razão é que talvez eu seja muito preguiçoso ou muito estúpido ou muito velho, ou os três ao mesmo tempo, para aprender como usar um editor 3D."

"Muito obrigado, Secanda, por mais um belo modelo! Saudações do Brasil à França!" - Mauther

Link: Tour.Solidor.Fortress.Paper.Model.In.1/150.Scale.by.Secanda.Models

More European Architectural Paper Models related posts:

European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval

Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!

Special Train Car Tokyo Metro 1000 Series Miniature Paper Model
by Shunichi Makino

Occupying two sheets, this easy-to-build miniature paper model of the Special Train Car Tokyo Metro 1000 Series was created by Japanese designer Shunichi Makino, commissioned by Canon website. - Thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for this nice find!

Ocupando duas folhas impressas, este modelo de papel em miniatura bem fácil de montar de um Comboio Especial do Metrô de Tóquio, foi criado pelo designer japonês Shunichi Makino, comissionado pelo site da Canon. - Agradecimentos ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por este achado bem legal!

Link: Special.Train.Car.Tokyo.Metro.1000.Series.Miniature.Paper.Mode.by.Shunichi.Makino

More Paper Models of Trains and Locomotives related posts:

German Locomotive V-22 In 1/48 Scale - by Jagsttalbahn - Locomotiva Alemã

1936`s Locomotive D51 498 - by Canon Japan - Locomotiva Japonesa

Build Your Own Tweetsie Rail Road - 3D Trains And Town Sets - by Tweetsie

Hungarian Locomotive C 50 - LÁEV C02-407 - by LÀEV Papirmakett

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Semi-Detached Britsh House Paper Model - by Armada Models

This is a model of an English semi-detached house. It has been created from an architect's plan to renovate and extend the original early twentieth century property

It is suitable for 15mm figures. - Armada Models

Este é um modelo de uma casa inglesa. Ela foi criada à partir de plantas arquitetônicas para reforma e expansão deste imóvel do início do século XX

Sua escala é ideal para figuras de 15 mm. - Armada Models

Link: Semi.Detached.Britsh.House.Paper.Model.by.Armada.Models

More Vintage Architecture and Buildings Paper Models related posts:

1983`s European Mountain Cottages Paper Models - by Kaukapedia

Cottage By The Sea Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

Little Vintage Circus Paper Model - by H Is For Handmade

Kellogg's UK Paper Village - The Post Ofiice - by Toy Connect

Fiat 500 L - An Italian Vintage Paper Model - by Corriere Dei Piccoli

Occupying two sheets, this beautiful vintage paper model of a Fiat 500 L with detailed interior was originally posted on December 29, 1968 in the Italian children's magazine Corriere Dei Piccoli.

Ocupando apenas duas folhas, este belo modelo de papel bem antigo de um Fiat 500 L com interior detalhado foi originalmente postado no dia 29 de dezembro de 1968 na revista infanto juvenil italiana Corriere Dei Piccoli.

Link: Fiat.500.L.An.Italian.Vintage.Paper.Model.by.Corriere.Dei.Piccoli

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

German Village Houses Papercraft - by Kaukapedia - Casa De Campo

Vintage Recreational Boating Diorama - by Toto - Diorama De Iatismo

1984`s The Innocents Castle Papercraft - by Kaukapedia - Castelo Alemão

Paper Model History - Uncle Tom’s Cabin Paper Dolls, Boston Sunday Globe, 1896 - via Antique Toy Chest

1911`s Panhard Levassor - A Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

This beautiful and rare vintage paper model of the 1911`s Panhard Levassor was preserved and now is kindly shared by Agence Eureka, French website. Model assembled and photos by Gueguette80.

Este belo e raro modelo de papel antigo do Panhard Levassor,de 1911, foi preservado e é agora gentilmente compartilhado pelo site francês Agence Eureka. Modelo e fotos de Gueguette80.

Link to download the model: 1911`s.Panhard.Levassor.A.Vintage.Paper.Model.by.Agence.Eureka

Link to Agence Eureka`s website: Agence.Eureka.French.Vintage.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

German Village Houses Papercraft - by Kaukapedia - Casa De Campo

Vintage Recreational Boating Diorama - by Toto - Diorama De Iatismo

1984`s The Innocents Castle Papercraft - by Kaukapedia - Castelo Alemão

Paper Model History - Uncle Tom’s Cabin Paper Dolls, Boston Sunday Globe, 1896 - via Antique Toy Chest

Saturday, June 15, 2019

A Classic Red Brick House Paper Model - by Papermau
Download Now!

As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in June, 2019. Here is the Red Brick House, ready for download. The whole model occupies four sheets of paper and I hope it will be useful for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. Have fun!

Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Junho de 2019. Eis aqui a Casa de Tijolos Vermelhos, pronta para download. O modelo todo ocupa quatro folhas de papel e eu espero que seja útil para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Boa divertimento!

Download sheet 01: A.Classic.Red.Brick.House.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now.Sheet.01

Download sheet 02: A.Classic.Red.Brick.House.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now.Sheet.02

Download sheet 03: A.Classic.Red.Brick.House.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now.Sheet.03

Download sheet 04: A.Classic.Red.Brick.House.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now.Sheet.04

More Papermau Original Paper Models related posts:

Brazilian Abandoned House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Swiss Wood Cabin Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Desktop Architecture - Series 04 - by Papermau - Download Now!

St Michael Old Chapel Paper Model - by Papermau - Capela de São Miguel - Download Now!

A Miniature Marine Turtle Paper Model - by Paper Design Fun

This beautiful miniature paper model of a Marine Turtle is offered by Paper Design Fun, a South Korean website. You will need to print three sheets of paper to build your own.

Esta miniatura em papel de uma simpática Tartaruga Marinha é oferecida pelo site Paper Design Fun, da Coréia do Sul. Você precisará imprimir três folhas de papel para montar a sua.

Link: A.Miniature.Marine.Turtle.Paper.Model.by.Paper.Design.Fun

More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Aquarium Diorama Papercraft - by Epson

BunnyGirls Donut Paper Toy - by Salazad / Olla Boku

Totoro Papercraft - by Studio Of M.M

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

A Pair Of Cute Little Birds Paper Models - by Tetsuya Watabe
& Kamimodel

These cute little birds were created by Japanese designers Tetsuya Watabe and Kamimodel for Canon website. I want to say thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger, from Nevada, USA, for this nice find!

Estes belos passarinhos foram criados pelos designers japoneses Tetsuya Watabe e Kamimodel para o site da Canon. Quero agradecer ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger, de Nevada, EUA, por este belo achado!

Link: A.Pair.Of.Cute.Little.Birds.Paper.Models.by.Tetsuya.Watabe.&.Kamimodel

More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Colorful Parrot Papercraft - by Education Scholastic

Paper Aquarium - Dolphin Show Diorama - by Canon

Golden Fish Papercraft - by Pepachal - Peixe Dourado

Common Kingfisher Bird Paper Model - by Canon