Saturday, September 22, 2018

Arthur Shopenhauer Bust Decorative Paper Model - by Thorsten Wandt

Created by German designer Thorsten Wandt, here is a beautiful decorative bust paper model of Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860), a German philosopher

He is best known for his 1818 work The World as Will and Representation (expanded in 1844), wherein he characterizes the phenomenal world as the product of a blind and insatiable metaphysical will

Proceeding from the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant, Schopenhauer developed an atheistic metaphysical and ethical system that has been described as an exemplary manifestation of philosophical pessimism, rejecting the contemporaneous post-Kantian philosophies of German idealism. 

Schopenhauer was among the first thinkers in Western philosophy to share and affirm significant tenets of Eastern philosophy, having initially arrived at similar conclusions as the result of his own philosophical work. - know more at:

Criado pelo designer alemão Thorsten Wandt, eis aqui um belo modelo de papel do busto de Arthur Shopenhauer (1788-1860), um filósofo alemão do século XIX.

Ele é mais conhecido pela sua obra principal "O mundo como vontade e representação" (1818), em que ele caracteriza o mundo fenomenal como o produto de uma cega, insaciável e maligna vontade metafísica

A partir do idealismo transcendental de Imannuel Kant, Schopenhauer desenvolveu um sistema metafísico ateu e ético que tem sido descrito como uma manifestação exemplar de pessimismo filosófico.

Schopenhauer foi o filósofo que introduziu o pensamento indiano e alguns dos conceitos budistas na metafísica alemã. Foi fortemente influenciado pela leitura das Upanishads, que foram traduzidas pela primeira vez para o latim no início do século XIX. - saiba mais em:


More Paper Toys of Real Personalities related posts:

Orbit - The Extraterrestrial Paper Toy - by Little Rainey

This is Orbit, the Extraterrestrial paper toy, created by North American designer Merrill Rainey, aka Little Rainey.

Este é Orbit, o Extraterrestre, criado pelo designer norte-americano Merrill Rainey, aka Little Rainey.


Friday, September 21, 2018

Oyu Lantern - A Japanese Decorative Paper Model - by Ryo

This beautiful decorative paper model of a Oyu Lantern was created by Japanese designer Ryo, from Neko Higeya website. In Japan, the Oyu Lantern is used on the banks of the Yanagi river, showing safe anchorage points. You will need to print four sheets to build your own Oyu Lantern paper model.

Este belo modelo de papel decorativo de uma Lanterna Oyu foi criado pelo designer japonês Ryo, do site Neko Higeya. No Japão, a Lanterna Oyu é usada nas margens do rio Yanagi, mostrando pontos seguros de ancoragem. Você precisará imprimir quatro folhas para montar seu próprio modelo de papel da Lanterna Oyu.


More Decorative Paper Models related posts:

How To Make Origami Rose Paper Flowers - by Bloom 4 Ever

Ukulele Valentine Heart Box Papercraft - by Pizza By The Slice

Squirrel Place Cards Papercraft - by The Toy Maker - Arranjo De Mesa

Sasakia Charonda Realistic Butterfly Paper Model - by Konica Minolta

Goopalo Vasyl - The Super-Hero Paper Toy - by Sashko Danylenko

Goopalo Vasyl is a character created by Russian designer Sashko Danylenko. Now you can download and build your own Goopalo Vasyl with regular clothes or with his super armor.

Goopalo Vasyl é um personagem criado pelo designer russo Sashko Danylenko. Agora você pode baixar e montar seu próprio Goopalo Vasyl com roupas normais ou com sua super armadura.


More Paper Models from Comics and Animations related posts:

The Witcher - Silver Medallion Paper Model - by Art-Stevan

Created by Argentinian designer Steban, aka Art-Stevan, this is the paper model version of the Silver Medallion. On The Witcher videogames series, a Witcher Medallion is a silver symbol of the witchers' profession. Each one is shaped to represent the school a Witcher comes from. - To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

Criada pelo designer argentino Steban, aka Art-Stevan, esta é a versão em papel da Silver Medallion. Na série de videogames The Witcher, um Witcher Medallion é um símbolo de prata da profissão dos Witchers (feiticeiros). Cada um é moldado para representar a escola de onde um Witcher vem. - Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models from Videogame related posts:

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Cloud Mario Paper Model - by Sabi96

Dissidia 12 Final Fantasy - Vaan Pirate Paper Model - by Crisis Craft

Plants Vs. Zombies - Zombies Paper Toys - by Maya In Paper

Fairy in a Bottle Papercraft - by Nintendo Papercraft

Hillbilly Works Paper Model - by Papermau - A Work In Progress

This is the Hillbilly Works, a place where all dreams of "Frankenstein" engineering take place. A BMW engine in a 1965`s VW sedan? It's possible. A two-story Winebago with a hot tub on the ceiling? Totally feasible. At Haillbilly Works any mechanic and tunning services can be done. Today, just some images. More soon.

Este é o Hillbilly Works, um lugar onde todos os sonhos de engenharia "Frankenstein" se realizam. Um motor de BMW em um VW sedan 1965? É possível. Um Winebago de dois andares com uma banheira de hidromasagem no teto? Totalmente viável. Na Hillbilly Works qualquer serviço de mecânica e tunning pode ser feito. Hoje, apenas algumas imagens. Mais em breve.

More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

The Lamen Shop Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project

Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances

Stone House In Toscana Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Bermuda Triangle Lighthouse Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Thursday, September 20, 2018

An Old Two-Storey House Paper Model - by Papermau
Download Now!

Here is a very simple paper model designed and textured with MsPaint of an Old Two-Storey House. The whole model occupies three sheets of paper and the download is easy, directly from Google Drive. Have fun!

Aqui está um modelo de papel bem simples desenhado e texturizado no MsPaint de uma Antiga Casa de Dois Andares. Todo o modelo ocupa três folhas de papel e o download é fácil, diretamente do Google Drive. Boa montagem!


More Papermau Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Brazilian Abandoned House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Swiss Wood Cabin Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Desktop Architecture - Series 04 - by Papermau - Download Now!

St Michael Old Chapel Paper Model - by Papermau - Capela de São Miguel - Download Now!

Sailor Moon - Jam Records Building Paper Model - by Kashiwazaki

Presented in the sixth episode of the first season of the classic Japanese anime Sailor Moon, this is the building of Jam Records, where villain Cyurene tries to introduce a cassette tape with subliminal messages, for the purpose of stealing energy from those who listen to the infected music. 

This paper model of the Jam Records building was created by French designer Kashiwazaki and was originally posted at Le Forum in Papier. Kashiwazaki made two different scales, one of medium size, with 17 cms tall and one large, with 30 cms high.

Apresentado no sexto episódio da primeira temporada do clássico anime japonês Sailor Moon, este é o edifício da Jam Records, onde o vilão Cyurene tenta introduzir uma fita cassete com mensagens subliminares, com o propósito de roubar energia de quem ouve a música infectada. 

Este modelo de papel do edifício da Jam Records foi criado pelo designer francês Kashiwazaki e foi originalmente postado no Le Forum en Papier. Kashiwazaki fez duas escalas diferentes, um de tamanho médio, com 17 cms de altura e um grande, com 30 cms de altura.


More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Abraham Lincoln Home In Springfield Paper Model - by Illinois History

German Buildings And Dioramas In HO Scale - by Maerklin Kids Club

Country House Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio - Casa De Campo

Austrian State Railways Reception Building Paper Model - by Gleimo

Monstruo Creativo Mascot Paper Toy - by Monstruo Creativo

Occupying only one sheet of paper and offered by Monstruo Creativo studios, from Costa Rica, this is the Monstruo Creativo mascot paper toy.

Ocupando apenas uma folha de papel e oferecido pelo estúdio Monstruo Creativo, da Costa Rica, este é o paper toy mascote Monstruo Creativo.


More Mascot Paper Toys related posts:

Tea Factory Mascot - by Kagoshima - Mascote De Fábrica de Chá

Japanese Shoyu Mascot Mittan Paper Doll - by Cafetera

Samurai Pig Mascot Paper Toy - by Prefecture Of Kagoshima

Kawaiipunk Mascot Papertoys - by Ruang Antho

Jack Russel Paper Model - by Deborah Carminati - via Final Paper

With 22 cms high by 50 cms in length and occupying 26 sheets of paper, this is the paper model of a Jack Russel dog, created by French designer and modeler Deborah Carminati. This model was originally posted at Final Paper, South Korean community.

Com 22 cms de altura por 50 cms de comprimento e ocupando 26 folhas de papel, este é o modelo de papel de um cão da raça Jack Russel, criado pela designer e modelista francesa Deborah Carminati. Este modelo foi originalmente postado na comunidade Final Paper, da Coréia do Sul.


More Decorative Paper Models related posts:

Dharma Doll Japanese Lucky Charm Paper Model - by Canon - Amuleto Da Sorte

Paper Lantern Craft Houses - by Dream Home Decoration - Lanternas Decorativas

A Cute Cuckoo Clock Decorative Paper Toy - by Non Dairy Diary

This Is Not Paper, But... - Recycling Old Tennis Ball In Pac-Man Style - by Duitang

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Ancient House In Alexandria - by Papermau - Download Now!

Here is the facade of an Old House in Alexandria, ready for download. I created this paper model using textures taken from the videogame "Assassins Creed Origins"

This game allows you to take photos that can be saved to a specific site, as well as another great video game, the "GTA 5", but the camera of this Assassins Creed is more dynamic and 3D models and textures are much more refined. On the game, this facade is from Alexandria. 

  The whole model takes up only two sheets of paper and the download is easy, directly from Google Drive. Have fun!

Eis aqui a fachada de uma Antiga Casa em Alexandria, pronta para download. Eu criei este modelo de papel com texturas tiradas do videogame "Assassins Creed Origins". 

Este game permite que se tire fotos que podem ser salvas em um site específico, assim como outro videogame de grande sucesso, o "GTA 5", mas a camêra deste Assassins Creed é mais dinâmica e os modelos em 3D e as texturas são muito mais refinados. 

O modelo todo ocupa apenas duas folhas de papel e o download é simples, direto do Google Drive. Boa montagem!
