Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Ephemeral Museum - Wonderful Vintage Papercraft Lampshades
by Dieter Nievergelt

All of these wonderful vintage paper models (all originally printed over a hundred years ago) were assembled by collector and modeler Dieter Nievergelt, who also kindly shared them via Kartonmodell-Datenbank des AGK, a large German community of papercraft enthusiasts.

"In 1855, American chemistry professor Benjamin Silliman Jr. (1816-1885) built the first kerosene lamp. By 1870 oil was generally used for ambient lighting. As kerosene lamps, screenless and cheap, became popular and manufactured by many people, some ingenious minds sought a way to make them more attractive and salable. For this, it was obvious that almost all manufacturers - constantly in search of new sales opportunities - also offered handmade lampshades. The dome was then adorned with motives that boosted sales. And what else could attract than satisfy the desire for a healthy world and distant lands? Thus, lamps for kerosene lamps from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century have become a popular means of satisfying unattainable desires for beautiful places. Particularly popular motifs were exotic areas, especially those that were out of the reach of buyers. This included Switzerland, as well as Turkey or India. As an additional effect, there were lamps, which created a "night image" when lighting the lamp." - excerpt from the original text of Kartonmodell-Datenbank des AGK

Todos estes maravilhosos modelos de papel antigos (todos originalmente impressos há mais de cem anos) foram montados pelo colecionador e modelista Dieter Nievergelt, que também gentilmente os compartilhou via Kartonmodell-Datenbank des AGK, uma grande comunidade alemã de entusiastas do papelmodelismo.

"Em 1855, o professor de química americano Benjamin Silliman Jr. (1816-1885) construiu a primeira lâmpada de querosene. Por volta de 1870, o petróleo era geralmente usado para iluminação de ambientes. À medida que as lâmpadas de querosene, sem tela e baratas, se tornavam populares e fabricadas por muitas pessoas, algumas mentes engenhosas procuravam um modo de torná-las mais atraentes e vendáveis. Para isso, era óbvio que quase todos os fabricantes - constantemente em busca de novas oportunidades de vendas - também oferecessem abajures artesanais. A cúpula foi então adornada com motivos que impulsionasem as vendas. E o que mais poderia atrair do que satisfazer o desejo por um mundo saudável e terras distantes? Assim, os abajures para lâmpadas de querosene do final do século XIX até o início do século XX tornaram-se um meio popular de satisfazer desejos inatingíveis por lugares bonitos. Motivos particularmente populares eram áreas exóticas, especialmente aquelas que estavam fora do alcance dos compradores. Isso incluia a Suíça, bem como a Turquia ou a Índia. Como efeito adicional, havia abajures, que criavam uma "imagem noturna" ao acender a lâmpada. - trecho extraído do texto original de Kartonmodell-Datenbank des AGK


About the Ephemeral Museum:

I "am in the paper modeling" since 2005, although I've had contact with paper models from my childhood in the 1970s, via magazines that were sold sporadically in newsagents. I remember magazines with houses to build and dioramas/playsets of airports, western forts, nativity scenes and the like. With the advent of the internet what happened was simply a revival of the papercraft hobby for me and many other people of my generation. Today I am opening a new session here on the blog, the Ephemeral Museum , which is a place where I will show some of the models that I built all these years. I would also like this to be a space where all modelers friends could show their work, so if anyone wants to participate in this "museum", just send photos of your work and a few words, if you want, to the e-mail:

All who submit their work will be published, without exceptions.

Eu "estou no papelmodelismo" desde 2005, embora eu já tivesse contato com modelos de papel desde minha infância, nos anos 1970, via revistas que eram vendidas esporadicamente em bancas de jornal. Lembro que haviam revistas com casas para montar e dioramas/playsets de aeroportos, fortes-apache, presépios e coisas do tipo. Com o advento da internet o que houve foi simplesmente um renascimento do hobby do papelmodelismo para mim e muitas outras pessoas de minha geração. Hoje eu estou inaugurando uma nova sessão aqui no blog, o Ephemeral Museum, que é um lugar aonde irei mostrar alguns dos modelos que eu construí em todos estes anos. Também gostaria que esse fosse um espaço aonde todos os amigos modelistas pudessem mostrar seus trabalhos, sendo assim, se alguém quiser participar deste "museu", basta mandar fotos de seu trabalho e algumas palavras para o e-mail abaixo:

Todos que enviarem seus trabalhos serão publicados, sem exceções.

More The Ephemeral Museum related posts:

The Ephemeral Museum - An Ancient Ship Papercraft - by Papermau

The Ephemeral Museum - 1957`s Chevy Monster 4X4 Paper Model - by James Catalano

The Ephemeral Museum - Sherman "Fury" M4A3E8 Tank Paper Model - Assembled by Tim Crowe

The Ephemeral Museum - Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - Assembled by Matheus Tarsis Fernandes

WWI`s Sopwith Camel Fighter Aircraft Paper Model In SD Style
by Shigeru Takigami

Created by Japanese designer and modeler Shigeru Takigami, this is the paper model version in SD syle (super deformed style) of the WWI`s Sopwith Camel. - The Sopwith Camel was a British First World War single-seat biplane fighter introduced on the Western Front in 1917. Manufactured by Sopwith Aviation Company, it had a short-coupled fuselage, heavy, powerful rotary engine, and concentrated fire from twin synchronized machine guns. Though difficult to handle, to an experienced pilot it provided unmatched manoeuvrability. A superlative fighter, the Camel was credited with shooting down 1,294 enemy aircraft, more than any other Allied fighter of the war. Near the end of the conflict, it also served as a ground-attack aircraft. - Wikipedia

Criado pelo designer e modelista japonês Shigeru Takigami, esta é a versão em papel em estilo SD (estilo super deformado) do avião Sopwith Camel, da Primeira Grande Guerra. - O Sopwith Camel foi o avião britânico de combate mais bem sucedido da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Com asa dupla e apenas um lugar, era famoso por sua manobrabilidade. Projetado para substituir o Sopwith Pup, o protótipo do Camel (literalmente camelo) vôou pela primeira vez em dezembro de 1916, impulsionado por um motor Clerget 92, com 110 cavalos. Era armado com duas Metralhadoras Vickers .303 pol (7,7 mm) montadas acima do painel de instrumentos e que atiravam em sincronia com a hélice. Foram fabricadas mais de 5500 unidades, que alcançaram um total de 1294 vitórias em combate. Seus pilotos mais famosos foram os Capitães D. R. MacLaren e Roy Brown. Hoje restam apenas sete unidades originais. Existem também algumas poucas réplicas. - Wikipedia

Link: WWI`

More WWI`s Aircraft Paper Models related posts:

WWI`s Morane Saulnier Typ N Aircraft In 1/33 Scale - by Modele Kartonowe

René Fonck`s Spad XIII WWI Aircraft - by Patrick Pasques

WWI`s Aircraft Engines In 1/33 Scale - by Sero Paper Models

A Collection Of Eleven Fokker Dr.1s WW1 Planes - by Rubenandres77

Friday, August 17, 2018

2018`s New Paper Models For Railway Dioramas In 1/76 Scale
by Wordsworth Model Railway

Here are four new architectural paper models in OO scale (1/76 scale) created by British designer Mike, from Wordsworth Model Railway website. Among the novelties you will find the Country Post Office, the Faded Wall End Advert Signs, the Wordsworth Railway Hotel and the St Cuthberts Church. Be sure to see the other models already posted by Mike, as shown on the images of this post.

Aqui estão quatro novos modelos de papel arquitetônicos na escala OO (escala 1/76) criados pelo designer britânico Mike, do site Wordsworth Model Railway. Entre as novidades você encontrará a Agência dos Correios, uma parede com antigas propagandas desbotadas, o hotel Railway Wordsworth e a igreja de São Cuthberts. Não deixe de ver os outros modelos já postados por Mike, como os mostrados nas imagens deste post.

Link: 2018s.New.Paper.Models.For.Railway.Dioramas.In.1/

More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Castello Delle Rocche - Italian Castle - by Domatine / Help Finale Emilia

The Temple Of Artemis At Ephesus - by Delta Seven Studios

Open House Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau

Slite Maritime Museum Paper Model - by Gunnar Sillén

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Batman Articulated Paper Toy In Minecraft Style - by Purplereignmc

This ingenious articulated paper toy of a classic Batman in Minecraft style was created by Vietnamese designer Purplereignmc, from Pixel Papercraft website.

Este engenhoso paper toy articulado do Batman clássico em estilo Minecraft foi criado pelo designer vietinamita Purplereignmc, do site Pixel Papercraft.


More Batman themed paper models related posts:

Batman Vs. Superman - Batman, Superman And Wonder Woman Paper Toys - by Gus Santome

Batman Vs. Superman - Batman Paper Toy - by Tonchat Jaizue

Easy-To-Build Classic Batman Paper Toy - by Paperized

Batman And Joker Paper Toys in Cubeecraft Style - by Adrian Nation

Chavin Sacerdote - Peruvian Priest Paper Toy - by Julian Rodriguez

Created by Colombian designer Julian Rodriguez, this is the Chavin Sacerdote paper toy.The Chavín culture is an extinct, prehistoric civilization, named for Chavín de Huantar, the principal archaeological site at which its artifacts have been found. The culture developed in the northern Andean highlands of Peru from 900 BCE to 200 BCE. It extended its influence to other civilizations along the coast. The Chavín people (whose name for themselves is unknown) were located in the Mosna Valley where the Mosna and Huachecsa rivers merge. This area is 3,150 metres (10,330 ft) above sea level and encompasses the quechua, suni, and puna life zones. In the periodization of pre-Columbian Peru the Chavín is the main culture of the Early Horizon period in highland Peru.

Criao pelo designer colombiano Julian Rodriguez, este é o Chavin Sacerdote paper toy. A cultura de Chavín é uma civilização pré-histórica extinta, nomeada Chavín de Huantar, pois foi o principal sítio arqueológico em que seus artefatos foram encontrados. A cultura se desenvolveu no planalto andino do norte do Peru de 900 aC a 200 aC. Estendeu sua influência a outras civilizações ao longo da costa. O povo de Chavín (cujo nome é desconhecido) estava localizado no vale de Mosna, onde os rios Mosna e Huachecsa se fundem. Esta área é de 3.150 metros (10.330 pés) acima do nível do mar e engloba as zonas de de quechua, suni e puna. Na periodização do Peru pré-colombiano, o Chavín foi a principal cultura do período no altiplano do Peru.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Jesus Riding A Dinosaur Paper Toy - by Digitprop - Jesus Cavalgando Um Dinossauro

Holocaust Gas Van Paper Model - by - RocketManTan

Grim Cigarette Packs - by Consulting Digital

The Pigs Go Baroque Dress Up Paper Dolls - by Marges8's Blog

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

WW2`s Milltary Vehicles Paper Models In 1/87 Scale - by R & P Models

Created by Czech designers and modelers Ringo and Pips, from R & P Models website, here is a great collection of WW2`s miniature vehicles in 1/87 scale. You will find tanks, trucks and armored vehicles from American, British and German armies.

Criada pelos designers e modelistas tchecos Ringo e Pips, do site R & P Models, eis aqui uma grande coleção de miniaturas de veículos da Segunda Grande Guerra na escala 1/87. Você encontrará tanques, caminhões e veículos blindados dos exércitos americano, britânico e alemão.

Link: WW2`s.Milltary.Vehicles.Paper.Models.In.1/

More Paper Models of WW2`s Vehicles related posts:

Tatra 111 Afrika Korps Paper Model - by DTS Modelling

Scammell 6X6 Gun Tractor Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Dark Vador via Le Forum En Papier

Jeep Willys 1944 Paper Model - U.S. Army Version - by Papermau Download Now!

WW2`s Half-Track T19 Vignette Paper Model - by Vladcorail

Kirby's Return to Dreamland - Chilly Paper Toy - by Frownieman

Chilly is a character from Kirby's Return to Dreamland, a famous Nintendo`s videogame and this paper toy version of Chilly was created by designer Frownieman, from Pixel Papercraft website.

Chilly é um personagem de Kirby's Return to Dreamland, um famoso videogame da Nintendo e esta versão paper toy do Chilly foi criada pelo designer Frownieman, do site da Pixel Papercraft.

Link: Kirby'

More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:

Assassin`s Creed - Altair Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Gilgamesh Great Genbu Armor - by Ace / Final Fantasy Papercraft

Super Mario Papercraft - by Paper Botz

Class Of Heroes Japanese Paper Dolls SD Style - by Totomono

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Watchower Of Chlum Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Milan Novobilský

Created by Czech designer and modeler Milan Novobilský, this is the paper model version in 1/160 scale of the Watchower Of Chlum, situated in lzen (Pilsen), Western Bohemia. You will need to print two sheets of paper to build your own Watchower Of Chlum.

Mr. Ondřej Vítovec, a friend of the blog, said: - "This Watchtower is on a hill at my city Plzen (Pilsen) in Western Bohemia. It is named Pikova after mayor of Pilsen. It was partially demolished, so only the tower stands now. Greetings from Czech Republic. Ondrej"

Criado pelo designer e modelista tcheco Milan Novobilský, esta é a versão em papel na escala 1/160 da Torre de Vigia de Chlum, situada em lzen (Pilsen), na Boêmia Ocidental. Você precisará imprimir duas folhas de papel para construir sua própria Torre de Vigia de Chlum.

O Sr. Ondřej Vítovec, amigo do blog, disse: - "Esta Torre de Vigia fica em uma colina na minha cidade Plzen (Pilsen) na Boêmia Ocidental. Foi batizada Pikova em homenagem do prefeito de Pilsen. Foi parcialmente demolida, então apenas a torre permanece inteira. Saudações da República Checa. Ondrej"

Tears Of Joy - Hanayo Paper Toy - by Chippy The Little Brony

Based on Tears of Joy, the third episode of Hajime no Ippo anime and mangá series, this is the paper toy of Hanayo, created by designer and modeler Chippy The Little Brony, from Pixel Papercraft website.

Baseado em Tears of Joy, o terceiro episódio da série de animes e mangás Hajime no Ippo, este é o paper toy da Hanayo, criado pelo designer e modelista Chippy The Little Brony, do site Pixel Papercraft.


More Paper Models from Animes and Mangás related posts:

Akemi Homura Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Kujira

Haruka Paper Doll In Anime Style - by S.V. Ameblo

Pikachu Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke

Hatune Miku Paper Doll Anime Style - by Paper Works

A Cute Little Owl Decorative Paper Toy - by Epson Australia

This cute little owl paper toy is offered by Epson Australia website. To build your own little owl you will need to print three sheets of paper.

Este paper toy de uma simpática corujinha é oferecido pelo site da Epson Austrália. Para montar sua própria corujinha você precisará imprimir três folhas de papel.


More Paper Models of Birds related posts:

Easy-To-Build Paper Birds - by Gansuke - Pássaros De Papel

Colorful Parrot Papercraft - by Education Scholastic

Firecrest and Kingfisher Birds Realistic Style - by Johan Scherft

King Eagle Paper Model - by Paper Juke - Águia Rei

Monday, August 13, 2018

La Petite Cite - The Little City - Croth-Sorel House Paper Model
by Jean-Pierre Larouze

This is the Croth-Sorel House, a paper model that is part of the La Petite Cite (The Little City), a very nice architectural papercraft collection created by French designer Jean-Pierre Larouze, from Decoupages Faciles website.

Esta é a Casa Croth-Sorel, um modelo de papel que faz parte de La Petite Cite (A Pequena Cidade), uma coleção bem bacana de papercrafts arquitetônicos criada pelo designer francês Jean-Pierre Larouze, do site Decoupages Faciles.


More Architetural Paper Models related posts:

European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval

Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!