Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Decorative Pterodactyl Skeleton Puzzle Papercraft - by Capaso

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By Italian designer and modeler Capaso, this cool Pterosaur Skeleton Puzzle can be assembled using cardboard or plywood. It is pretty cool as decorating kids room and is also great for school work. In the "related posts" below you will find more one article about Pterodactyls and Dinosaurs Puzzles.

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Do modelista e designer italiano Capaso, este Quebra-Cabeças de um Esqueleto de Pterossauro pode ser montado com papelão ou madeira compensada. Fica bem legal como decoração do quarto das crianças e também é ótimo para trabalhos escolares. Nos "posts relacionados" logo abaixo você encontrará mais um artigo sobre Puzzles de Pterodátilos e Dinossauros.

Link: Decorative.Pterodactyl.Skeleton.Puzzle.Papercraft.by.Capaso

More 3D Puzzles Papercraft Projects related posts:

Pterodactyl Cardboard Puzzle With Templates - by DIYHacksAndHowTos - via Instructables

WW2`s Supermarine Spitfire Puzzle Paper Model - by Seb21zr

Skull Puzzle Paper Model - by Apach Creátion - via La Lady Gentleman

Six Pieces Puzzle Paper Model - by Peuplier - via Le Forum En Papier

Monday, September 1, 2014

Santa María De Yermo Church Paper Model - by Pedro Hernández

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The talented Spanish designer and modeler Pedro Hernández brings to us more one beautiful creation: the Santa María de Yermo Church, that is a heritage of the City of Cantabria, in Spain. - Muchas gracias, Pedro, por su amabilidad en enviarme lo enlace. Saludos desde Brazil hasta Espanã.

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O talentoso designer e modelista espanhol Pedro Hernández compartilha conosco mais uma de suas belas criações: A Igeja de Santa Maria de Yermo, que é um patrimônio da Cidade de Cantabria, na Espanha.

Link: Santa.María.De.Yermo.Church.Paper.Model.by.Pedro.Hernández

More Paper Models of Spanish Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Corregidor Chapel Paper Model - Ourense Series - by Edifícios De Papel

Nuestra Señora de La Natividad Church In Spain - by Visita Alborea

Santiago de Bernabeu Stadium - by Kaukapedia - Estádio De Futebol Espanhol

Mataró Station Paper Model - by Editorial Roma - via Maquetas & Modelos

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Halloween Special - The Witchboard - Ouija Board Paper Model - by Ray O`Bannon

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 photo Witchboard1papercraftmuy878758ghghg_zps57cbe4ab.jpgIf you're interested in making contact with the spirit world, then a spirit board might be an effective method. But rather than using one of those boards made by toy companies, why not try one that's hand painted, as this one was. And of course, this board was once owned by a witch (who was said to have floated off into the treetops one Halloween night, never to be seen again). Board measures 7 inches by 10 inches and includes three planchettes. - Ray O`Bannon

Who never played with an Ouija board? There was a time when I played a lot of it, until I began to hear strange sounds in places where you're sure there was no one there ... I decided it was time to stop playing with the unknown. But if you do not care to hear your name being called out of nowhere and things falling alone in the house, then this is your game. Have fun, but keep in mind that this is just a joke and what moves the glass or palette, are the people who lean finger on it, on purpose or unintentionally. But even If you go to play with this board, I advise you to watch the video I posted below, before making a decision. - Mauther

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 photo Witchboard1papercraftmuy8787jgfgff_zps4e462171.jpgSe você estiver interessado em fazer contato com o mundo espiritual, então talvez um Tabuleiro dos Espíritos seja um método eficaz. Mas em vez de usar um daqueles  feitos por empresas de brinquedos,  por que não tentar um que foi pintado a mão, como este aqui foi. Deixo claro que este tabuleiro uma vez pertenceu a uma bruxa (que dizem ter flutuado acima das copas das árvores numa noite de Halloween, para nunca mais ser vista novamente). A medida do tabuleiro é de 7x10 polegadas e inclui três apontadores diferentes. - Ray O`Bannon

Quem nunca brincou de Ouija, ou Jogo do Copo, como chamamos aqui no Brasil? Houve uma época em que eu brincava muito disso, até que comecei a ouvir sons estranhos em lugares onde com certeza não havia ninguém... aí eu resolvi que era hora de parar de brincar com o desconhecido. Mas se você não se preocupa em ouvir seu nome sendo chamado de lugar nenhum e coisas caindo sozinhas dentro de casa, então esse é o seu jogo. Divirta-se, mas tenha em mente que isso é só uma brincadeira e o que move o copo, ou palheta, são as pessoas que encostam o dedo nela, de propósito ou involuntariamente. Mas, se você for mesmo brincar com esse tabuleiro, acho melhor você assistir o video que postei logo abaixo, antes de tomar sua decisão. - Mauther

Link: Halloween.Special.The.Witchboard.Ouija.Board.Paper.Model.by.Ray.O.Bannon

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Build Your Own Halloween Board Games Paper Models - by Ravesblight

The Oracle Dice Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Download Now!

It Is Not Paper, But... - Cheesecloth Ghosts - by Chicken Blog - Fantasma de Gazes

Doctor Who - The Time Of Angels Playset Paper Model - by Philip Lawrence

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From Doctor Who, British Sci-Fi tv series, here is the Time of Angels Playset paper model, for 3,75" scale action figures. This cool playset was created by British designer and modeler Philip Lawrence, from Action Figure Theatre website.

Da série de ficção científica inglesa Doctor Who, este é o modelo de papel e playset Time of Angels, para figuras de ação em escala 3,75". Este playset bem legal foi criado pelo designer e modelista britânico Philip Lawrence, do site Action Figure Theatre.

Link: Doctor.Who.The.Time.Of.Angels.Playset.Paper.Model.by.Philip.Lawrence

More Paper Models of Playsets related posts:

Egyptian Temple Entrance Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project

Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper

1959`s Ben Hur 2D Playset Paper Model - by Dakota Dreams

Raki Raccoon Playset Papercraft - by Lorie Davison - via Ammey's Art Attic

The A-Team - B. A. Baracus Van Paper Model - by Mike Daws

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From the A-Team, 1980`s tv series, here is the B. A. Baracus Van, in a a nice an easy-to-build paper version created by North American designer and modeler Mike Daws.

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Da série de tv dos anos 1980, Esquadrão Classe A, aqui está a Van do B.A. Baracus, em uma versão em papel bem legal e fácil de montar, criada pelo designer norte-americano Mike Daws.

Link: The.A-Team.B.A.Baracus.Van.Paper.Model.by.Mike.Daws

More Paper Models of Cars from Movies and Tv Series related posts:

Sons Of Anarchy Van Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Wacky Races - The Army Surplus Special - by Webdude - Carro Tanque

Breaking Bad - Vamonos Pest Van Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Munster-Koach Paper Car -by Paper Inside - Carro Da Família Monstro

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Chevrolet Opala Coupe Special 1970/71 Paper Model - by Ronaldo M

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The Real Thing - 1970
Created by the great Brazilian designer and modeler Ronaldo M, this is the Chevrolet Opala Coupe Special 1970/71, in a stunning paper version, full of details in 1/25 scale. - The Chevrolet Opala was a mid-size car sold by General Motors do Brasil from 1969 to 1992. It was derived from the German Opel Rekord Series C and Opel Commodore Series A, but used USA-sourced engines, two four-cylinder engines: the Chevrolet 153 4-cylinder from Chevy II/Nova which later got a new crankshaft and cylinders changing its size to 151 (usually mistaken for the Pontiac Iron Duke engine), and the six-cylinder 250 from the contemporary line of North American car/light truck production. GM manufactured about one million units including the Opala sedan, Opala Coupé, and the station wagon variation, the Opala Caravan. It was replaced by the Chevrolet Omega in 1992, also an Opel spinoff. It was the first passenger car built by GM in Brazil, they previously only built light trucks. It was used by the Brazilian Police for many years. The military dictatorship issued Opalas to its agents through the 1970s. Its reliability and easy maintenance made the Opala the choice of many taxi drivers and was also popular on racetracks. - Wikipedia

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 photo opalaronaldo001_zps72572ecb.jpgCriado pelo grande modelista e designer brasileiro Ronaldo M, este é o Chevrolet Opala Coupe Special modelo 1970/71 em uma brilhante versão em papel, cheia de detalhes, na escala 1/25. - O Chevrolet Opala foi o primeiro automóvel de passeio fabricado pela General Motors no Brasil, tendo sido produzido de 1968 a 1992. Seu projeto demorou cerca de dois anos, sendo apresentado na abertura do VI Salão do Automóvel de São Paulo de 1968, já como linha 1969. A fórmula do Opala combinava a carroceria alemã do Opel Rekord C/Opel Commodore A, fabricado de 1966 a 1971, à mecânica norte-americana do Chevrolet Impala. Ao longo de seus 23 anos e cinco meses de produção contínua, passou por diversos aprimoramentos mecânicos e modificações estéticas. Durante o período em que esteve em produção, foram oferecidas paralelamente duas opções de motores ao Opala: 4 ou 6 cilindros, tanto para as versões básicas, quanto luxuosas ou esportivas. Todos os motores usados no Opala foram derivados de motores da Chevrolet norte-americana. O carro foi por um longo período e ainda continua sendo objeto de desejo de muitos brasileiros, por ser um carro confiável, potente, com ótimo torque, confortável e luxuoso. A fama do Opala o levou para aparições em diversos setores da cultura brasileira, como filmes, novelas, séries, livros, etc… - Wikipedia

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Link: Chevrolet.Opala.Coupe.Special.1970.71.Paper.Model.by.Ronaldo.M

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

1905`s German Bus Blumenbrett - by Bastelbogen Online

Vintage 12 Cylinders Paper Car - by Agence Eureka

1932 Ford Station Wagon - by Daytona Mag - Assembled by Dented Rick

Six Vintage Paper Cars - by Kaukapedia - Seis Carros Antigos

The Weekend Pic - Heckel Chapel Paper Model - by ASC McLaren / Kallboys

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This little German chapel called Heckel was assembled by North American modeler ASC McLaren and he kindly posted a little step-by-step with photos of the process of construction at Zealot Forum. You can download this model at Kallboys German website (link at the end of this post). The model is in 1/25 scale.

Esta pequena capela alemã chamada Heckel foi montada pelo modelista norte-americano ASC McLaren e ele gentilmente postou um breve passo-a-passo com fotos do processo de construção no forum Zealot. (link no final do post). Você pode baixar este belo modelo no site alemão da Kallboys. Esta igreja está na escala 1/25.

Link to download the model: The.Weekend.Pic.Heckel.Chapel.Paper.Model.by.Kallboys

Link to construction report: The.Weekend.Pic.Heckel.Chapel.Paper.Model.by.ASC.McLaren

About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.

Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.

More The Weekend Pics related posts:

The Weekend Pic - Church Of Transfiguration - by Micro / Canon

The Weekend Pic - Fire Brigade Truck Vintage Style - by Papermau

The Weekend Pic - Cambojia Angkor Wat - by Kurt Streu / Canon

The Weekend Pic - No.16 Prost Peugeot AP03 - by DimMyPrp / Yasu Tanaka

Friday, August 29, 2014

Farm Scenery Paper Models - by BLaaR - via Zealot Forum

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BlaaR, designer of this nice paper models, says: - "Nothing major, some models to be used as farm scenery. I wanted to scale them 1/40 but some faces were to big to fit on a A4 page so instead I scaled them 1/80. The PDO is unlocked so feel free to scale it." - To download this model you need to register on Zealot Forum (which is free) and actively participate in the forum (which is also free). By participating in the Forum, in addition to earning the right to download dozens of exclusive models, you will know hobbyists from around the world, learn tricks and tips about papercraft and see that this hobby is much more than just glue pieces of paper. And when I say it's free, it's free. No tricks, donations or whatever. I am member of Zealot Forum and recommend. - To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

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BlaaR, o designer destes modelos de papel bem legais, diz: - "Nada de mais, apenas alguns modelos para cenários de fazenda. Eu queria fazê-los na escala 1/40, mas algumas partes ficaram muito grandes para o formato A4, então eu os fiz em 1/80. De qualquer forma, os templates em formato PDO não têm senha, então fique à vontade para mexer na escala. Para baixar este modelo você precisa se cadastrar no Forum Zealot ( o que é de graça) e participar ativamente do forum (que também é de graça). Participando do Forum, além de ganhar o direito de baixar dezenas de modelos exclusivos, você irá conhecer hobbistas do mundo todo, aprenderá macetes sobre papelmodelismo e verá que este hobby é muito mais que só colar pedaços de papel. E quando eu digo que é de graça, é de graça mesmo. Sem truques, doações ou coisas do tipo. eu sou um membro do Zealot e recomendo. - Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model: Farm.Scenery.Paper.Models.by.BLaaR.via.Zealot.Forum

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Fusuma Japanese House - by Papermau - Download Now!

Rumah Gadang - Traditional Indonesian House Paper Model - by Paper Replika

Matsumoto Castle In Japan - by Paper Grade - Castelo Japonês

Toba Batak House - by Julius Perdana - Paper-Replika

Doctor Who - The Tomb Of The Cybermen Playset - by Mike Daws

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From Doctor Who Sci-Fi tv series, here is the Tomb of the Cybermen Playset, created by British designer Mike Daws.

Da série de ficção científica Doctor Who, eis aqui o Playset do Túmulo dos Cybermen, criado pelo designer britânico Mike Daws.

Link: Doctor.Who.The.Tomb.Of.The.Cybermen.Playset.by.Mike.Daws

More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:

Star Wars - Snowspeeder Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by TCF Gaming

Firefly - Firefly-Class Spaceship Paper Model - by Firefly-Serenity.De

UFOS Paper Models Special - 66th Anniversary Of The Roswell Incident

Sci-Fi Paper Models For RPG, Wargames And Dioramas - by Genet Models / Ebbles Miniatures

Prada Aoyama Building Paper Model - by Iceberg Bouwplaten

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This is the Prada Aoyama Building, located in Tokyo, Japan. This nice paper version is offered by Iceberg Bouwplaten, a Dutch website. This model is in 1/300 scale.

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Este é o Prada Aoyama Building, localizado em Tóquio, no Japão. Esta versão em papel é oferecida pelo site holandês Iceberg Bowplaten. Este modelo está na escala 1/300.

Link: Prada.Aoyama.Building.Paper.Model.by.Iceberg.Bouwplaten

Miniature Cliff House And Lighthouse Paper Models - by Wurlington Press

The Weekend Pic - Beijing Drum Tower Paper Model - by Seascape / Stahlhart

Arizona Style House Paper Model - by Paper Models Online

German Hunting Lodge Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Meineschule.De

Jeep Gecko Wrangler JK Unlimited Paper Model - by Jesse Smith

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This cool Jeep Gecko Green Wrangler JK Unlimited paper model was created by designer Jesse Smith, from Paper Cruiser website, comissioned by All Things Jeep website.

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Este belo modelo de papel do Jeep Gecko Green Wrangler JK Unlimited foi criado pelo designer Jesse Smith, do site Paper Cruiser, comissionado para o site All Things Jeep.

Link: Jeep.Gecko.Green.Wrangler.JK.Unlimited.Paper.Model.by.Jesse.Smith

More Paper Models of Jeeps related posts:

Jeep Willys Fire Brigade Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Jeep Willys 1944 Paper Model - U.S. Army Version - by Papermau Download Now!

Jeep SAS Desert Rats Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Alien Mech Willys Jeeep Paper Toy - by Daniel Benzla