Monday, August 18, 2014

Easy-To-Build Japanese Police Cars Paper Models - by Akita Prefecture

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In this website created by Akita Prefecture you will find five easy-to-build paper models of Japanese Police Cars.

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Neste site japonês da Prefeitura de Akita você encontrará cinco modelos de papel bem fáceis de montar de Carros de Polícia Japoneses.

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More Easy-To-Build Paper Models for Kids related posts:

Four Easy-To-Build Fire Brigade Trucks Paper Models - by Kids World

A Bunch Of Funny Paper Toys - by Paper Box World

Doll House - Bedroom Playset Diorama Papercraft - by Black Widow 12

Volkswagen Van Gift Box Papercraft - by Floor Van Der Doelen

European Architectural Paper Model Series - by Canon - Part 01

Been a while the Japanese website Canon has not released a new paper model, so while we wait for news, it's worth taking a look at the huge collection of models available, today highlighting the first part of the European Architectural Series. Enjoy!

Download and make architectural models that have been constructed within the long history of Europe.

Já faz algum tempo que o site japonês da Canon não lança um novo modelo de papel, então enquanto esperamos por novidades, vale a pena dar uma olhada na enorme coleção de modelos disponíveis, hoje destacando a primeira parte da Série de Arquitetura Européia. Bom divertimento!

Baixe e monte modelos de papel arquitetônicos que fazem parte da longa história da Europa.

Link 01: European Architectural Paper Model Series - by Canon - Florence Cathedral In Italy

Link 02: European Architectural Paper Model Series - by Canon - Leaning Tower of Pisa In Italy

Link 03: European Architectural Paper Model Series - by Canon - The Colosseum In Italy

Link 04: European Architectural Paper Model Series - by Canon - Eiffel Tower In France

Link 05: European Architectural Paper Model Series - by Canon - Arc de Triomphe In France

Link 06: European Architectural Paper Model Series - by Canon - Castel Sant’Angelo In Italy

More European Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!

Witch Tower In Jülich Paper Model - by M. Knobloch

Church Of St Martin In Langelau - by MAGs Papiermodell

European Architectural Models - by Bastelbogen Online

Aerokombi Color Chess Paper Model - by Pabuelin - via Pepakura Gallery

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By Venezuelan designer Pabuelin, from Paper World website, here is a really cool paper model of the Aerokombi in Color Chess theme. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

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Do designer Venezuelano Pabuelin, aqui está um modelo de papel muito bacana de um Aerokombi, com texturas xadrez. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

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Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Blues Brothers` 74 Dodge Monaco Paper Car - by G. Rutka / Darringer

Dodge Daytona "Moon Eyes" 1993 Paper Car - by Daytona Mag

Dodge Tow Truck Hybrid - by Camille - via Le Forum En Papier

Trabant - Old East German Paper Car - by Trabant.Ca

Owl People Paper Toy Series Part 02 - The Acolyte - by Chemical 9

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Bryan Ratliff, designer of this nice paper toy, says: - "The second paper toy from my Owl People series. The Acolyte. The Acolyte is a larger sized paper toy than the Midlings. The base of the toy is the actual owl person, with 4 separate layers stacked on top." - Below you will find the link for the first part of this series too.

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Bryan Ratliff, designer deste paper toy bem legal, diz: - "O segundo paper toy de minha série Owl People. O Acolyte. O Acolyte é um paper toy de tamanho maior do que o Midlings. A base do brinquedo, é o novo Owl People, com quatro camadas separadas empilhadas no topo." - Abaixo você encontrará o link para a primeira parte desta série também.

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Link to series two:

Link to series one:

More Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante

A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide

Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos

Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Halloween Special - Door Signs Decorative Papercrafts Set Two - by Ravensblight

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Door Signs - Set Two

Sometimes it's not enough to just hang up a few warning signs. Sometimes you need to display a whole bunch of them. So in case the first set of RavensBlight door signs proved less than adequate in discouraging unwanted interruptions, here's an additional set of nine signs to help guarantee your privacy. - Ray O`Bannon - Bellow you will find the link to the first set too.

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Door Signs - Set One

Às vezes não é suficiente pendurar apenas alguns sinais de alerta. Às vezes você precisa exibir um monte deles. Assim, no caso de o primeiro conjunto de sinais de portas da RavensBlight não terem sido o bastante , aqui está um conjunto adicional de nove sinais para ajudar a garantir a sua privacidade. - Ray O`Bannon - Abaixo você encontrará o link para o primeiro set também.

Link to Set 02:

Link to Set 01:

More Halloween Papercraft Projects related posts:

Halloween Special - Four Haunted Houses Paper Models - by Ravensblight

Ghost Town Haunted House Halloween Treat Boxes Papercraft - by Mr. Printables

Halloween Special - Haunted House Luminary Tutorial With Templates - by Cathe Holden

How To Make Paper Witch Shoes - by Skip To My Lou

Hauntings From Japan Series - Kasa-Obake Paper Toy - by Bocci

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Ancient Representation of Kasa-Obake
By Japanese designer Bocci, here is Kasa-Obake , the Umbrella Ghost, a Hauntings From Japan Series paper toy. I am glad Mr. Bocci continue with this series because this is a very interesting theme. Kasa-obake are a mythical ghosts or yōkais in Japanese folklore. They are sometimes considered a tsukumogami that old umbrellas turn into. They are also called "karakasa-obake", "kasa-bake" and "karakasa kozō". They are generally umbrellas with one eye and jump around with one leg, but sometimes they have two arms or two eyes among other features, and they also sometimes depicted to have a long tongue. Sometimes, but rarely, they even have two feet, as depicted in the yokai emaki such the "Hyakki Yagyo Zumaki". - Wikipedia

Do designer japonês Bocci, aqui está HKasa-Obake, o Guarda-Chuva Assombrado, um paper toy da Série de Assombrações do Japão. Fico contente que o Sr. Bocci continue com essa série porquê é um tema bem interessante. Karakasa-obake ou Kasa-obake é um youkai japonês, um tsukumogami, ou seja, um espírito que origina-se de objetos com mais de 100 anos, dando-lhes vida. Os karakasa em particular são espíritos de guarda-chuvas que atingem os 100 anos. São geralmente representados com um olho, uma língua longa saindo de sua boca e apenas uma perna que calça uma geta, espécie de calçado japonês. Algumas vezes tem dois braços e dois olhos e raramente se apresentam com dois pés. - Wikipedia


More Hautings and Haloween Paper Models related posts:

London After Midnight - The Man In The Beaver Hat Paper Toy - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - The Mummy, Frankenstein And Zombie Paper Toys by One Sheet`s Not Enuf

Great Horror Movie Villains Paper Dolls: Psychos, Slashers And Unlucky Victims! - by Dover

Kunimitsu - Alternate Hannya Mask Paper Model - by Gankutsu-Otaku

Decorative Globes Papercraft Project - by Projekt Bastelbogen

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By my friend, German designer and modeler Boris Voigt, from Projekt Bastelbogen website, here are a lot of Decorative Globes that are perfect for Christmas and also can be used as lamps.

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Do meu amigo, o designer e modelista alemão Boris Voigt, do site Projekt Bastelbogen, aqui estão vários Globos Decorativos que são perfeitos para o Natal e também podem ser usados como luminárias.

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More Decorative Papercraft Projects related posts:

New Papercraft Decorative Stars Paper Models - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Starry Christmas Angel Paper Model - by Jenny / All Sorts

Traditional Japanese Hinakazari Paper Model - by K.Yoshinaka / Bslirabsl

Japanese Traditional Kokeshi Paper Dolls - by Jacque Lin Davis

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Albert Speer's Volkshalle Paper Model In 1/750 Scale - by RocketManTan

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Created by North American designer Bryan Tan, aka RocketManTan, this is the Albert Speer's Volkshalle, a really well done paper model in 1/750 scale. - The Volkshalle (“People's Hall”), also called Große Halle (“Great Hall”) or Ruhmeshalle (“Hall of Glory”), was a huge domed monumental building planned by Adolf Hitler and his architect Albert Speer for Germania. The project was never accomplished. The word Volk had a particular resonance in Nazi thinking. The term völkisch movement, which can be translated to English as "the people's movement" or "the folkish movement", derives from Volk but also implies an otherworldly and eternal essence. Before the First World War, völkisch thought had developed an attitude to the arts as the German Volk; that is, from an organically linked Aryan or Nordic community (Volksgemeinschaft), racially unpolluted and with its roots in the German soil of the Heimat (homeland). - Wikipedia

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Model of the Volkshalle .

Criado pelo designer norte-americano Bryan Tan, aka RocketManTan, este é o "Pavilhão do Povo", um modelo de papel muito bem feito na escala 1/750. - O Volkshalle (pavilhão do povo) foi um grande projeto feito para a cidade Welthauptstadt Germania, planejado por Albert Speer e aprovado por Adolf Hitler. Ficaria em Berlim. O projeto tinha como base o Panteão de Roma, e na visão de Speer, seria o principal monumento dele para a Welthauptstadt Germania. Segundo o próprio Hitler, o prédio devia ter pelo menos 10 vezes o tamanho do Panteão de Roma, para demonstrar o tamanho do Regime Nazista. Speer logo repreendeu o Führer, dizendo que seria o alvo perfeito para bombardeiros inimigos. O prédio nunca foi construído, devido à extinção do III Reich. - Wikipedia

Link: Albert.Speer's.Volkshalle.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Swedish Lighthouse - by Bildrum.Se - Farol Sueco

Miniature Village - by Meddybemps - Vila Em Miniatura

Trains, Cars And German Houses - by Projekt-Bastelbogen - Trens, Carros E Casas

European Architecture - by Old Fred - Arquitetura Européia

Citroen HY Affichage Giraudy Paper Model - by Camille & Atlas 83

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This is the Citroen Hy Affichage Giraudy paper model, created by Camille and customized by Jean-François. The model was posted at Le Forum En Papier by Atlas 83 and is disponible in two scales: 1/43 and 1/66.

Este é o modelo de papel do Citroen HY Affichage Giraudy, criado por Camille e customizado por Jean-François. O modelo foi postado no Le Forum En Papier por Atlas 83 e está disponível em duas escalas: 1/43 e 1/66.


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Rock`n`Roll Circus - ZZ Top`s Eliminator - by Patrick Pasques

Wacky Races - The Army Surplus Special - by Webdude - Carro Tanque

Panhard Et Levassor 1894 Vintage Paper Car - by Denis - via Le Forum En Papier

1967`s Lotus 49 Formula 1 Paper Car - by Kamaboko

Ice Creams Paper Toys To Decorate And Play - by Mr. Printables

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Never listen to anyone who says it’s not the right weather for ice cream. And never say no to ice creams, even if they are made of paper. Hope you enjoy these paper ice cream templates and keep your spirit forever summer with us! They are also free ice creams and lollies that never melt. - Mr Printables

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Nunca dê ouvidos a quem diz que há uma época certa do ano para tomar sorvete. E nunca diga não para os sorvetes, mesmo que eles sejam feitos de papel. Espero que você aproveite esses modelos de papel gelados e mantenha o seu espírito de verão para sempre! Além disso eles são de graça e nunca derretem. - Mr Printables


More Decorative Papercraft Projects related posts:

How To Make An African Mask - Step By Step Picture And Video Tutorial - by 123 Peppy

Vintage Lamp Papercraft With Templates & Tutorial - by My Hyde Away

More Than 120 Decorative Stars Paper Models - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Papercraft LED Lantern Project - by Jessyratfink - via Instructables - Luminária de LED

Friday, August 15, 2014

Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon

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Models Assembled and Photos by Canon

Been a while the Japanese website Canon has not released a new paper model, so while we wait for news, it's worth taking a look at the huge collection of models available, today highlighting the Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series. Enjoy!

Já faz algum tempo que o site japonês da Canon não lança um novo modelo de papel, então enquanto esperamos por novidades, vale a pena dar uma olhada na enorme coleção de modelos disponíveis, hoje destacando a belíssima Série de Animais de Estimação da Animal Collection Paper Series. Bom divertimento!

Link 01: Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon - Dachshund

Link 02: Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon - Maine Coon

Link 03: Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon - Ferret

Link 04: Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon - Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Link 05: Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon - Shih Tzu

Link 06: Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon - Norwegian Forest Cat

Link 07: Cute Pets - Animal Collection Paper Series - by Canon - Abyssinian

More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Firecrest and Kingfisher Birds Realistic Style - by Johan Scherft

Australian Paper Animals - by Power House Museum - Animais Australianos

Mexican Tarantula Papercraft - by Patrick Pasques - Tarântula Mexicana

Lobster Paper Model - by Kozin-Z - Lagosta Em Papercraft