Thursday, July 17, 2014

1966`s Volkswagen Type 2 Snowcat Paper Model - by Paper Diorama

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This cool and very original paper model was created by Italian website Paper Diorama, ex-Papercrafts.It. - "The ÖAMTC (Austrian Motoring Organisation) has converted a 1966 VW panel van into a snowcat complete with caterpillar tracks and a DJ booth (that pops out of the freakin’ roof!) as part of their outreach program for young drivers. Instead, the Bulli body has been placed on the chassis of a 1960 Bombardier snowcat, and an old Ford Taunus V4 engine sends power to the tracks. Papercraft scale is 1/35." - Paper Diorama

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Este modelo de papel bem original foi criado pelo pessoal do site italiano Paper Diorama, ex-Papercrafts.It. - "O ÖAMTC (Austrian Motoring Organisation) converteu uma Kombi modelo 1966 emum snowcat completo, com esteiras de trator e uma cabnine de DJ (que fica no teto retrátil da Kombi!) como parte de seu programa de extensão para jovens condutores. A carroceria da Kombi se apóia sobre o chassi de um Bombardier snowcat de 1960, e um velho motor Ford Taunus V4 gera energia para as esteiras. Este modelo está na escala 1/35." - Paper Diorama

Link: 1966`

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Dragster Hell`s Team 1970 - by Papermau - Download Now!

Dodge Tow Truck Hybrid - by Camille - via Le Forum En Papier

Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com

2010 Arta HSV 010 Paper Car - by Epson Nakajima Racing

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

TDDK Robot Shadow Puppet Theater Paper Toy - by Salazad

This cool paper toy was created by Indonesian designer Salazad.

"Wayang is a generic term denoting traditional theatre in Indonesia. There is no evidence that wayang existed before the first century CE, after Hinduism and Buddhism were brought to Southeast Asia. This leads to the hypothesis that the art was imported from either India or China, both of which have a long tradition of shadow puppetry and theatre in general. However, there very well may have been indigenous storytelling traditions that had a profound impact on the development of the traditional puppet theater." - Salazad

Este belo paper toy foi criado pelo designer indonésio Salazad.

"Wayang é um termo genérico para o teatro tradicional na Indonésia. Não há nenhuma evidência de que o Wayang existisse antes do primeiro século dC, quando o hinduísmo e o budismo foram trazidos para o Sudeste Asiático. Isso leva a crer a arte foi importado da Índia ou China, sendo que ambos têm uma longa tradição de marionetae de sombras e teatro em geral. No entanto, foram as tradições narrativas indígenas que tiveram um impacto profundo sobre o desenvolvimento do tradicional teatro de fantoches." - Salazad


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Generic Garage Paper Model - Assembled by Bartek Godai

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My Polish friend, designer and modeler Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki built the Generic Garage Paper Model and kindly sent me some photos. He added some lights to the model and the result is great, like those 50`s incandescent yellow lamps. - Many thanks, Godai, for the nice assembly and for the photos! Greetings from Brazil to Poland! - If you want to Build your own Generic Garage Paper Model, the link is below, at the end of this post.

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Meu amigo polonês, o designer e modelista Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki montou o modelo de papel da Garagem Genérica e gentilmente enviou-me algumas fotos. ele instalou duas lâmpada no modelo e o resultado foi incrível, como aquelas antigas lâmpadas incandescentes amareladas dos anos 50. - Valeu, Godai, pela bela montagem e pelas fotos! Saudaçoes do Brasil à Polônia! - Se você também quer montar sua própria Garagem Genérica, o link se encontra logo abaixo.

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Link to download the model:!

More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends:

Castle Ruins Diorama - Assembled by Sam Wise

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - Walking Dead`s Custom - by Dave Winfield

Brazilian Abandoned House - Assembled by Bosco

Greek Roman Ruins - Assembled by Coscomomo

Old Industrial Garage Paper Model - by Edifícios De Papel

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Spanish website Edifícios de Papel continues to share interesting paper buildings for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. Today we have an Old Industrial Garage in six different scales, and you can choose between four different roofs.

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O site espanhol Edifícios de Papel continua a compartilhar interessantes prédios para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Hoje nós temos uma Antiga Garagem Industrial em seis escalas diferentes, e você ainda pode escolher entre quatro telhados diferentes.


More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Petra Treasure, Jordania - by Papermau - Petra, na Jordânia

Greek-Roman Ruins - by Papermau - Ruínas Greco-Romanas

St Michael Old Chapel - by Papermau - Capela de São Miguel - Download Now!

Roman Villa - by Armada Models - Vila Romana

Monday, July 14, 2014

Batman - Arkham City - The Joker Paper Model - by Sabi 96

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From Arkham City videogame, here is The Joker, in a perfect paper version created by designer Sabi 96.

Do game Arkham City, aqui está o Coringa, em uma perfeita versão em papel criada pelo designer Sabi 96.


More Paper Models from Videogames:

Palazzo Auditore From Assassin`s Creed - by Papermau

Zelda Twilight Princess Paper Doll - by Paper Juke

Mario Coin Automata Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d - via DeviantArt

Pac Man Mobile Papercraft - by Johan Ronstrom - via Instructables

New Paper Flowers To Liven Up Your Day - by Projekt Bastelbogen

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My friend, the German designer Boris, from Projekt bastelbogen website, shares more some nice paper flowers to liven up your day.

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Meu amigo, o designer alemão Boris, do site Projekt Bastelbogen, compartilha algumas novas flores para alegrar o seu dia.


More Decorative Paper Models related posts:

Stargazer Lily Bouquet Papercraft With Tutorial and Templates - by Rodney Bones - via Instructables

Play Fruits Paper Toys for Kids - by Mr. Printables

Miniature Carousel Paper Model For Doll Houses - by Bricolages & Compagnie

Cardboard Box Moose Head Wall Hanging Tutorial With Templates - by N36 - via Instructables

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Japanese Custom House Paper Model - by Tokaworks

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This is the sixth building of the architectural series by Japanese website Tokaworks. Visit the page to download this and the other models of this series.

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Este é o sexto prédio da série de modelos arquitetônicos do site japonês Tokaworks. Visite a página para baixar este e os outros modelos desta série.


More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Palazzo Auditore From Assassin`s Creed - by Papermau

The Tithe Barn Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Roger Pattenden

Lunch-O-Matic Restaurant Paper Model - by Papermau

Rose Hotel And Chinese Restaurant Paper Models - by Papermau

Japanese Single Ended Diesel Car Paper Model - by Peparama

A beautiful paper model of an old Japanese Single Ended Diesel Car in HO scale (1/87 scale), created by Japanese designer Peparama. This model occupies only one sheet of paper.

Um lindo modelo em papel de um antigo trem a diesel japonês na escala HO (escala 1/87), criado pelo designer japonês Peparama. Este modelo ocupa apenas uma folha de papel.


Hellboy - Karl Ruprecht Kroenen Paper Toy - by Lazy Life

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The "Real" Thing
From Hellboy comics and movies, here is Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, in a nice paper toy version created by designer Lazy Life. According to Wikipedia, Karl Ruprecht Kroenen is a fictional character in the Hellboy comic book series, created by Mike Mignola. In the comics, Kroenen was a relatively unremarkable Nazi SS scientist, whose most distinguishing characteristic was that he always wore a gas mask and protective bodysuit, which Mignola attributes to a disfiguring accident of some kind.

Dos quadrinhos e filmes do Hellboy, aqui está o Coronel Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, em uma divertida versão paper toy criada pelo designer Lazy Life. De acordo com a Wikipedia, Karl Ruprecht Kroenen é um personagem fictício da série de quadrinhos Hellboy, criado por Mike Mignola e publicado pela Dark Horse Comics. Nos quadrinhos, Kroenen foi relativamente um cientista do Nazi SS, cuja característica mais marcante era que sempre usava uma máscara de gás e bodysuit protetora, que Mignola atribui a um acidente que desfigurou seu rosto.


More Paper Models from Comics related posts:

Captain America Paper Model Character - by T&M Paper Models

Spawn Paper Model - by The Webdude - via Pepakura Gallery

Sandman - Neil Gaiman's Death Paper Doll - by Fanzineria

The Human Torch Paper Model - by Alfredo Podesta & Professor Plastik

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Tommy Ramone - 1952/2014 - The Last Ramone

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 photo img-1024572-tommy-ramonetyty_zps3ae975a8.jpgTommy Ramone died yesterday, a day before the World Day of Rock.
If you believe in life after death (I do not), they probably are now gathered, with the appearance they had in 1976, on the cover of the first LP.
To celebrate one of the bands I listened day and night when I was 14 or 15 years, here's the Ramones VW Type. This model was originally shared here in February, 19, 2012. Thomas Erdelyi (born Erdélyi Tamás; January 29, 1952 – July 11, 2014), also known by his stage name Tommy Ramone, was a Hungarian American record producer and musician. He was the drummer of the influential punk rock band the Ramones. He had been diagnosed with bile duct cancer, and was in hospice care following unsuccessful treatment for it when he died on July 11, 2014.

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 photo Ramonesalbumuiuiu_zps2252d7a1.jpgTommy Ramone morreu ontém, um dia antes do Dia Mundial do Rock. Se você acredita em vida após a morte (eu não), eles provavelmente estarão agora reunidos, com a aparência que tinham em 1976, na capa do primeiro LP. Para celebrar uma das bandas que eu mais ouvia quando tinha 14 ou 15 anos, aqui está a VW Type dos Ramones. Este modelo foi postado originalmente aqui no blog em 19 de fevereiro de 2012. Tommy Ramone, nome artístico de Tom Erdélyi (Budapeste, Hungria, 29 de Janeiro de 1952 — Nova York, Estados Unidos, 11 de Julho de 2014) era produtor e baterista. Foi o último integrante original da banda Ramones a morrer. Tommy Ramone compôs importantes músicas dos Ramones,como "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" e "Blitzkrieg Bop". Tommy Ramone morreu em sua casa em Queens, Nova York em 11 de julho de 2014 com 62 anos. Ele sofria de câncer.

Link to download the model:!

More Rock`n`Roll Circus related posts:

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss - Gene Simmons Paper Toy - by Papermau Download Now!

Shake The King Paper Toy - by Papermau - Download Now!

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Frank Zappa Paper Toy - by State Of Shock

Rock`n`Roll Circus - The Beatles - Abbey Road Diorama - by Garry Willis