Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Old Church and Medieval Castle Paper Model - Assembled by Unknown

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I found this photo on Google some time ago and do not know anything about it. The coin seems to me from Poland, but I'm not sure. Anyway, the modeler did a great job. If anyone knows anything about this assembly, I would be grateful for more details. If you want to build your own Old Church and Medieval Castle paper model, the link is below, at the end of this post, as usual.

Eu encontrei esta foto no Google há algum tempo atrás e não sei nada sobre ela. A moeda me parece da Polônia, mas eu não tenho certeza. De qualquer modo, o modelista fez um ótimo trabalho. Se alguém souber de algo e quiser compartilhar, eu ficarei grato. Se você gostou do modelo de papel do Old Church and Medieval Castle e quiser montá-lo, o link está logo abaixo, no final deste post, como sempre.

Download: Old.Church.And.Medieval.Castle.Papr.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends related posts:

Castle Ruins Diorama - Assembled by Sam Wise

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - Walking Dead`s Custom - by Dave Winfield

Brazilian Abandoned House - Assembled by Bosco

Greek Roman Ruins - Assembled by Coscomomo

Comanche Tipi Paper Model For School Works And Boardgames - by Geoblox

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A nice paper model of a North American Comanche Tipi, by Geoblox website. The models that you see at the photos of this post were assembled by French modeler Francois S, from Le Forum En Papier. Great for School Works, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

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Um modelo de papel bem legal de uma barraca indígena norte-americana, uma Tipi da tribo Comanche, criação do site Geoblox. Os modelos que você vê nas fotos deste post foram montados pelo modelista francês Francois S, do Le Forum En Papier. Perfeito para Trabalhos Escolares, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Link: Comanche.Tipi.Paper.Model.For.School.Works.And.Boardgames.by.Geoblox

More Native North American paper models related posts:

1938`s Indian Cut-Outs Diorama - by Milo Winter - via Bobe Green

Native American Thorp Diorama - by Somodi Zoltan - Aldeia Indígena

Totem Pole Papercraft - by Glitschka Studios - Totem Indígena

Native Americans Habitations - by Susan K. Nelson - Habitações De Índios Norte americanos

Humvee Vehicle Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Chippy's Repap Studios

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Two days ago I`ve posted an easy-to-build Humvee paper model in 1/30 scale and today here is more one, this time not so simple and in 1/48 scale, created by Indonesian designer Chippy Chua, from Chippy's Repap Studios.

Há dois dias atrás eu postei um Humvee fácil de montar na escala 1/30, e hoje apresento um outro Humvee, só que dessa vez não tão simples e na escala 1/48, criação do designer indonésio Chippy Chua, do site Chippy's Repap Studios.

Link: Humvee.Vehicle.Paper.Model.In.1/48.Scale.by.Chippy's.Repap.Studios

More Paper Models of Military Vehicles related posts:

Jeep Willys 1944 Paper Model - U.S. Army Version - by Papermau Download Now!

Pre-WW2 M1 Armoured Car Paper Model - by Alberto Perilli - via Landships II

Easy-To-Build Military Vehicles - by Papermau - Download Now!

Armoured Fighting Vehicle Mbombe Paper Model In 1/35 Scale - by Paper Hobby

My Little Pony - Little Ponies Paper Toys - by KNA - via DeviantArt

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For all fans of My Little Pony, here are a lot of paper Ponies, all creations by Angentinian designer KNA.

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Para todos os fãs de My Little Pony, aqui estão um monte de Pôneis de papel, todos criados pela designer argentina KNA.

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Link: My.Little.Pony.Little.Ponies.Paper.Toys.by.KNA.via.DeviantArt

More Paper Toys related posts:

Cheburashka Monkey Paper Toy - by Studio Waka

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss` Gene Simmonz Paper Toy - by Microdot - via Pepakura Net

Funny Paper Robots - by Phil Creations

Star Wars` Boba Fett Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

League of Legends - Jack In The Box Paper Model - by Portaldragon

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"Here is Shaco's jack in the box trap in template form. The model will stand at 5 inches tall and about 3 inches wide and is 57 pieces to it on just 2 pages." - Portaldragon

"Este é Shaco, o boneco de mola que é uma armadilha no game League of Legends. O modelo pronto tem 5 polegadas de altura e é composto de 57 peças em apenas duas folhas de papel." - Portaldragon

Link: League.Of.Legends.Jack.In.The.Box.Paper.Model.by.Portaldragon

More Paper Models from Videogames related posts:

Donkey Kong Arcade Game Diorama - by Linkdude101 - via Nintendo Papercraft

Portal 2 - P-Body Robot Paper Model - by Digitprop

3D 8-Bit Mario Papercraft - by Squeezycheesecake - via Ultimate Papercraft

Cave Story - Quote Little Robot Paper Toy - by Paperlegend

Monday, May 26, 2014

Egyptian Sarcophagus Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

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A simple Egyptian Sarcophagus paper model to be used with 1/12 scale miniatures or just to decorate your shelf. Download easily directly from Google Docs. If you like this, I have more two Sarcophagus ready for download and the links are at the end of this post.

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Um Sarcófago Egípcio bem fácil de montar para ser usado com miniaturas em escala 1/12 ou apenas para decorar sua estante. Baixe facilmente direto do Google Docs. Se você gostou, há mais dois modelos de Sarcófagos prontos para download os links estão logo abaixo.

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Link to Egyptian Sarcophagus: Egyptian.Sarcophagus.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

Link to Mummy`s Sarcophagus: Mummy`s.Sarcophagus.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

Link to Sealed Sarcophagus: Sealed.Egyptian.Sarcophagus.Paper.Model.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

More Egyptian Paper Models related posts:

Mummy`s Sarcophagus Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon

Egyptian Memory Game - by Papermau - Jogo Da Memória Egípcio

Giza Necropolis Pyramids - by Armada Models - Pirâmides de Gizé

Jangseung Pole Totem Paper Model - by Paperinside Korea

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The Real Thing
By Paperinside Korea website, this is the Jangseung Pole Totem paper model. A Jangseung or village guardian is a Korean totem pole usually made of wood. Jangseungs were traditionally placed at the edges of villages to mark for village boundaries and frighten away demons. They were also worshipped as village tutelary deities. In the southern regions of Jeolla, Chungcheong, and Gyeongsang, jangseungs are also referred to as Beopsu or Beoksu, a variation of Boksa, meaning a male shaman. - Wikipedia

Do site Paperinside Korea, este é o modelo de papel do Totem Jangseung. Jangseung ou guardião da aldeia é um totem coreano geralmente feito de madeira. Jangseungs eram tradicionalmente colocados nos limites das aldeias para marcar o território e afugentar demônios. Eles também eram adorados como divindades protetoras das aldeias. Nas regiões do sul de Jeolla, Chungcheong, e Gyeongsang, Jangseungs também são chamados de Beopsu ou Beoksu, uma variação de Boksa, ou seja, um xamã masculino. - Wikipedia

Link: Jangseung.Pole.Totem.Paper.Model.by.Paperinside.Korea

More Korean Paper Models related posts:

Korean Scorpion Paper Model - by Wombat

Dokdo Island Perpetual Calendar Paper Model - by Paperinside Korea

Gangnam Style Machine Automata Papercraft - by Kamibox

Korean House Paper Model - by blog.daum.net

Citroen HY Les Caves Vinicoles Paper Model - by Pascal 6733 & Camille

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Model Assembled and Photo by Pascal 6733

This very well done paper model of the vintage French van Citroen HY was created by designer Camille and this "Les Caves Vinicoles" version was made and built by French designer Pascal 6733.

Este modelo de papel muito bem feito do antigo furgão francês Citroen HY foi criado pelo designer Camille e essa versão "Les Caves Vinicoles" foi feita e montada pelo modelista francês Pascal 6733.

Link: Citroen.HY.Les.Caves.Vinicoles.Paper.Model.by.Pascal.6733.Camille

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

BMW Z4 M Coupe Paper Car - by Farewell The End

Aston Martin DBS Coupe Paper Model - by Odontogriphus

MG TC Midget Paper Car - by Canon

orsche 911 GT1 98 Paper Car - by Mame Craft

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Simple House Paper Model With Bushes - by Papermau - Download Now!

This is a very simple paper model of a little house with some bushes. The model occupies only two sheets: one for the house and fence and one for the bushes. A nice model to build in a cold and rainny sunday, like is today here in São Paulo. Download easily, directly from Google Docs.

Este é um modelo de papel bem simples de uma casinha com alguns arbustos. O modelo ocupa apenas duas folhas de papel: uma para a casa com a cerca e outra para os arbustos. Um modelo legal para se ocupar num domingo frio e chuvoso, como o de hoje, aqui em São Paulo. Baixe facilmente, direto do Google Docs.

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Download: Simple.House.Paper.Model.With.Bushes.by.Papermau.Download.Now!

Easy-To-Build Humvee Paper Model in 1/32 Scale - by Dave Winfield

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A great easy-to-build paper model created by North American designer Dave Winfield, from Dave`s Card Creations. This Humvee Paper Model in 1/32 Scale is perfect fro kids.

Um belo modelo bem fácil de montar do designer norte-americano Dave Winfield, do site Dave`s Card Creations. Este Humvee na escala 1/32 é perfeito para crianças.

Link: Easy.To.Build.Humvee.Paper.Model.in.1/32.Scale.by.Dave.Winfield

More Military Paper Models related posts:

WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus

Renault FT 17 Paper Model- The World's First Modern Tank - by PeaGrafis - via Le Forum En Papier

40K Predator Mk1C Tank Paper Model - by Paper WarGames

1927`s Interwars Light Tank T1E1 Paper Model - by Alberto Perilli - via Thailand Namotasa

A Simple Flower Paper Model - by Projekt Bastelbogen

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German designer Boris, from Projekt Bastelbogen website, shares more one nice and easy-to-build paper model, now a cute simple flower. Perfect for Valentines or Mother`s Day. You will find a lot of great paper models at Projekt Bastelbogen. It is a safe educational website for kids.

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O designer alemão Boris, do site Projekt Bastelbogen, compartilha mais um belo modelo de papel, agora uma simples e delicada flor. Perfeita para o dia dos Namorados ou Dia das Mães. Você encontrará muitos outros modelos de papel bem legais no Projekt Bastelbogen. É um site educacional traduzido em várias línguas e com conteúdo seguro para crianças.

Link to download the model: A.Simple.Flower.Paper.Model.by.Projekt.Bastelbogen

Link to Projekt Bastelbogen main page: Projekt.Bastelbogen.German.Educational.Website

More Paper Models for Kids related posts:

Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante

A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide

Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos

Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel