Saturday, December 23, 2017
Star Wars - First Order Atmospheric Assault Lander Paper Model
by Papier Schnitzel
Here is a nice Christmas gift for all fans of Star Wars saga: the First Order Atmospheric Assault Lander paper model, created by my friend, the Austrian designer and modeler Christopher, from Papier Schnitzel website. Chris disse: - "Eu me diverti bastante criando este modelo e espero que ele faça feliz um monte de fãs de Star Wars. Um Feliz Natal de Viena!"
Below, in addition to the link to download the model, there is another link where you can see all the laborious development process, from beginning to end, documented by Chris at Paper Modelers forum.
Eis aqui um belo presente de Natal para todos os fãs da saga Star Wars: o modelo de papel do Transporte Atmosférico de Tropas de Assalto, criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista austríaco Christopher, do site Papier Schnitzel. Chris said: - "I enjoyed a lot making this model and I hope it will make a lot of Star Wars fans happy. Merry Christmas from Vienna!"
Abaixo, além do link para baixar o modelo, há outro link, onde você poderá ver todo o trabalhoso processo de desenvolvimento, do começo ao fim, documentado por Chris, no forum Paper Modelers.
More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:
Star Wars - Lars Homestead Paper Model - by Papier Schnitzel
Star Wars` Princess Leia Papercraft - by Noturno Sukhoi
Star Wars` TB-TT Assault Vehicle - by Maquettes Hautetfort
Star Wars Millennium Falcon Paper Model - by SF Papercraft
Friday, December 22, 2017
A Simple Chalet Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames
by Papermau - Download Now!
Here is a simple Chalet paper model, to be used in Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. The model occupies only three sheets of paper.
Eis aqui um modelo de papel bem simples de um Chalé, para ser usado em Dioramas, RPG e Wrgames. O modelo ocupa apenas três folhas e papel.
More Papermau Original Architectural Paper Models related posts:
The Desecrated Tomb Diorama Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
The Old Ringer Market Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
European Style House Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!
More One Garage Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!
Christmas Time - Dutch Nativity Set Papercraft - by Hanneke De Jager
In a beautiful work of painting and collage, the Dutch designer Hanneke De Jager presents us with this very original Christmas crib.
Em um belo trabalho de pintura e colagem, o designer holandês Hanneke De Jager nos presenteia com este presépio bem original.
More Paper Models of Cribs and Nativity Sets related posts:
Christmas Time - Vintage Crib - Italian Presepio, Marca Stella - by Vittorio Pranzini - via Paper Model Kiosk
Christmas Time - Match Boxes Nativity Set - by Digitprop
Christmas Nativity Diorama - by Scrapbook Scrapbook - Presépio Em Papel
Christmas Time - Svatava`s Paper Crib Nº 5 - by Paper Model Kiosk
Christmas Time - 1980`s Christmas Tree Board Game - by Seite 42
This Christmas Tree Board Game was published 37 years ago in Disney comics magazines in several countries around the world, but it was this German version that remained for posterity, preserved and now shared by the staff of the great website called Seite 42.
Este Jogo de Tabuleiro da Árvore de Natal foi publicado há 37 anos em revistas em quadrnhos da Disney em vários países do mundo, mas foi esta versão em alemão que ficou para a posteridade, preservada e agora compartilhada pelo pessoal do ótimo website chamado Seite 42.
Link: Christmas.Time.1980`
More Christmas Paper Models related posts:
Christmas Time - Vintage Pop-Up Crib - by Paper Model Kiosk
Christmas time - Santa Claus At Work Paper Models - by Bildrum - Papai Noel Trabalhando
Christmas Paper Models - by Delta Seven Studios
1979 Disney`s Christmas Market at Duckburg - by Seite 42
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Christmas Time - An Easy-To-Build Cubic Style Crib Paper Model
by William Webb
It's almost Christmas and if you have not set up your crib for lack of time, know that this one created by British designer William Webb occupies only one sheet of paper and is quite easy to assemble.
Já é quase Natal e se você não montou o seu presépio for falta de tempo, saiba que este aqui criado pelo designer britânico William Webb ocupa apenas uma folha de papel e é bem fácil de montar.
More Christmas Cribs and Nativity Sets paper models related posts:
Christmas Time - Casa Editrice Carroccio Nativity Set - by Svatava Vizinová - via Paper Model Kiosk
Christmas Time - Match Boxes Nativity Set - by Digitprop
Christmas Time - Vintage Crib - Italian Presepio, Marca Stella - by Vittorio Pranzini - via Paper Model Kiosk
Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House
Christmas Time - Prep & Landing - Lanny Paper Toy - by Disney Family
Here is a nice paper toy of Lanny, the Santa`s helper from Prep & Landing, a 2009`s computer animated television special, based on an idea by Chris Williams and Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Aqui está um paper toy bem legal do Lanny, o ajudante do Papai Noel de Prep & Landing, um especial de animação em 3D para televisão de 2009, baseada em uma idéia de Chris Williams e Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Link: Christmas.Time.Prep.&
More Christmas Paper Models related posts:
Santa Claus` Work Shop - by Papermau - Casa do Papai Noel
Christmas Time - Santa`s Train For kids - by Miniatur-Wunderland
Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House
Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi
Gunnar`s Family House Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Gunnar Sillén
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The "Paper" Thing and... |
This beautiful yellow house was home of Swedish designer Gunnar Sillén for 40 years. Gunnar recently moved from there and as a reminder, he decided to create a model in miniature of his house. Model in 1/160 scale. Thanks to Mr. Sillén for the model and to my friend John Wagenseil, from Paper Modelers forum, for this really nice find!
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...The "Real" Thing |
Esta simpática casinha amarela foi o lar do designer sueco Gunnar Sillén por 40 anos. Recentemente Gunnar mudou-se de lá e como lembrança, ele resolveu criar um modelo em miniatura de sua casinha. Modelo na escala 1/160. Meus agradecimentos ao Sr. Sillén pelo modelo e ao amigo John Wagenseil, do forum Paper Modelers por este achado.
Link: Gunnar`s.Family.House.Paper.Model.In.1/én
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Brazilian Abandoned House - by Papermau - Download Now
One Sheet Little Paper Villa - by Gunnar Sillén - Vila de Papel
French Gothic Cathedral - by Jump If Not Zero - Catedral Gótica
Desktop Architecture - Series 04 - by Papermau - Colonial Brazilian Churches
Dinotrux 2.0 - A Dinosaur Robot Paper Model - by Hyun Lee & Moon
Two of the themes that most stir the imagination of children gathered in a papercraft. A very creative South Korean boy named Hyun Lee designed this and his father, my friend Mr. Moon, created the Dinosaur Robot paper model based on this drawing. - If you liked this paper model, I would advise you to have patience when downloading it, since the downloads via Gofile are very slow indeed.
Dois dos temas que mais mexem com a imaginação das crianças reunidos em um papercraft. Um garotinho sul-coreano muito criativo chamado Hyun Lee projetou e seu pai, meu amigo o Sr. Moon, criou o modelo de papel do Robô Dinossauro com base nesse esboço. - Se você gostou do modelo, eu devo avisá-lo para ter paciência ao baixá-lo, pois os downloads via Gofile são muito lentos mesmo.
More Paper Models of Robots related posts:
Paper Toy Robots In Cubic Style - by 7eater`s Cubees
Easy-To-Build Cubic Robot Paper Toy - by Roaring Design
Rorobotan Robot Paper Model - by Dikids
Henchman Robot Paper Toy - by The Bat - Via Pepakura Gallery - Robô Escudeiro
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Building Tinplate Style Storefronts Detailed Papercraft Project
by Big Indoor Trains
This papercraft project was created by Howard Lamey and Paul Race, from Big Indoor Trains website, as a tribute to the tinplate villages and trains that surrounded so many Christmas trees in the early 1900s. Visit the website to learn more about this story, download the templates and learn how to create your own houses in this beautiful old style.
Este projeto foi criado po Howard Lamey e Paul Race, do site Big Indoor Trains , como homenagem às cidadezinhas e trens feitos de chapas de ferro (folhas de flandres), que decoravam tantas árvores de Natal lá pelo início de 1900. Visite o site para saber mais sobre esta história (em inglês), baixar os templates e aprender como criar suas próprias casinhas neste belo estilo antigo.
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Little Village And Oltimer - by Alternate Realms
Castle and Village Houses - by Brumbaer.De- Castelo e Vilarejo
Miniature Village - by Meddybemps - Vila Em Miniatura
Village Church in 1/144 Scale - by Miniatures.About.Com - Igreja Em Micro Escala
An Easy-To-Build Christmas Tree Papercraft Project For Kids
by Pelikan
This "last minute"easy-to-build papercraft project will teaches you how to build this cute Christmas tree with your kids, just using paper and things you have around the house.
Este projeto de "última hora" bem fácil em papercraft irá ensinar-lhe como construir esta linda árvore de Natal com suas crianças, usando apenas papel e coisas que você tem espalhadas pela casa.
More Christmas Paper Models related posts:
Make A Holiday Village Papercraft - by Claudine Hellmuth
Santa Claus Stuck In Chimney - F C Cafe - Papai Noel Entalado
Christmas Time - Santa's Sleigh Mobile Papercraft - by Canon - Trenó Do Papai Noel
3D Christmas Village Papercraft Projects - by Mommy Nean