Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Kancolle - Mutsuki Class Destroyer Fumizuki Paper Doll - by Nobi
Fumizuki is a character from the Japanese card game, videogame, anime and mangá series Kancolle. In the series she is a Mutsuki Class Destroyer. This paper doll version of Fumizuki was created by Japanese designer Nobi and was originally posted at Pepakura Gallery website.
Fumizuki é uma personagem da série de jogos de cartas, videogames, anime e mangá Kancolle. Na série ele é um Destroyer Classe Mutsuki. esta versão em papel da Fumizuki foi criada pelo designer japonês Nobi e foi originalmente postada no site Pepakura Gallery.
More Paper Dolls in Anime Style related posts:
Magical Girl Kazumi Paper Doll - by Seisaku Diary
Princess Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami
Morrigan Paper Doll Anime Style - by Alclione - via Fox In A Hole
Dissidia Final Fantasy - Vaan Gunmetal Vest - by Ace Crafts
Japanese Classic Locomotives Paper Models - by West Japan Railway
I had already posted these tiny locomotives, here on the blog, three years ago, but among almost seven thousand posts, sometimes it is difficult to find some models. So here are, again, the Japanese Classic Locomotives, offered by West Japan Railway site. Are quite small models and each one occupies only one sheet of paper, so a good vision and patience are essential to assemble them.
Eu já havia postado estas pequenas locomotivas aqui no blog, há três anos atrás, mas entre quase sete mil postagens, ás vezes fica difícil achar alguns modelos. Então, aqui estão, novamente, as Clássicas Locomotivas Japonesas, oferecidas pelo site West Japan Railway. São modelos bem pequenos e cada um ocupa apenas uma folha de papel, então uma boa visão e paciência são essenciais para montá-los.
More Paper Models of Locomotives related posts:
German Locomotive KPEV T-3 Paper Model - by Bastelbogen Online
1880`s Steam Locomotive Yoshitsune Paper Model - by Hiroshi Chiba - via West Japan Railway Company
Italian Locomotive FS 950 Paper Model In HO Scale - by Zio Prudenzio
Japanese Steam Locomotive Paper Model - by Vayashi
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Vintage Style Billboard Paper Model - Assembled by Mike Sanderson
My friend Mike Sanderson, from USA, built the Vintage Style Billboard paper model and kindly sent me some photos of his nice work. He printed the templates in Letter format and the model was fitted with the following dimensions: 3 inches long, 2 ¾ high and approximately one inch deep. I think it is perfect for 1/64 scale, or Hot Wheels and Matchbox miniatures. I had just built this model virtually in 3D, so it was really cool to see the "real thing". - "Many thanks, Mike, for the photos and the informations about size. Greetings from Brazil to USA!" - Mauther - If you want to build your own Vintage Style Billboard paper model, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.
Meu amigo Mike Sanderson, dos EUA, montou o modelo de papel do Painel Publicitário em Estilo Vintage e gentilmente enviou-me algumas fotos do seu bom trabalho. Ele imprimiu em formato Carta e o modelo ficou com as seguintes dimensões: 3 polegadas de comprimento, 2 ¾ de altura e cerca de uma polegada de profundidade. Eu acho que é perfeito para a escala 1/64, ou seja, para miniaturas Hot Wheels e Matchbox. Eu só havia montado este modelo virtualmente, em 3D, então foi muito legal ver a "coisa real". - "Muito obrigado, Mike, pelas fotos e pelas informações sobre as dimensões. Saudações do Brasil aos EUA!" - Mauther - Se você quiser montar seu próprio Painel Publicitário em Estilo Vintage, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
More Papermau Models Assembled by Friends:
Rock`n`Roll Circus - Lemon & Moonjava - Assembled by Soetam Rizky
Van Gogh`s Yellow House - Assembled by Kevin WS
Greek Roman Ruins - Assembled by Coscomomo
Play House Papercraft Assembled by OldSchoolDM
Dungeon Furniture Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames
by Fantasy Paper Miniature
Created by designer Eddnic, from Fantasy Paper Miniature website, these "Dungeon Furniture" paper models are perfect for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. This set includes a pipe organ, a telescope, a pile of skull, a revised crate and 3 more cupboards.
Criados pelo designer Eddnic, do site Fantasy Paper Miniature, estes modelos de papel de "Mobiliário para Masmorras" são perfeitos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Este conjunto inclui um órgão de tubos, um telescópio, uma pilha de crânios, alguns caixotes e mais 3 armários.
More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:
Castle Facade And Towers Paper Models - by Norbtach
Princess Medieval Castle Paper Model - by Hugo L`Escargot
Le Salon - French Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka / SarienSpiderDroid
Engine Shed Paper Model In 1/72 And 1/87 Scales - by Projekt Bastelbogen
Level Crossing Paper Model Diorama For Kids - by Olis Bahnwelt
Build you your own easy-to-build railroad crossing and add the signals. By Olis Bahnwelt, German website.
Monte seu próprio cruzamento ferroviário e adicione os sinais. Do site Olis Bahnwelt, da Alemanha.
More Paper Models of Dioramas and Playsets related posts:
1959`s Ben Hur 2D Playset Paper Model - by Dakota Dreams
Disney Epic Mickey Playset Papercraft - by Spoonful
Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper
Doll House - Bedroom Playset Diorama Papercraft - by Black Widow 12
Monday, August 17, 2015
Halloween Special - Mister Calavera Paper Toy - by Zombie Studio
Offered by Zombie Studio, Mexican website, here is Mister Calavera, a cool paper toy to celebrate the Dia de Los Muertos and the Halloween too, why not?
Oferecido por Zombie Studio, um site mexicano, este é o Mister Calavera, um paper toy bem legal para celebrar o Dias dos Mortos e o Dia das Bruxas também, por que não?
More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:
Halloween Special - Teddy Bear Paper Model - by Canon
Halloween Special - Mummy Paper Toy - by Disney Family go
Halloween Special - Child`s Hearse Paper Model - by Vinsart
Halloween Special - Bad Pumpkin Candy Box - by Papermau
Build Your Own Cute Little Monsters Paper Toys - by Picasso Pictures
Download, print and build your own Cute Little Monsters paper toys, created by designers Jens Blank and Anna Benner, from Picasso Pictures website.
Imprima, recorte e monte seus próprios paper toys destes Simpáticos Monstrinhos, criados pelos designers Jens Blank e Anna Benner, do site Picasso Pictures.
More Paper Toys of Monsters related posts:
Oop & Eep Monsters Paper Toy - by A G Paper Toys
Halloween Special - Frankeinstein Paper Toy - by Jerom
Halloween Special - Paper Monsters - by Macula TV - Monstrinhos
Halloween Special - Dracula and Frankeinstein - by Frankenpaper.Com
Katana Sword Hanging Miniature Paper Model - by Mogami Yoshiaki
Offered by Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum, Japanese website, this Katana Sword Hanging miniature paper model is perfect for School Works or just to decorate your shelf or desktop.
Oferecido pelo site do Museu Histórico Mogami Yoshiaki, do Japão, este modelo de papel em miniatura de um Armorial de Espadas Katana é perfeito para Trabalhos Escolares ou apenas para decorar sua estante ou mesa de trabalho.
Link to download the katanas:
Link to download the support:
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Halloween Special - Midnight Spook Show Diorama Paper Model
by Haunted Dimensions
Ray Keim, designer of this very original paper model, says: "- In 1958 a small meteorite struck the Earth. Within the rock lurked an oozing horror which consumed everyone in its path and grew larger and larger as it did so. Eventually it terrorized an entire town when it invaded the local movie theater. This is a model of that theater, "The Colonial Theater", featured in the classic Science Fiction film, "The Blob". The actual theater still exists and can be visited in Phoenixville, PA (my home town!). BEWARE OF THE BLOB!"
Ray Keim, designer deste modelo de papel super original, diz: "- Em 1958, um pequeno meteorito atingiu a Terra. Dentro da rocha se escondia um horror indizível que consumia todos em seu caminho e ia ficando maior a cada vez que fazia isso. Eventualmente, ele aterrorizou uma cidade inteira quando invadiu a sala de cinema local. Este é um modelo deste cinema, "The Colonial Theater", apresentado no filme de ficção científica clássica, "The Blob (A Bolha)". O prédio real ainda existe e pode ser visitado em Phoenixville, Pensilvânia (minha cidade natal!). Cuidado com a Bolha!"
More Halloween Architectural Paper Models related posts:
Witch's House In The Forest - by Papermau - Download Now!
Halloween Special - Twin Brothers` House - by Papermau - Download Now!
Halloween Special - Phantom Manor - by Ray Keim
Halloween Special - Haunted Mansion And Monsters - by Ray O`Bannon
Bloodhound SSC British Supersonic Land Vehicle Paper Model
by Dave`s Cards Creations
The Real Thing |
Its goal is to match or exceed 1,000 miles per hour (1,609 km/h) achieving a new world land speed record. The pencil-shaped car, powered by a jet engine and a rocket engine is designed to reach 1,050 miles per hour (1,690 km/h). It is being developed and built with the intention of breaking the land speed record by 33%, the largest ever margin.
Runway testing of up to 200 miles per hour (320 km/h) started in 2015. Bloodhound SSC is being tested on the Hakskeen Pan in the Mier area of the Northern Cape, South Africa, where a track 12 miles (19 km) long, 2 miles (3.2 km) wide has been cleared.
Link to download page:`s.Cards.Creations
Link to Dave`s website main page: Dave`s.Cards.Creations.Paper.Models.Main.Page
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Porsche 911 GT1 98 Paper Car - by Mame Craft
Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com
Three 3D Monster Trucks Papercraft - by HP - Caminhões Monstro
Carretera Slot Car Paper Model - by Paperslotcar - Carenagem para Autorama