Sunday, March 4, 2012

Penguin Papercraft - by Nozaranto - via Pepakura Gallery

A little penguin papercraft by Japanese designer Nozaranto, via Pepakura Gallery.

Um pequeno pinguim de papel, do designer japonês Nozaranto, via Pepakura Gallery.



More Animals related posts:

Photorealistic Fruit Bat Paper Model - by Education Scholastic - Morcego Realista

Munchkin Cat Papercraft - by Canon - North-American Short Legs`Cat

Japanese Hornet Papercraft - by Kizuna Avenue - Vespa Japonesa

Japanese Insects - by Kizuna Avenue - Insetos Japoneses

Warcraft 2 - Revenant / Wraith Paper Model - by Constable


A amazing model of a spaceship of Warcraft 2 videogame, with great textures, by Korean designer Constable (ddong5678).

Um incrível modelo de uma nave do jogo de videogame Warcraft 2, com ótimas texturas, do designer coreano Constable (ddong5678).


Look below how to download this model, in two colors (blue and red):



More Videogame and Sci-Fi related posts:

Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2

Life-Size Warcraft Orc Paper Craft - by Nadask Projects

Star Craft 2 - Battle Cruiser Paper model - by Keonseuteobeul

Front Mission Nunsekar Robot Paper Model - by Square Enix

Medieval Style House Paper Model - by Anagram - Casa Medieval


A nice model in just one page, by Korean designer Anagram. Perfect for dioramas or RPG games.

Um belo modelo, em apenas uma folha, do designer coreano Anagram. Perfeito para dioramas ou jogos de RPG.


See below how to download the model (click the images to enlarge):



More Medieval Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Desktop Medieval Castle - by Papermau - Castelo Medieval

European Medieval City - by Kaukapedia - Cidade Medieval Européia

Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval

Medieval Church - by Papermau - Igreja Medieval

Star Wars` Big Head Storm Trooper Paper Toy - by Chemical 9


From Star Wars Universe, a nice paper toy of a Storm Trooper, big head style, by designer Bry, from Chemical 9 site.

Do Universo de Star Wars, um modelo bem legal de um Storm Trooper, em estilo big head, do designer Bry, do site Chemical 9.


More Star Wars related posts:

Star Wars` Boba Fett Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Star Wars Paper Models - by Momir Farooq - Modelos De Papel Star Wars

Star Wars Droid R2D2 - by SF Papercraft - Robô R2D2

Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper

WW2`s Bulge Battle Bunker - by Anagram - Bunker Da Segunda Guerra

A very well done model of a WW2 German bunker with nice textures, by Korean designer Anagram.

Um modelo muito bem feito de um bunker alemão da Segunda Grande Guerra, do designer coreano Anagram.


How to download the model:


Link: WW2`

More WW2 Architecture and Buildings related posts:

WW2 European Buildings - by Perry`s Heroes - Casa Européias Da Segunda Grande Guerra

Reichstag Building in Berlin - by Bastelbogen Online - Parlamento Alemão

WW2 Concentration Camp Paper Model - by E Bob Miniatures

WW2 Bunker 1/87 scale - by Cougarman - via Kartonbau.De Forum

Mitshubishi Panama's Mule Diorama - by Papercrafts.It


Link: Mitshubishi.Panama'

More Trains and Acessories related posts:

Open Cargo Wagon - by by Albrecht Pirling - via Kartonbau.De - Vagão De Carga Aberto

German Station In 1/160 Scale - by Michael Hochmuth - Estação Alemã

Diorama For Trains - HO Scale - by Trac - via Le Forum En Papier

German Shed In Endingen Train Station - by GTP.De

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Roman Galley Paper Model - by Kallboys.De - Galera Romana

Model Assembled and Photos by Kallboys

A reconstruction of an ancient Greek galley squadron
based on images of modern replica 
A galley is a type of ship propelled by rowers that originated in the Mediterranean region and was used for warfare, trade and piracy from the first millennium BC. Galleys dominated naval warfare in the Mediterranean Sea from the 8th century BC until development of advanced sailing warships in the 16th century. Galleys fought in the wars of Assyria, ancient Phoenicia, Greece, Carthage and Rome until the 4th century AD. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire galleys formed the mainstay of the Byzantine navy and other navies of successors of the Roman Empire, as well as new Muslim navies. Medieval Mediterranean states, notably the Italian maritime republics, including Venice, Pisa, and Genoa, used galleys until the ocean-going man-of-war made them obsolete. The Battle of Lepanto was one of the largest naval battles in which galleys played the principal part. Galleys were in common use until the introduction of broadside sailing ships of war into the Mediterranean in the 17th Century, but continued to be applied in minor roles until steam propulsion. - Wikipedia


A 13th century war galley depicted
 in a Byzantine-style  afresco
Em geral, galé ou galera podem designar qualquer tipo de navio movido a remos. Algumas variações possuem mastros e velas para auxiliar a propulsão; eram navios muito usados em guerras na Europa, por isso desempenharam um papel de grande importância na época. Por vezes os remadores eram prisioneiros, os carrascos marcavam em brasa duas letras nas costas dos condenados, os quais as temiam mais que tudo, já que um condenado às galés vivia muito pouco tempo, pois quase não tinham descanso, comiam mal e eram chicoteados quando não obedeciam. Os prisioneiros eram condenados as galés por terem cometido crimes muito pesados, mas com o tempo as guerras foram aumentando e o governo necessitava de mais remadores, por isso os juízes foram orientados cada vez mais a condenarem bandidos às galés, até mesmo pequenos infratores eram condenados. O tempo das remadas dos condenados era marcado por um tambor. - Wikipedia


Link to the model:

Link to Kallboys Main Page: Kallboys.De.Main.Page

More Ancient Boats and Ships related posts:

Korean Turtle Ship - by How Paper Cafe - Barco de Guerra Antigo

The Ship From Fide Church - by Gunnar Sillén - Galé Antiga Do Báltico

Christopher Columbus` Santa Maria Spanish Ship - by Paper Toys

La Navis Oneraria Paper Model - by Paul - Pequeno Barco Francês

The Weekend Pic - The Pharos - Lighthouse Of Alexandria - by Kurt Streu / Delta Seven Studios

Model Assembled and Photo by Mr.  Kurt Streu

Today I'll start a new series of posts, to be published on Saturdays: The Weekend Pic. It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report. So here is the first post:

Hoje eu vou começar uma nova série de posts, que serão publicados aos sábados: A Imagem Do Fim De Semana, ou, the Weekend Pic. Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem. Então, eis aqui o primeiro post:

Link to download the model:

Link to construction report: Kurt Streu

More The Weekend Pics related posts:

The Weekend Pic - Leaning Tower Of Pisa - by Michel Cerfvoliste / Canon

The Weekend Pic - Carl's Flying House - by José Reis / Paper Replika

The Weekend Pic - The Clock Tower Diorama - by Papermau

Parasite Eve`s Aya Brea Paper Doll - by Jp Papercraft


A really beautiful model of Aya Brea, character of Parasite Eve videogame, by Japanese designer (I guess) Jp Papercraft.

Um belo modelo de Aya Brea, personagem do videogame Parasite Eve, do designer japonês (eu acho) JP Papercraft.


Link: Parasite.Eve`

More Paper Dolls and Videogame characters related posts:

Yukata Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Em Estilo Anime

Final Fantasy PaperModels - by The Last In Line Again

Dissidia Final Fantasy Paper Models - by Aaron Ang

Tomb Raider Chronicles Extreme Depth Suit - by Ninjatoes

Two Free Paper Models - by Schreiber Bogen


Two free models by traditional German publisher Schreiber Bogen: a boat and a plane. Schreiber Bogen is one of the oldest publishers of paper models from Europe and makes true works of art on paper, with emphasis on architectural models.

Dois modelos gratuítos da editora alemã Schreiber Bogen: um barco e um avião. Schreiber Bogen é uma das mais antigos e tradicionais editoras de modelos em papel da Europa e faz verdadeiras obras de arte em papel, com destaque para os modelos arquitetônicos.



More Boats and Planes related posts:

German Boats Paper Models - by Rennert - Barcos Alemães

The Light Vessel 21 Papercraft - by Steve McPherson - Navio Inglês

1930`s Farman F-250 Aircraft Paper model - by Monsieur E

Aircraft Hangar 1/144 Scale - by Tomtom-Net