Saturday, January 29, 2022

Star Wars - Galatic Empire Starfighter Tie Fighter Paper Toy
by Cubefold

From Star Wars universe, here is the Galatic Empire Starfighter Tie Fighter, in a nice paper toy version created by North American designer Calvin Nicholas Lin, from Cubefold website

There you will also find the paper toys of Darth Vader, a generic Stromtrooper, Boba Fett , a classic Han Solo and Han Solo in Carbonite, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Finn, Rey and much more.

Do universo de Star Wars, eis aqui uma Tie Fighter do Império Galático, em uma versão paper toy bem legal criada pelo designer norte-americano Calvin Nicholas Lin, do site Cubefold.

Lá você também encontrará os paper toys do Darth Vader, de um Stromtrooper genérico, do Boba Fett, do Han Solo clássico e em Carbonite, do Chewbacca, da Princesa Leia, do Finn e da Rey e muito mais.


More Star Wars Paper Toys related posts:

Star Wars - C-3PO Paper Toy - by Star Wars.Com

Star Wars - Dart Vader Paper Toy - by Chemical 9

Star Wars - Anakin / Darth Vader Paper Toy - by Star Wars.Com

Star Wars` R2-D2 Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Elder Scrolls Online - Imperial Cavalry Paper Model - by RocketManTan

This Medieval Knight was created by North American designer and modeler Bryan Tan, aka RocketManTan and was inspired by the videogame Elder Scrolls Online.

Bryan has made a lot of accessories so you can customize your knight with the colors of your favorite legion.

Este Cavaleiro Medieval foi criado pelo designer e modelista norte americano Bryan Tan, aka RocketManTan e foi inspirado no videogame Elder Scrolls Online.

Bryan fez um monte de acessórios, então você pode customizar seu cavaleiro com as cores da sua legião preferida.


More Medieval Paper Models related posts:

Medieval Church - by Papermau - Igreja Medieval

Brick Street Diorama - by Papermau - Rua de Paralelepípedos

European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

Medieval Castle For Kids - by Papermau - Castelo Medieval Para Crianças

Friday, January 28, 2022

The Country House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Here is the Country House paper model, ready to download. I arranged the pieces in a way that the model occupied only two sheets of paper. 

There are no illustrated instructions, but all the pieces are identified and I believe there will be no difficulties for anyone interested in setting up this little house. Have fun!

Aqui está o modelo de papel da Casa de Campo, pronta para download. Eu arrumei as peças de um modo que o modelo ocupasse apenas duas folhas de papel.

Não há instruções ilustradas, mas todas as peças estão identificadas e eu creio que não haverá dificuldades para quem se interessar em montar esta casinha. Bom divertimento!


More Papermau Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Brazilian Abandoned House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Swiss Wood Cabin Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Desktop Architecture - Series 04 - by Papermau - Download Now!

St Michael Old Chapel Paper Model - by Papermau - Capela de São Miguel - Download Now!

An Easy-To-Build Medieval Cottage Paper Model - by DedHampster

Occupying only one sheet of paper, this Medieval Cottage was created by North American designer Sarah, aka DedHampster and was originally posted to the DeviantArt community

A great model for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Ocupando apenas uma folha de papel, este Chalé Medieval foi criado pela designer norte-americana Sarah, aka DedHampster e foi originalmente postado na comunidade DeviantArt

Um ótimo modelo para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.


More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Acessories For RPG And Dioramas - by Stones-Edges

Old Factory Paper Model - by Jlhcorp - via Deviant Art

Table Top RPG Games - by Zio Prudencio - Jogos de RPG

Buildings For RPG Games - by GHQ Models

Ocidental Building - A Simple Paper Stage For Figure Shooting
& Exhibition - by Japan System Art - via Brother

This easy-to-build paper and photo stage was created by Japan System Art exclusively for the Brother of Japan website.

The scenario simulates the interior of an ocidental building. Occupying three printed sheets, I believe that this model is perfectly suited for Playmobil, Lego and similar figures.

Este cenário de papel para fotografia e exibição de figuras bem fácil de montarfoi criado por Japan System Art exclusivamente para o site da Brother do Japão.

O cenário simula o interior de um prédio ocidental. Ocupando três folhas impressas, eu creio que este modelo serve perfeitamente para figuras Playmobil, Lego e similares.


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building Paper Model - by Brother

Occupying only two printed sheets, this architectural paper model of the Marunouchi Station building in Tokyo was created by W2 Studio exclusively for Brother website. 

Marunouchi Station is the name of several railway stations in Japan.

Ocupando apenas duas folhas impressas, este modelo de papel arquitetônico do edifício da Estação de Marunouchi em Tóquio foi criado pela W2 Studio exclusivamente para o site da Brother. 

Marunouchi é o nome de várias estações ferroviárias no Japão.


There is also another paper model of this station offered by the Canon website, but this model is in pop-up style (picture and link below).