Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Usavich - Kirenenko and Putin Rabbits Paper Toys - by Kayoru

photo usavichtroriro_zpsa1d8acff.jpg
The "Real" Things

Usavich, from usagi, Japanese for rabbit, with "vich" to make it a Russian patronymic is a series of animated short films originally created for MTV's Japanese mobile service "Flux" and still being created for MTV Japan by Satoshi Tomioka and his studio Kanaban Graphics since 2006. It is about an odd pair of rabbits imprisoned in a Soviet prison. The first season shows the absurd everyday occurrences of the two rabbits' prison life, the second season shows the two rabbits' life on the run from law enforcement, and the third season shows their climb up a 13 story building in an effort to seek revenge. - Wikipedia

Usavich, que pode ser traduzido de uma forma bem livre como Coelhinhos da Máfia Russa, é uma série de curtas-metragens de animação criados originalmente pela MTV Japonesa apenas como conteúdo para celulares, e ainda continua sendo produzido pelo deigner Satoshi Tomioka e seu estúdio Kanaban Graphics desde 2006. Trata-se de um estranho par de coelhos bandidos de uma prisão soviética. A primeira temporada mostra as ocorrências diárias absurdas dos dois coelhos , tipo a vida na prisão, a segunda temporada mostra os dois coelhos na vida louca, sempre fugindo da lei, e a terceira temporada gira em torno da escalada de um prédio de 13 andares e um plano de vingança. É uma animação como poucas, com violência, humor negro e politicamente incorreta.

Link to Kirenenko: 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Egyptian Themed Stand Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Here is an easy-to-build Egyptian themed stand paper model, occupying only two sheets of paper. I think it will be useful for School Works, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. Enjoy!

Eis aqui um modelo de papel de um stand com Temática Egípcia, ocupando apenas duas folhas de papel. Eu creio que será útil para Trabalhos Escolares, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Bom divertimento!

Link to A3 version:

Link to A4 version:

Link to Letter version:

St. Julien Church Of Menetriers - A Vintage French Paper Model
by Pellerin - Preserved And Shared by Albert Robida

This beautiful paper model depicting the St. Julien Church Of Menetriers as it was during the World Expo 1900 which took place in France, was originally published by French company Pellerin. Thanks to the collector and modeler Albert Robida, who is also the author of the photos that illustrate this post, and preserved and shares this model, now you can also build your own St. Julien Church Of Menetriers diorama.

Este belíssimo modelo de papel retratando a Igreja de St. Julien de Menetriers tal qual ela era durante a Exposição Mundial de 1900 que ocorreu na França, foi originalmente publicado pela companhia francesa Pellerin. Graças ao colecionador e modelista Albert Robida, que também é o autor das fotos que ilustram esta postagem, e que preservou e compartilha este modelo, agora você também pode montar seu próprio diorama da Igreja de St. Julien de Menetriers.


More Vintage Architectural Paper Models related posts:

1983`s European Mountain Cottages Paper Models - by Kaukapedia

Cottage By The Sea Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

Little Vintage Circus Paper Model - by H Is For Handmade

Kellogg's UK Paper Village - The Post Ofiice - by Toy Connect

Tubeville - Armand Garage Paper Model In 1/43 Scale - by Camille

Created by the talented French designer and modeler Camille and originally posted at Le Forum en Papier, this is the Armand Garage, an architectural paper model in 1/43 scale that is part of a project called the Tubeville, an imaginary city idealized by Camille. The garage occupies 11 sheets of paper and there are more accessories to furnish it.

Criado pelo talentoso designer e modelista francês Camille e originalmente publicado no Le Forum en Papier, este é o Armand Garage, um modelo de papel arquitetônico na escala 1/43 que faz parte de um projeto chamado Tubeville, uma cidade imaginária idealizada por Camille. A garagem ocupa 11 folhas de papel e há mais acessórios para mobiliá-la.

Link: Tubeville.Armand.Garage.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

European Architecture Paper Models - by Réseau Saint Michel

Four Danish Houses Paper Models - by Margit Ammentorp

Medieval Style House Paper Model - by Anagram - Casa Medieval

Victorian House Model - by Scenery Builder - Casa Vitoriana

Abandoned Barn Paper Model In HO Scale - by Jean Pierre Larouze

This is the Abandoned Barn, a paper model in HO scale (1/87 scale) that is part of the La Petite Cite (The Little City), a very nice architectural papercraft collection created by French designer Jean-Pierre Larouze, from Decoupages Faciles website. A perfect model for Train Sets, Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Este é o Celeiro Abandonado, um modelo de papel na escala HO (escala 1/87) que faz parte de La Petite Cite (A Pequena Cidade), uma coleção bem bacana de papercrafts arquitetônicos criada pelo designer francês Jean-Pierre Larouze, do site Decoupages Faciles. Um modelo perfeito para Maquetes Ferroviárias, Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.


More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:

Simple Jungle Hut Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

Medieval Tower Paper Model For RPG And Wargames - by Afet - via Fat Dragon Games

Some Vehicles For RPG And Wargames - by Inkjet Paper Scissors

Battlefleet Gothic Space Ships For RPG and Wargames - by Monktaraz

Easy-To-Build Bonnet Bus, Celica 2000GT & Corolla Model KE10
by Toyota Automobile Museum

Here are three easy-to-build paper vehicles offered by Toyota Automobile Museum, Japanese website. You will find the Bonnet Bus, the Celica 2000GT and the Corolla Model KE10.

Aqui estão três veículos de papel bem fáceis de montar oferecidos pelo site japonês Toyota Automobile Museum. Você encontrará o Bonnet Bus, o Celica 2000GT e o Corolla Model KE10.


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Tohru Paper Toy - by Paperized

Created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized website, this is the paper toy version of Tohru, from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Japanese manga and anime series. Tohru is a female dragon who has the ability to transform into the shape of a human girl.

Criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized, esta é a versão paper toy de Tohru, personagem da série japonesa de animes e mangás Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Tohru é uma dragão fêmea que tem a habilidade de transformar na forma de uma menina.

Link: iss.Kobayashi'

More Paper Models from Animes and Mangás related posts:

Sailor Moon Paper Doll In Chibi Style - by Paper Mike

Three Sisters Paper Dolls In Cubic Style - by Pontacerone

Qin Heart-Chan Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Nobi - via Pepakura Gallery

Kiki's Delivery Service Paper Doll - by Smilerobinson - via DeviantArt

Death Note - Ryuk - The Bored Shinigami Paper Toy - by Paperized

Created by my friend, the Philippine designer and modeler Paulo, from Paperized website , this is the paper toy version of Ryuk, the Bored Shinigami, on the Japanese anime and mangá series Death Note.

Criado por meu amigo, o designer e modelista filipino Paulo, do site Paperized, esta é a versão paper toy de Ryuk, o Shinigami entediado, na série de animes e mangás japonesa Death Note.


More Anime and Mangá Paper Models related posts:

Magical Girl Kazumi Paper Doll - by Seisaku Diary

Princess Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami

My Neighbor Totoro - Studio Glibli Characters Paper Toys - by Bunzodo

Sayaka Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Seisaku Diary