Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Kansha-Kun Decorative Paper Toy - by TKO Sato
This Kansha-Kun decorative paper toy was created by Japanese designer TKO Sato and was originally posted at Behance community.
Este paper toy decorativo, o Kansha-Kun, foi criado pelo designer japonês TKO Sato e foi originalmente postado na comunidade Behance.
Link: Kansha.Kun.Decorative.Paper.Toy.by.TKO.Sato
More Paper Toys related posts:
The Amazing World Of Gumball Paper Toys - by Cartoon Network
Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker Paper Toy - by Gus Santome
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax 3D Paper Toy - by HP Creative
Mega Lego Skeleton - by ZombieGorilla - via Instructables
Frozen 2 - Ana And Elsa Of Arendelle Paper Dolls - by Disney Japan
Here are Ana and Elsa of Arendelle, from Frozen 2 animation, here in two beautiful paper doll versions offered by Disney Family Japan website.
Aqui estão Ana e Elsa de Arendelle, da animação Frozen 2, aqui em duas lindas versões paper doll oferecidas pelo site da Disney Family Japan.
Link to Ana: Frozen.Ana.Of.Arendelle.Paper.Doll.by.Disney.Family.Japan
Link to Elsa: Frozen.Elsa.Of.Arendelle.Paper.Doll.by.Disney.Family.Japan
More Paper Toys from Movies and Animations related posts:
Wreck-It Ralph - Vanellope Von Schweetz Paper Doll - by Spoonful
Bambi, The Deer Paper Model - by Corbak Papercraft
Ice Age - Scrat - The Prehistoric Chipmunk Paper Model - by Elso Craft Museo
Despicable Me 2 - Agnes Paper Toy - by Paper Replika
Chinese Year Of The Ox - Akabeko Paper Toy - by Epson
2021 is a year of the Ox, starting from February 12th, 2021 (Chinese lunar New Year Day) and lasting until January 30th, 2022. It will be a Metal Ox year.
The recent zodiac years of Ox sign are: 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033…An Ox year occurs every 12 years.
The zodiac sign Ox occupies the second position in the Chinese Zodiac. The 12 zodiac animals are, in order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
The Oxes' Personality - Having an honest nature, Oxes are known for diligence, dependability, strength and determination. These reflect traditional conservative characteristics. Women Oxes are traditional, faithful wives, who attach great importance to their children's education. For male oxes, they are strongly patriotic, have ideals and ambitions for life, and attach importance to family and work.
2021 é o ano do Boi, começando em 12 de fevereiro de 2021 (dia do ano novo lunar chinês) e durando até 30 de janeiro de 2022. Será um ano do Boi de Metal.
Os anos recentes do signo do Boi no zodíaco são: 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033 ... Um ano do Boi ocorre a cada 12 anos.
O signo do zodíaco do Boi ocupa a segunda posição no zodíaco chinês. Os 12 animais do zodíaco são, em ordem: Rato, Boi, Tigre, Coelho, Dragão, Cobra, Cavalo, Cabra, Macaco, Galo, Cão e Porco.
A Personalidade dos Bois - Por serem honestos, os Bois são conhecidos pela diligência, confiabilidade, força e determinação. Estes refletem características conservadoras tradicionais. As mulheres Bois são esposas tradicionais e fiéis, que atribuem grande importância à educação dos filhos. Para os bois machos, eles são fortemente patrióticos, têm ideais e ambições para a vida e atribuem importância à família e ao trabalho.
More Paper Models of Lucky Items related posts:
Dharma Doll Japanese Lucky Charm Paper Model - by Canon - Amuleto Da Sorte
Chinese Dragon Papercraft - by Tina Kraus - Dragão Chinês
Kadomatsu Good Luck Amulet - by Yamaha - Amuleto Asiático
Takarabune - Japanese Treasure Ship Paper Model - by Niku Mansei
Monday, January 4, 2021
This Is Not Paper, But... San Francisco - 1906 - Four Days Before The Disaster
This is a 35mm film made in San Francisco (USA) in 1906. The camera was mounted on the front of a tram that goes a great avenue of the city (Market Street) to about 15 km per hour. How document is fascinating for two reasons: first because there were only 11 who the Lumière brothers had patented their first camera and made the first film, and second because the images show a city that four days later would be practically destroyed by the famous earthquake and fire April 18 (1906). The background music is from Air, a French band. The track is called La Femme D'Argent and is from the 1998`s album Moon Safari.
Este é um filme em 35mm feito em San Francisco (EUA), em 1906. A câmera foi montada na frente de um bonde que percorre uma grande avenida da cidade (Market Street) a cerca de 15 km por hora. Como documento é fascinante por dois motivos: primeiro porque havia apenas 11 anos que os irmãos Lumière haviam patenteado sua primeira câmera e feito seu primeiro filme, e segundo porque as imagens mostram uma cidade que quatro dias mais tarde seria praticamente destruída pelo famoso terremoto e incêndio de 18 de abril (1906). A música de fundo é da dupla Air, de música eletrônica. A faixa se chama La Femme D'Argent e é do album Moon Safari, de 1998.
Link: This.Is.Not.Paper.But.Chicago.1906.Four.Days.Before.The.Disaster
More This Is Not Paper, But... related posts:
It Is Not Paper, But... - PET Bottle Penguins - by Claudio Belmudes - Pinguins De Garrafa PET
It Is Not Paper, But... - Make Your Own Boat In A Lamp - by Msolek - via Instructables
House Made From Matches - by English Russia - Casa De Fósforos
It Is Not Paper, But... - Scott Weaver Toothpick Art - via Shangrala Family Fun
The Circus Automata Carousel Vintage Paper Model - by Unknown
via Paper Modelers
This French vintage paper model was found by designer and modeler J. Leslie and posted at Paper Modelers forum. You will find a high resolution template to download there. Thanks, J. Leslie.
Este modelo de papel francês bem antigo foi encontrado pelo designer e modelista J. Leslie que o postou no forum Paper Modelers. Você vai encontrar um modelo em alta resolução para download lá. Obrigado, J. Leslie.
A Vintage Camera Box Paper Model - by Nem Graphisme
This Retro Style Camera paper model created by French designer Emilie Jardon, from Nem Graphisme website, is perfect as gift box for Valentine's Day and also serves to store souvenirs and candies.
Este modelo de papel de uma Câmera em Estilo Retrô criado pela designer francesa Emilie Jardon, do site Nem Graphisme, é perfeita como caixinha de presentes para o Dia dos Namorados e também serve para guardar lembrancinhas e doces.
Link: The.Vintage.Camera.Box.Paper.Model.by.Nem.Graphism
More Paper Models of Gift Boxes related posts:
Vintage Matches Gift Box - by Papermau - Download Now!
Gift Box Papercraft - Hexagonal Model - by Canon
Funny Gift Boxes Papercraft - by Kirin - Caixinhas De Presente
Jar Box Papercraft - by Paper Matrix - Jarra De Papel
Citroen HY Matra-Simca Compétition Paper Model - by Pascal
This is the Citroen HY Matra-Simca Compétition, more one nice paper model in 1/50 scale, created by French designer Pascal, under an orignal by Camille. Thank you, Pascal, for your kindness in send me the model.
Este é o Citroen Hy Matra-Simca Compétition, mais um modelo de papel bem legal na escala 1/50, criado pelo designer francês Pascal, sobre um original de Camille. Obrigado, Pascal, pela gentileza em enviar-me o modelo.
Link: Citroen.HY.Matra.Simca.Compétition.Paper.Model.by.Pascal
More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 - Nascar Body - by Papermau
2002`s Ferrari Enzo Paper Car - by Mame Craft
Mazda K 360 Three-Wheeled Vehicle - by Nurarihyon
Ford Hot Rod 32-33 Paper Model - by Pixel Oz
The Algerian Sheep Shepherd - A Vintage Movable Paper Model
by Berger Kabyle
A nice French vintage movable paper model which I have saved in my HD for a long time.
Um belo modelo de papel francês antigo com movimento que eu tenho salvo em meu HD há bastante tempo.
Link: The.Sheep.Shepherd.A.Vintage.Movable.Paper.Model.by.Berger.Kabyle
More Vintage Paper Models related posts:
Vintage Paper Toy Shop - by Angelika Oeckl
Paper Model History - Uncle Tom’s Cabin Paper Dolls, Boston Sunday Globe, 1896 - via Antique Toy Chest
Build Your Own Victorian Village - by Museum Of Childhood - Vilarejo Vitoriano
Make your Own Theater And Circus - by Victoria and Albert Museum
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Dunda`s Garage - An Exclusive Custom Paper Model - by Papermau
This is the Dunda`s Garage, more one custom and exclusive paper model and my way to say thanks to Mr. Dennis Theman for supporting the blog.
Every friend who supports the blog will receive a custom and exclusive paper model with the name or sayings they want. Supporters can choose which template will be personalized and what will be written. The photos or 3D sketches of the custom models will be posted here on the blog with a special thanks for each one (unless the supporter does not want his name to be disclosed).
Esta é a Dunda`s Garage, mais um modelo de papel personalizado e exclusivo e minha forma de agradecer ao Sr. Dennis Theman pelo apoio ao blog.
Todo amigo que apoiar o blog receberá um modelo de papel personalizado e exclusivo com o nome ou dizeres que quiser. As fotos ou sketchs em 3D dos modelos personalizados serão postado aqui no blog com um agradecimento especial (a não ser que o apoiador não queira que se divulgue seu nome).
Miniature World Collection - The Candy Shop Diorama Papercraft
by Minya & Somemachi
Occupying fourteen printed sheets, this paper diorama of a beautiful and colorful Candy Shop was created by Japanese designers Minya and Somemachi for Canon website. This is the second diorama in a series called Miniature World.
More one time I say thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger, from USA, fro this nic efind!
Ocupando quatorze folhas impressas, este diorama de papel de uma bela e colorida Doceria foi criado pelos designers japoneses Minya e Somemachi para o site da Canon. Este é o segundo diorama de uma série chamada Miniature World.
Mais uma vez eu agradeço ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por este belo achado!
More Paper Models for Dioramas and Stands related posts:
Subway Stand Diorama In 1/12 scale - by FG Site
Vintage Television Paper Model In 1/12 Scale - by Panasonic
Miniature Pumpkin Boxes In 1/6 And 1/12 Scales - by Miniatures About
Piano Papercraft In 1/12 Scale - by Mak - via Paper Modelers Forum