Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Time - A Gingerbread House To Make And Color
by Ayelet Keshet

Ayelet Keshet says: - "Print out the coloring page of the gingerbread house template, color and cut all the parts and create a cute gingerbread house ornament. It’s a fun Christmas activity that you can make with your kids. There are detailed step-by-step instructions with pictures, so all you have to do is grab your craft supply and turn on your printer. Let’s start!"

Ayelet Keshet diz: - "Imprima a página para colorir do modelo de casa de pão de mel, pinte e corte todas as partes e crie um enfeite de casa de pão de mel muito fofo. É uma atividade divertida de Natal que você pode fazer com seus filhos. Existem instruções detalhadas, o passo a passo com fotos, então tudo que você precisa fazer é pegar seus materiais de artesanato e ligar a impressora. Vamos começar!"


The House That Jack Built - An American Vintage Paper Model
by Mellin's Food Company

"This Is the House That Jack Built" is a popular British nursery rhyme and cumulative tale. This vintage paper model was published by Mellin's Food Company to promote its "Mellin's Food for Infants and Invalids". Mellin's Food Company was a maker of Mellin's Food for Infants and Invalids in Boston, Massachusetts. The company started when the English food chemist Gustav Mellin developed an infant formula in 1866. Mellin's formula was a simplified version of one which had been recently invented by the German chemist Justus von Liebig. It wasn't a complete nutritional supplement, the powder was diluted with cow's milk and water and was called a "milk modifier". It was a "soluble, dry extract of wheat, malted barley and bicarbonate of potassium." The formula was advertised with the slogan: "Mellin's Food for Infants and Invalids: The only perfect substitute for Mother's Milk". - This vintage paper model was preserved and is now shared by the collector Patrick Marks.

"Esta é a Casa que Jack Construiu" é uma rima popular infantil britânica e uma espécie de conto cumulativo. Este modelo de papel antigo foi publicado pela Mellin's Food Company para promover o "Alimento Mellin para Crianças e Inválidos". A Mellin's Food Company era fabricante do Alimento Mellin para Crianças e Inválidos, e situava-se em em Boston, Massachusetts. A empresa teve início quando o químico inglês Gustav Mellin desenvolveu uma fórmula infantil em 1866. A fórmula de Mellin era uma versão simplificada de uma que havia sido recentemente inventada pelo químico alemão Justus von Liebig. Não era um suplemento nutricional completo, o pó era diluído com leite de vaca e água e era chamado de "modificador de leite". Era um "extrato seco e solúvel de trigo, cevada maltada e bicarbonato de potássio". A fórmula foi anunciada com o slogan: "Comida de Mellin para Bebés e Inválidos: O único substituto perfeito para o leite materno". - Este modelo de papel antigo foi preservado e é agora compartilhado pelo colecionador Patrick Marks.


More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

1940`s Vintage Cardboard Gas Station - by Toy Connect

London, Midland & Scottish Railway Vintage Paper Model - by Tuck DB

The Fairy Playhouse Theater Paper Model - by Frances Delehanty - via Hedgehog Studio

Restored Vintage Halloween Dress Up Paper Doll - by Papermau

Christmas Time - Color Your Own Easy-To-Build 3D Christmas Tree
by Red Ted Art

Created by Hattifant and made available on Red Ted Art website, here is another easy-to-build last-minute decorative project to decorate your home this Christmas.

Criado por Hattifant e disponibilizado no site Red Ted Art, eis aqui mais um projeto decorativo de última hora bem fácil de se fazer para decorar sua casa neste Natal.


Model Cottage Series - A Country House Paper Model - by Tuck DB

This is a Vintage Country House paper model, part of Model Cottage Series postcards originally printed by British publisher Tuck DB between the late Nineteenth Century and the first decades of the Twentieth Century.

Este é um modelo de papel de uma Casa de Campo Antiga, parte de uma série de cartões postais, a Model Cottage Series, originalmente impressas pela editora britânica Tuck DB entre o final do Século XIX e as primeiras décadas do Século XX.


More Vintage Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Country House In Davos Vintage Paper Model - by Ed Morf

Battle Of The Nations Monument In Leipzig Paper Model - by AGK

1800`s German Paper Theater - by Power House Museum - Teatro De Papel

Vintage French School Diorama - by Phillip - Diorama De Escola Francesa

Christmas Time - Cute Angels Miniature Papercraft Ornaments
by Handmade Cuddles

Offered by Handmade Cuddles website, here are some cute Angels Ornaments to decorate your home this Christmas. As these models are very simple and easy to assemble, we can consider this a last minute project to make with the kids.

Oferecido pelo site Handmade Cuddles, aqui estão alguns Enfeites de Anjinhos para decorar sua casa neste Natal. Como são modelos são muito simples e fáceis de montar, podemos considerar este um projeto de última hora para fazer com as crianças.


Christmas Time - Diamond Shaped Ornaments - by Eri Kamei & Uplift

Offered by Canon website and created by Japanese designers Eri Kamei and Uplift, here are some easy-to-build Decorative Stars to brighten your home this Christmas.

Oferecido pelo site da Canon e criado pelos designers japoneses Eri Kamei e Uplift, aqui estão algumas Estrelas Decorativas bem fáceis de montar para iluminar sua casa neste Natal.


A Message To Chris Woods

I'm using this space in the hope that Chris Woods, a blog friend who made a donation via Paypal, will read it. 

 Chris, I tried to contact you by your email registered on Paypal, but there was a sending error. GMail says the address is non-existent. I am writing this message in the hope that you will read it. 

First to thank you for supporting the blog and second because whenever a friend makes a donation, I contact them to send some exclusive models as a form of gratitude, as well as to know what name to put on the signs and details the donor wants to the Exclusive Garage that I offer to everyone who supports the blog. 

So, Chris, if you read this message, please contact me on my email: 

I await your contact. Happy Holidays and all good things to you and all yours!


Every friend who supports the blog will receive a personalized and exclusive paper model garage/service station with the name or words you want. 

In addition to an exclusive model, supporters will also receive via email four more exclusive garages. Supporters can choose which of the four models will be personalized and what will be written, as well as the colors and even the posters that will be used in the decoration. 

The photos or 3D sketches of the customized models will be posted here on the blog with a special thanks (unless the supporter does not want his name to be disclosed). 

 Supporters will also receive a few more exclusive models (many, in fact, more than 25 variations of these garages) via email. In addition to receiving an exclusive Papermau garage/service station, plus the four garages and many more exclusive models, your donation will help the blog maintain the quality and constancy in the posts.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

1950`s Coca-Cola Machine Paper Model - by Paper Diorama

The Coca-Cola machine VENDO 81 was introduced in 1950 and was produced until mid-1960 when it was replaced by the new "square corner" machines. It could store up to 81 bottles of Coke. Due to its classic design, the VENDO 81 became one of the most desirable machines of soda among collectors of Coca-Cola memorabilia in the world. Created by staff from the Italian site Paper Diorama, this model is in 1/20 scale.

A máquina de Coca-Cola VENDO 81 foi introduzida na década de 1950 e foi produzida até meados de 1960, quando foi substituído pelas novas máquinas "de canto quadrado". Ela armazenava até 81 garrafas de refrigerante. Devido ao seu design clássico, a VENDO 81 tornou-se uma das mais desejadas máquinas de refrigerante entre os colecionadores de memorabília da Coca-Cola em todo o mundo. Criada pelo pessoal do site italiano Paper Diorama, este modelo está na escala 1/20.


A Miniature Guitar Paper Model - by Markus Fischer Digitprop

This easy-to-build Miniature Guitar paper model occupies only one printed sheet and was created by German graphic designer Markus Fischer, from Digitprop website.

Este modelo de papel bem fácil de montar de um violão ocupa apenas uma folha impressa e foi criado pelo designer gráfico alemão Markus Fischer, do site Digitprop.


Christmas Time - Harry Potter`s Ford Anglia Flying Car Ornament
by The Shepherd`s Pie

Here is a very original paper model ornament inspired on Harry Potter`s universe: the Ford Anglia Flying Car Ornament, offered by The Shepherd`s Pie website.

Eis aqui um ornamento de papel muito original inspirado no universo de Harry Potter: o Ornamento do Carro Voador Ford Anglia, oferecido pelo site The Shepherd`s Pie.
