Saturday, April 6, 2019

Interpot - Akakigiku Tree And Little Frogs Paper Toys - by Kids Nifty

These paper toys of the Akakigiku Tree and two Little Frogs are inspired on Interpot, a Japanese garden game for kids.

Estes paper toys da Árvore Akakigiku e dois Sapinhos são inspirados no Interpot, um jogo de jardinagem japonês para crianças.



More Paper Models from Videogames related posts:

Dissidia 12 Final Fantasy - Warrior Of Light Paper Model - by Ace

Tomb Raider Chronicles Extreme Depth Suit - by Ninjatoes

World Of Warcraft Characters - Human Paladin And Thrall - by nORMAL - via Wow Papercraft

Yokattara Paper Doll - by Rokunoya - PSP Videogame Doll

Wearable Samurai Helmet Paper Model For Kids - by Chappy Okamoto

Perfect for Cosplayers and occupying ten sheets of paper ,this Wearable Samurai Helmet for kids was created by Japanese designer Chappy Okamoto, commissioned by Canon website.  

Thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for more one nice find!

Perfeito para Cosplayers and ocupando dez folhas de papel, este Capacete de Samurai "Vestível" para crianças foi criado pelo designer japonês Chappy Okamoto, encomendado pelo site da Canon. 

Agradecimentos ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por mais um belo achado!


More Samurai themed Paper Models related posts:

Link: Samurai Armor Paper Models In Two Different Scales - by Niku Mansei

Link: Samurai Themed Wargame Play Set Paper Model - by Paper Make It

Link: Samurai Armor Miniature Paper Model - by Mogamiyoshiaki.Jp - Armadura Samurai

Link: Complete Decorative Samurai Armor Paper Model - by Epson.Japan

Friday, April 5, 2019

WW2`s Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 Aircraft - A Vintage Paper Model
by Thecmn

Originally published during World War II by French publisher Marabout Junior, this easy-to-build vintage paper model of the Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 Fighter was preserved and is now shared by Thecmn, a collector of old papercrafts. The M.S.406 was a French Air Force fighter aircraft built by Morane-Saulnier starting in 1938. Numerically, it was France's most important fighter during the opening stages of World War II.

Originalmente publicado durante a Segunda Grande Guerra pela editora francesa Marabout Junior, este modelo de papel antigo e bem fácil de montar do caça Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 foi preservado e agora é compartilhado por Thecmn, um colecionador de papercrafts antigos. O M.S.406 era um caça de combate da Força Aérea Francesa construído pela Morane-Saulnier a partir de 1938. Numericamente, foi o caça mais importante da França durante os estágios iniciais da Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Link: WW2`

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Vintage Modeltown Church Paper Model - by Plush Possum Studio

Victorian Suburban Villa Paper Model - by Open House Miniatures

Little Vintage Circus Paper Model - by H Is For Handmade

1900`s Vintage Bazaar Paper Model - by Agence Eureka - Camelô Antigo

The Phoenix - A Decorative Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga Pinoart

This beautiful decorative paper model of a Phoenix, the legendary bird that reborn from the ashes, was created by Japanese designer Katsuyuki Shiga Pinoart for Canon website. The whole model occupies three sheets of paper and besides being decorative, can be used in RPG games and Wargames. - Again I thank my friend Jo Kizinger for more of this beautiful find.

Este belo modelo de papel decorativo de uma Fênix, a lendária ave que renasce das cinzas, foi criado pelo designer japonês Katsuyuki Shiga Pinoart para o site da Canon. O modelo todo ocupa três folhas de papel e além de decorativo, pode ser usado em jogos de RPG e Wargames. - Novamente eu agradeço ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por mais este belo achado.


More Decorative Paper Models related posts:

Mount Fuji - World Heritage Celebration - by Paper Model Studio

Build Your Own Paper Globe - by How About Orange

Cactus Vase Decorative Paper Model - by Club Epson

Nocturnal Celestial Globe Paper Model - by Paperpino

WWI`s Fokker D.VI German Aircraft Paper Model - by Paper Diorama

Offered by Paper Diorama, Italian website, here is a paper model version in 1/64 scale of the Fokker D.VI, a German fighter aircraft built in limited numbers at the end of World War I. The D.VI served in the German and Austro-Hungarian air services.

Oferecido pelo site Paper Diorama, da Itália, eis aqui uma versão em papel na escala 1/64 do Fokker D.VI, um caça alemão construído em número limitado no final da Primeira Guerra Mundial. O D.VI serviu nos serviços aéreos alemão e austro-húngaro.

Link: WWI`

More WWI`s Aircraft Paper Models related posts:

WWI`s Morane Saulnier Typ N Aircraft In 1/33 Scale - by Modele Kartonowe

René Fonck`s Spad XIII WWI Aircraft - by Patrick Pasques

WWI`s Aircraft Engines In 1/33 Scale - by Sero Paper Models

A Collection Of Eleven Fokker Dr.1s WW1 Planes - by Rubenandres77

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Leonardo Da Vinci Glider Paper Model - by Koichi Kiyonaga

Created by Japanese designer Koichi Kiyonaga, for Canon website, here is the Leonardo Da Vinci Glider, a very original paper model that is perfect for School Works. Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. His genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". - He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. - I say thanks to my friend Jo Kizinger for this beautiful find!

Criado pelo designer japonês Koichi Kiyonaga, para o site da Canon, este é o Planador de Leonardo da Vinci, um modelo de papel super original que é perfeito para Trabalhos Escolares. Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci, ou simplesmente Leonardo da Vinci (Anchiano, 15 de abril de 1452 — Amboise, 2 de maio de 1519), foi um polímata italiano, uma das figuras mais importantes do Alto Renascimento. Ele destacou-se como cientista, matemático, engenheiro, inventor, anatomista, pintor, escultor, arquiteto, botânico, poeta e músico. É ainda conhecido como o precursor da aviação e da balística. - Agradeço ao meu amigo Jo Kizinger por este belo achado!


Below, more Paper Models of Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions related posts:

01: Leonardo Da Vinci Glider Paper Model - by British Broadcasting Corporation

02: Da Vinci`s Mechanical Hammer Automata Paper Model - by Paper Pino

03: Leonardo da Vinci's Anemometer Paper Model - by Paper Pino

04: Leonardo Da Vinci Submarine Paper Model - by British Broadcasting Corporation

Lougre De Peche - Fishing Sailboat - A French Vintage Paper Model
by Marabout Junior - via Thecmn

This beautiful vintage paper model was originally published in France around 1950`s (not sure) by Marabout Junior and this copy was preserved and is now shared by Thecmn, a papercraft collector.

Este lindo modelo de papel antigo foi originalmente publicado na França por volta de 1950 (não tenho certeza) por Marabout Junior e esta cópia foi preservada e agora é compartilhada por Thecmn, um colecionador de papercrafts.


More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Paper Model History - 1860`s Model Zoo - by Power House Museum

Father Soap Paper Toy Vintage Advertsing - by Agence Eureka

Make your Own Theater And Circus - by Victoria and Albert Museum

Vintage Paper Dolls - by Centsprent - Via Picasa Web

Extension Farmhouse And Railway Platform Paper Models
by Sakamoto Sanda

Offered by Sakamoto Sanda website, here are two new architectural paper models in a scale between 1/144 and 1/160 (N scale) that are perfect for Dioramas, Train Sets, RPG and Wargames: an Extension Farmhouse and a Railway Platform. When on the page, click on the red and yellow buttons to download the templates and instructions. - Attention: download while you can, because Sakamoto Sanda models are available only for a short period.

Oferecidos pelo site Sakamoto Sanda, do Japão, aqui estão dois novos modelos de papel arquitetônicos entre as escalas 1/144 e 1/160 (escala N) que são perfeitos para Dioramas, Maquetes Ferroviárias, RPG e Wargames: uma Casa de Fazenda e uma Plataforma Ferroviária. Quando na página, clique nos botões vermelhos e amarelos e azuis para baixar o modelo e as instruções. - Atenção: baixe enquanto pode, pois os modelos da Sakamoto Sanda ficam disponíveis apenas durante um curto período.


More Architectural Paper Models related posts:

French Steam Sawmill Vintage Paper Model - by Agence Eureka

Lighthouse On The Ocean Vintage Paper Model - Preserved And Shared by Agence Eureka

Vintage Cardboard Church Paper Model - by The Paper Collector

Country House In Davos Vintage Paper Model - by Ed Morf

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Kofu Castle Ruins Paper Model And More - by Yamanashi Prefecture

Visit the official website of the city of Iamaguchi (Japan) to download this paper model in 1/100 scale of the Kofu Castle. You'll find some more interesting models of Japanese traditional architecture there.

Visite o site oficial da Prefeitura da cidade de Iamaguchi (Japão) para baixar este modelo de papel na escala 1/100 do Castelo de Kofu. Você encontrará mais alguns modelos de papel bem interessantes de arquitetura tradicional japonesa lá


More Japanese Architectural Paper Models related posts:

209 Japanese Lighthouses - by Tokokai.Org - 209 Faróis Japoneses

Old Japanese Village - via Paper Modelers Forum - Velha Vila Japonesa

Gasshoku Japanese House - by Canon - Casa Tradicional Japonesa

Takadono Tatara - Old Steel Industry - by Sugatani

The "Play Dead" Centipede Paper Toy - by Fold Up Toys

Created by British designer and modeler Alex Gwynne, from Fold Up Toys website, this fun and easy to build paper toy has a hidden action feature. Holding the model the right way up, makes it clock in place keeping the centipede rigid, but if the model is upside down, it will go flaccid and “play dead”.

Criado pelo designer e modelista britânico Alex Gwynne, do site Fold Up Toys, este paper toy divertido e fácil de montar tem um segredo. Segurando-o da forma correta, ele ficará no lugar, mantendo a rigidez da centopéia, mas se o modelo estiver de cabeça para baixo, ele ficará molinho, tipo aquela brincadeira de "fingir de morto".


More Paper Toys related posts:

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

Camo Paper Toy - by Papermau

Rilakkuma Happy Cupcake Papercraft - by Ikarus Media

Pirate Papercraft - by Poof Rabbit - via Instructables