Tuesday, January 29, 2019
The Boy And His Friend Dudley Paper Toys - by Merrill Rainey
These two paper toys of a boy and his best friend were created by North American designer Merrill Rainey.
Estes dois paper toys de um garoto e seu melhor amigo foram criados pelo designer norte-americano Merrill Rainey.
Link: The.Boy.And.His.Friend.Dudley.Paper.Toys.by.Merrill.Rainey
More Paper Toys related posts:
Mad Magazine - Alfred E. Newman Paper Toy - by Elias Silveira
Gremlins` Mohawk Paper Toy - by Sercho 05 - via DeviantArt
Donkey Kong Country Returns Diorama - by Desktop Gremlins
The Six Pack Paper Toys - by E-Motive - via Nice Paper Toys
WWI Aircrafts In HO Scale And Some Architectural Paper Models
In 1/160 Scale - by Beepa`s Place
All these paper models were created by North American designer and modeler Djackso1, from Beepa`s Place website.
You will find five WWI miniature airplanes in HO scale (1/87 scale) and four architectural models in 1/160 scale.
Todos esses modelos de papel foram criados pelo designer e modelista norte-americano Djackso1, do site Beepa`s Place.
Você encontrará cinco aviões em miniatura da Primeira Guerra Mundial na escala HO (escala 1/87) e quatro modelos arquitetônicos na escala 1/160.
Link: WWI.Aircrafts.In.HO.Scale.And.Some.Architectural.Paper.Models.In.1/160.Scale.by.Beepa`s.Place
More WWI Aircraft Paper Models related posts:
WWI`s Morane Saulnier Typ N Aircraft In 1/33 Scale - by Modele Kartonowe
René Fonck`s Spad XIII WWI Aircraft - by Patrick Pasques
WWI`s Aircraft Engines In 1/33 Scale - by Sero Paper Models
A Collection Of Eleven Fokker Dr.1s WW1 Planes - by Rubenandres77
Monday, January 28, 2019
Philips Vintage Furgon Paper Model - by Jean-Pierre Larouzé
This furgon paper model with Philips logo is offered by French designer Jean-Pierre Larouzé and occupies only one sheet of paper.
Este modelo de papel de um Furgão com o logo da Philips é oferecido pelo designer francês Jean-Pierre Larouzé e ocupa apenas uma folha de papel.
Link: Philips.Vintage.Furgon.Paper.Model.by.Jean.Pierre.Larouzé
More Paper Models of Old and Classic Vehicles related posts:
Lomax Britsh Paper Car - by Faehnrichweb.De
Pontiac 1977 Trans Am Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto
BMW Z4 M Coupe Paper Car - by Farewell The End
Jaguar E-Type Paper Car - by Canon
Easy-To-Build Fire Truck Paper Model - by Hiroshi Chiba & Paperart-C
Created by Japanese designers Hiroshi Chiba & Paperart-C and occupying only one printed sheet, here is an easy-to-build paper model of a Fire Truck that is perfect for kids.
Criado pelos designers japoneses Hiroshi Chiba & Paperart-C e ocupando apenas uma folha impressa, eis aqui um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar de um Caminhão de Bombeiros que é perfeito para crianças.
Link: Easy.To.Build.Fire.Truck.Paper.Model.by.Hiroshi.Chiba.&.Paperart.C
More Fire Brigade themed Paper Models related posts:
Jeep Willys Fire Brigade Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Fire Brigade Team Paper Models - by Leben In Linz
Fire Brigade Truck Vintage Style Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
French Fire Brigade Truck Berliet GLA Paper Model - by Ronaldo M
Mars Express Unmanned Space Exploration Paper Model - by Nasa
This paper model in 1/40 scale of the Mars Express is offered by Nasa website. Mars Express is a space exploration mission being conducted by the European Space Agency (ESA).
The Mars Express mission is exploring the planet Mars, and is the first planetary mission attempted by the agency. "Express" originally referred to the speed and efficiency with which the spacecraft was designed and built.
However "Express" also describes the spacecraft's relatively short interplanetary voyage, a result of being launched when the orbits of Earth and Mars brought them closer than they had been in about 60,000 years. - read more at Mars.Express.at.Wikipedia
Este modelo de papel na escala 1/40 da Mars Express é oferecido pelo site da Nasa. A Mars Express é uma missão espacial não tripulada da Agência Espacial Européia - ESA e da Agência Espacial Italiana, destinada a estudar o planeta Marte.
A sonda foi lançada em 2 de Junho de 2003 no Cosmódromo de Baikonur, no Cazaquistão pelo foguete Soyuz-Fregat, fabricado pela firma Starsem, uma companhia russo-européia. A expressão Express de Mars Express é devido ao menor tempo de viagem a Marte que a sonda encontraria, pois a Terra e Marte estavam em uma posição de máxima aproximação, que ocorre uma vez a cada 60.000 anos.
Também recebeu este nome pela rapidez com que a missão foi projetada e executada, em um tempo menor que qualquer outra missão anterior. - leia mais em Mars.Express.na.Wikipedia
Link: Mars.Express.Unmanned.Space.Exploration.Paper.Model.by.Nasa
More Space themed Paper Models related posts:
Apollo Lunar Module - by U-Don`s Factory - Módulo Lunar Apollo
Columbia Space Shuttle Memorial Paper Model - by Delta 7 Studios
Mars Express Orbiter Paper Model - by Solar System Nasa
A Walk In Space - 1966`s Articulated Classic Astronaut Papercraft - by Jack & Jill
The Great Chinese Lunar New Year Papercraft Collection - by Canon
Get ready for Chinese New Year with these papercraft decorations. Creative Park's craft projects are sure to bring good fortune to your home!
Prepare-se para o Ano Novo Chinês com estes papercrafts decorativos. Os projetos de artesanato da Creative Park certamente trarão boa sorte para sua casa!
01 - Chinese Yellow Dragon Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga Pinoart
02 - Chinese Green Dragon Paper Model - by Ayumu Saito & Craft Pocket
03 - Chinese Phoenix Paper Model - by Ikuo Anazawa
04 - Decorative Chinese Fan Paper Model - by Ayako Kishi & Minya
05 - Chinese Message Dolls - Couple Of Wealth Dolls - Uplift
06 - Money Box - Golden Pig Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga Pinoart
07 - Chinese Lantern Decorative Paper Model - by Erico
08 - Banners - Chinese Lunar New Year Paper Model - by Uplift
09 - String Decoration - Chinese Lunar New Year Mobile Paper Model - Uplift
10 - Chinese New Year Lotus Lantern Paper Model - by Erico
More Paper Models of Asian Lucky Items related posts:
Dharma Doll Japanese Lucky Charm Paper Model - by Canon - Amuleto Da Sorte
Chinese Dragon Papercraft - by Tina Kraus - Dragão Chinês
Kadomatsu Good Luck Amulet - by Yamaha - Amuleto Asiático
Takarabune - Japanese Treasure Ship Paper Model - by Niku Mansei
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Dragon 2 - Demonstration Mission 1 Paper Model - by AXM Paper Space Scale Models
SpX-DM1 (SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1) will be the first orbital test of Dragon 2 as an uncrewed mission. It is scheduled for launch in February 2019. The spacecraft will test the approach and automated docking procedures with the International Space Station (ISS), remain docked for a few weeks, then conduct the full re-entry, splashdown and recovery steps to provide data requisite to subsequently qualify for flights transporting humans to the ISS. Life support systems will be monitored all along the test flight. The same capsule will be re-used later for an in-flight abort test. It will be launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket contracted by NASA's commercial crew program. Initial plans hoped to see CCDev2 flights as early as 2015, and eventually DM1 was eventually slated for no earlier than December 2016, and then delayed several times throughout 2017 and into 2019. The first exact date was published by NASA in November 2018 to be January 17, 2019, but this got delayed to "no earlier than February". The static fire took place on January 24, 2019 and the launch date was set to February 23, 2019. - Offered by AXM Paper Space Scale Models, from USA, you will find this model in 1/100 and 1/48 scales.
SpX-DM1 (Missão de Demonstração SpaceX 1) será o primeiro teste orbital de Dragon 2 como uma missão não tripulada. Está programada para ser lançada em fevereiro de 2019. A espaçonave testará a abordagem e os procedimentos de acoplamento automático com a Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS), permanecerá ancorada por algumas semanas e realizará as etapas de reentrada, resgate e recuperação para fornecer dados, requisitos para posteriormente se qualificar para vôos que transportem seres humanos para a ISS. Sistemas de suporte à vida serão monitorados durante todo o vôo de teste. A mesma cápsula será reutilizada posteriormente para um teste de abortagem em vôo. Ele será lançado em um foguete SpaceX Falcon 9 contratado pelo programa de tripulação comercial da NASA. Os planos iniciais esperavam ver os voos da CCDev2 já em 2015, e eventualmente o DM1 foi programado para não antes de dezembro de 2016, e depois adiado várias vezes ao longo de 2017 e em 2019. A primeira data exata foi publicada pela NASA em novembro de 2018 até 17 de janeiro de 2019, mas isso foi mudado para "não antes de fevereiro". Um incêndio estático ocorreu em 24 de janeiro de 2019 e a data de lançamento foi redefinida para 23 de fevereiro de 2019. Torçamos para que dê certo desta vez. - Oferecido pelo site AXM Paper Space Scale Models, dos EUA, este modelo está disponível nas escalas 1/100 e 1/48.
Link: Dragon.2.Demonstration.Mission.1.Paper.Model.by.AXM.Paper.Space.Scale.Models
More Space themed Paper Models related posts:
Astronaut Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika
Apollo Lunar Module - by U-Don`s Factory - Módulo Lunar Apollo
USA`s Orion Spacecraft In Several Configurations - by Pe2tr
Mars Polar Lander In 1/24 Scale - by Nasa.Gov
Megaman X - Yellow Devil Paper Model - by Julio Cesar Koala Zero
My Mexican friend Julio Cesar, from Koala Zero website, created a new paper model from Megaman videogames series: the Yellow Devil. - You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.
Meu amigo mexicano Julio Cesar, do site Koala Zero, criou mais um modelo de papel bem legal da série de games Megaman: o Yellow Devil. - Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.
Link to download the model: Megaman.X.Yellow.Devil .Paper.Model.by.Julio.Cesar.Koala.Zero
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Videogames Paper Models related posts:
Palazzo Auditore From Assassin`s Creed - by Papermau
Zelda Twilight Princess Paper Doll - by Paper Juke
Mario Coin Automata Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d - via DeviantArt
Pac Man Mobile Papercraft - by Johan Ronstrom - via Instructables
A Large And Varied Collection Of Papercrafts From Italy - by TeoDom
It is with pleasure that I share here on the blog the beautiful collection of paper models created by the Italian designer and modeler Teo, from TeoDom website. The friends who follow the blog will realize that Teo is the author of the old Domatine website, which had many works published here previously.
"Many thanks, Teo. Glad to see your site online again. Greetings from Brazil! to Italy!" - Mauther
É com prazer que compartilho aqui no blog a bela coleção de modelos de papel criados pelo designer e modelista italiano Teo, do site TeoDom. Os amigos modelistas que acompanham o blog vão perceber que Teo é o autor do antigo site Domatine, que teve muitos trabalhos publicados aqui anteriormente.
"Muito obrigado, Teo. Bom ver teu site no ar novamente. Saudações do Brasil a Itália!" - Mauther
Link: A.Large.And.Varied.Collection.Of.Papercrafts.by.TeoDom
More Papercraft Collections related posts:
A Big Papercraft Collection About Ancient European Architecture - by Secanda
The Great Perpetual Calendar Papercraft Collection - by Canon
The Great Dinosaurs Papercraft Collection - by Canon
The Great Doll House Papercraft Collection - by Paper Museum
Saturday, January 26, 2019
2015`s Pit Partition Diorama Paper Model - by Epson Nakajima Racing
This is the 2015`s paper model version of the Epson Nakajima Racing`s Pit Partition, which can be used with paper vehicles offered by Epson itself (links below) or with other 1/24 scale miniatures.
Esta é a versão em papel de 2015 de um Box Mecânico da Epson Nakajima Racing, que pode ser usado com veículos de papel oferecidos pela própria Epson (links abaixo) ou com outras miniaturas na escala 1/24.
Link to the pit partition: 2015`s.Pit.Partition.Paper.Model.by.Epson.Nakajima.Racing
Link to the vehicles: A.Lot.Of.Racing.Vehicles.Paper.Models.by.Epson.Nakajima.Racing
More Paper Models in 1/24 Scale related posts:
Japanese Candy Shop Paper Model For Kids - by Niku Mansei
The Dirty Dog Saloon Vignette Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau - Download Now!
Creating A Medieval Stand Paper Model For Mini Figures - by Papermau Download Now!
The Fishing Boat Papercraft In 1/24 Scale - by Papermau - Part III