Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Halloween Special - The Spider Collection Decorative Paper Model
by Ravensblight

Ray O`Bannon, from RavensBlight website, the designer of this cool Spider Collection, says: - "If you've been bothered by the lack of a proper display of spiders to adorn your chamber walls, but haven't had time to gather up a nice assortment for yourself, you're in luck! This collection includes eight different varieties of spider, with three sizes of each, so you can choose which ones to display. A display frame is also included, as well as name tags for each spider."

Ray O`Bannon, do site RavensBlight, o designer desta bela Coleção de Aranhas, diz: - "Se você estiver preocupado com a falta de um bom display para exibição de aranhas para decorar as paredes de sua câmara, mas ainda não conseguiu aranhas o bastante, você está com sorte! Esta coleção inclui oito diferentes variedades de aranha, em três tamanhos cada uma, assim você pode escolher as que deseja expor. Uma moldura de exibição também está incluída, assim como etiquetas para nomear cada aranha."


More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Teddy Bear Paper Model - by Canon

Halloween Special - Mummy Paper Toy - by Disney Family go

Halloween Special - Child`s Hearse Paper Model - by Vinsart

Halloween Special - Bad Pumpkin Candy Box - by Papermau

Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters Paper Toy Collection
by Andreas Hartung

Very nice these six ( !!! ) classic monsters of big screen. They are from a German artist called Andreas Hartung.

Muito show estes seis (!!!) monstros clássicos do cinema. Eles foram criados pelo artista plástico alemão Andreas Hartung.

Link: Halloween.Special.Classic.Movies.Monsters.Paper.Toy.Collection.by.Andreas.Hartung

More Halloween themed Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Classic Movies Monsters - by Andreas Hartung

Halloween Special - Animal Crossing`s Jack - by Ultimate Papercraft

Little Monsters from Mostruo Nintendo Game- by Ushimitsu

Halloween Special - Twin Brothers` House - by Papermau - Download Now

Halloween Special - Jeff The Killer Mask Paper Model In 1/1 Scale
by Papertoys Clemper

Created by Venezuelan designer Mario Clemente, from Papertoys Clemper website, here is a wearable mask paper model of Jeff the Killer, that is perfect for Halloween parties and Cosplayers. Jeffrey Woods, also known as Jeff the Killer, is the titular main protagonist of the creepypasta story of the same name writen by Sesseur, and tells the history of a guy who loses his sanity and begins murdering to satisfy his homicidal urges. Creepypastas are horror-related legends or images that have been copied and pasted around the Internet.
These Internet entries are often brief, user-generated, paranormal stories intended to scare readers. They include gruesome tales of murder, suicide, and otherworldly occurrences. According to Time magazine, the genre had its peak audience in 2010 when it was covered by The New York Times. - To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

Criado pelo designer venezuelano Mario Clemente, do site Papertoys Clemper, este é o é modelo de papel na escala 1/1 da máscara de Jeff the Killer, que é perfeita para festas de Halloween e Cosplayers. Jeffrey Woods, também conhecido como Jeff the Killer, é o principal protagonista da história creepypasta de mesmo nome escrita pelo usuário Sesseur, que conta a história de um cara que perde sua sanidade e começa a matar para satisfazer seus desejos homicidas. Creepypasta é um termo da internet que define uma história curta ou coleção de histórias com elementos paranormais, bizarros, ou ambos, designados para assustar, chocar ou causar desconforto emocional ao leitor. Resumidamente: são lendas da Internet. De acordo com a revista Time, o gênero teve seu apogeu durante o ano de 2010, quando foi dissecado em matérias no New York Times. - Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model: Halloween.Special.Jeff.The.Killer.Mask.Paper.Model.by.Papertoys.Clemper

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Halloween themed Masks Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Half Life - Headcrab Mask Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Billybob884

Attack On Titan - Wearable Collosal Titan Mask Paper Model - by Nandablank

Life Size Skull Helmet Paper Model - by ART-STEVAN

Halloween Special - Full Head Skull Mask Paper Model - by Chappy Okamoto

Halloween Special - Haunted House Cut-Out Box Paper Model
by Freepik

This little Haunted House Cut-Out Box occupies only one sheet of paper and is perfect for your Halloween decor. 

Visit Freepik website to download a free high resolution version of this Haunted House Cut-Out Box.

Esta Caixinha de Doces em formato de uma Casa Assombrada ocupa apenas uma folha de papel e é perfeita para a sua decoração de Dia das Bruxas

Visite o site da Freepik para baixar uma versão em alta resolução gratuita da Caixinha de Doces da Casa Assombrada.

Link: Halloween.Special.Haunted.House.Cut.Out.Box.Paper.Model.by.Freepik

More Halloween themed Paper Models related posts:

2011`s Mazda Demio Sport DE5FS Paper Model - by YNapps

Occupying only one sheet of paper, here is an easy-to-build papercraft version with realistic textures of the 2011`s Mazda Demio Sport DE5FS, offered by YNapps Papercrafts, a Japanese website. You can choose between five different colors.

Ocupando apenas uma folha de papel, eis aqui um papercraft bem fácil de montar com texturas realísticas do Mazda Demio Sport DE5FS 2011, oferecido por YNapps Papercrafts, um website japonês. Você pode escolher entre cinco cores diferentes.

Link: 2011`s.Mazda.Demio.Sport.DE5FS.Paper.Model.by.YNapps

More Paper Models of Japanese Vehicles related posts:

Daihatsu Copen Japanese Roadster Paper Model - by Daihatsu

Nissan Calsonic Skyline 2003 Paper Car - by Mamecraft

Mitsubishi Official Paper Cars - by Mitsubishi Motors

Official Toyota Paper Cars - by Toyota Japan

Monday, October 22, 2018

Halloween Special - A Decorative Haunted House Papercraft Project
by Deco France

This can not be called a paper model, because there are no templates to be downloaded and printed. This is a craft project: you will have to use ruler, pens and colored pencils and lots of imagination to make your exclusive Haunted House by following the instructions provided on Deco France website. The instructions are in French, but you can always turn to Google Translator, right?

Este não pode ser chamado de modelo de papel, pois não há templates para serem baixados e impressos. Este é um projeto de artesanato: você terá que usar régua, canetas e lápis coloridos e muita imaginação para criar sua Casa Assombrada exclusiva, seguindo as instruções fornecidas no site Deco France. As instruções estão em francês, mas você sempre pode recorrer ao Google Translator, não é mesmo?

Link: Halloween.Special.A.Decorative.Haunted.House.Papercraft.Project.by.Deco.France

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Easy-To-Build Mini Skeleton - by Ben & Jerry`s

Halloween Special - Headcrab Mask Paper Model - by Billybob884

Halloween Special - Cute Halloween Paper Toys - by Kumarila

Halloween Special - Mad Skull Paper Model - by Scanner Joe

Manila Metropolitan Cathedral Paper Model - by NCCA Philippines

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Manila, also known as the Manila Cathedral, is the mother church of the Archdiocese of Manila in the Philippines. 

It is one of the oldest cathedrals in the country, originally built in 1581, and is dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. 

The current structure of the cathedral was built in the early 20th century and features a Neo-Romanesque style. 

It is an important historical and religious landmark in Manila and attracts many tourists and faithful every year. 

The Minor Basilica and Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, informally known as the Manila Cathedral, is located in Intramuros, the historic walled city in Manila.

A Catedral Metropolitana de Manila, também conhecida como Catedral de Manila, é a igreja matriz da Arquidiocese de Manila, nas Filipinas. 

É uma das mais antigas catedrais do país, construída originalmente em 1581, e é dedicada à Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição. 

A estrutura atual da catedral foi construída no início do século XX e apresenta um estilo neorromânico. 

É um marco histórico e religioso importante em Manila e atrai muitos turistas e fiéis todos os anos. 

A Basílica Menor e a Catedral Metropolitana da Imaculada Conceição, informalmente conhecida como a Catedral de Manila, está localizada em Intramuros, a histórica cidade fortificada de Manila.


More Paper Models of Cathedrals related posts:

A Lot Of Architectural Paper Models In HO Scale - by Marklin Kids Club

On this German website you will find some nice and very original paper models in HO scale that are perfect for Dioramas, Train Sets, RPG or Wargames.

Neste site alemão você encontrará alguns modelos bem originais na escala HO que são perfeitos para Dioramas, Maquetes Ferroviárias, RPG ou Wargames.

Link: A.Lot.Of.Architectural.Paper.Models.In.HO.Scale.by.Marklin.Kids.Club

More Architectural Paper Models in HO Scale related posts:

1933`s Railtrackhouse Paper Model In HO Scale - by GTP

Crossing Tower Paper Model In HO And O Scale - by Clever Models

Lincoln Tomb Paper Model - by Illinois History

Japanese Country Station Diorama In HO Scale - by Peparama

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Halloween Special - Miniature Haunted Houses Paper Models
by Ravensblight

"Long ago, an odd litle village was built by a very mysterious group of people. The town's name has long since been forgotten, although it's inhabitants were once quite wealthy, some say due to the use of witchcraft. Eventually they all perished, leaving their mansions to crumble and fall. But a few of these buildings still stand, and at night they become filled with a supernatural fog. Strange lights glow in all the windows and frightening sounds are often heard. Visitors are, of course, very rare but always welcome. These houses stand a little under 5 inches tall. They're made from simple, easy to build pieces, and each house includes it's own lawn and trees." - Ray O`Bannon

 photo mini.haunted.houses.via.papermau.001_zps8klhqyoc.jpg

"Há muito tempo atrás, uma estranha aldeia foi construída por um grupo de pessoas misteriosas. O nome da cidade foi há muito esquecido. Alguns dizem que seus habitantes eram muito riquíssimos, devido ao uso de feitiçaria. O tempo passou e todos lá morreram, deixando suas mansões desintegrando-se ao relento. Mas alguns destes edifícios ainda estão de pé, e à noite eles ficam envoltos em uma névoa sobrenatural. Estranhas luzes brilham em todas as janelas e sons assustadores são frequentemente ouvidos. Os visitantes, naturalmente, são muito raros, mas sempre bem-vindos. Estas casas tem um pouco menos de 5 polegadas de altura. Elas são feitas de modo simples,com peças fáceis de montar, e cada casa tem o seu próprio gramado e árvores." - Ray O`Bannon

 photo mini.haunted.houses.via.papermau.002_zpsgtx8sdjg.jpg

Link: Halloween.Special.Miniature.Haunted.Houses.Paper.Models.by.Ravensblight

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Jack And The Halloween Dancers - by Canon

Halloween Special - Skeleton and Haunted House - by Ben&Jerry`s

Halloween Special - Human Skull - by Ravens Blight - Crânio Humano

Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Kid Mummy Paper Toy - by Disney Family

To build this cute Kid Mummy paper toy originally offered by Disney Family, you will need to print three sheets of paper.

Para montar este simpático Garoto Múmia originalmente oferecido por Disney Family, você precisará imprimir três folhas de papel.

Link: Halloween.Special.Kid.Mummy.Paper.Toy.by.Disney.Family

More Halloween Paper Models related posts:

Oop & Eep Monsters Paper Toy - by A G Paper Toys

Halloween Special - Frankeinstein Paper Toy - by Jerom

Halloween Special - Paper Monsters - by Macula TV - Monstrinhos

Halloween Special - Dracula and Frankeinstein - by Frankenpaper.Com